• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 2: The Return of Harmony Part 2 (S2:E2)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell, Blake Hawkins, and Rachel Ravens

Chapter 2: The Return of Harmony Part 2

The fate of Equestria was looking pretty bleak right now, especially as far as Twilight was concerned. Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony had escaped from his stone statue prison and had set out to bring about eternal chaos while holding Spike hostage. Twilight shook her head, her fear replaced with anger.

“Discord!” Twilight snapped. “You’re not playing fair!”

“I’m not the one who broke the rules,” Discord countered. “Rainbow did.”

“How could she when you took her wings, Fluttershy’s, mine and Rarity’s horns, and Applejack and Pinkie’s strength…” Twilight said. “Unless… you gave her wings back!”

“That’s the most intelligent deduction you’ve made all day,” Discord said.

“You made those rules so you could break them!” Twilight said. “You made Rainbow break the rules because she couldn’t have gotten her wings back otherwise!”

Discord continued to laugh, intent on rubbing his "victory" in their faces as much as possible (or maybe he was just that amused).

Suddenly, however, Pinkie Pie called out from the blue. "And just what the heck are you laughing about?!"

“I must say,” Discord said. “You and your so-called friends are the most fun I’ve had in eons! Even Celestia wasn’t this entertaining!”

"Yeah? Well quit it, this is no laughing matter!" Pinkie growled at Discord, pressing her nose up against his. "You'd better think before you dare laugh at the pink... ie Pie!"

Fluttershy, sensing an opportunity to get under her former friend's fur, smirked while declaring. "Is that so? Well ha ha. You always were a joke, Pinkie."

Pinkie didn't take kindly to Fluttershy's remark. She spun around rather quickly and snapped. "Quit it! Don't you dare laugh at me!"

"No," Fluttershy simply protested while laughing some more. "Ha ha."

"I said quit it!" Pinkie roared as she put her hooves to her ears in a vain attempt to block out the taunting.

Fluttershy refused to let up. "No. Ha ha ha ha ha. I'll laugh at you as much as I want, and you can't stop me."

Meanwhile, Applejack crept up behind Rarity with her eyes locked onto the "diamond" that was actually a rock. "Hey, Rarity," the farm mare called to her former friend. "’Bout this here diamond o’ yers... well, Twilight said we should split it five ways n’ all. Ya know, since we found it together. Hope ya don't mind me takin' mah cut now."

Rarity responded by delivering a swift karate kick to Applejack, knocking her back! "Try it, punk!" she snapped. "This diamond is mine and mine alone! Nopony's going to take it from me, especially not an uncultured mud pony like you!"

Twilight watched the scenes unfold, helpless to do much of anything except plead. "Girls, stop it! This isn't you!"

But, Discord only laughed while lounging in a chair and eating popcorn. "Sorry, Twilight, but, your 'friends' aren't interested in listening. Besides, I could use the entertainment."

“Stop it, Discord!” Twilight snapped. “How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you removed the labyrinth?!”

“And who said they were in the labyrinth in the first place?” Discord responded. “I allowed you to come in here to distract you and waste time. Ain’t I a stinker?” On the last sentence, Discord conjured a carrot and held it to his mouth like a cigar.

Twilight could scarcely believe what she heard. “You mean,” she said. “They were never here?”

“Nope,” Discord said plainly. “Now, listen carefully. ‘Twists and turns are my master plan, then find the elements back where you began.’

“But,” Twilight said. “The maze was full of twists and turns and would send you back where you began.”

“True, but, you were way off from the start,” Discord said. “It's not like it really matters, I would've held a game no matter where you went. But, the maze made it so much easier to do my work. Who would've guessed your friends could be so easily led astray?"

“But…” Twilight stammered. She began shedding tears. “Now, we’re no closer to freeing Spike than when we started.”

“Well, maybe,” Discord said. “If you’d brought him with you, he wouldn’t’ve been captured in the first place.”

Twilight tried fighting back her tears, but, they continued to steam down her face. Discord saw this and cleared his throat.

"Oh, don't beat yourself up so much, Twilight," Discord remarked with exaggerated sympathy. "You did the best you could under the circumstances, really. If anything, Princess Celestia should've prepared you better. But, then again, if even she couldn't defeat me and she is an all powerful alicorn, what chance did a measly unicorn like you possibly have? You may think you're the best and maybe you are. But, you're still a unicorn, you're definitely no Princess Celestia. Even Princess Luna as she is now would be more of a challenge if I'm being honest."

Twilight growled and snorted. "You're just saying that to make me doubt myself, aren't you?"

Discord vaguely replied, "Maybe I am and maybe I'm not, that's up to you to decide." However, after thinking over things for about a second or two he seemed to come to a sudden decision. "You know what, Twilight? Against my better judgment, I'm going to give you a sporting chance. Not because I have to, but, because I want to. It wouldn't be much fun if it ended like this, wouldn't you agree?"

Twilight was taken aback by the statement. "Wait, you're going to help me?"

"Not really 'help' so much as 'let you try again'," The spirit explained. "And here's a hint: Maybe the magic of friendship can help you."

Twilight groaned in frustration.

“Would you feel better if you had a status update on how Spike’s doing?” Discord asked.

“He better not be harmed,” Twilight threatened, her anger returning weakly.

“You have my cotton candy cloud raining chocolate milk word that Spike is safe and sound,” Discord said. He had a genuinely sincere tone to his voice. For proof, he snapped his eagle talon to reveal Spike was still chained to the chair, but, unharmed otherwise. “Better?”

Twilight felt her resolve stirring. “I don't care how long it takes,” she said. “I don't care if I have to do it without the Elements of Harmony. I don't even care if I have to do it on my own. I WILL find a way to beat you, Discord - even if I have to do it from beyond the grave.”*

“We’ll see about that,” Discord said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some excellent chaos to wreak.”

And with that, he snapped his fingers and teleported away. The clouds opened and chocolate milk began to rain upon the five mares.

“Chocolate milk?!” Pinkie said grumpily. “I hate chocolate milk!”

"Nopony touch my diamond, you understand?!" Rarity roared.

“I’m touching your diamond, Rarity,” Fluttershy said cruelly, tapping on the side of Rarity’s boulder. “What’re you going to do about it?”

Rarity grew angry. “Hold still and find out!”

“Everypony, please!” Twilight said. “We have to figure this out! Spike could be in real trouble if we give up now!” At the mention of Spike’s name, the four mares briefly returned to their real colorations and stopped fighting. This time, Twilight actually noticed. “Huh? Your colors brightened up.” A split second later, Discord’s influence kicked in again. “Oh, no… I just want to go home.” Then suddenly, it hit her. "Wait 'home'! That's it!" And she gave a whistle. "Come on, everypony. Let's get back to Ponyville. You can all do whatever you want when we get there."

At the mention of doing what they wanted, the four gray-tinted mares followed Twilight. Though, they were clearly reluctant.

“Once we get back to the Golden Oak Library,” Twilight said aloud. “I think I might know of a book that can help me. It’s the same book I read where I learned of the story of Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony. That must mean what Discord meant when he said, ‘find the elements back where you began.’”

The five mares had to walk all the way to Ponyville with the trains out of commission. Twilight tried very hard not to let her friends’ bickering get to her, reminding herself that this wasn’t their fault. She then remembered when they briefly returned to normal. Something I said earlier brought them back to their senses, she internally observed. Temporarily, sure, but, it brought them back all the same. I just need to figure out what it was I said that brought them back. Twilight continued to walk along when the long-legged animals stampeded and trampled over her.

“Good boy, Angel,” Fluttershy said. “Mama’s so proud. Somebunny's going to get extra lettuce tonight." Then, just after she had spoken the sun suddenly set and the darkness of night befell all.

“Well, ah can see much better now!” Applejack yelled through the darkness, followed by a brief gag.

Suddenly, the dirt road turned into soap. The ponies slipped and slid upon its slippery surface.

Just then the sun rose again almost as quickly as it had set. And who should come skating along on the slippery roads but Discord himself? "Ah, you finally made it!" He declared, seeming to focus almost exclusively on Twilight. "I knew you would." And then, he immediately commented, "So this is the lovely little town where Celestia's star student got her start, is it? Nice digs. So much to see, so much to mess around with."

“Don’t hurt anypony in that village, Discord,” Twilight warned.

“Oh, I have no intention of hurting them,” Discord said. “Slipping on soap, bumping into buildings because they can’t see in the dark, or tripping, I can’t make any promises, though.”

Pinkie was practically skating on the soap road. “This may look fun, but, it’s not.”

Discord only laughed as he appeared behind Twilight and scooped her up. "Oh, come now, you're going to love what I've done with the place." He held her up, letting her take in Ponyville in its all chaotic and unholy glory. Buildings had been turned upside down, the ground had been replaced by black and white tiles almost like a checkerboard, chocolate rain poured down from cotton candy clouds and made puddles. Almost everywhere you looked Ponyville no longer resembled the quaint and peaceful little town it had once been. "And these are the only first of many, many changes," he cackled. “Can you imagine it? Ponyville as the Chaos Capital of Equestria.”

The studious unicorn fought back a gulp, but, said nothing.

Discord seemed to take that as a sign that he'd intimidated the only threat left to him into silence. "I know what you're thinking: Why go after Ponyville when Canterlot is the capital of Equestria? Well that was then and this is now. Ponyville will be the jewel in the crown for my new empire! An empire of chaos and disharmony! I'm making Ponyville the chaos capital of Equestria! No, the entire world! Just picture it."

Twilight looked out at the town just as the sun rapidly set once again. She decided to take advantage of the opportunity. "Sorry, I can't see anything," she lied to Discord. "It's too dark."

“Give it a minute for the sun to come up again,” Discord smirked. But, nothing happened. “Or not.”

Discord teleported away, leaving Twilight to briefly float in midair for a second before slamming down on the ground. Fluttershy cackled wickedly at Twilight’s expense.

Meanwhile, Spike was remotely watching from where Discord held him and he wasn’t pleased.

“That is so not cool,” Spike said after the draconequus returned. “You’ll never get away with this. My mom and her friends will stop you.”

“Aren’t you just adorable,” Discord said. “Having seen your friends and your mommy in action, you should be giving up on them by now.”

“Never,” Spike said in defiance. “They’ve accepted me for who I am and for that, I’ll never give up on them.”

“You’ll soon learn as I did,” Discord said lowly. “How did you put up with it?” Discord suddenly asked.

“Wh… what?” Spike questioned, not understanding the context of the question.

“The slurs and insults,” Discord explained, “How could you put up with that - being constantly judged every single day in the city you grew up in for most of your life?”

“Grew up in—“

“Yes,” Discord answered, “I grew up in Canterlot. Now answer the question: How did you deal with the mistreatment for most of your life?”

“To be fair, I was mostly contained from within the—“ Spike tried to point out.

“That doesn’t change how ponies looked at you,” Discord pointed out, “How did you deal with it? Not including the isolation?”

“Well, I had Twilight, Shining, their parents, and Cadence. They took care of me?” Spike answered, “How do you even know about all of this?”

“Just because I spent over a century in stone did not mean that I was unable to hear what anypony had to say,” Discord revealed, before adding, “That and my hearing is sharper than most other creatures. Sometimes though, I wish I couldn’t.”


“Because it meant hearing what ponies had to say upon seeing me, and acknowledge how little was done about it by the only family I ever had,” Discord revealed, sounding extremely hurt with that last statement.

“What are you—“

“Celestia did nothing about how ponies viewed me!” Discord snapped, “Luna did nothing about it! And neither did Sterling, nor Gold Lily!”

“Wait,” Spike noted, “Who are—“

“That’s not important!” Discord interrupted before regaining his composure. “The point is that for most of my life, they were the only ponies who looked out for me, but, I was one of Grogar’s creations and that automatically made me evil to other ponies, but, those alicorns just turned a blind eye to my mistreatment,” he explained. “How do you know Twilight and the others won’t start looking the other way to your mistreatment?”

Spike thought to himself before answering, “Because they’d have already done that by now. I know them. They would never treat me differently for what I am and I don’t think they’d do it for you, either. If anything, you’re making it harder for ponies to not judge you with this behavior. Do you really think you’re going to feel better this way?”

Discord hesitated to answer, only for a few moments, maybe around three seconds, before answering, “Equestria needs to be seen for the sickening mess it truly is and only I can bring that to light.”

Spike didn’t make a rebuttal to that. He couldn’t as he looked to the floor in defeat. Clearly, he had no way of getting through to Discord. Suddenly, his chains vanished.

“You’re free to go,” Discord said. “Since my victory’s assured, I have no reason to keep you around anymore. Besides, it’s not like you’ll be able to make a difference anyway. You’re just a whelp with no Element of Harmony of your own.”**

“Uh,” Spike said. He wasn’t quite sure what to say, but, he managed to reply with, “Okay. Thanks.” He headed for a door. Before he opened it, he paused. “You know something, Discord?” he asked.

“More than you ever will in a million years?” Discord answered. “But, really, what?”

“Despite everything you’ve done or continue to do,” Spike said pointedly. “I feel sorry for you. Show me a creature that goes along with the stereotypes he’s labeled with, I’ll show you a creature that’s run out of good ideas.” He then went through the door before Discord could reply.

Back in Ponyville, the mares finally managed to arrive at the Golden Oak Library. Twilight was exhausted not just from the journey, but, her friends’ bickering.

“We’re here,” Twilight said. “Everypony, please go inside.”

“Ah absolutely refuse,” Applejack lied as she went inside, turning completely gray with a gag.

“With pleasure,” Fluttershy said. But, before she entered, she stomped on the flowers right next to the library’s threshold, leaving her body to turn completely gray as well.

“I hate libraries!” Pinkie complained as she, too, turned completely gray.

Twilight waited for Rarity, but, she was still close and cozy with her so-called diamond. “Come on, Rarity,” Twilight said.

“I simply refuse to leave Tom out here all alone!” Rarity whined. “The moment I do, you’ll have your little minion gobble him up!”

Twilight was getting frustrated. “Spike doesn’t eat diamonds!” she protested. “You know that from your gem hunts with him! Even if he did, he’s not here right now!” Rarity briefly regained her coloration, only to lose it again a split second later.

“Which I shall no longer need help with,” Rarity snorted. “Everypony will be after my gems and I’m going to be the one to get them!” Rarity then turned completely gray as well.

Twilight then groaned in frustration and helped Rarity to bring “Tom” inside. Just remember what Canis said, she reminded herself. Discord’s trying to make me angry so I make a mistake. If I give in, Discord’s already won.

Inside the library, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were looking out the window in Twilight and Spike’s room at the chaos unfolding outside. Suddenly, they heard the front door open and looked down the stairs to see Twilight and her friends enter.

“Hey, y’all,” Apple Bloom said. “Twilight n’ her friends’re back! Maybe they can help us!”

“Uh, do they look different to you?” Sweetie Belle observed.

“And where’s Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked.

“Now that ya mention it,” Apple Bloom noted. “Most o’ them are kinda gray lookin’.”

The fillies then saw “Tom” break through the front door.

“What the hay?!” Sweetie Belle yelped. “What’s with the giant boulder?”

Twilight noticed the fillies. “Girls?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

“We came ta ask Spike if’n he knew what was goin’ on,” Apple Bloom explained. “Problem is, he wasn’t here when we came. We looked.”

“That’s because Discord captured him,” Twilight said.

“Discord?” Sweetie Belle asked. “As in the statue in the royal garden about a creature made of parts of different creatures?”

“He’s not just a statue, girls,” Twilight explained. “He’s an actual embodiment of chaos.”

“But, what would he want with Spike?” Scootaloo asked.

“He’s holding Spike captive to give us a reason to play his sick game,” Twilight said. “How he knows about Spike is anypony’s guess.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders now had guilty looks on their faces. They gazed up ashamed at Twilight and owned up.

“We had mentioned about him being able to keep us in line,” Scootaloo said.

“And we might’ve let it slip how bad his experience at the Gala was around the statue,” Sweetie Belle said.

“So,” Apple Bloom concluded sadly. “This whole mess was all our fault.”

Twilight could see that the fillies were upset and guilty about what happened. “Tell you what,” she offered. “If you want to make things right, help me find the guidebook on the Elements of Harmony.”

The fillies eagerly accepted. During times they’d visit the library, they’d help Spike organize the books so he could play with them sooner. On one such occasion, Spike filled them in on the Elements of Harmony and used the guidebook for good measure. Sweetie Belle made sure to keep a note of where Spike put it afterwards. She soon found the book and took it off of the shelf where it was appropriately set.

“Here it is!” she said.

“Well done, girls,” Twilight smiled.

There before her was the very same book she read at the beginning of her adventure. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle was hit in the face with a scroll.

“Ow!” Sweetie Belle yelped. “Who did that?”

The book was suddenly swiped by Fluttershy.

“Somepony who doesn’t want to see you succeed,” Fluttershy cackled deviously.

The Crusaders couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“Fluttershy?!” Scootaloo yelped. “Not only does she look different, but, she’s also acting different!”

“Fluttershy!” Twilight said. “You better give me that book!”

“Keep away from the bookworm and the blank flanks~!” Fluttershy hollered as she tossed the book to another pony. The book was caught by Applejack.

“Applejack,” Apple Bloom called. “Give Twilight her book!”

“Ah ain’t got no book,” Applejack lied with a gag before tossing it. Pinkie grabbed hold of it in her forehooves. She then immediately tossed it aside.

“Pinkie!” Twilight said. Pinkie grumpily blew a raspberry at Twilight.

Fluttershy caught the book and quickly tossed it away. Rarity snatched it with her magic.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle yelled. “Do you even know what you just grabbed?”

“No, but, if somepony else wants it, I want it!” Rarity said.

Twilight tried to think. Then she got an idea. “Actually, Rarity,” Twilight said. “I don’t want that book. It looks worthless to me.” When Rarity still held onto the book, Twilight got another idea. “Oh no! Somepony’s trying to take Tom!”

Rarity gasped, dropping the book in shock. “Where?!” she snapped. “I’ll destroy them!”

Twilight grabbed the book quickly. “Got it!” She opened the book to reveal the Elements of Harmony inside. “They were here all along!” she cheered.

“Ya did it, Twi!” Apple Bloom cheered.

“Hooray!” Sweetie Belle cheered.

“Now, you and your friends can use them to defeat Discord and rescue Spike!” Scootaloo smiled.

The other four mares became less gray for a split second at the mention of Spike’s name, but, they didn’t come to their senses that time.

“I hope so, Scootaloo,” Twilight said. She then put the respective elements on her friends. “Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, and tiara.” She looked at the final necklace, Rainbow Dash's, as the former blue pegasus wasn't here, it was the only one not being worn. “That reminds me. Since Rainbow isn’t here, Scootaloo, do you think you can wield her Element of Loyalty?”

Scootaloo couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Me?!” she asked. “But, what if Rainbow finds out I’ve been impersonating her?!” She shuddered, “That won’t end well.”

“Don’t you do that every day?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo was about to respond back, but, she considered this for a second. “Good point,” she replied. “Okay, I’ll do it, Twilight.”

“Good,” Twilight said. “The sooner we defeat Discord and rescue Spike, the sooner I can figure out how to cure my friends.”

So, Twilight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders rallied the corrupted mares, with a lot of coaxing to convince Rarity outside with “Tom.”

Discord was waiting outside.

“Well, well, well,” Discord smirked. “Looks like you solved my riddle and found the elements. You even got a stand-in for Rainbow Dash.” The Crusaders were quickly losing their nerve seeing Discord’s true form. “Is that the sound of knees trembling I hear?”

“It’s okay to be afraid, girls,” Twilight said, comforting the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “But, just know that I’m here. Don’t let Discord get under your skin. The moment he does, he’s already won.”

Discord simply crossed his upper appendages. “Go ahead and use the elements,” he challenged. “I dare you.”

“Okay, girls,” Twilight said with newfound determination. “Let’s do this.” The older mares focused their energy and their elements began responding. Scootaloo tried to do the same with Rainbow's element. But… nothing happened.

“Oh, well,” Discord shrugged with a confident smirk on his face. “You gave it your best shot and you failed. A good attempt at that, though. Thanks for playing~!”

“Why didn’t it work?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Simple,” Discord said. “My chaos magic took the personality traits that made the elements choose them in the first place and the Element of Loyalty is being wielded by an unworthy host. With the first five elements useless, the Element of Magic has no power, either.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel hurt from Discord calling her an unworthy host. Try as she might, tears couldn’t stop flowing in her eyes.

“Well,” Discord said, conjuring a clipboard and pencil. “That checks off ‘make a filly cry,’ on my to-do list. Very productive day.” He then skated along the soap road.

“Well, that worked like a charm!” Applejack lied, followed by a gag.

“I hate the Elements of Harmony!” Pinkie said.

“Me, too,” Fluttershy huffed. “And I’m sick of you losers!”

“MINE!” Rarity said as she swiped the discarded elements.

“Ah’m out o’ here,” Applejack said. “Ah got better friends over at the farm!” Applejack gagged.

The Crusaders sadly made their leave separate from the older mares. Twilight was so upset about the thought of not only losing Spike, but, also the thought of letting Equestria fall under Discord’s reign.

“It’s over,” she said sadly. “I’ve failed not only Spike, but, all of Equestria, too. I’m a terrible mother and an even worse wielder of my Element of Harmony.” She shed a tear and lost her coloration.

Meanwhile, the Crusaders sat by a bush, looking at the chaos unfolding.

“Who were we kiddin’ anyhow?” Apple Bloom said. “This whole mess is our fault.”

“We’re not the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Sweetie Belle said sadly. “We’re the Troublesome Trio. I wouldn’t be surprised if Princess Celestia made an exception to her no banishing rule and banished us for all the trouble we caused.”

“You girls lost your sisters,” Scootaloo said. “And worst of all, we lost Spike. Discord won, Twilight and her friends lost. It’s over.”

Suddenly, from the bushes, a familiar claw grabbed the Crusaders’ tails and pulled them in.

“Whoa!” The trio yelped. Once inside the bushes, they were shushed by the owner of the claw, Spike.

“Spike,” Apple Bloom happily whispered. “Yer okay.” The three fillies embraced him with tears running down their cheeks.

“Did Discord hurt you?” Sweetie Belle whispered.

“The worst he did was force me to listen to opera music,” Spike whispered.

“Whoa.” Scootaloo whispered. Then, she remembered. “You wouldn’t have been captured by him if it weren’t for us. In fact, all of this is because of us.”

“Girls,” Spike whispered. “I don’t blame you for anything. Did you honestly plan for all this to happen?”

“Well,” Apple Bloom whispered. “No, we didn’t.”

“Still,” Sweetie Belle whispered. “Discord wouldn’t’ve known about you if we hadn’t mentioned you around him.”

“Discord probably would’ve learned about me with or without you,” Spike whispered.

“Plus,” Scootaloo whispered. “Our random bust of fighting helped free him more. Normally, we wouldn’t fight for any serious reason, but, this time, it felt like I wanted to seriously hurt my friends.”

“Was there a crack on Discord’s statue when you saw it?” Spike whispered.

“I…” Sweetie Belle began. Then, she remembered. “Don’t remember, but, it doesn’t matter now. Twilight’s been corrupted, too.”

Spike noticed the fillies slowly losing their coloration. “Girls, listen to me!” he said in his normal volume. The coloration loss stopped at their necks as they turned their attention to him. “You can sit here and have a pity party all day, but, it won’t fix anything! If you want to make up for what you’ve done, help me find my mom and bring her back to her senses! Shining Armor’s too busy keeping a force field around Canterlot to help right now, so, it’s all on us.”

The fillies took in Spike’s words. Slowly, their coloration returned as a newfound sense of determination came over them.

“Yer right, Spike,” Apple Bloom said. “If we continue ta mope ‘round here, we’ll never fix anythin’!”

They made their way to the Golden Oak Library.

Meanwhile, Twilight was looking at herself in the mirror shamefully.

“Princess Celestia chose the wrong pony to help,” she said sadly. “I thought I studied enough and was close enough to my friends. But, Spike is gone and the elements don’t work well under my influence.” She looked at her reflection. “Worst of all, I failed Spike.” She saw her coloration return for a split second. Under her Discorded state, she didn’t give a second thought to it.

Just then, the Golden Oak Library’s front door slammed open. Spike rushed up the stairs to his and Twilight’s room.

“Mom!” Spike exclaimed, tears of joy in his eyes. He embraced the mare.

“Spike?” Twilight said. She then looked in her mirror to see her coloration return completely at the mention of his name. Mentioning Spike’s name is what it took? she internally asked before she came to a realization. Wait, it happened with Rarity and Fluttershy when they were first found in the maze! I just wasn’t paying attention! Then, this means…

Twilight could finally see the solution.

“Spike!” Twilight said aloud happily. “It’s you! You’re the key to fixing all of this!” She happily danced around while ecstatically hugging the little drake. “Oh, you beautiful little dragon! You can bring our friends back!”

“Me?” Spike asked.

“The mere mention of your name was able to free the others for a split second,” Twilight explained. “Your physical presence freed me for good! So, if the others see that you’re really okay and in plain sight, that should bring them out of their discorded state!” She nuzzled and kissed the little dragon. “There’s still a chance to fix things!”

“Wow,” Spike said. “I guess Discord made a mistake when he freed me.”

Twilight and the fillies were surprised. “He let you go?!”

“He didn’t think my freedom would make a difference at this point,” Spike explained.

Smiling with newfound confidence, Twilight embraced Spike once again. “Well, he was wrong. You really did make a difference and you gave me just what I needed to save Equestria!” She then placed Spike on her back. “Come on, guys!” She set off with the Crusaders following.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Big McIntosh was digging in the cornfield acting like a dog, while Granny Smith was tap dancing just outside the barn. The gray-toned Applejack was lounging on the side of the barn eating granny smith apples, telling an elaborate fib.

“So, ah tried ta stop Discord,” she lied. “But, mah so-called friends wouldn’t lend even a hoof ta help me.” She followed up with a gag.

Twilight, the Crusaders, and Spike made their way there.

“Applejack!” Spike called. “We’re here to help bring you out of this!”

Applejack could see Spike clear as day before the little dragon embraced her, restoring her coloration.

“What happened?” Applejack said, shaking off the funny feeling she had in her head. “Twilight, Spike!” She then sighed dismally. “Ah’m awful sorry ah lied ta ya. Ah saw a vision of us feudin’ n’ fightin’. Ah also saw Spike was gone. Ah didn’t want ta face the truth, so ah started tellin’ lies. Can ya ever forgive me?”

“It was Discord’s influence that made you act that way,” Spike said. “That was his plan: splitting you all up so he could corrupt you one by one.”

“So, you didn’t need to apologize, Applejack,” Twilight said comfortingly. “Come on. I’ll need your help.”

They made their way to Fluttershy’s cottage, where the discorded pegasus was shamelessly abusing animals.

“Boy,” Spike said. “Discord’s influence really did a number on her.”

“Applejack,” Twilight said. “Could you use your rope to hogtie Fluttershy?”

“Ah sure can, Twi,” Applejack said before she readied her lasso.

The farm mare managed to lasso the pegasus’ hooves while Twilight and the fillies held her steady. Spike made his way to Fluttershy and embraced her, returning her coloration.

“Oh, dear!” Fluttershy said suddenly. “Oh, I’m so sorry, my little animal friends! I don’t know what came over me!” She then saw Spike. “Oh, Spike! I’m so glad you’re okay!” She nuzzled the little dragon’s left cheek as Applejack untied her.

“A-okay, Fluttershy,” Spike smiled. “You guys still have friends to help.”

They made their way to Carousel Boutique, where Rarity was caressing “Tom.”

“It’s you and me against the world, Tom!” Rarity cackled with greedy delight.

“Rarity!” Spike’s voice called. The fashionista turned around in time to see the little drake tackle-hug her tightly, restoring her coloration.

“Spikey-wikey~!” Rarity exclaimed lovingly.***

“Huh?” Spike said in confusion. “Isn’t that the nickname Pinkie—” Spike didn’t get the chance to finish as Rarity tightly hugged his face into her chest.

“You’re safe, you little darling!” Rarity said with tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.

“Yeph,” Spike said, his voice slightly muffled. “Not vaff I’m dot happih tuh phee you again, buff…”

Rarity caught the hint and gave Spike room to breathe. Suddenly, a question crossed her mind. “How did you escape?”

“Believe it or not,” Spike said. “Discord actually let me go.”

“That mischievous beast?” Rarity gasped. “He let you go?”

“He didn’t think my freedom would make a difference at this point,” Spike said.

“Well, it did,” Rarity said. She nuzzled Spike closely. “It made a world of difference.”

“Maybe we should do something about that rock?” Spike said as he pointed to “Tom.”

Rarity looked at the rock, blushing as red as a beet with embarrassment. She and Applejack then rolled it out of her boutique. “Let us never speak of this again.”

“Noted,” Sweetie Belle said.

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was sulking in the corner of her room.

“Stupid decorations,” Pinkie grumbled. “Dumb streamers and lousy balloons.”

Spike made his way into the room.

“I’m not sure if this is better or worse than last time,” Spike noted. He then made his way to Pinkie and gently rubbed her belly.

Pinkie glanced at Spike. The sight of the light purple drake before her and the ticklish sensation from him rubbing her belly caused her coloration to restore in a flash and she huggled him happily.

“Little Spikey-Wikey’s okay!” she declared.

“I sure am,” Spike responded. “And your friends and I have come to cheer you up.”

“All that’s left is Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said.

“With her,” Scootaloo said. “You’ll be able to do this right.”

“I know where she is,” Spike said.

“Lead the way, Spike!” Pinkie said triumphantly. She then pretended to do the trumpet sound that represents, “Charge!”

Spike led the ponies to a single cloud where Rainbow was.

“Rainbow!” Applejack called up. “We need yer help!”

The speedster pegasus was dismissive.

“Whatevs,” Rainbow said nonchalantly. “Cloudsdale is my responsibility now.”

“How can she think that one cloud is Cloudsdale?” Rarity asked.

“The same way ya thought that big ol’ rock was a bona fide diamond,” Applejack said with a sassy look on her face.

Rarity was not amused. “I thought we agreed never to speak of that again…”

“Okay, time for plan B,” Spike said. “Fluttershy, carry me up and drop me on Rainbow.”****

“I’ll do my best,” Fluttershy said. She gently picked up the little drake and flew above Rainbow. “Ready?”

Spike nodded and Fluttershy released him. The dragon landed right on top of Rainbow. The speedster’s coloration returned as she shook off the disorientation.

“Huh?” Rainbow said. “What happened?” She then gasped. “What’s going on?! Is Ponyville okay? We got to stop Discord!” She then saw Spike on top of her. “Oh, uh, I better make sure you’re back safely on the ground.” She gently brought Spike down. “Wait, how’d you escape?”

“I didn’t,” Spike said. “Discord let me go, thinking my freedom wouldn’t change anything.”

“Looks like that’s the third mistake Discord made,” Rainbow said.

“We’ll discuss the first two later,” Twilight said. “For now, we’ve got work to do.” She levitated each of the elements to their respective mares.

With the draconequus, he was sitting on his throne watching the chaos he created around him. Though, Spike’s words were beginning to resonate with him.

Show me a creature that goes along with the stereotypes he’s labeled with, Discord heard in his head. I’ll show you a creature that’s run out of good ideas. Discord also remembered Spike saying that what he’s doing now will make ponies judge him more.

“What’s the use?” Discord said at last. “All of this beautiful wonderful chaos isn’t going to make me happy. But, I’ve come too far to turn back now.”*****

“And we’re putting a stop to that, Discord!” Twilight’s voice called.

“Oh,” Discord said, seeing Twilight’s friends had broken free of his spell. “I was expecting you girls. I see you reunited with Spike as well.”

“That’s right,” Applejack said. “The li’l feller did make a difference! He freed us from yer spell!”

“Well,” Discord said. “Before my inevitable imprisonment, did you learn a ‘friendship lesson’ from all of this?”

The mares didn’t know what to make of the question.

“During my freedom,” Discord said. “I’ve come to learn that Twilight here writes a letter to Celestia saying what you’ve learned about friendship.” He then sat calmly. “So, I ask again. Did you learn a friendship lesson from all of this?”

Twilight cleared her throat.

“Actually, I did,” Twilight answered. “I’ve learned that friendship isn’t always easy, but, there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for.”

“Celestia could learn a thing or two from you,” Discord said. “Well, go ahead. Fire away.”

“Okay, girls,” Twilight said to her friends. “Let’s show him what friendship can really do!”

As the mares focused their energy, the elements began creating the very rainbow that purified Nightmare Moon. The rainbow shone upon Discord, who slowly turned to stone while sitting in a pose that showed neither pride nor fear. Before his head was petrified, he cast one last look at Spike. “Well played, kiddo,” he said.

The Rainbow of Harmony then surrounded Ponyville, causing everything to return to its normal state, erasing Discord’s influence.

Once the mares opened their eyes, they saw the pose Discord ended up petrified in.

“That’s sure different from the pose we saw him make before on our field trip,” Sweetie Belle said.

“It looks like…” Fluttershy said. “Like he’s accepted his fate.”

“Ah wonder why he did,” Applejack pondered.

“I have a pretty good idea,” Spike said. “Discord and I have a similar story. Ponies judged us before they even knew us. If I didn’t have you girls, I could just as easily have ended up like him.”

“So,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord had friends that stayed with him, he wouldn’t have caused all of this trouble.”

“Despite everything,” Spike said. “I felt sorry for Discord.”

If that’s how he feels, Fluttershy thought to herself. I can only imagine how Celestia, Luna, and Canis feel.

Suddenly, Spike felt a message coming. “Heads up!”

The ponies cleared a path as Spike belched an emerald green flame with a scroll. Twilight caught it with her magic and read it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle and friends,

Discord’s influence across Equestria has subsided. To commemorate your victory, report to Canterlot as soon as possible.

Princess Celestia.

Make sure to bring Spike this time. I have something very special to give him.

“Well,” Twilight said. “We better go up to Canterlot.” Spike climbed onto Twilight’s back. “Are you sure you’re ready to go?”

“After everything that happened,” Spike said. “I don’t care what those elitists have to say about me.”

Soon, the six mares and Spike arrived in Canterlot. There was a ceremony for the defeat of Discord.

“Citizens of Canterlot and Ponyville,” announced Princess Celestia. “We are gathered here today in celebration of these six mares and this young drake. Thanks to their bravery, valor and friendship, they were able to defeat Discord, encase him in his stone prison, and save Equestria from his chaotic reign!”

“Get that beastly cretin out of here!” an elitist shouted. Luna was having none of that and shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Ignorant fool!” she shouted. “That corrosive mindset is what made Discord the tyrant he was long ago and continued to be recently! Have you learned nothing from Blueblood’s example?!”

The elitist was left shocked. She then cleared her throat and sincerely apologized to Spike. Celestia then levitated Spike for all the ponies to see.

“This young drake,” Celestia said. “Has faced the same discrimination as Discord most of his life and had every reason to join him against ponykind. Yet, he didn’t. He resisted the temptations Discord couldn’t and was instrumental in his defeat.”

The ponies took this in. Slowly, but, surely, ponies began to applaud for Spike.

“In light of this victory,” Celestia continued. “I wish to make an announcement I’ve put off for too long.”

Huh? Spike thought. What could it be?

“How many of you are familiar with the Tale of the Two Sisters?” Celestia asked. “Besides Twilight.”

Various voices muttered from the crowd.

“The two sisters of that very story are right here,” Luna said. “Celestia was the elder sister to raise the sun to begin the day, while I was the younger sister who brought the moon to begin the night. I was the one who turned resentful and bitter from ponies shunning and sleeping through the night I brought.”

“The objects used to defeat Nightmare Moon,” Celestia said. “Were the Elements of Harmony, which are now harnessed by the six young mares before us. Pinkie Pie, ever optimistic and energetic, represents the Element of Laughter. Rarity, who strives to bring out the inner beauty of others, represents the Element of Generosity. Rainbow Dash, who never leaves her friends behind, represents the Element of Loyalty. Applejack, ever diligent, represents the Element of Honesty. Fluttershy, gentle and patient, represents the Element of Kindness. And finally, my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, represents the most important element of all, the Element of Magic.”

The ponies in the audience were captivated.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Princess Celestia,” Spike said. “What does this have to do with me?”

“As for Spike,” Celestia announced. “I regret that I’m unable to create a new physical Element of Harmony for him to wield, but, as a reward for his part in reuniting the elements, I shall do the next best thing.” She materialized a golden medallion with a heart-shaped emerald encrusted in it on a red velvet lanyard around Spike’s neck. “I give him the Medallion of Unity.”******

“The Medallion of Unity?” Twilight said with a smile. “That suits him perfectly.”

Spike looked at his medallion, humbled by receiving it. “Thank you, your highness,” Spike said, genuflecting before the sun princess.

“As of this moment,” Celestia decreed. “Spike is an honorary member of the Guardians of Harmony.”

Guardians of Harmony sounds nice, Pinkie thought to herself. I still like my idea of us being called the Mane Six, though, but, I’ll take it because Spike makes us seven and he doesn’t have a mane.

After the ceremony, Spike looked at his medallion with tears rolling down his cheeks, something the guardians noticed.

“Spike,” Twilight said. “Are you alright?”

“I haven’t felt this welcomed since the day we moved to Ponyville, mom,” Spike said.

Twilight couldn’t help but also shed tears of joy as she hugged her drake son.

“You’ve definitely earned this recognition, darling,” Rarity said before sighing sadly. “Unfortunately, I imagine there’s still ponies that won’t recognize your worth regardless.”

“Even if there are,” Spike said to her. “I know I can count on the ponies and other magical creatures like Canis that will. I can promise you that I’m never going to be like Discord was when he let prejudice get the better of him, no matter what.”

“And we’re never going to let you give in to prejudice,” Fluttershy said.

The six mares embraced their beloved drake.

“From now on,” Twilight said. “If we end up going somewhere you don’t want to go, I’m leaving you with a competent sitter.”

“I believe I can fulfill that requirement,” Luna’s voice called. The friends turned to see the princess of the night standing before them.

“Thank you, Princess Luna,” Twilight smiled. “But, what about your responsibilities?”

“Those take place during the night,” Luna explained. “I have an abundance of free time during the day, which is when you’re more likely to go anywhere.”

“That’s true,” Twilight said, considering this. “If you feel you’re up for it, then, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind. I considered asking Cadence, but, upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that you would relate to Spike better. No disrespect to Cadence, of course.”

“Of course,” Luna said. She then gave Spike a gentle rub on the top of his head. “This young drake holds a kindness I’ve not seen from dragons in a long time.”

“Well,” Spike smiled. “I do have my mom and her family to thank for nurturing that aspect.” He then remembered something. “Uh, Princess Luna?”

“Yes, Spike?” Luna responded.

“Before you were sent to the moon,” Spike asked. “Were there dragons that could use their fire breath to send or receive scrolls?”

“In all honesty, Spike,” Luna said. “No. At least, not as far as I’ve seen. It’s quite possible that such dragons appeared during my exodus, thus, preventing me from knowing.”

“I see,” Spike said. “So, I’m still proving to be one of a kind unless I hear otherwise.”

Twilight gently pet Spike. “You’ll always be one of a kind to me, Spike,” she said.

Spike embraced his mother figure tightly. Knowing he contributed to saving Equestria made him feel like he truly belonged.

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

*Dialogue by Comickook.

**Dialogue by Solar Rocker.

***Yes, Rarity uses the nickname earlier than canon. Sue me.

****A good way to trim Rainbow's healing down to be as long as the others'.



Shoutout to Comickook and Solar Rocker for their ideas.

Also, minor note: production on the next chapter will begin next week.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.