• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 17: The Last Roundup (S2:E14)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 17: The Last Roundup

Two weeks after Pinkie foalsat for the Cakes, a currently hatless Applejack was practicing her rodeo routine in preparation for an upcoming competition in Canterlot. She knew she would need to step up her game because the rodeo competition being held in Canterlot was guaranteed to attract the best of the best. A title that Applejack was thoroughly convinced she belonged to.

“Get ready,” Granny Smith said to the side of her. “Get set… go!”

Applejack, knowing complacency to be the worst enemy of an athlete, practiced every day she could before the rodeo, determined to get her routine down to memory and polished to perfection. The test audience was Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Caramel (who was entrusted with Applejack’s hat while she practiced) while Granny Smith coached her eldest granddaughter. They all enjoyed watching Applejack strut her stuff, but, Caramel enjoyed it the most. To him, it looked as if Applejack was making a dancing art out of it.

“Wow~” Caramel said aloud, softly. “She really is one of the most amazing ponies I’ve ever met.”

“N’ she trusted ya with her hat,” Apple Bloom said. “She barely lets me touch the brim.”

“Would you like it if anypony touched your bow?” Caramel asked.

Apple Bloom had to admit she didn’t like the idea.

“Yeah, ah guess not,” Apple Bloom admitted.

“Go, AJ, go!” Big Mac hollered. Though he didn’t speak much, he was one to give out a supportive cheer for his family.

Applejack practiced those two weeks and was at it yet again on the day before the rodeo, trying to get in what practice she still could in order to make sure she was as ready as possible. Her whole routine worked well, aside from lightly bumping against a wooden fence during a jump.

“That was yer fastest time yet,” Granny Smith said, holding up a stopwatch.

“You’re sure to knock everypony’s hats off at the Equestria Rodeo competition in Canterlot tomorrow!" Caramel said. “Oh, that reminds me.” He trotted up to Applejack and bowed his head so she could take the hat off it.

“Thanks, Caramel,” Applejack smiled as she took her own stetson off of Caramel’s head. “Ah knew ah could count on ya ta keep it safe.” She then held it to the side of hers and Caramel’s faces and gave him a kiss on the lips before putting it back on her head. “N’ ah sure hope that ah’ll do mah best.”

“What do ya mean ya hope so?” Apple Bloom asked. “We know so! Yer the ten time rodeo champeen o’ Ponyville! Ya got more blue ribbons ‘n anypony ah ever met! N’ we can’t wait to see how many more blue ribbons ya bring home after ya compete in Canterlot’s rodeo!”

Applejack could only blush. It had been a dream of hers to be a rodeo champion, and being invited to the one in Canterlot was a big step towards making that dream a reality. What she couldn't have known was that this dream was going to turn into a nightmare. And not just for herself, but, for her friends and family as well.

Later that day, all of Ponyville gathered at the town hall to send Applejack off in anticipation of what they expected would be a surefire victory for her.

Rainbow Dash was currently hanging a banner high above, which depicted Applejack's likeness. However, just as she was about to hammer a nail into place, a sudden lightning bolt zapped past her, lightly singing the tip of her tail. It took her all of two seconds to deduce where it came from. “Now, careful, Derpy,” Rainbow said. It was indeed Derpy Hooves, the wall-eyed Pegasus. “Don’t want to do any more damage than you’ve already done.” She gestured a hoof to the town hall proper, which had been damaged earlier by lightning bolts from Derpy's cloud (accidentally, of course).

“I just don’t know what went wrong,” Derpy explained as she was bouncing on a lighting-filled nimbus. But, this resulted in Derpy herself being jolted by a lightning surge from inside the cloud.

Rainbow could only mutter under her breath. "Yeah, it's a real mystery," she muttered to herself. If not for the fact that nopony else would volunteer on such short notice, she would've gotten somepony less... clumsy. Oh, she knew Derpy meant well, but, unfortunately, the wall-eyed mare's reputation preceded her (she wasn't as bad when it came to delivering mail, though).

“Nice work, Rainbow Dash,” Derpy smiled as she flew backwards towards Rainbow. But, because she didn’t see where she was going behind her, she bumped into a wooden pillar that was supporting what used to be the town hall roof. It collapsed and started hurtling towards the ground, but, Rainbow flew into action to save it before it caused too much damage.

Rainbow, having lost all patience, put the pillar down. “You know what, Derpy? Just leave. You don’t have to go home, but, you can’t stay here!” she scolded.*

“Oh…” Derpy said sadly. “Okay…” She fluttered gently onto the ground and walked away from Rainbow slowly.

“I need to have my head examined for relying on her,” Rainbow said. “Every time I get ‘help’ from her, I get a bigger problem.” She then saw that the banner had fallen to the ground.

Rainbow flew up to reapply the banner to the Town Hall. However, she ended up hanging it unevenly. She kept trying to correct it as a crowd gathered.

“How come you’re doing that yourself?!” Twilight called from the ground.

“It’s all because my one volunteer is a total featherbrain!” Rainbow said.

Spike wasn’t having that. “You’re hardly in any position to criticize her with all those stunts you did,” he said.

“Besides,” Fluttershy said. “You don’t like it when Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score bully you. So, what makes you think it’s okay to bully Derpy when she was only trying to help? I can tell you right now that you’re being just as bad as them. Is that what you want? To be a bully?”

Rainbow thought about this. She knew that she lost her cool with Derpy.

“Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt too much to let her help,” Rainbow said. She then started to call out. “Hey, Der-” Just before Rainbow could finish, Derpy flew up to the cyan pegasus, her happy composure regained. “-py. Okay, you can help me put the banner on. But, I need you to follow my instructions.”

“Okay~” Derpy smiled. She was just happy to be doing something to help.

As they worked, the crowd grew. They were all busy stomping their hooves on the ground and chanting "Applejack!" over and over again.

“Everypony and Spike,” Mayor Mare said from her podium. “Can I get everypony’s attention please? Attention, please!” The crowd fell into a hush almost on cue. "I know you're all excited, I am too. We are all here to send Applejack to compete in this year's Equestria Rodeo competition in Canterlot. I know she'll do us proud."

The crowd stomped and cheered for Applejack, who smiled modestly.

Mayor Mare let the cheers ring out for a bit before shushing the crowd once more. "And I want to personally thank Applejack in advance for generously offering up her prize money to fix town hall. Far better than having to dip into the emergency fund, wouldn't you all agree?"

“Yeah, Applejack!” Derpy cheered. “Whoo-hoo!”

Meanwhile, down below, Pinkie Pie shouted out from the crowd. "Speech! Speech! I want to hear a speech!"

“Aw, shucks,” Applejack said modestly. “Ah ain’t much fer makin’ speeches.”

Pinkie happily obliged. "Okay then, no speech. I'll go!"

“But-” Applejack began, causing Pinkie to return to her place in the crowd. “Ah want ta thank all y’all fer such a kind sendoff. Y’all have been cheerin’ me on fer every rodeo since ah was a filly, so, it seems only fittin’ ta use mah winnins’ ta fix up town hall.”

A short time later, all gathered at the train station to see Applejack off. The rodeo was slated to begin in less than half a day now.

"Now, Applejack, don't y’all worry 'bout me. Ah can hold down the farm just fine ‘til ya git back," Granny Smith told her granddaughter. "So, no excuses, ah want ya ta show all them highfalutin’ rodeo ponies what a real rodeo pony's like! Show 'em Ponyville's not ta be taken lightly."

“With pleasure, Granny,” Applejack smiled.

Mayor Mare came trotting up at that very moment, shoving Granny Smith aside. "And bring back all that money! Ponyville's counting on you!"

“Ah won’t let Ponyville down, Mayor,” Applejack smiled. “Yer like a ma ta me ever since ma n’ pop passed on, so, ah won’t let ya down, neither.”

Pinkie Pie then added, "And have fun, that's most important. Oh, and don't be nervous. Or if you are, use all that nervous energy to do even better than you already would! And eat peanuts and popcorn and taffy. Taffy gives you lots of nervous energy!" She proceeded to munch on a bag of the sugary snacks that she had somehow obtained without anyone noticing.

“How did you-” Twilight started before cutting herself off. “You know what, the answers would probably confuse me more.”

Caramel took a simpler approach. "Applejack, just do your best. Win or lose, I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun." He nuzzled his marefriend.

“Thank ya, Caramel,” Applejack smiled. Then, with confidence, she said, “Ah’ll do better ‘n mah best. Y’all sure ya don’t want ta come ta Canterlot ta cheer me on?”

“Believe me, honeycrisp, nothing would thrill me more,” Caramel said. “But, we’re needed to plan the welcome home party when you get back. Pinkie Pie insisted.”

Twilight stepped up. “If you should happen to see my parents while you're at the rodeo, tell them I said hello."

“Ah will, Twilight,” Applejack said. “From both y’all n’ Spike.”

Just then, the conductor called out, "Last call for the express to Canterlot! All passengers please board now!"

“Sounds like that’s me,” Applejack said. “See y’all soon.” And with her valediction set, she boarded the train with the little luggage she had. As the train left, Applejack waved goodbye.

"See ya in a week, AJ!" Rainbow was the first to call out.

“With lots o’ shiny blue ribbons!” Apple Bloom called.

"And don't forget all that money!" Mayor Mare chimed in with a smile that seemed a bit too big to be as sincere as she wanted it to be.

“And drink plenty of sarsaparilla!” Pinkie called. This resulted in her getting odd looks. “What? It gives you plenty of sass. It says so on the bottle.”

The week passed rather quickly, soon it was the day when Applejack was slated to come back home to Ponyville with her ribbons and her winnings.

Spike was helping the Guardians of Harmony that stayed behind set up for the party. “I’ve been thinking,” he said.

“Yes, Spike?” Twilight replied.

“Applejack knows that this party’s happening, right?” Spike said.

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “Caramel told her. It’s a welcome home party, not a surprise party.”

“Then, why does Pinkie keep insisting we treat it like a surprise?” Spike asked.

“Because after what happened with her surprise birthday party last year,” Rainbow said. “We all agreed that it’s best she throws the next surprise party.”

“You were at a therapy session with Princess Luna when it happened,” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, that makes sense.” Spike said.

But, no sooner had they finished hanging up the banner in the barn than did Granny Smith enter with a rather pronounced frown upon her face. She had in her hooves what appeared to be a small letter of some kind. "Everypony, Spike, Ash, ah hate ta burst yer bubble, but, Applejack's not comin' back."

The news set off of a chorus of gasps from all gathered, and some even began to whisper to themselves about it. Apple Bloom frantically demanded. "What’dya mean she's not comin' back, Granny? Somethin' happen ta her?"

“No,” Granny Smith explained. “But, she said that she’ll be sendin’ money our way.”

“And?” Caramel said.

Granny Smith's lip quivered, as if she knew more than she was letting on. But, the elderly mare answered. "Ah'm sorry, she sent another letter the day before tellin' me everythin'. But, she also said that if ah let her not come home, ah'd have ta promise not ta tell any o’ y'all why. She just wanted ta make sure everypony here got the news, the mayor included. That way she won't come here, breathin' down our necks ‘bout the money."

“What?!” Rainbow said in alarm. “This is so not like Applejack!”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “This doesn’t make sense. Ponyville’s her home. Why wouldn’t she want to come back?”

“I don’t know, Spike,” Twilight said.

"Maybe she was kidnapped?" Fluttershy wondered aloud.

"Or maybe she got sick or hurt at the rodeo?" Rarity pondered. "She did work herself to the bone apple bucking once. And you know how stubborn she can get."

"Well ah can tell ya this much," Granny Smith told the five mares. "She was fit as a fiddle when she sent the letters, so she's just fine n’ dandy."

Immediately, Twilight made up her mind. "Well, whatever her reason is, it's silly that she couldn't come back to Ponyville and tell us personally! Something must've happened to make her not want to come back and we're going to find out what it is!" She looked at Granny Smith and inquired. "Did she say where she was going after the rodeo? Is she still in Canterlot?"

Granny Smith shook her head again. "She ain't in Canterlot, she left town as soon as the rodeo packed up." She squinted at the letter. "My eyesight ain't what it used ta be, but, ah know ah can make out the words 'Dodge Junction.' Don't know if she'll still be there by the time ya take a train out there, though."

“We’ll search there,” Twilight said.

“Ah’m goin’, too,” Big Mac said. “Don’t want a repeat o’ the hospital situation.**”

“Hospital situation?” Spike asked.

“It’s why ah don’t talk much no more,” Big Mac said.

“Caramel and Spike should come, too,” Twilight said. “They can talk sense into Applejack when others fail.”

“Ah’m comin’ too!” Apple Bloom said with determination. “Ah’ll do anythin’ ta make sure mah big sister comes home!”

“Ah can’t go,” Granny Smith said. “Ah have ta keep Sweet Apple Acres goin’. Ash, yer helpin’ with the applebuckin’.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ash nodded. He rushed out of the barn. Shortly afterwards, there was a clatter of noise from outside, accompanied by Ash repeatedly grunting in pain. The ponies looked out to see Ash remove himself from a knocked over pile of lumber. “Ow…”

“I’ll, uh, make sure ta dress his wounds,” Granny said. “Come back as soon as ya can.”

“Let’s get going,” Twilight said.

With sheer determination, the Guardians of Harmony, Big Mac, Caramel, and Apple Bloom ventured out of Sweet Apple Acres to the train station. It would be a long ride from Ponyville to Dodge Junction. Granny Smith watched them all disappear into the distance as she commented to herself, "Our little bushel just lost one apple." She then wiped a tear from her eyes.

They all booked the first train they could to Dodge Junction, but, it was a very long trip to get there since it was far beyond the reaches of any established city or town in Equestria. Even Appleloosa was more populated than it. As they rode the train, the friends conversed with each other, even with Pinkie fidgeting with discomfort.

"I hope this isn't a wild goose chase or anything," Rainbow Dash commented with concern. "I'd hate to get here and find out she's already gone somewhere else. Especially after we promised to bring her back."

“Applejack is our friend,” Twilight said. “And Big Mac and Apple Bloom’s sister. Even if it means we have to travel to the edge of Equestria, we’ll make sure she’s back in Ponyville safe and sound.”

"I just hope she's in a mood to talk to us so we can get some answers," Fluttershy commented back. "I don't know how we'd break it to Granny Smith if we failed.”

"I don't know how we'll break it to Ponyville if that happens!" Twilight remarked in a worried tone of voice.

"I don't know how I'll make it to the next stop!” Pinkie blurted.

“You should’ve gone before we left,” Spike said.

“And perhaps toned it down a bit on all of that sarsaparilla,” Rarity added.

Just then, Twilight happened to look out the window and spotted a rather small train station. "Well, this is it, everypony and Spike. This is Dodge Junction. Applejack came here after the rodeo, so, let's fan out and look for her," she declared as they all exited the train car, only for Pinkie to zip past them all. "After Pinkie takes care of personal matters." And she told her pink coated friend. "Make it quick, Pinkie."

“Oh, pickles!” Pinkie called. She then found a nearby outhouse and knocked on the door impatiently. “Is anypony in there? I really need to go!”

Soon there came the sound of a flush and the outhouse door swung open as its occupant exited. "Alright, alright, ah'm done," an earth pony with a familiar orange coat grumbled. "Some ponies. Sheesh."

“Thank you, Applejack,” Pinkie said as she went into the outhouse. But, after a brief pause, she came back out. “Applejack?! I found you!” She immediately remembered what she was doing. “Uh, hold that thought.” She immediately shut the door.

“Pinkie?” Applejack asked in confusion.

"Oh, Applejack, thank goodness." Rarity exclaimed in relief.

“We’re mighty glad ta see ya, Applejack!” Apple Bloom said, hugging her big sister.

"We're so glad you're okay, we thought something awful happened to you," Fluttershy added.

“Now that we found you,” Caramel said. “We can bring you back to Ponyville.”

Applejack tried to put on the best smile she could under the circumstances. Ah can't believe they came all the way out here. They weren't supposed ta. They can't know why ah'm here, nopony but Granny Smith can! she thought to herself and began to think of how to shoo her friends away before they could get a confession out of her. "Hey, everypony, Spike, good ta see y’all again. Let me guess, Granny Smith told y’all ‘bout the letter ah sent."

“Of course she did,” Spike said. “Now, what’s going on? It’s not like you to just abandon Ponyville and your family.”

“Yes,” Rarity said. “I mean, we can understand a visit to see family from out of town, but, we don’t know of anypony from your family here. Why come to such a remote area like this?”

At that moment, Pinkie emerged from the outhouse, having taken care of her earlier need from drinking so much sarsaparilla. "What they said," she commented and then asked. "Hey, do you have any snacks? I'm starving."

“Ah don't got no snacks n’ it ain't yer business ta know why ah'm here. Ah don't recall askin' fer ya ta form a search party," Applejack bluntly replied. "As y’all can see, ah'm just fine."

Twilight refused to take no for an answer. "Applejack, please. We didn't come here to be told no. It's not like to you just abandon Ponyville for no reason. All we want to know is why you're not coming back," she proceeded to plead. "Please, we need an answer. Tell us what happened. Maybe we can help."

Before Applejack could answer, a mostly unfamiliar voice called out. The voice was familiar to Applejack, though. “Applejack?” the voice called. “Are those some o’ the Ponyville friends ya were tellin’ me ‘bout?” The owner of the voice was a very pale yellow earth pony mare with a mane and tail in two different shades of moderate crimson, light pistachio eyes with pale, light grayish crimson eyeshadow, a Cutie Mark depicting a pair of cherries with a leaf at the top, a pink scarf, and a yellow hair band with cherries all over it. A large beauty mark was on her left cheek under her eye.

“We are,” Twilight answered.

“And who might you be?” Rarity asked politely.

The earth pony happily replied. "Why, ah'm Cherry Jubilee, boss o’ Cherry Hill Ranch here in Dodge Junction. Hasn't Applejack told ya yet? I saw her compete at the Equestria Rodeo. Never saw anypony win so many ribbons in all mah life. Not bad fer an up n’ comin' rodeo star."

“Aww, shush,” Applejack said modestly.

“Ah knew mah big sis would win a lot o’ blue ribbons!” Apple Bloom said happily.

Cherry Jubilee was confused. “Blue ribbons?” she asked, only for Applejack to nudge her with one of her front knees. “Oh, erm, don’t be so modest, Applejack. Anyway, ah knew ah could use a pony like her, so, ah offered her a job at mah orchard. Since she told me she needed a change o’ scenery, she was able ta accept the offer.”

“Orchard?” Spike said. “I thought you ran a ranch.”

“Mah pappy couldn’t rightly tell the difference,” Cherry Jubilee admitted.***

“Fair enough,” Spike shrugged. He then considered. “Wait, you don’t have a problem with me being a dragon?”

“Applejack told me ‘bout how ya kept gettin’ the short end o’ the stick,” Cherry Jubilee said. “That kind o’ mistreatment ain’t right whether yer a pony, a dragon, er a purple polka-dotted monkey layin’ eggs on a railroad tie.”

“Wow, thanks,” Spike said. Kind of hard to picture that last thing though, but, I still appreciate her kindness.

“Well, ah reckon ah'll let ya catch up with yer friends,” Cherry Jubilee said to Applejack. “See ya back at the ranch, Applejack." And off she trotted.

Immediately after Cherry Jubilee's departure, Applejack's friends began to press on her again. Rainbow Dash being the first to lodge a question. "'Change of scenery,' huh? That doesn't seem like you at all, AJ. Maybe you're an imposter! Tell us where the real Applejack is and how we can find her!"

“Ah’m the real me,” Applejack said. “Ah’m sorry, y’all, but, ah can’t come home right now. Ah don’t feel at all comfortable in tellin’ ya why, but, trust me when ah say ah need ta stay here fer a while. End o’ story.”

“End of story?” Pinkie asked. “That’s a terrible story!”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “We came all this way to get you.”

"Well that's too bad, but, ah don't recall askin' any o’ y’all ta come lookin' fer me now, did ah?" the farm mare stubbornly retorted as she turned her back to her friends. "Ah'll come back ta Ponyville when ah'm darn good n’ ready, n’ ya can tell that ta Granny Smith, Mayor Mare, n’ anypony else who wants ta know!"

"But, Applejack-" Twilight began.

“No buts!” Applejack exclaimed. "It's nice o’ y’all ta be concerned, but, as ya can see, ah'm just fine. So, go back ta Ponyville, there's nothin' ta see here. Now, if y’all will excuse me, I got ta get back ta work at the orchard." With that, she stormed off towards the Cherry Hill Ranch before they had a chance to protest. When she thought she was alone, she sighed to herself wiping a tear of sorrow from her left eye.

Twilight sighed as she put a hoof to her forehead. "It's just like that apple bucking season when she was trying to prove a point all over again. But, I don't care what she says, there has to be more to it than a change of scenery. She’s clearly not telling us the whole truth.”

“But, there’s clearly something bothering her,” Fluttershy said. “How do we convince her to tell the whole truth?”

“I say we get a job at Cherry Hill Ranch,” Spike said.

“Big Mac, Apple Bloom,” Rarity began to say. “Are you two okay with temporarily working with cherries?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nodded.

“If it’ll help get Applejack home,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah’ll do anythin’!”

“Let’s go for it, guys,” Rainbow said. “We’ll do what we can to make Applejack spill the beans!”

“She doesn’t actually have any beans, Pinkie,” Spike said. “It means tell the truth.”

“I know what it means,” Pinkie said. She paused a bit. “Why did you feel the need to tell me that?”****

“That’s not important right now,” Spike said. “Let’s head to the orchard.”

A short time later, Applejack was trotting into a small sorting room with a conveyor belt powered by a giant wheel that one had to run on.

“Ya ready ta put yer back into it, Applejack?” Cherry Jubilee asked.

“Ah sure am, Miss Jubilee,” Applejack said.

“Good,” Cherry smiled. She then opened a secondary door and the others walked in wearing hair nets and aprons. “Come on in, y’all.”

The farm mare was anything but pleased to see her friends and family from Ponyville come trotting in, each wearing a white hat similar to her own. "What in tarnation’re y'all doin' here? Y’all here ta try n’ wring a confession out o’ me?"

“Actually,” Rarity said. “You made the idea of working in a cherry orchard delightful, so, we decided to give it a try.”

Even without using her Mystic Eyes of Truth, Applejack didn’t believe it for a second. But, since she herself was also telling half truths to her friends and family at that moment, she decided not to ask any follow up questions.

Cherry Jubilee, suspecting nothing, nodded. "Go right ahead. It's not complicated at all. Red cherries go in one bin n’ yellow cherries go in the other. Simple as cherry pie. Oh, just one teensy thing to remember, y’all, have fun!" She trotted away a moment later, leaving Applejack alone with her friends and family.

“I didn’t even know there were such things as yellow cherries,” Spike said.*****

“Neither did ah, ‘til ah came here,” Applejack said. With that, she began to start walking, operating the conveyer belt. “No talkin’ ‘bout Ponyville under any circumstances.”

So, for a short while, the ponies and Spike began to work at sorting the cherries. After a few moments of silence, Twilight ventured to speak.

“So, how was Canterlot?” Twilight asked, earning a suspicious glare from Applejack. “Not talking about Ponyville, a different part of Equestria. That’s not a problem, is it?”

"Nope, ya can talk ‘bout Canterlot ta me all ya want. It was fine," Applejack vaguely answered. "Didn't see yer folks, though. Sorry ‘bout that."

“That checks out,” Twilight said. “My mom’s more into writing adventure novels and thrilling activities like bungee jumping and barrel riding while my dad’s a bingo addict.”

“Was the rodeo fun?” Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes." Applejack vaguely answered again.

“Did you meet any nice ponies there?” Rarity asked.

Yet again, Applejack only vaguely answered. "Met some."

“Like Wild Bull Hickock,” Rainbow added. “Or Calamity Mane?”

“Miss Jubilee was actually the original Calamity Mane from Buffalo Bull’s Amazin’ Wild West Show,” Applejack said.******

“No kidding,” Rainbow said. “So, how’d you find out she has an orchard here?”

That question seemed to get the earth pony flustered a bit, because she began to trot faster on the wheel. "Um, well, Miss Jubilee told me she had a cherry stand at the rodeo. Real good treats, probably some of the best ah ever had."

At this point, Fluttershy, Spike, Caramel, Pinkie, and Big Mac were left at the conveyor belt alone. As Applejack went on talking the cherries started to come down the conveyor belt at a much faster pace. Too fast for them to keep up. "Um, excuse me? A little help here, please?" Fluttershy commented only for her plea to be ignored.

“So,” Applejack continued. “We struck up a good conversation, what with us both bein’ orchard ponies n’ all.”

Sensing an opening, Twilight pressed further. "So, you told her about Sweet Apple Acres, right?"

“Yup,” Applejack answered directly while refusing to say more.

Rainbow Dash took over on the pressing detail. "Did you tell her why you weren't going back to Ponyville? Why you weren't going back to your family and friends?"

“Course not,” Applejack said. “It ain’t none o’ her business. Ain’t none o’ yer business, neither! Ah sent that there telegram fer a reason!" Now, she was starting to run on the wheel, making it move much faster and making it harder for the others to keep up.

Spike tried using his claws to slow the conveyor belt down, but, it wasn’t working. “Applejack, you’re going a little too fast for us!” he said, only to be ignored.

Everypony else was too busy arguing to pay any attention to the chaos unfolding at the sorting station. Applejack's friends were certain they were close to an answer and with just a little bit more pressing, they hoped to get at it. "Come on, is it seriously because I made it rain on you that one time?" Rainbow complained. "I said I was sorry."

"No, it has nothin' ta do with that! Stop lookin' fer an answer where there ain't one!" Applejack complained and started to run faster.

The cherries were moving so fast that sorting them was impossible. Spike’s claws began heating up from the friction. “Slow down!” he called, only to be ignored again.

“Was it because you felt hurt from that book I gave you about organized orchards?” Twilight asked. “I meant that as a gift for your birthday.”

"No, that ain't it either! Ah liked that book! Now let me be!" Applejack demanded as she was running at full speed.

Rarity sighed as she asked. "Or is it because you were insulted when I insulted your mane once?"

Her frustration boiling over, Applejack snapped and shouted at the top of her lungs. "No, no, NO! Yer all wrong n’ ah'm not tellin' ya why, so please just–"

She was cut off by Spike screaming in pain as it was revealed that his claw digits were getting jammed in the conveyor belt. Applejack suddenly stopped, causing an explosion of cherries. The farm mare was annoyed at the mess, but, that faded when she saw Spike’s claw digits stuck in the conveyor belt. Applejack helped to unstick the claws, ensuring that Spike didn’t get more hurt than he already was. The little dragon’s eyes leaked tears from the pain.*******

“Oh, Spike,” Applejack said sadly. “Ah didn’t mean fer ya ta get hurt. Ah’ll take ya ta Miss Jubilee’s washroom. She’s got a first aid kit there.” She lowered herself so Spike could get on. Once she made sure Spike was safely secured, she walked carefully out of the workroom, leaving the other ponies in the cherry-coated mess.

While cleaning up, a distraught Twilight couldn’t help but lament. “Oh, this isn’t going well at all. Spike ended up getting hurt.”

“N’ we didn’t get any answers at all,” Apple Bloom said.

"That's 'cause we're playing way too nice!" Rainbow retorted with a snort. "If Applejack won't tell us, we'll have to make her tell us."

“Oh, no…” Big Mac said. “Ya don’t mean…”

“Oh, I mean it,” Rainbow said. “Time to call in the big cannons.********”

“The big cannons?!” Caramel repeated with a quiver, only to stop and ask. “What’s the big cannons?”

Rainbow focused Caramel’s attention on Pinkie, who was licking up some of the mashed-up cherries. Caramel immediately realized what she meant.

Meanwhile, Applejack was dressing Spike’s injured claw digits.

“That should help make sure they don’t get infected,” Applejack said soothingly. “Ah’m really sorry this happened ta y’all. The last thing ah’d ever want is fer ya ta get hurt over me not winnin’ the money.” Applejack covered her mouth as she realized what she said.

“Wait, that’s why you’re not coming home?” Spike asked.

Applejack knew there was no point beating around the bush now. She sighed and said. “Yes. When Miss Jubilee said that ah won an amazin’ lot o’ ribbons, none o’ them were blue ribbons. Ah came in fourth, third, and even second place, but, not a single first place. Ah thought ah was hot ta trot, but, competin' in that rodeo competition made me realize ah was just a little fish in a big pond. Didn't matter what ah did, ah tried mah best n’ it wasn't enough. So, ya can bet ah didn't win no prize money, ya either come in first er ya get nothin'!"

Spike listened to Applejack pour her heart out into her confession. He didn’t say anything until she was done.

“That does explain a lot,” Spike said. “But, why didn’t you tell everypony else about this? They would have understood and tried to help you.”

“After that big send off,” Applejack said. “It didn’t feel right ta come back empty-hooved. Ah promised ah’d return with the money ta fix the town hall. Ah didn’t want ta be a liar.”

“And you think running away from your problems is going to make things better?” Spike said. “Would you have liked it if Apple Bloom ran away after her performance during the talent show?”

Applejack, after a pause, sighed sadly and said, “No.”

“I won’t tell anypony if you don’t want me to,” Spike said. “But, you have to. Trust me, I’ve tried hiding the truth. It didn’t go well.*********”

“Ah’ll make sure ta tell the others,” Applejack said. “But, ah’m not ready ta just yet.”

“I’ll trust you to tell them,” Spike said. “They’re worried about you.”

“Ah know,” Applejack said. “N’ yer right. Thanks fer not judgin’ me.”

“I know what it’s like to be judged,” Spike said. “I wouldn’t wish that on anypony.”

Applejack, as gently as she could due to Spike’s injuries, hugged Spike.

“Y’know,” Applejack said. “Ah actually do feel a little better now that ah let that out.”

“Uh, could you excuse me for a second?” Spike said. “I kind of need to deal with something private myself.”**********

Applejack let Spike go and allowed him to. She decided to pick some cherries while she was out.

As she was picking, Pinkie bounced up to her.

“Hi, Applejack,” Pinkie squeaked. “Can I help you with the cherry picking?”

“Okay,” Applejack said. “But, no questions. Ah’m still sore ‘bout gettin’ Spike hurt.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie said.

Applejack then began to buck the cherry trees while Pinkie shook down the cherries from a tree.

But, it wasn't long before Pinkie would break that promise, because shaking down the trees to harvest the cherries was quite boring to her. "Have you ever had a cherrychanga?" she asked her friend before realizing her mistake. "Ooh! Sorry, that was a question. Couldn't help myself."

Surprisingly, Applejack didn’t mind. “It’s fine. It was purty silly o’ me ta make that request. Ta answer yer question, no. Ah never had a cherrychanga, whatever that is.”

“Well, no wonder because I just made it up myself,” Pinkie said eagerly. “It’s mashed cherries in a tortilla that’s deep-fried. Cherrychanga! Isn’t that a great name? Ooh, or what if I should call it a chimmicherry instead? That sounds good too! Chimmicherry or cherrychanga? Which do you like better? Ooh, what if I combine them all, chimmicherrychanga! Ooh, I just love funny words. One of my favorite funny words is kumquat. I didn’t make that one up. I would work in a kumquat orchard just so I can say kumquat all day. Kumquat, kumquat, kumquat! Ooh, and pickle barrel. I know that’s two words, but together, they’re fun to say! Pickle barrel, pickle barrel, pickle barrel! All together now! Pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, chimmicherrychanga!”

The constant chatter was too much for Applejack, she could only take so much. The earth pony broke down as her pink coated friend kept on blabbering away. "Gah! Please, make it stop! Ah'll do anythin'! Anythin', ah tell ya!"

Rainbow Dash and the rest of Applejack's friends and family showed up a few seconds later, all wearing ear plugs as Rainbow put a hoof around Pinkie's mouth to muffle her voice. "The only way to make it stop is for you to spill the beans, AJ! So spill 'em!" Rainbow demanded of her friend and on again, off again rival.

“Ah already told Spike ah’d tell y’all,” Applejack said.

Rainbow, somehow able to hear Applejack’s statement even with the ear plugs, gave Pinkie a boop on the nose acting as a makeshift mute button, and Pinkie stopped talking. “You did?” Rainbow asked as she removed an ear plug and the others did likewise. “Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

“How was ah s’posed ta?!” Applejack said. “We were in diff’rent rooms n’ ya decided ta weaponize Pinkie’s chatter on me behind mah back!”***********

“Oh…” Rainbow said, sweating embarrassedly. “Right.”

“Wait,” Pinkie said. “That’s why you wanted me to go help Applejack?” Needless to say, she wasn’t happy. “Are you saying that’s all I’m good for?!”

“Not at all, Pinkie,” Twilight said. She then turned to face Applejack. “So, are you ready to tell us?”

“Ah was,” Applejack said. “Then, ya decided ta pull that on me behind mah back. But, ah will tell y’all when ah’m good n’ ready. Say, tamorra mornin’?”

“That sounds like an excuse,” Rainbow said.

“Ah was ready ta tell y’all taday, but, ya decided ta weaponize Pinkie’s chatter on me behind mah back!” Applejack reiterated.

“That…” Rainbow said before thinking it over. “Is… actually a legit excuse when you put it like that.”

“We’ll trust you to tell us then,” Caramel said. He then gave her an understanding kiss on her face cheek.

“Do you 'Pinkie Promise,' Applejack?” Pinkie asked. “You know a 'Pinkie Promise' is never broken."

“Ah’ll tell y’all everythin’ tamorra,” Applejack said. “Pinkie Promise.” She crossed a hoof over her heart, then closed one of her eyes and put her hoof over that.

Sure enough, Applejack was there at breakfast the following morning even when her friends and family had half expected her to leave the night before. Breakfast itself consisted of little more than oatmeal and some pancakes, along with juice.

“Alright, Applejack,” Rainbow said. “You swore you’d tell the truth, so, spill!”

"We really don't like to pry, but, we want to know why you would abandon Ponyville all of a sudden. It's not like you," Fluttershy commented.

Applejack was shocked at such an accusation. "Abandoned?! Ah don't know where in the world ya go gettin' such a ridiculous idea!" Applejack protested as she slammed a hoof down on the table. "That telegram ah sent ta Granny Smith was quite clear. Ah knew ah had at least ta get her okay before ah could even think o’ doin' any o’ this."

Twilight then demanded. "And why did you decide to ask in a telegram instead of coming back to Ponyville to ask in pony? You're perfectly healthy, nopony's holding you prisoner, and it seems like you did just fine at the rodeo. Applejack, you haven't been telling us the whole truth. Why is that?"

Spike gently urged Applejack to come clean. Instantly, her angered demeanor melted into one of sadness. She then sighed, walking over to a nearby coathanger where her saddle bag rested. She unhooked it and walked towards her friends. She opened the bag to reveal the red, green, and yellow prize ribbons that were inside.************

“This was why,” Applejack said sadly. “Are y’all happy now?”

"I don't get it," Twilight commented as she and her friends all eyed the ribbons that lay scattered upon the ground. "It's like Cherry Jubilee said, you won an amazing number of ribbons."

Apple Bloom got a closer look. “Wait, where’re the blue ribbons?”

“Ah didn’t win any,” Applejack said, tears welling in her eyes. “Ah thought ah was hot ta trot, but, competin' in that rodeo competition made me realize ah was just a little fish in a big pond. Didn't matter what ah did, ah tried mah best n’ it wasn't enough. So, ya can bet ah didn't win no prize money, ya either come in first er ya get nothin'!"

“But,” Twilight said. “Your telegram said you were going to send money.” She considered and then gasped. “Oh! Did you mean that you were going to earn money by working here?”

The farm mare and now washed up rodeo star shamefully admitted. "Yup, ah knew ya'd figure it out eventually, Twilight. Had a feelin' the moment y’all showed up that it was only a matter of time, but, ah thought if ah could send y’all away er give ya the slip, ah could stop it. Guess ah thought wrong."

“So, why didn’t ya tell us in Ponyville?” Big Mac asked. "Why make Granny Smith swear ta secrecy?"

Applejack hung her head, looking down at the ground. "After that big old send off Ponyville gave me, ah just didn't have the nerve ta come home empty-hooved. Ah couldn't come home a failure."

“That’s a load o’ manure, big sis!” Apple Bloom said firmly. “Yer a lot o’ things, but, a failure ain’t one of ‘em.”

“Apple Bloom’s right,” Twilight said. “It doesn’t matter to us if you didn’t come in first place. What mattered to us was that you tried your best.”

“And your family cared that you came back at all,” Caramel said.

“Yeah, Applejack,” Pinkie said. “You’re our friend, and we’re your friends and family. Even if you came in fiftieth place, you’re still number one in our books.”

"Well, that's all fine and dandy, but, what ‘bout the mayor?" Applejack questioned. "Ah promised that all mah prize money would go ta fixin' town hall. How can ah look her in the eyes n’ tell her ah didn't get anythin'?"

“Applejack,” Fluttershy said soothingly. “There is the emergency fund for a reason. Mayor Mare can use some of that to fix the roof. But, if you don’t come back home, we would never fix the hole in our hearts.”

The touching statement seemed to be enough to get even Rainbow Dash to tear up, even as she tried to play it off. “Great, now you got me acting all sappy!”

“Don’t ruin the moment!” Spike scolded.

“Yeah, okay,” Rainbow said, letting the tears flow from her eyes.

Applejack’s friends and family joined her in a group hug.

"So, you ready to come back to Ponyville now?" Twilight asked her friend. "It won't be the same without you."

“Ah am, n’ ready ta stay there,” Applejack said. “Ah’ll have ta talk ‘bout this with Cherry Jubilee first ‘fore we go, though, but, then ah’ll be ready.”

“Ah already heard,” Cherry Jubilee said.

Applejack turned her attention to the crimson-maned mare. “Sorry ta leave so soon after takin’ the job, Miss Jubilee. Hope ya find another strong pony ta work with ya soon.”

“Ta be honest,” Cherry Jubilee said. “Ah never really felt comfortable bein’ part o’ yer ruse in the first place. But, if ya ever sincerely want a change o’ scenery n’ feel like givin' Dodge Junction another shot, just let me know. There'll always be a spot on the orchard fer ya. N’ ah hope ta see ya compete in rodeos again soon."

“Ah’ll think about it,” Applejack said. "Reckon it'll be a while before ah get back in the saddle on the rodeo circuit, though. Ah obviously need ta work on mah game."

“We understand,” Fluttershy said. “But, we have faith that you’ll be able to get back into it.”

“N’ next time ya do,” Apple Bloom smiled. “Ya can bet yer hat that we’ll be cheerin’ ya on!”

On the train ride back to Ponyville, Spike seemed a bit upset.

“What’s the matter, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“This is usually the part where I’m needed to write a friendship report to Princess Celestia,” he said. “But, I can’t do that now, because of this.” He showed off his injured claws.

“Oh, dear,” Twilight said. “And that will take some time to heal, so I can understand why you would feel down about it. Don’t worry. How about I use my magic to write the letter this time and you can take a break to recover. Would that work for you?”

“Yes, thanks, mom,” Spike said.

So, Twilight used her magic to levitate the blank scroll and quill from Spike’s loose scales, turning her attention to Applejack.

“Ready, Applejack?” Twilight asked.

Applejack nodded and cleared her throat. As she spoke, Twilight wrote what she was saying.

Dear Princess Celestia.

It’s a tad easier ta be proud when ya finish first than when ya finish a little further back. But, ah learned that there’s no reason ta hide when ya don’t do as well as ya hoped. Ya can’t run away from yer problems. It’s better ta run to yer friends and family.

Yer humble subject,

At the train station at Ponyville, Granny Smith and Mayor Mare were waiting. Applejack took off her hat, holding it up to her chest.

“Granny Smith, Mayor Mare,” Applejack said. “Ah’m mighty sorry.”

“Granny Smith told me everything,” Mayor Mare said. "I suppose if we have to dip into the emergency fund to repair town hall, it can't be helped. The emergency fund is for emergencies after all."

“It’s not just that,” Applejack said. “Ah’m mostly sorry fer runnin’ away from home n’ from Ponyville. But, ah promise ah’ll never do that again.”

“I don’t want you to worry about compensating me, either,” Mayor Mare said. “You’ve earned a rest. Though, I hope you haven't sworn off on rodeos all together, because I was thinking of having the Equestria Rodeo Contest in Ponyville next year. What do you think of that?"

“Ask me again in a month er two,” Applejack said. “Right now, ah don’t want ta think ‘bout rodeos er the trouble the last one gave me.”

“I understand,” nodded Mayor Mare. “Take all the time you need.”

As the others saw what was going down, Rainbow turned her attention to another pony. That particular pony was enjoying a muffin.

“Hey, Pinkie,” Rainbow said. “Sorry I tricked you into getting Applejack to confess. You do chat a lot, but, we should have never used it as a weapon. Can you ever forgive me?”

“That depends,” Pinkie said. “Can you handle an eating contest against me?”

Rainbow thought about it. “This is going to impact my figure, isn’t it?”

“Likely,” Pinkie said with a smirk.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Rainbow said. “Well, guess I better get ready to stuff my face.”

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the new chapter.

*Rainbow losing her temper again.


***That makes sense, right?

****Adaptational intelligence for Pinkie.

*****Yeah, I didn't, either.

******True story. Proof.

*******Anyone who calls Spike a f*cking pussy for that gets blocked. You'd cry too if you got your fingers jammed in a conveyor belt.

********I had Rainbow say that instead of guns because guns don't exist in Equestria. Not yet, anyway.

*********It's a callback!

**********To those wondering, he had to use the bathroom.

***********An excellent point.

************Here, Applejack remembers that two of her friends can fly and knows running would be pointless.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.