• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 5: Sisterhooves Social (S2:E5)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 5: Sisterhooves Social

A week had passed since Cider Season. On this particular day, Rarity was sound asleep. With her wearing a sleep mask over her eyes, she wasn’t aware that the sun rose. She was deeply engrossed in a dream she was having. Suddenly, a familiar smell entered her nose. The smell caused her to stir and force herself to wake up.

“Smoke!” Rarity exclaimed. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t remove her mask until after she clumsily fell down the stairs. “Oof!”

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle’s voice squeaked in annoyance. “I was going to serve you breakfast in bed!”

Rarity sighed in annoyance. “Sweetie,” Rarity sighed. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate the effort you’re putting into this, but, you need to be more careful with learning how to cook.” She suddenly noticed two other ponies. One was a light gray, moderately muscular and mustachioed unicorn stallion with a dark grayish brown mane and tail, brilliant cerulean eyes, and a Cutie Mark depicting three Hoofballs. The other was a round-bodied unicorn mare wearing pearl earrings and a pale yellow neckerchief with a pale fuchsia coat and grayish indigo and grayish persian blue mane done up in a beehive. She also had a sweet pair of light cornflower blue eyes. Her Cutie Mark depicted three cookies, two whole and one with a bite taken out of it. The stallion was Rarity’s father, Hondo Flanks, while the mare was her mother, Cookie Crumbles. “Oh! Hello, Father. Hello, Mother.”

“Well, good mornin’ to ya, Rarity,” Hondo greeted in his Upper Midwestern/Caneighdian* accent. “Sweetie Belle cooked this here breakfast all on her own.”

Rarity looked at the breakfast with trepidation. “Yes…” she managed to say. “So, she has.” She saw a glass full of a (somehow) burnt liquid. “I didn’t know one could burn juice.”

“Oh, I’ve been givin’ her lessons,” Cookie said. “She made more progress than I did when I was her age.” She giggled. “I once burnt a milkshake.”

“This might not get me my Cutie Mark,” Sweetie Belle admitted. “But, Mom has told me that it’s important to learn how to cook all the same.”

“That’s right,” Cookie said as she hugged the little filly against her round middle. “The quickest way to a loved one’s heart is their belly.” Cookie’s stomach growled. “Speaking of which, this breakfast needs to be eaten.” She levitated what was on her plate to her mouth and eagerly ate it. “Mmm. Might not look pretty, but, the love you put in makes it taste great.”

Sweetie Belle then placed a bowl full of a bubbling dark-colored mass on the table. Rarity eyed it uneasily. “And that is applesauce?” Rarity ventured to guess.

“Nope,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Toast!”

“It certainly is…” Rarity said before thinking to herself. How one can burn toast to the point where it’s practically a liquid is beyond me.

“We’re askin’ ya to look after her while we’re on vacation,” Hondo said.

“And maybe when we get back,” Cookie said. “You can introduce us to this Spike we keep hearin’ about.”

“Oh, yes,” Rarity said, smiling. “I think you’re going to absolutely love him.”

“For what you told us,” Cookie said. “He sounds as sweet as one of my homemade cookies. Oh, that reminds me, does he like cookies?”

“Andalusite shard cookies are his favorite,” Rarity said. “He says they taste like chocolate chip.”

“Oh, that’s perfect,” Cookie said as she levitated a small cookie jar. “I made a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies just for him.”

“Wonderful,” Rarity smiled. “When I see him, I’ll make sure to give them to him.”

“I’ll go get my stuff from dad’s wagon,” Sweetie Belle said.

“I’m sure you girls are going to have such a great time together,” Hondo smiled. “Can’t wait to hear about the fun activities you two do.”

Suddenly, Sweetie entered with a large amount of luggage. “Just a few necessities,” she smiled.

Soon, Hondo and Cookie were on their way to their vacation. Rarity and Sweetie Belle waved goodbye to their parents. As soon as they were out of sight, they went back inside the Carousel Boutique. “Let’s get the kitchen cleaned up,” Rarity said.

“Now?” Sweetie Belle asked, confused. “But, you barely finished the breakfast I made. Mom said it tasted good despite how it looked. Can’t you at least try to finish it? Spike’s been telling me you’ve been working on not judging things just by their appearance since Zecora.”

Rarity didn’t want to make Spike look like a liar to her little sister. She remembered how angry Spike got when she and her friends judged Zecora before getting to know her. So, she sat down and continued eating the breakfast Sweetie Belle made. This made Sweetie Belle happy. To Rarity’s surprise, the food actually was edible and tasty despite its appearance.

“Hmm~” Rarity said after swallowing a mouthful of food. “The taste and texture are both delightful.” She coughed up a bit of ash. “Though, the ash is a bit problematic. I recommend practicing more.”

“Fair enough,” Sweetie Belle said with a shrug. “Mom does tell me to keep practicing in order to do my best.”

“Practice makes perfect,” Rarity said. “Or at least better.”

“Can Spike come over today?” Sweetie Belle asked hopefully.

“I think that should be possible,” Rarity said. “I do have not only a few things I need his help with, but, he should also be able to spend time with you.”

“Why is it that he gets to help you more than I do?” Sweetie asked. “I could be helpful, too.”

“I’m sure there are things that I can get your help with,” Rarity said. “But, you’re my sister as well as my guest. Spike does offer his services quite a lot, but, I also make sure not to overwork him. In the meantime, let’s clean this kitchen up.”

“In other words,” Sweetie Belle said bitterly. “You do all the work while I just sit around out of the way.”

Rarity could sense the bitterness in Sweetie Belle’s voice. “Actually, why don’t you be a dear and mop up the floor?”

Sweetie Belle was delighted and went to look for a mop. As her magic was still developing, she had to hold it in her mouth.

“If you need to make things more comfortable,” Rarity said. “You can switch to using a cleaning rag if need be.”

“Where?” Sweetie said in a muffled voice as she reoriented her head, accidentally knocking over a vase with the mop stick.

“Supply closet under the stairs,” Rarity said. “Tread cautiously, please. I don’t want you touching broken pottery.”

Sweetie turned her head, accidentally hitting the wall with the mop stick. It was at that point that she remembered the mop was still in her mouth. Rarity used her magic to levitate the shards of the broken vase away from Sweetie Belle. She then walked over to a nearby trash can and threw the broken pottery away.

Despite a few accidents, the kitchen was cleaned up. Rarity placed a soiled rag in a basket just outside the kitchen.

“There we go,” Rarity said. “Sweetie, would you be a doll and take this basketful of soiled rags to the laundry room? I need to sort out something in my workroom, but, I’ll take care of washing those when I get the chance.”

Sweetie Belle dropped the mop and saluted. “You can count on me, sis!” Rarity levitated the basket to the little filly. “I’m okay.”

Rarity, making sure Sweetie Belle was really alright, walked up to her workroom. Sweetie Belle, carrying the basket on her back, walked it carefully to the downstairs laundry room. She saw a sweater on a wire hanger.

“Ooh, that looks fun,” Sweetie Belle said. She decided to take it out to dry.

Later, Rarity returned.

“Sweetie,” Rarity called. She looked and saw that her sweater was missing. “Hmm? Where’s my sweater? And where’s Sweetie Belle for that matter?” She looked outside and saw Sweetie Belle cleaning the laundry and hanging it up. Among the items was the sweater. Rarity practically bolted outside to meet up with her younger sister. “Sweetie Belle, what are you doing?!”

“Your laundry like you told me to,” Sweetie Belle said innocently.

“Sweetie,” Rarity said. “I didn’t mean for you to dry my sweater out here~! Do you not realize that in direct sunlight, wool-” As if on cue, the sweater hanging on the clothesline shrunk down to a smaller size. “-shrinks…”

“But, sheep get wet and spend time in the sun all day,” Sweetie Belle said. “Their wool doesn’t shrink.”

“It’s due to the lanolin that sheep produce from their skin,” Rarity said with a frustrated groan. “Wool, when it is shorn off of a sheep, is more sensitive.” She then gave another groan. “Just get inside and stay out of trouble.”

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle said as she slowly trundled inside. “Sorry, Rarity.” I just wanted to do something nice for my sister.

Later, Sweetie Belle was lonely and bored.

“Boy, being a creative type must take a lot of work,” she moaned to herself. “When is Rarity going to finish?”

She remembered her sister’s orders to stay out of trouble. She looked around and saw a thick stack of light pink paper and a box of crayons close by. “Well, I can be creative too. I never get in trouble for drawing.” She began drawing on the paper. After she finished a drawing, she looked over it. “Hmm… this needs something.” She looked over and saw an open chest of baby blue gems. “Ooh~ this’ll add the right sparkle to this piece!”

Later, Rarity came downstairs.

“Sweetie~” Rarity called. “I came to see how you were doing down here, taking a break from my work.”

Sweetie Belle showed Rarity her drawing.

“Look, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle smiled. “I made a drawing for you and I hope you like it. I bedazzled them with some rhinestones.”

However, Rarity screamed. “Those aren’t just ordinary rhinestones! Those are the extremely rare baby blue sapphires I needed for an important client!”

“If you needed them so badly for a client,” Sweetie Belle asked. “Why’d you leave them outside your workroom in an open chest where they could easily be taken?”**

“Do not question my decisions, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity demanded. “I don’t need to justify them to you.”

“Uh, you kind of do,” Sweetie Belle said. “Otherwise, this wouldn’t be happening. How was I supposed to know you needed them? You never told me.”

Rarity paused and took a deep breath. “You’re right, but, you should have talked to me about this first. What am I going to do?”

“More than you’ll allow me to do, I’ll tell you that much,” Sweetie Belle said bitterly.

Again, Rarity sensed the bitter tone in Sweetie Belle’s voice and she felt a twinge of guilt. “Perhaps we both need a breather,” she said. “I’ll go look for more baby blue sapphires while you clean up your mess.”

“Okay,” Sweetie Belle said, gloomily. Rarity left while Sweetie Belle muttered. “Nothing I do ever seems to be good enough for her. Makes me wonder why I bother.”

After Sweetie Belle finished putting the art supplies back in place, she decided to walk through the boutique, looking for something to do to keep her occupied. She came across an open door in the hall. That was the door to Rarity’s room. When Sweetie looked inside it, she saw various fabrics, hats, sunglasses, scarves, and other accessories haphazardly adorning over various ponyquins. Sweetie Belle saw this as an opportunity to make things right with Rarity, so, she got to work at once.

Later, Rarity returned to Carousel Boutique with Spike and a saddlebag full of baby blue sapphires.

“I still can’t believe you ran out of these so quickly,” Spike said. “And I wasn’t even there.”

“Yes, well,” Rarity said. “It was a misunderstanding on my part. And, in retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have left the first catch in an open chest outside my workroom.”

“Ya think?” Spike said in a deadpan voice. “I know you’re not as intellectually curious as Twilight, but, you at least should know better than that.”

“You’re right, Spike,” Rarity said. “I should apologize to Sweetie Belle and tell her what happened wasn’t her fault.”

“That would be a good idea,” Spike said. “Is it okay if I go help out Apple Bloom a bit?”

“Of course, darling,” Rarity smiled. “And thank you again for your help earlier. Not just with the retrieval of the gems, but, with you consulting me as well.”

“It’s what I’m here for,” Spike said as he made his way to Sweet Apple Acres.

Rarity stepped inside Carousel Boutique.

“Sweetie Belle~” Rarity called. “I’ve talked the events from earlier over with Spike and I wanted to apologize for getting so cross at you. Where are you?” When no answer came, she made her way upstairs. “Sweetie Belle, you’re not hurt, are you?” She then looked inside her room. Rarity gasped loudly seeing that what she had laid out earlier was put back into place. Sweetie Belle, after hearing Rarity’s gasp, jumped out from behind a row of lined-up ponyquins happily.

“Surprise~!” she squeaked happily.

Rarity initially muttered incomprehensibly. Sweetie Belle noticed this. “What did I do now?”

“My inspiration room!!!” Rarity cried. “What did you do?!”

“I saw the big mess in here,” Sweetie exclaimed. “Since you’re always cleaning messes, I thought I’d clean this one.”

“This wasn’t a mess!” Rarity said. “It was organized chaos! I was just about finished planning my new fashion line and you put everything away!”

“I was just trying to help,” Sweetie Belle said sadly. “I thought I could make you happy after the first two incidents.”

“This is why I don’t leave you to your own devices!” Rarity snapped, forgetting her good resolution. “Every time you are, something goes wrong!”

Sweetie Belle was taken aback by Rarity snapping at her. She then sighed sadly and turned away. “Maybe something won’t go wrong if I took a walk. You look like you need some time alone… and so do I.”

“That’s the first sensible thing you said since you got here!” Rarity said as she turned her back to Sweetie Belle.

Later, Sweetie Belle was sadly walking through town. She stopped when she saw a flyer at her hooves. It was for an event called the Sisterhooves Social. It was held by Apple Bloom, who had Spike by her side. Spike noticed the dejected look on Sweetie Belle’s face.

“Looks like Rarity’s apology didn’t work out,” Spike said.

Sweetie Belle was confused. “What apology?”

“When Rarity and I were coming back from getting the baby blue sapphires,” Spike said. “She told me she was going to apologize to you for what happened and made a note to keep important things she was going to use in her workroom.”

“That’s not what happened,” Sweetie Belle said. “She snapped at me for cleaning up her room.”

“What?!” Spike gasped. “That doesn’t sound right. If anything, that sounds like something she’d appreciate.”

“I thought so, too,” Sweetie Belle said. “But, she said it was organized chaos.”

“‘Organized chaos?’” Spike asked. “That’s such an oxymoron.”

“You don’t have to call her names,” Sweetie Belle said.

“No, an oxymoron is a figure of speech,” Spike explained. “It’s when contradictory terms are in the same sense, like jumbo shrimp or a drowning fish.”

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle said. “Still, I wish there was some way that Rarity and me can hang out together without it looking like I mess things up.”

“Ya can try the Sisterhooves Social,” Apple Bloom said.

“The what now?” Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom presented Sweetie Belle with one of the flyers showcasing the event.

“Applejack n’ ah do it every year,” Apple Bloom explained. “Y’all n’ Rarity can compete against other sister teams in neat events.”

“Hey,” Sweetie Belle said happily. “That sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out! I bet she’ll love the idea!”

“I’ll go with you,” Spike said. “Don’t read too much into it.”

Later, Sweetie Belle had finished explaining her idea to Rarity with Spike listening intently.

“Sweetie Belle, the very idea,” Rarity said. “Participating in sporty outdoor events at Sweet Apple Acres is simply uncouth.”

Sweetie Belle wasn’t pleased. “So, you’re back to hating messes?”

“What happened before was my mess,” Rarity said. “But, the fact of the matter is that those sort of events aren’t my cup of tea, with or without a sister.”

Sweetie Belle had finally had enough. “Isn’t that typical!” she snapped. “You don’t care about your own sister! I don’t know why I looked up to you in the first place! You’re a terrible sister and never appreciate anything I do!”

Rarity gasped at this. She turned back to Sweetie Belle angrily. “Well,” Rarity snapped. “If I’m so terrible, then we may as well not be sisters!”

Spike couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Looks like we finally agree on something!” Sweetie Belle said. “Neither of us needs a sister!”

“Deal!” Rarity shouted angrily.

“Deal!” Sweetie Belle shouted back. “Goodbye, ex-sister!” Sweetie Belle left in a huff while Rarity simply scoffed.

As soon as Sweetie Belle was gone, Rarity heard the familiar sound of a kettle boiling and remembered that Spike was there, listening to the entire exchange. “Oh, dear,” Rarity managed to say.

“You should be ashamed of yourself!” Spike snapped. “Sweetie Belle was only trying to spend time with you and you just shrugged her off like she was nothing! Look at your hoof!” Rarity did so and saw “Smarty Pants” on it. “I don’t care how mad you are at Sweetie Belle, that’s no excuse to disown her like that! How do you think your parents would react if they knew about this?!”

Rarity sighed sadly. “Not very well,” she admitted. “Oh, Spike, I-”

“Save it, Rarity,” Spike said coldly. “Until you learn what it means to treat your sister with respect, I’m not going to talk to you or help you. Heck, I’m not going to go on the next gem hunt with you if you keep treating Sweetie Belle like garbage!”

Rarity gasped. “But, you love gem hunts!”

Spike said nothing and walked out firmly. Rarity knew that this was now a very serious matter.

A short time later, Sweetie Belle had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and was slumped onto a haybale. She had explained the situation to Applejack and Apple Bloom.

“Honestly,” Applejack said. “Ah’m more surprised that Rarity’s still actin’ that way ‘bout gettin’ dirty after that slumber party ‘bout a year ago.”

“I still think it’s because she doesn’t really care about me,” Sweetie Belle sighed.

“She may not always show it,” Applejack said. “But, she really does care deep down.”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “Me n’ Applejack used ta fight an awful lot before n’ still do a bit taday, but, we still love each other, ‘specially after learnin’ ‘bout how kind Zecora really is.”

“Okay,” Applejack said. “Guess ah deserved that.” They then saw Spike making his way to them, his angry expression softened, but, still present. “Uh oh. Looks like Spike got angry again.”

“Did Rarity drive you crazy, too?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I saw you and Rarity arguing,” Spike explained. “I’m not pleased.”

“Believe us,” Applejack said. “We weren’t entirely pleased hearin’ ‘bout it. But, looks like ya had it worse since ya were actually there. If’n ya like, y'all n’ Sweetie Belle help me n’ Apple Bloom with our chores ta help take yer mind off o’ what happened. If yer not up ta it, ah’ll understand.”

“You want me to help?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Sure,” Applejack smiled. “Sometimes, Scootaloo helps us when she visits before a playdate, so, ah don’t see any harm in y’all helpin’ out.”

“But, Rarity just tells me to stay out of the way and never lets me help,” Sweetie Belle said. “Any time I do, I mess things up.”

“Well, ah ain’t Rarity,” Applejack said. “N’ ah’m askin’ ya ta help us. ‘Round here, ain’t nopony a layabout.”

“What about Granny Smith?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Granny Smith’s bakin’ inside,” Applejack said. “She’s too old fer the more demandin’ jobs now.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle at Applejack’s remark before turning to Sweetie Belle. “So, what do ya think? Ya in?”

“Well…” Sweetie Belle said, unsure.

“Maybe after ya watch us do one o’ our chores,” Apple Bloom said. “Ya’ll want ta give it a try.” On that, she picked up a wooden basket. “Ready, AJ?”

“Ready, AB!” Applejack called. She then started to pick up bruised apples that were lying around the farm and she tossed them towards Apple Bloom, who caught them in her basket.

Sweetie Belle watched as the Apple sisters carried on as if it were a game. “This is a chore?”

“We can’t sell the bruised apples,” Applejack said. “So, we collect ‘em fer the pigs ta eat.”

“It’s a lot o’ work,” Apple Bloom said. “So, we made a game out o’ it. Ya want ta try?”

“Uh, okay,” Sweetie Belle said.

So, she picked up a secondary wooden basket. Applejack tossed a bruised apple towards Sweetie Belle. Instead of it landing in the basket, however, it became impaled on Sweetie Belle’s unicorn horn. The white filly rubbed her head.

“You’re right,” Sweetie Belle said. “It is hard work.”

“That’s why we do it…” Apple Bloom started.

“Together,” Applejack finished in unison with Apple Bloom.

“Rarity hardly ever wants to do chores together,” Sweetie Belle said glumly.

Meanwhile, Rarity still had what Spike said fresh in her mind. She was in her room among her bare ponyquins.

“Things have been quiet around here,” Rarity said. She then opened a drawer. To her surprise, it was neatly organized. “Oh, my. Sweetie Belle did a good job of keeping things organized by color.” At that moment, a burst of inspiration came to her. So, she took out various fabrics and accessories and adorned each ponyquin with a different color-coded ensemble. “I’ll call it Full-Spectrum Fashions!” She then remembered the effort Sweetie Belle put into organizing the fabrics. “I should thank her for her efforts.” Her mood then went sad again. “If she would be eager to listen to me after the way I treated her.”

Back at Sweet Apple Acres…

“Ready ta stomp?” Applejack called. The farm mare had gathered grapes together and piled them in an elevated vat.

“Ah am!” Apple Bloom said.

Apple Bloom ran up onto Applejack’s back and the farm mare boosted her up to the vat. Apple Bloom stomped proudly, macerating the fruit inside into juice.

“You’re making grape juice?” Sweetie Belle said.

“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you,” Spike said. “The grapes were squished by bare hooves that walk around in dirt every day.”

“That’s the filterin’ batch,” Applejack said. “We put it through a filter ta get the dirt out.”***

“That’s amazing,” Sweetie Belle said happily. “Rarity would call the Fashion Police on me if I got grape juice anywhere near her precious fabrics.”

“There ain’t no such thing as fashion police,” Apple Bloom said with a cheeky smile. She got back to work stomping, but, she accidentally spilled squashed grapes on Applejack.

“Apple Bloom,” Applejack said.

When Sweetie Belle saw Applejack charge up to Apple Bloom, she got worried.

“Wait!” Sweetie Belle called. “Apple Bloom didn’t mean to-!”

But, instead of getting a stern punishment, Applejack playfully noogied Apple Bloom in the grapes, the two sisters laughing happily.

“How do ya like them grapes, ya little whippersnapper?!” Applejack chuckled.

“Hey~!” Apple Bloom squealed happily. “That tickles!”

Meanwhile, Rarity was levitating her new fashion line. “Now, to get these washed.” She saw the shrunken sweater. “Well, other than the shrinking, it doesn’t look damaged.”

Rarity heard a distinct meowing and saw her cat Opalescence grooming herself. Glances from Opal to the sweater gave her an idea. She levitated the sweater over to Opal and adorned her in it.

“Aww,” Rarity cooed. “It’s as if Sweetie Belle knew that sweater would be perfect on you.” Opal made a deadpan expression. After a quick smile, Rarity looked downhearted again. “I know. I shouldn’t have turned her out as I did. I hope she’s okay.”

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple Sisters were herding sheep.

“Apple Bloom,” Applejack called. “One’s gettin’ away!”

“Not fer long!” Apple Bloom said. She shoved the wandering sheep back in line.

Sweetie Belle and Spike looked on with intrigued.

“Wow,” Sweetie Belle said to Spike. “It’s like they’re one pony.”

“Way ta corral some critters, sis!” Applejack said.

“You could have just asked,” bleated one of the sheep.

“We tried that before, Lamalin,” Applejack said in a bleating voice. “Y’all didn’t listen.”

“Oh, yeah,” the sheep, whose name was Lamalin, said. Applejack then closed the gate door to her flock’s pen.

Spike then brought a haybale for the sheep.

“Thanks, Spike,” Applejack smiled. “Yer really makin’ a good impression on the sheep.”

“No problem,” Spike smiled. “I’m feeling better already, too.”

“How ‘bout some lunch?” Applejack suggested. “Ya’ve been working purty hard.”

“Sure, sounds great,” Spike said. “Say, uh, can I ask something?”

“Anythin’,” Applejack said.

“How come Caramel’s not here?” Spike asked.

“Oh,” Applejack said. “His uncle sprained his hoof n’ he wanted ta see him n’ wish him well face ta face.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” Spike said. “Have to be there for family.”

“At least somepony is,” Sweetie Belle said bitterly.

Back at Carousel Boutique…

“Perfect,” Rarity said as she placed a baby blue sapphire onto the couture for her important client. “Just one more and this ensemble is fini.” She went to check the chest. “Oh… right.” Rarity went to look for the picture that Sweetie Belle had drawn earlier. She found it resting lovingly against a vase filled with orchids. Rarity held her mouth with surprise as she finally got a good look. She was so focused on the fact that Sweetie Belle used her sapphires that she never actually saw the picture itself. What Sweetie Belle had drawn was a picture of her looking at Rarity with a smile. The sapphires were glued onto the picture to form a heart-shaped barrier around them. Tears welled in Rarity's eyes.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity lamented. “My one and only sister~ what have I done?! All of the time that I could have spent with you was wasted complaining, wishing you were gone. She was right, I am terrible!” She looked at the hoof that still said “Smarty Pants” on it and was filled with newfound determination. “I know what I must do… I must set things right and get my sister back!”

That night, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and the Apple sisters were roasting marshmallows at a campfire.

“I’m sure glad my mom said I can spend the night here,” Spike said.

“Us, too,” Apple Bloom smiled.

“We’re also mighty glad she allowed ya ta watch the Sisterhooves Social we’re hostin’,” Applejack said. “Ya missed out last year.”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “I guess I was too busy getting used to living in Ponyville. And being my mom’s assistant.”

“Ah reckon,” Applejack said. “But, we’re mighty glad yer here now.”

“‘Specially us,” Apple Bloom said as she and Sweetie Belle sat on either side of him.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity’s voice called. She soon approached the group by the campfire. “Thank Celestia you’re alright. I’ve been looking all over Ponyville for-”

“Hello, ex-sister,” Sweetie Belle said, turning up her nose away from Rarity. “Better be careful. You might get some dirt on you.”

Applejack and Apple Bloom could see the tension as Spike didn’t even face Rarity.

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said. “I came to apologize for being so awful towards you. I was wrong. My life would not be better without a sister.”

“My life isn’t better off without a sister, either,” Sweetie Belle said. “Spending the day here made me realize that.”

“Ah, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity smiled. “You have no idea how happy that made me to hear you say-”

Sweetie Belle interrupted. “I didn’t say I was going back to you,” she said. “You’ll just not let me help and constantly make me feel like I’m doing something wrong without telling me how to do it right. Sisters don’t do that to their sisters.”

“Yes, I realize that now and I was wrong before,” Rarity said. “But, what do you mean you won’t come back with me? We are related by blood, after all.”

“I’m moving to Sweet Apple Acres and making Applejack my big sister,” Sweetie Belle said.

“What?!” Rarity exclaimed.

“What?!” Applejack exclaimed in surprise.

“What?!” Apple Bloom repeated.

Spike remained silent.

“Applejack is a real sister,” Sweetie Belle said looking at Rarity, making her jealous. “She actually loves me and makes sure my contributions are well-received. By that, I mean she actually lets me contribute. Not just idle around and assume I’ll mess up.”

“Whoa now, Sweetie Belle,” Applejack said. “Don’t get ahead o’ yerself there.”

“Besides,” Apple Bloom interjected. “She’s mah sister!”

“Uh,” Applejack said. “Not what ah was goin’ ta say, but, yeah.”

“Better yet,” Sweetie Belle said. “Why don’t you be Rarity’s sister so you can teach her what a good sister is supposed to be like?”

Rarity was getting desperate. “I don’t need lessons, I promise,” she said. “If you come home with me, things will be different. I’ll help you get better at cooking by teaching you my favorite quiche recipe or I can show you tips on how to beautify your mane. And if you do a good job, I’ll shower you with compliments. Won’t that be fun?”

Sweetie Belle was less than pleased. “You just want me to go back with you so we can do things you want to do,” she criticized. “Some Element of Generosity you are. Anypony would think Discord’s influence never left you.”

And with that, Sweetie Belle stormed away from Rarity. Since she was also spending the night at Sweet Apple Acres, she ran off to inside’s Applejack’s family farmhouse. Spike tagged along after her, still not saying a word to Rarity.

“We’re still sisters, right?” Apple Bloom asked Applejack.

“Always will be, li’l sis,” Applejack smiled.

Apple Bloom left with a satisfied grin. After she left, Rarity sadly walked up to Applejack.

“How do you do it, Applejack?” Rarity asked.

“Be a good sister?” Applejack asked.

“Yes!” Rarity said. “It’s as if the more I try to make things right, the more I make things worse. This must be how Sweetie Belle feels around me when she tries to help. So, what’s your secret?”

“Ain’t nothin’ secret ‘bout it,” Applejack said. “If ya take the time ta teach her how ta do stuff right, she won’t make as many mistakes. She won’t learn nothin’ if ya don’t try ta teach her. N’ more importantly, Apple Bloom n’ ah’re close ‘cause we do things together, no matter what. Sure, she’ll make a mistake every now n’ then, but, that helps fillies ta learn.”

Rarity didn’t say anything until Applejack was done. She then thought carefully and remembered that Sweetie Belle wanted to do the Sisterhooves Social.

“Applejack, you’re right,” she said at last. “I think I know how to solve this problem, but, I’ll need your help.”

“This don’t involve dresses, right?” Applejack asked.

“Since none of the events of the social revolve around dresses, no,” Rarity said. She then considered. “Are there dress-related events at the social? I’ve never seen nor attended it.”

“Nope,” Applejack said in her best imitation of her big brother.

The next day, various ponies and their sisters were at the Sisterhooves Socials. Applejack and Apple Bloom were walking with Sweetie Belle and Spike, showing them the venues. For the event, Applejack and Apple Bloom were both wearing matching green bandanas.

“This is quite a setup,” Spike said.

“Maybe I should be glad Rarity isn’t here,” Sweetie Belle said. It was evident she was still upset about last night. “This place has ‘uncouth’ written all over it.”

“What’s uncouth?” Apple Bloom whispered.

“Everything according to Rarity,” Sweetie Belle joked. “She would say that that pig over there is uncouth and probably give him a head-to-cloven-toe makeover.”

“There’s a saying about putting makeup on a pig,” Spike said. “The pig might look pretty, but, it’s still a pig.”

“True that, Spike,” Applejack said. “That’s why ah don’t really go in fer makeovers mahself.”

At that moment, they heard the sound of a trumpet blowing. It was nearly time for the big obstacle course, the most popular event at the Sisterhooves Social.

“It’s almost time!” Applejack said.

“Looks like I’ll be joining Spike watching the race in the bleachers,” Sweetie Belle said sadly. “Hope you guys have fun, though.” Suddenly, Apple Bloom gave Sweetie Belle her bandana. “Huh?!”

“Yer the one who’s goin’ ta be havin’ fun at the race,” Apple Bloom smiled. “Since Applejack n’ me do the event every year, we decided ta let ya take part this time.”

“It’ll be y’all n’ me this time, Sweetie Belle,” Applejack smiled. “We’re sisters fer a day.”

“No way!” Sweetie Belle said excitedly, her sorrow quickly melting away.

“One. Day,” Apple Bloom emphasized.

So, the competing pairs of sisters gathered at the stage where Granny Smith was about to give a speech with an acoustic megaphone on a stand. Big McIntosh was standing next to her. The elderly mare was having difficulties.

“Ahem,” Granny Smith said, clearing her throat. “And now, fer the event y’all have been waitin’ fer. The Sisterhooves Social race! We have five teams this time. So, y’all head on over ta the finish line.” Big McIntosh whispered in her ear. “The startin’ line! Ain’t that what ah said?”

The teams lined up at the starting line. Spike took his seat among other ponies watching the race. Apple Bloom walked up to Sweetie Belle and emphasizing once again. “One… day… Good luck!”

Once she got her well wishes in, she took her seat next to Spike. The racers waited patiently for Granny Smith’s word.

“On yer marks…” the elderly mare began. Applejack and Sweetie Belle looked determined. Unbeknownst to Sweetie Belle, Applejack subtly winked to Apple Bloom, who winked back. “Get set…” The racer ponies took deep breaths and lightly dug their hooves on the ground. As Granny Smith rocked close to the megaphone, she exclaimed in pain. “GoHoHoh~!”

The racers took off. The first part of the race had the racers hop over or across a mud patch. Sweetie Belle eagerly hopped across the mud, but, Applejack seemed to splash into the mud trying to jump over it. Sweetie Belle looked back. She saw Applejack, or at least who she thought was Applejack, covered in mud as she climbed out. Sweetie Belle didn’t notice the fact that Applejack’s eyes changed from green to blue.

“You okay, Applejack?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Applejack” silently nodded. In the bleachers, Spike was confused.

“Wait,” he said. “The mud pit was shallow enough for Sweetie Belle to hop across the surface, but, deep enough for Applejack to submerge in? How does that work? And what’s with that moving bamboo straw?”

“Ah’ll tell ya ‘bout all that after the race,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah don’t want ya ta miss anythin’.”

The race continued. The next part of the race was maneuvering in and out of empty apple baskets. Some had some problems and one filly even toppled over. “Applejack” maneuvered through the baskets with relative ease while Sweetie Belle hopped in and out of the baskets.

The next obstacle was a stack of crates. Most of the mares and fillies were able to manage easily, but, Sweetie Belle was struggling.

“Applejack!” Sweetie Belle called. “Help!”

“Applejack” wasted no time in helping Sweetie Belle over the crate.

Next was a pie-eating contest. Amethyst Star and her little sister had their muzzles covered in pie goo and bits of pie crust. “Applejack” and Sweetie Belle, however, slammed their hooves onto the table, allowing the pies they were to eat to slide out of their tins. They devoured their pies with a satisfied gulp.

They then proceeded to push a haybale. The haybales were heavy, but, Sweetie Belle and “Applejack” used a lot of muscle to push their haybale around the corner.

Next was a grape juice making event. One mare was putting bunches of grapes one at a time into her elevated vat, but, “Applejack” used her muzzle to hoist all of her bunches into hers. She then boosted Sweetie Belle into the vat and the filly proceeded to stomp the grapes into juice.

A jar was filled and “Applejack” took it to a stool.

“Way to go, Applejack!” Sweetie Belle cheered as she crawled out of the vat.

Sweetie Belle then ran by long tables. On one side of each table was a pile of different-colored apples. Cloud Kicker was throwing apples one at a time, but, “Applejack” jumped onto the bare end of the table, launching the apples into the air. Sweetie Belle caught them in a wooden basket. She even managed to catch a lone apple that was still in the air, making sure it landed in the basket. “Applejack” and Sweetie Belle raced on towards the chicken coop.

Competitors had to get eggs from the coop to a basket without breaking them. The challenge was made more difficult since the competitors had to use the tips of their muzzles to carry the egg. “Applejack” and Sweetie Belle both balanced an egg between their noses and carefully placed the egg on top of a mostly-full egg basket.

They then took off. The last part of the obstacle course was a sprint to the finish line. Berry Punch and her little sister ran past them, but, “Applejack” and Sweetie Belle reconfigured and took off after them, hoping to catch up, even with a wooden fence to jump over. The crowd watched on anxiously, eager to see which pair of sisters would win.

“Applejack” and Sweetie Belle made one last effort and slid for the finish line. A cloud of dust had kicked up. When the dust settled, “Applejack” and Sweetie Belle were just short of the finish line, while Berry Punch and her little sister were all the way across.

“Applejack” and Sweetie Belle got back up. Apple Bloom and Spike met up with them.

“Wow,” Apple Bloom said. “Y’all were so close!”

“But, you guys did great!” Spike said. Suddenly, he noticed something. “Wait a minute, what happened to your eyes, Applejack?”

“Applejack” said nothing, trying to wipe her eyes.

“What do you mean, Spike?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Applejack’s eyes are blue when they’re usually green,” Spike said.

“Ya may as well wipe the mud off ya now,” Apple Bloom said to “Applejack.” “The race is over.”

“Applejack” obliged, shaking off all of the mud, even knocking off Applejack’s stetson. “Applejack” turned out to be Rarity.

“Rarity?!” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Wait,” Spike said in confusion. “If you’re here, where’s Applejack?”

As if on cue, Applejack emerged from the surface of the mud hole. The bamboo stick that Spike saw was to help Applejack breathe.

“That answers two questions, but, raises a few others,” Spike said.

“Wait,” Sweetie Belle said, putting two and two together. “You and me did the whole race together?”

“With the exception of the starting line,” Rarity said. “I did this as a way to apologize and to show you that I can be a good sister towards you.”

“There’s still questions that need answers,” Spike said. “Like the inconsistent depth of the mud pit.”

“I was hiding underneath the mud pit at first,” Rarity explained. “Basically, I allowed myself to be Sweetie Belle’s hoof mat so that she herself wouldn’t sink.”

“With the mud,” Applejack explained. “Rarity looked almost like me. Mah hat covered her horn.”

“You guys,” Sweetie Belle started, tears of joy developing in her eyes. “You did all of this for me?”

“Us, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, tears also welling in her eyes. “I did this for us.”

“One thing still bothers me,” Spike said.

“What’s that, Spike?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Rarity’s eyes were exposed,” Spike said.

“Well, I initially planned to wear contact lenses to make my distinctive deep blue eyes look green,” Rarity explained. “But, I decided against it when I tried putting one on.”

“So, that’s what that howling was last night,” Spike said.

“Still, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said. “Thank you for doing this. I’m sorry I got so upset before.”

“No, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I should not have treated you as poorly as I did and I shouldn’t have been so selfish. When the two of us spend time together for the rest of the week, it’ll be up to you to choose our sisterly bonding activities. The Sisterhooves Social shows that you really do have such wonderful ideas. My mistake was stifling them instead of encouraging them. Can you ever forgive me… sister?”

“Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. “You did a whole obstacle course race with me covered in mud that isn’t imported. Of course I can forgive you… sister!”

On that, Rarity and Sweetie Belle hugged. The “Smarty Pants” mark on Rarity’s hoof disappeared. Rarity then turned to Spike. “The one thing I hate more than being dirty,” Rarity said. “Is upsetting you.”

“You put in a lot of work today,” Spike said with a smile. “You showed me that you’re willing to do anything to make things right between not only your friends, but, your family, too. And the nice thing about dirt and mud is that it can get cleaned off. I know I’ll do so after our next gem hunt.”

Rarity hugged Spike happily.

Later that day, after Rarity and Sweetie Belle cleaned themselves up, they had done up each other’s manes. Sweetie Belle had messily fastened Rarity’s mane and tail with pink bows while Rarity neatly fastened Sweetie’s mane and tail with lime green ribbons. Spike had joined them in Rarity’s workroom since he was helping them to write their friendship lesson.

“Ready?” Spike asked.

“We are indeed,” Rarity smiled. “Sweetie Belle, would you like to start?”

“Sure,” Sweetie Belle smiled. And together, the two wrote their letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Having a sister is like having a friend. It’s about the best thing in the world, but, it sure isn’t the easiest. It’s about teamwork. Sometimes, sisterhood takes compromise. It’s also about embracing each other’s differences. But, most of all, sisterhood is about how we have fun together, even if it does mean getting your hooves dirty. Regardless, having a sister is worth the mess.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle

Spike rolled up the scroll and sent it away.

“Oh, I just remembered something,” Rarity said as she levitated the cookie jar her mother left. “My mother made these for you.”

Spike opened the lid to see it filled with chocolate chip cookies.

“Oh, wow~!” Spike said excitedly. “Those look delicious. I’ll have to make sure I thank your mom if I see her.”

“My mother would like to meet you as well, Spike,” Rarity said.

“How about when our folks come over to pick me up this Sunday,” Sweetie Belle said. “You can stop by and visit with them?”

“Sounds good to me,” Spike said.

Spike took a cookie out of the jar and ate one. He savored its sweet taste and even tasted the love that went into the batch.

“My mother makes cookies that could rival Mrs. Cake’s in terms of quality,” Rarity said.

“I can taste that for sure,” Spike said after swallowing the rest of the cookie.

“Mom and Mrs. Cake have similar figures,” Sweetie Belle said. “Both are round and cuddly.”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle at Sweetie Belle’s remark. “Also like Mrs. Cake,” she added. “She’s as sweet as her namesake.”

“What exactly is her name?” Spike asked.

“Cookie Crumbles,” Rarity said.

“That’s figuratively and literally sweet,” Spike smiled.

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

*The Equestria version of Canadian.

**An excellent point.

***Idea by me.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.