• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 9: Luna Eclipsed (S2:E4)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 9: Luna Eclipsed

It was the last night of October in Ponyville. The sun hadn’t quite gone down yet, but, was getting there. Spike’s friends had convinced him to join in the festivities of Nightmare Night. Spike was somewhat eager to celebrate the holiday, though, with his close bond with Princess Luna, he had to be cautious. At the moment, he was pacing the floor nervously while wearing a purple dragon costume Rarity designed for him.

“Are you just about ready, mom?” Spike asked anxiously.

“I’m putting the finishing touches on now,” Twilight said from upstairs.

“Okay~” Spike called. I meant to ask who she was going to dress as, but, it slipped my mind. He thought to himself.

Finally, Twilight emerged from her room. She was dressed in long flowing blue robes and a matching tall hat with a wide brim. The brim of the hat and the ends of the robes had chiming gold bells sewed onto them. The finishing touch was a fake light gray, almost white, beard.

“Star Swirl the Bearded, eh?” Spike observed.*

“Yeah, Spike,” Twilight smiled. “I may not be as proficient at sewing as Rarity is, but, she did offer some excellent pointers.”

“You know what I find weird, though?” Spike said.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“The fact that the pony who mentored Princess Celestia is listed in obscure unicorn history,” Spike said. “That should be a bigger deal than it is.”

“I think it’s the history of the unicorns itself that is obscure rather than the unicorns being obscure,” Twilight considered.

“Still,” Spike said. “You’d think that the pony who taught our ruler what she knows would be more well-documented.”

“I think it’s due to the fact that he disappeared mysteriously a long time ago,” Twilight thought. “And, from what I’ve read, there are some things about him that aren’t quite as noble.”** The doorbell rang. “Can you go get that?”

“You got it,” Spike smiled. Spike went to answer the door. Outside were a group of fillies and colts accompanied by Granny Smith.

“Nightmare Night,” the foals said rhythmically. “What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!”

“Happy Nightmare Night!” Spike said. “Those are some great costumes.”

Granny Smith wasn’t wearing a costume and looked quite worn out. “I see you’re chaperoning these foals to make sure they’re safe, Granny Smith.”

“Ah should’ve been in bed five hours ago,” Granny Smith complained.

“Don’t worry,” Spike said. “It shouldn’t be too long until these foals have finished going around their rotation.”

Spike then put one piece of candy in each of the foals’ treat bags. Suddenly, he noticed a colt smaller than the others dressed as a pirate.

“Pipsqueak the pirate, at your service!” the colt said in a chipper voice. His voice had a distinct Trottingham accent. “It’s my very first Nightmare Night!”

“From your accent,” Spike said. “I’m guessing you’re from Trottingham. I hear that holiday isn’t celebrated there.”

“Not in my father’s house,” Pipsqueak explained. “He sees it as celebrating the anti-Celestia.”

“Oh,” Spike winced. “Sorry I asked.”

“My mum divorced him and moved with me here,” Pipsqueak said. “Just as well, I don’t have to live in fear of him anymore. He’d beat me for even thinking of joining the Nightmare Night festivities.”

“That’s terrible,” Spike said, putting a piece of candy in Pipsqueak’s treat bag. “Well, I hope your new life in Ponyville is much better than your life in Trottingham. I know what it’s like to move to a better home, so I can relate.”

Suddenly, Pinkie came up, dressed as a chicken. “Enough chit-chat! Time is candy!”

Twilight made her way to the door.

“Pinkie,” Twilight asked. “Aren’t you a bit too old to be joining in the candy collecting part of Nightmare Night?”

“Too old for free candy?!” Pinkie asked, looking almost appalled. “NEVER!”

“Alright, alright,” Twilight said, putting a piece of candy in her treat bag.

“Thank you!” Pinkie chirped.

Later, (after correcting MANY inaccurate guesses of Twilight’s costume) Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the Guardians of Harmony were on a train to Canterlot. All but Fluttershy were dressed in their costumes.

“I never thought I would be celebrating Nightmare Night in Canterlot,” Rarity said. She was dressed as a vampiress.

“I’m not entirely sure how I feel about being out on Nightmare Night,” Fluttershy said nervously. “I’ve never been too fond of this holiday, if I’m being honest.”

“You’ve faced Razer and a manticore before,” Spike said. “Why should this be any different? Besides, all the scary decorations are fake.”

“Forget it, Spike,” Rainbow said. She was dressed in a dark version of a Wonderbolt outfit. “On Nightmare Night, Fluttershy’s afraid of candy. I repeat. CANDY.”***

“If’n yer feelin’ too scared,” Applejack, dressed as a scarecrow, said to Fluttershy comfortingly. “Ya can stay close by me. Big McIntosh used ta comfort me when ah was feelin’ too scared on Nightmare Night n’ ah found that it’s a mite better ta be close by those ya feel safe with.”

“But, what if I get separated from you and a monster shows up and I get too scared to yell for help?” Fluttershy asked.

“AHEM!” Spike said, clearing his throat. “You know how I feel about the word ‘monster’ being thrown around.”

Fluttershy gasped to herself. “Oh, dear,” she said. “I’m so sorry, Spike. Some habits are hard to break. I’ll try not to be a coward for your sake.”

“Why are we heading for Canterlot again?” Pinkie asked.

“To prepare Princess Luna for her rounds in Ponyville,” Spike said. “And I don’t want any of you going around calling her Nightmare Moon. I’ve been in group therapy with her for over a year now and I can tell you she doesn’t appreciate ponies only seeing her for what she did as Nightmare Moon. Besides, you all know better than anypony else that the Elements of Harmony purified her. Calling her Nightmare Moon and acting scared of her could hurt her feelings and undo what the elements did. Is that what you want?”

“Certainly not,” Rarity said.

“Ya can count on us ta treat her like a friend,” Applejack smiled. “Ah’m hopin’ the Canterlot elitists will've learned their lesson, too, n’ not give ya a hard time either, Spike.”

“I wouldn’t hold your breath, Applejack,” Spike said as he crossed his arms and slumped grumpily in his seat. “Some elitists will never change no matter what.”

Twilight embraced Spike in a sympathetic way. “We may not be able to change their minds tonight, but, we can certainly be kind towards you and Princess Luna.”

With a gentle nuzzle from Twilight, Spike felt better. He then spoke to Rainbow and Pinkie. “And no pranks out of either of you,” he said.

“Pinkie Promise,” Pinkie said, understanding the situation.

“Especially you, Rainbow,” Spike said. “I’ve heard about how you go around scaring ponies on Nightmare Night every year for a cheap laugh. I have reason to suspect you’re planning to prank-scare me right now.”

“Hey, chill, Spike,” Rainbow said. “I know that Canterlot has different rules than Ponyville. None of the ponies up there have enough of a sense of humor to even appreciate the idea of my pranking, so why would I bother?”

“We hardly appreciate your prank-scaring back home,” Rarity said. “But, you still do it anyway. You’ve done it twice to us on the way to the train station.”

“That’s because you guys are my friends,” Rainbow said.

“Some ponies got so scared they soiled their costumes,” Rarity said. “Have you considered the impact that has on their dry-cleaning bill?”

“Okay, I get it!” Rainbow said. “I’ll send bits to the ponies that I terrified, so they can get their bills covered. Happy now?”

Applejack decided to break up the argument “Okay, y’all, that’s enough. Let’s just focus on makin’ sure Princess Luna feels welcome n’ glad. It’ll be good fer her ta make some new friends.”

“Especially since she’s regained enough strength to make public appearances again,” Spike said.

“Princess Celestia had mentioned before that the mane we saw Luna with isn’t her full mane,” Rarity said. “Were you able to see Luna’s mane in full regality during your last group therapy session, Spike?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” Spike said. “You know how the last time we saw her, her mane and tail were flowing like Princess Celestia’s?”

“I do recall, yes,” Twilight said.

“Well, during the last therapy session,” Spike said. “It started to look kind of like the night sky.”

“That does sound pretty,” Fluttershy said, starting to ease up a bit. “Oh, not that her previous mane looks weren’t pretty before, of course.”

“Her hoof slippers also turned silver,” Spike said.

“Ooh~” Pinkie said.

“Say,” Rainbow said. “Has she told you who Sterling and Gold Lily were?”

“She did,” Spike said. “But, she also asked me not to tell anypony else.”

“I would wonder why that is,” Rarity said. “Though, it might not be a good idea to delve too deeply just in case anypony else is listening.”

“We could ask her ourselves,” Twilight suggested.

“Good idea, Twilight,” Fluttershy said.

Soon, they arrived at Canterlot, where Princess Luna was waiting as well as some of her royal guards. Luna’s guards were unusual in the respect that they possessed fangs and bat-like wings. The guards genuflected to Spike and the mares in a respectful manner. Spike and the mares were surprised by their attitude and appearance. They’d never seen ponies like them before.

“Welcome, Spike,” Princess Luna said with a smile. “And welcome to your friends.”

“Uh, can I pose a question?” Rarity asked.

“You can and you may,” Luna responded.

“What breed of pony are your guards?” Rarity asked.

“They are known as thestrals****,” Luna explained. “They descend from the result of a union between a drake and a pegasus mare.”

“Ah, so they’re descended from dragons,” Fluttershy said.

“Indeed,” Luna confirmed. “Several generations have made them more bat-like in appearance and behavior.*****”

“Fascinating,” Twilight said. “I’ve read of thestrals, but, this is the first time I’m seeing one, let alone two.”

“Hardly surprising,” Luna said. “Thestrals are typically only awake at night.”

“That’s really cool,” Pinkie smiled. “Just like it’s really cool to see you again, Princess Luna.” She looked up at the moon. “I bet all that cheese tasted good.”

“There was no cheese within or upon the moon,” Princess Luna said.

“Isn’t the moon made of cheese?” Pinkie asked.

Luna wore a deadpan expression. “The moon is not made of cheese,” she said. “Where does that even come from?”

“I can easily tell you, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “The moon is in fact made of rock. That concept of the moon being made of cheese is a half-baked idea.”

“Indeed,” Luna said. “The only form of sustenance there is frozen water.”

“So, ice,” Applejack said.

“Correct,” Luna said. “And there was no oxygen to create a fire. Since I couldn’t use heat-based magic, I had to chew on tiny pieces of ice.”

“I see,” Twilight said. “Hopefully you’ll have some better food tonight.”

“I’ve had much better food since I’ve returned,” Luna said. “Culinary masterpieces have advanced in my absence.”

“You’re not wrong there,” Rainbow smiled.

“Before my banishment,” Luna said. “We had no watermelons.”

“Oh, they are delightful,” Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, but, we should continue this. We do have time to spend together after all.”

“Before we do,” Rainbow said. “Can you tell us who Sterling and Gold Lily are?”

Luna couldn’t help but sigh sadly before telling her story about them.

“You must promise that you won’t disclose what I’m going to tell you to anypony,” she said.

The ponies promised.

Luna leaned closer and whispered. “My sister and I are not the only set of alicorn sisters in Equestria.”

Pinkie gasped dramatically. “What?!”

Applejack clamped Pinkie’s mouth shut. “No need ta overdo it, Pinkie.”

“We have two cousins named Sterling and Gold Lily,” Luna said. “Sterling is the princess of the stars while Gold Lily is the princess of the earth itself.”

“They sound incredible,” Fluttershy said with amazement.

“Their identities are not public knowledge for fear that they would be captured and their powers would be exploited,” Luna said.

“So,” Rarity ventured to ask. “Where are they now?”

“Sterling resides within her palace of clouds hidden from view,” Luna said. “Gold Lily resides within the earth for her magic is what holds it together.”

“That would explain why I’ve never seen Sterling before,” Rainbow said. “You mentioned her making predictions?”

“That’s her connection to the stars,” Luna said. “They give her clairvoyance and enable her to see many possible futures.”

“That sounds incredible,” Twilight said. She then realized something. “Sterling allowed the stars to aid in your escape, didn’t she?!”

“She was able to help my sister,” Luna said. “Though, her magic had grown weaker from sadness when she heard of my banishment. That and the strain of moving four stars. It took her 1000 years to build up the magical strength to move them at a noticeable speed and would only be possible if Celestia forsook her connection to the Elements of Harmony.”

“I see,” Twilight said. “The sun itself is a star, so, Sterling’s moving thousands of suns.”

Princess Luna nodded quietly. “As soon as I was made aware of her weakened state, I used my magic to place her into a deep slumber to regain her strength.”

“So, she’s alright now, ah reckon?” Applejack asked.

“Indeed,” Luna said. “As a sired alicorn, she cannot truly die.”

“It’s good that she’s alright anyway,” Fluttershy said kindly.

“I think it’s time we got back to the point,” Spike said.

“Yes, of course,” Luna said. “Celestia has informed me of Nightmare Night last year.******”

“Hopefully,” Rarity said. “There will be aspects about the festivities that you will enjoy.”

“I understand that ponies wear costumes to discourage Nightmare Moon from devouring them,” Luna said. “Nightmare Moon may have been a demon, but, she never ate ponies.”

“That’s true,” Pinkie said. “Plus, sometimes it’s really fun to wear costumes.”

“There’s also the tradition of collecting candy and delivering it to a Nightmare Moon statue,” Luna said. “Seems like a waste if you ask me.”

“That would explain why some of the animals had upset stomachs the day after Nightmare Night,” Fluttershy said.

“How do you not know about the specifics?” Luna asked.

“Whenever I ask them, they would be too nauseous to speak,” Fluttershy said. “Regardless, I do make sure to have plenty of antacids to help their tummies feel better.”

“But, surely you’ve celebrated Nightmare Night,” Luna said.

“Nope,” Rainbow said. “She spends Nightmare Night hiding under her bed and locking the door. She’s even afraid of candy.”

“I understand your anxiousness,” Luna said. “The worry of your voice becoming muffled from taffy or the chance of suffocation from a harder piece can be an unsettling thought. However, as a pegasus, you have a greater lung capacity than other ponies and you clearly have the common sense to eat one small piece at a time.”

“That is true,” Fluttershy said. “Plus, now that I’m getting to know the real you and with my friendship with Spike, I’m giving it a better shot.”

“You’re braver than you give yourself credit for, young Critter Whisperer,” Luna said. “Even I feel wary when dealing with a manticore.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but blush modestly at Luna’s compliment towards her. Luna then looked at Rainbow.

“I see you dressed as a Shadowbolt,” she said.

“Wait,” Rainbow said. “Shadowbolts are a real thing?”

“Indeed,” Luna said. “Pegasi corrupted by dark magic. They plundered much of Equestria before their darkness was purged.*******”

“Wow,” Rainbow said. “And I thought I was just dressed as a dark version of a Wonderbolt. Guess I should have done a background check on my costume.”

“Celestia told me that many of the original Wonderbolts were purified Shadowbolts formed as the antithesis of the remaining Shadowbolts,” Luna said. “More than half of my royal guards are reformed Shadowbolts who use their power of darkness for good.”

“That is incredible,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy was confused. “How can the power of darkness be used for good?”

“It may not make much sense when said aloud,” Luna said. “But, once you see what my Shadowbolt guards are capable of, you’ll understand.”

“I can think of a way,” Spike said. “Without darkness, there’s no shade on a hot day.”

“That is a good point, Spike,” Fluttershy said.

“And without shade,” Spike said. “Plants would dry up from too much sun.”

“Also true,” Applejack said. “Ah know mah family’s apple trees need some shade ‘specially with a cloudy day and some good refreshin’ rain.”

Luna added, “Darkness can also protect helpless creatures from predators.”

“Even when some creatures have nocturnal vision,” Twilight said. “Prey animals can still depend on deep dark hiding places to keep them safe.”

Fluttershy took a moment to digest all this information. She had never considered the possibility that darkness had benefits to it. “You’re all right. Thank you for helping me see this point much clearer.”

“Darkness is also a moral element,” Luna said. “Without darkness, society would stagnate as there would be no reason for self-improvement.”

“That is also true,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry I wasn’t so clear on this before.”

A bit later, Spike and the Guardians had finished filling Luna in on other traditions of Nightmare Night.

“I admit that a lot of the activities sound enjoyable,” Luna said. “Though, I feel rather insulted by the historical inaccuracies. Nightmare Moon never tried to eat anypony and was banished to the moon no less than five minutes after taking over my body. She never had the chance to cause any direct harm.”

“That’s true,” Pinkie said. “Even if Nightmare Moon could eat anypony, ponies are almost as big as she was.”

“Prior to my banishment,” Luna said. “I’ve seen much stranger things.”

“Such as?” Rarity asked.

“Serpents that can swallow creatures bigger than themselves,” Luna said.

“Whoa~!” Rainbow gasped.

“I’ve seen one do that to a giant,” Luna said.

“A giant what?” Pinkie asked.

“Giants,” Luna clarified. “Are a species of bipedal creatures several hooves tall.******** A very small giant standing here would have its smallest toe reach the top of young Spike’s longest head spike.”

“I’ll give you that,” Spike said. “That does sound strange and we’ve seen Discord.”

“If they’re so big, why aren’t they seen so much?” Twilight asked.

“There’s few of them left,” Luna explained. “The remaining ones typically keep to themselves behind a magical veil around their island country far away from pony society.”

“So, it’s unlikely that we’ll see any,” Rarity said.

“But, what if they swim?” Pinkie asked.

“Unlikely,” Luna said. “Most giants are afraid of water.”

“Oh~” Pinkie said. She was suddenly confused. “Why?”

“Because,” Luna said. “As big as they are, water is among the few things beyond their control.”

“That’s a good point,” Twilight said. “Ripples, waves, tides, and all that.”

“Ah think Luna’s gotten a good idear o’ socializin’,” Applejack said.

“If you think about it,” Rainbow said. “Social skills aren’t really much use to ponies who sit on their throne most of the time.”

Luna didn’t appreciate the insinuation. “I do not always sit on a throne. I spend most of my nights watching over those while they sleep and I’ve only recently got back to my responsibility of protecting others from their nightmares.”

“Nightmares can’t hurt ponies,” Rainbow said.

“Nightmares are more harmful than you realize,” Luna said. “They interrupt sleep, increasing the likelihood of accidents when the pony having them wakes. They also stunt mental growth by causing depression and insanity.”

“Whoa~” Applejack said. “That is important!”

“Some nightmares are so persistent,” Luna said. “That ponies of weak constitutions sometimes opt to end their own lives.”

The ponies and Spike gasped at this statement.

“For over 1000 years,” Luna said. “I’ve been unable to perform my duty of protecting others from their nightmares because Celestia’s magic doesn’t work in the dream realm.”

“So,” Twilight said. “How were nightmares subsided in your absence?”

“Fortunately,” Luna said. “I found creatures to act as a contingency prior to my banishment.”

“What sort of creatures?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Allow me to show you,” Luna said. She led them to a room housing sleeping creatures with elephant heads, lion manes, and tiger feet in front and a magical mist in the back. Fluttershy ogled them quietly so as not to disturb their sleep. “These creatures are known as baku,” Luna whispered. “Imported from Jockeypan*********. They feast on nightmares.” One baku’s snout started sniffing something. “It seems that one’s picked up the scent of nightmares.”

“Can you tell whose nightmares they pick up?” Twilight whispered.

As if to answer her question, the sniffing baku woke from its slumber and floated towards Fluttershy. As it sniffed around her, a pink mist condensed into a cloud beside her head the size of a beachball.

“Even when I’m awake to know this is happening,” Fluttershy said, still with a soft voice. “I don’t feel anything.”

The creature licked its lips before opening its mouth wide enough to fit Fluttershy’s head in, revealing a set of fangs before eating half the cloud in one bite and chewing it as if it were solid.

“I can only imagine what that would taste like to a baku,” Pinkie whispered before the creature swallowed and ate the rest of the cloud, causing Fluttershy to shiver a bit before the baku used its snout to spray Fluttershy with a lavender-scented cloud. This calmed her right down.

“What was that?” Rarity asked.

“Baku digest nightmares into a lavender-scented mist that induces good dreams,” Luna explained.

“Okay,” Rainbow whispered. “That’s pretty cool.”

“These benevolent creatures have been protecting ponies in my absence for the past millennia,” Luna said. “In some cases, their magic transforms bad dreams into good luck.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy whispered to the baku that ate her nightmares. “Thank all of your friends for us, too, please.” The baku gave a wink before giving her a small stone statue of itself. “Oh, I’ll make sure to take the greatest care of this statuette.”

“That statuette is an extension of the baku itself,” Luna said. “This one senses you have nightmares frequently.”

“This could be helpful,” Fluttershy whispered. She then put the statuette in a safe place to make sure it isn’t damaged.

“To summon the baku,” Luna said. “You need merely wake from your nightmare and whisper, ‘Baku, eat my dreams.’ The statuette next to your bed will help it find you.”

“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind,” Fluttershy whispered.

“I believe the princess will need a costume for her rounds in Ponyville,” Rarity said.

“A costume?” Luna asked. “For me?”

“I’m afraid we don’t have time for that, Rarity,” Spike said. “She’ll have to go without one.”

“I understand,” Rarity said. “But, if you are interested in participating next year, your highness, you’re more than welcome to come to me to craft a costume for you.”

“Also,” Spike said. “No using the royal voice.”

“Alright,” Luna said. “The ponies do seem to like my sister well enough when she speaks calmly, so I should try speaking calmly as well.”

“What’s the royal voice?” Rarity asked.

THIS IS THE ROYAL VOICE!!!” Luna bellowed in a booming voice so loud, it shook the room. The baku still sleeping stirred slightly before going back to sleep seconds later. Luna cleared her throat and spoke calmly. “But, I’ll make sure not to do that tonight. It can be a bit of a strain on my voice.”

“We should probably get out o’ this room now,” Applejack whispered. “We don’t want ta bother the Baku any further.”

“Where’s that ringing coming from?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s in your ears, Rainbow,” Spike said.

“That’s tinnitus you’re experiencing,” Twilight explained.

“Allow me,” Luna said before lighting up her horn.

“What are you going to do?” Rarity asked.

Luna held up a hoof for silence. They quieted down and watched Luna do her thing.

“Hey,” Rainbow said. “I don’t hear the ringing anymore!”

“What’d ya do?” Applejack asked.

“I cast a healing spell on her eardrums,” Luna explained. “Doing so is simple in comparison to raising and lowering the moon.”

“Ah, that’s good,” Applejack smiled.

“Thanks, Luna,” Rainbow smiled. She quickly corrected herself. “Uh, I mean Princess Luna.”

“You needn’t worry about formalities,” Luna said. “If anything, I should be the one bowing to you.”

“Aww, shucks,” Applejack said modestly. “Ya don’t have ta do that fer us.”

“Were it not for you,” Luna said. “I would still be under the control of my inner demon.”

“We just did what we could to help,” Twilight said. “Wait, what do you mean inner demon?”

“Nightmare Moon,” Luna explained. “Is a demon born of the darkness in my heart. She still exists, but, thanks to the Elements of Harmony, she’s powerless to cause any harm for a good long while.”

“I see,” Fluttershy said.

“Even Celestia has an inner demon,” Luna said.

“She does?” Rainbow asked. “What’s hers called?”

“Daybreaker**********,” Luna said. “Should Celestia succumb to negative emotions, she would make the day last forever.”

“Eternal daytime would be just as bad as eternal night,” Spike said. “Without night, no one would be able to rest and the tides wouldn’t rise without the moon. Not to mention sunburn and the abundance of dried out plants.”

“Well,” Twilight said. “Let’s hope Celestia doesn’t succumb to negative emotions.”

“Unlikely with her lifestyle,” Luna said. “She always was more social than I.”

“Hopefully tonight,” Rarity said. “We’ll help you to be almost as social as Celestia.”

“May I bring Canis?” Luna asked. “I’m not fond of leaving him alone.”

“Of course you may,” Spike said. “I don’t see why you shouldn’t.”

Luna teleported away and reappeared with Canis on her back.

“Hi, Canis,” Fluttershy greeted politely.

“Greetings, guardians,” Canis said.

“It’s great to see you again,” Twilight smiled.

“The pleasure is likewise,” Canis said.

“So,” Pinkie said. “Are you two ready to go out and about for an evening of friendship and fun under the stars?”

“Anything to get outside once in a while,” Canis said.

So, Spike and the mares politely led Luna and Canis out of the castle.

Back in Ponyville, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were waiting to greet the guardians at the train station. Apple Bloom was dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein’s monster, Sweetie Belle was dressed as a vampire, and Scootaloo was dressed as a wolf.

“What’s taking so long?” Scootaloo asked impatiently.

“Ah bet they’re makin’ sure that Princess Luna is okay,” Apple Bloom figured.

“You think she’ll ever interact with us?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Maybe,” Apple Bloom said. “If’n we’re as good as possible, anyhow. Applejack always says that ta make some good friends, ya got ta be a good friend.”

“Let’s not judge her for Spike’s sake,” Sweetie Belle said. “We all know how he feels about judging others.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Scootaloo said. She shuddered at the idea of Spike’s temper. “I wouldn’t want him to hear us saying mean things about her. So, let’s just be nice to her.”

The train arrived.

“They’re here!” Apple Bloom cheered.

Luna stepped off the train first.

“Wow~” Sweetie Belle gasped in amazement. “She’s beautiful.”

“She’s definitely Princess Celestia’s sister,” Scootaloo said.

“N’ look at that cute little doggie on her back,” Apple Bloom said.

“Hi, everypony,” Canis said.

“Hi,” Apple Bloom greeted. She suddenly realized something. “He can talk?!”

“Looks like it,” Sweetie Belle said.

Spike hurried up to the Crusaders. “That’s Canis Moonstone,” he explained. “Luna’s foalhood plush toy.”

“That’s cool,” Scootaloo said. “Also, hi, Spike.”

“How’s a plush toy alive?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I was brought to life by this princess’ love for me,” Canis said. “I’m made of a material called heart felt, which can come to life if exposed to love and affection.”

“Aww,” Sweetie Belle cooed. “That sounds wonderful.”

The Guardians stepped out of the train.

“Welcome back, y’all,” Apple Bloom said to them.

“Did you make sure to inform the town that Princess Luna was coming?” Twilight asked.

“We gave Mayor Mare your message,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well done, girls,” Twilight smiled. “Now, go easy on the Nightmare Moon references. We’re trying to reintegrate Princess Luna into society.”

“You can count on us, Twilight,” Scootaloo said.

The Ponyville residents led Luna to the town festival. On the way there, they saw various ponies in unique costumes.

“You’re taking this pretty well, Fluttershy,” Rainbow said.

“I think I’m still under the baku’s spell,” Fluttershy said.

“The baku’s spell lasts for eight hours,” Luna said.

“So that should get her through tonight easily,” Twilight said.

“What’s a baku?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It’s a magical creature with the head of an elephant, the mane of a lion, and the feet of a tiger in front and a cloud of magical mist in the back,” Luna explained. “They've been what kept the nightmares under control during my 1000 year absence. They come from Jockeypan.”

“That’s so cool,” Scootaloo said.

“I was given a statuette of one,” Fluttershy said. She then held it up.

“Whoa~” the Cutie Mark Crusaders said in admiration.

“How do they take care of nightmares?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“By eating them,” Spike said. “And digesting them into a lavender-scented mist that induces good dreams.”

“That’s amazing,” Scootaloo said.

“Fluttershy had her fears eaten by a baku before we left,” Rainbow said.

“Huh,” Apple Bloom said. “That would explain a lot.”

They arrived at the festival. The ponies saw the alicorn princess of the night and smiled at her while enjoying the festivities.

“What exactly am I supposed to do?” Luna whispered to Twilight.

“If somepony approaches you,” Twilight whispered. “Say hello to them and ask him what they like to do for Nightmare Night.”

Luna nodded in comprehension. Mayor Mare approached Luna. She was wearing a clown costume, complete with a rainbow wig.

“Good evening,” Mayor Mare greeted. “A pleasure to see you here tonight.”

“Greetings,” Luna said. “What do you wish to do for Nightmare Night?”

“I’m afraid I have responsibilities to attend to,” Mayor Mare said.

“Understandable,” Luna said, giving a polite nod. “Thank you for the kind salutations, regardless.”

“Hi, Mayor Mare,” Canis greeted.

“Aww, hello, little fella,” Mayor Mare smiled. “I see you’re made of heartfelt.”

“Yes, I am,” Canis smiled. “Nice to know of someone familiar with it.”

“I had a plush cat made of it when I was a filly,” Mayor Mare said.

“I see,” Canis said.

“I could introduce you to her,” Mayor Mare said slyly.

“If you have a spare moment, of course,” Canis said. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your responsibilities.”

The group soon met Zecora. She was dressed as a wild witch with a long flowing white wig, a black hooded cloak, and fake spider accessories.

“Good evening, Zecora,” Twilight smiled. “Happy Nightmare Night.”

“Ah, a zebra,” Luna said. “I understand that Farasi is no longer a third-world country.”

“Indeed not and while I did roam,” Zecora answered. “I am glad to call the Everfree Forest my home.”

“Marvelous,” Luna said. “Your vestment greatly resembles the garbs of healers of ancient Farasian healers until sexist religious stallions began burning them at the stake for what was falsely labeled as witchcraft.***********”

“A harsh history lesson,” Zecora said. “But, those rumors have faded. The intrigue came around again, even if it seems dated.”

“Did that really happen?” Rarity asked.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Luna said. “Luckily, this is a more open-minded town that never jumps to such conclusions.” Nearly the whole town could be heard making nervous groans.

Zecora briefly explained. “There was some judgment with me, but, there was no real harm. They have learned now what to be frightened of if there is real alarm.”

“What festivities do you wish to partake in?” Luna asked.

“Usually, I like to tell spooky tales,” Zecora answered. “A thrilling chilly story never fails. I also like to go for an apple bob. Having fun at that game is an easy job.”

“Bobbin’ fer apples?!” the Apple sisters excitedly asked. Zecora nodded happily.

Applejack made her way to a tub. “It’s our family’s favorite game. Heh, ya can prolly see why.” She dunked her head in the water. She pulled a shiny red delicious apple from the tub. Luna observed the situation.

“Hmm,” Luna said. “The premise seems simple enough.”

Applejack spat her apple out and said, “The trick is ya can only use yer mouth. No magic, hooves, er wings.”

“It was one time!” Rainbow protested. “It didn’t even work that well!”

“I suppose it would be an unfair advantage,” Luna said. “Very well, I shall give this apple bob a try.” She stepped up to the tub and lowered herself. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and dipped her head into the tub. The water in the tub might have been cold, but, Luna was used to the cold of space, so she wasn’t particularly bothered. She managed to bite down on a red delicious apple and fished it out of the tub.

“Not bad fer a beginner,” Applejack admitted.

“Whah, phank yew,” Luna muffled. The apple was still in her mouth. She took a bite of the apple and after swallowing the masticated apple pieces, she said. “Pardon me. Thank you, I say.”

At that moment, Pipsqueak made his way to the group.

“That looks like fun!” he said happily. “May I have a turn please?”

Zecora nodded.

“Ya need a boost up ta the tub, little feller?” Applejack offered.

“I can do it myself,” Pipsqueak said stubbornly.

Pip managed as best he could, though, he had difficulty because he was such a small colt. He was about half the size of the Crusaders. He closed his eyes, trying to reach for an apple. But, he knelt in too close and he fell with a splash into the tub. He stuck his head above the water before spitting water out of his mouth.

“It’s so cold!” Pip yelped.

Sweetie Belle helped him out. “It’s okay,” she said. “Just wait until you’re older.”

“Older?!” Pip said indignantly. “I’m six years old!”

“I’m afraid he speaks sooth,” Luna said. “His height has indeed stagnated. I have come to learn of the nightmares that he’s endured. His father would often punish him by denying him meals for a month.”

“Sooth?” Rainbow asked. “Is that even a word?”

“It means the truth,” Rarity explained.

“Then, why didn’t she just say that?” Rainbow asked.

“How did you survive?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“My mum would sneak me some food,” Pip said. “Couldn’t give me too much or dad would find out.”

“Yuck,” Scootaloo said. “So, it really is a good thing your mom divorced your dad.”

“It’s certainly easier on me,” Pip admitted.

“So, ‘side o’ that mishap with the apple tub,” Apple Bloom said. “How’re ya likin’ Nightmare Night so far?”

“I’m enjoying it,” Pip said. “Even if I wet my pants.”

“Rainbow,” Applejack said sternly. “You didn’t scare Pip, too, did ya?”

“Oh, sure,” Rainbow said with sarcastic indignation. “Because I’m the only one trying to scare anypony and I managed to fly from Canterlot to Ponyville, scare Pip so bad he wets himself, and fly all the way back in the time it took for you to blink!”

“I meant from falling in the water,” Pip clarified.

“Oh,” Applejack said. “Powerful sorry, Rainbow.”

“I’m not that fast,” Rainbow said. “Even if I was, you would’ve felt the shockwaves and there would’ve been a lot more broken windows.”

“We get it,” Twilight said.

“N’ ah did say aside from the mishap with the apple tub, ya know,” Apple Bloom said.

“I kind of enjoy being frightened,” Pip said. “Even if it’s something a little scary, it’s not really going to hurt me and that’s what makes it fun.”

Luna took a moment to digest this information. “Well,” Luna finally decided with a smile. “Knowing this and how much fun that it brings all of the ponies, I shall allow Nightmare Night to continue on throughout the history of Equestria.” Ponies in earshot cheered. “However!!!” Luna declared. The ponies and Spike quieted down so they could listen to Luna’s declaration. “I ask that you remember the good I’ve done rather than demonize me.”

“That we can do,” Mayor Mare smiled. “Though, we’ve associated other frightening creatures with this holiday.”

“Those are permitted in good taste,” Luna said.

“So,” Derpy began. She was a paper bag wizard with a large paper bag on her head and paper bags on her hooves. “Would that mean the holiday wouldn’t be called Nightmare Night anymore?”

“You may still call it that,” Luna said. “Just for different reasons.”

“Yeah?” Derpy asked.

“It may be named after creatures called nightmares,” Luna said. “Demons that take the form of whatever a particular being fears most, but, can be dealt with in one of two ways.”

“N’ how do ya do that?” Applejack asked.

“One method is dressing in a costume so you will not be recognized,” Luna said. “Another is to gather treats, which inspires positive feelings, a deterrent for nightmares. The frightening decorations can be used as a clever trap.”

“Huh,” Applejack said. “So that’s where these here traditions came from.”

“You know she’s making this up so that this holiday can keep its name, right?” Spike said.

“Well,” Luna said, being intentionally vague. “I didn’t say that.************”

The ponies and Spike chuckled good-naturedly. As the festivities progressed, Rarity felt the need to ask Spike something.

“Spike,” Rarity said.

“Yeah, Rarity?” Spike replied.

“I have to ask,” Rarity said. “Why did you ask me to design you a dragon costume when you are a dragon?”

“Full disclosure,” Spike said. “It’s my first time celebrating Nightmare Night and I wasn’t feeling particularly creative with costume ideas.”

“Ah, I see,” Rarity said. “Well, if you decide you want to celebrate next year, you can come to me and we can brainstorm ideas together.”

“Thanks,” Spike said. “Also, thanks for making it so warm.”

“I had a lot of minky,” Rarity said.

“Minky?” Spike asked.

“It’s a very plush fabric,” Rarity explained.

“Ah~” Spike said.

“I wanted you to feel warm,” Rarity said.

“And I certainly feel warm in this,” Spike said. “I may have to commission you for onesie pajamas with this fabric lining them for winter.”

“You can use your costume as such if you wish,” Rarity said.

“Sounds good,” Spike said. Spike then considered and walked up to Twilight. “Hey, mom. Are you ready for me to write your friendship letter to Celestia or are we going to wait until tomorrow because it’s a holiday?”

“I’m ready,” Twilight said. Spike got out a scroll and a quill from his costume pockets and Twilight began to dictate her letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,
When you first sent me to Ponyville, I hardly knew anything about friendship. My friends and I all got to know one pony tonight who had the same problem; your sister, Princess Luna. She taught me that the best thing to do with friendship is to give it to others and help them find it themselves. The citizens of Ponyville have also come to understand that even when a situation seems scary, when you’re surrounded by loving friends, things don’t seem quite as scary. Overall, my friends and I have come to really appreciate Luna and we’re hopeful that she’ll make some valuable friendships as well. This turned out to be a great Nightmare Night.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

Spike rolled up the scroll and sent it off.

“Thank you, Spike,” Twilight smiled.

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

*I feel it wouldn't make sense for Spike to not recognize Star Swirl considering how Twilight read so much about him.



****Yes, it's a Harry Potter reference, sue me.

*****My personal idea.

******Idea by Comickook.

*******Personal idea.

********Mythology expansion.

*********The Equestria version of Japan, name by Wildcard25. Also, the baku is a legit Japanese myth.


***********Salem Witch Trials in a nutshell.

************Ooh, mystery, y'all.

Shoutout to Comickook for their ideas.

I had the story rewritten to be a lore dump instead of a Luna torture porn.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.