• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,127 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Sixteen (Revised)

The radio played music as I drove. Mom’s car had an AUX cord, so it connected to my phone. Nobody spoke as they climbed in the car. Anna took the passenger seat. The rest were stuffed in the backseat. I do mean stuffed.

Caroline and Twilight were sitting in the middle. Whenever I looked rescued, they exchanged nervous glances. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike were in the backseat. Pinkie

Pinkie took the trunk. Nobody asked her too. Spike offered to sit on Rarity’s lap for space. Pinkie insisted.

So as music played from my phone, Pinkie hummed along. Nobody else dared make a sound.

Though I drove, my head wasn’t on our destination. Instead I thought about what to do after. The life Lilac and I would have on Earth. She would take time to adjust to it. Would it yet? Oh for sure- mentally and physically. I would need to have something ready for that. It hurt less coming from their end.

Then again, that’s because I was becoming my usual body. Would that be different for Lilac, who was always a dragon?

The others let me drive in Pinkie-brand silence. They stopped themselves from starting a conversation twelve times during the drive.

Anna looked out on the road. “Morgan, the police station isn’t this way.” She pointed out.

I made another turn. “The hospital was in a different jurisdiction. The station they took Dash and Applejack is over here. It doesn’t matter. Like I said, it’ll be easy to get them out.”

“But they disturbed the peace.” Caroline reminded me. She leaned forward on Anna’s seat. “That’s a big deal, right?”

“Like I said- it’s just cause Mom pushed for it. Chances are more likely they brought them down to the station for show.” I explained. “They’re not even being detained like-”

“What happened to them?” Twilight asked, voice somber.

I glanced at her from the rearview mirror. “They were brought to the station. They aren’t being arrested or anything serious. Nobody there wants to make a bigger deal out of something so unimportant.”

‘People behind the scenes don’t want any evidence of this.’ I reminded myself. ‘...of us.’

The girls waited for me to keep going. The car turned into the police station parking lot.

“We’ll be in and out. Ten minutes.” I told them. Parking the car, I unplugged my phone.

Pinkie whined. “The song was getting good!”

“I know. I’ll let it finish on the way back.” I promised her. “Now: Bellinghams, keep these guys in the car-”

“We should come with you.” Caroline interjected. She cut herself off, pausing.

I stared at her. If she had something to say, she should say it.

Caroline stumbled in her words. She’d realized I cued her to say more. “I just mean- well don’t you think that’s smart? Safety in numbers?”

“Yes. That’s why I’m leaving you with the numbers.” I replied.

“No, Caroline is right. You shouldn’t go alone.” Anna told me.

“I can’t leave these girls alone in the car.” I reminded her. “They’d try to drive in.”

“No we wouldn’t!” Twilight replied.

I glared at her. Twilight- who might normally stand against me to yell or argue- wilted. “See? Someone has to watch them.”

“Then Anna can stay, and I’ll come.” Caroline offered. I scoffed. “You need somebody in there with you- back-up is a thing, right? So take me along.”

I squinted at her. It’s true having a backup would be nice. Should that man come again, he would be less likely to attack with a normal human by my side. Or maybe more so, if he believed she knew my secret. Bringing her could put her in jeopardy too.

Being at my side always did

I would need to keep that in mind when I bring Lilac here.

“Fine.” I tucked my phone in my jean pocket. “Wednesday, this early? Flannigan is on shift with Hillary at the front desk.” I stated for Caroline’s benefit. “If Kelvin went to his mother’s birthday, so that’ll be Robert on booking.”

“How do you know all of this?” Anna asked, eyes wide in concern.

“You don’t regularly hack into the employee systems to learn everything about the people there in the event you need to know how to escape them?” I asked.

“No. Nobody does that.” Caroline told me.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re gonna be in trouble then.” I climbed out of the car. Caroline climbed out to join me. “Let’s get going. We don’t know how things are gonna be in there. Equestrians, you stay outside. The last thing we need is more of you in jail.”

“But we can help-” Twilight spoke up.

“We still need to talk about you leaving-” Rarity reminded me.

The slam of a car door cut them off. Adjusting the Bag on my shoulder, I started walking towards the station. Caroline ran to keep up with me.

“So.” Caroline panted when she reached me. “What’s our game plan once inside?”

“Like I said. Hilliary will let us be if we play the ‘innocuous teenager’ card. She’s a sucker for it. If Kelvin’s at booking, we be tough. If it’s Robert, just let me do the talking.”

Caroline nodded.

It all went as I predicted. Hilliary thought it was just so sweet that we would help our friends like that. Robert filled in for Kelvin- thank the Author. A few quick words about paperwork had us passing through with a clipboard of info to fill out. Robert wasn’t big on that stuff.

Caroline and I sat in plastic chairs. She watched me fill out the form, every fact a lie or a twisting of the truth. “So...what did they mean?”

“It’s to make sure they understand what they did wrong-” I explained.

“No. I mean about you leaving.” Caroline asked. The pen paused. “Equestria is where they’re from. You visit often?”

“Lately.” I replied flatly. “But they want me gone, so I won’t go back.”

Caroline nodded. “It sounds like they actually want you around.”

“No. They hate me.” I corrected her. “They think I’m a traitor and a freak. They want me to stay so I can be put in jail.”

“There’s no way that can be true.” Caroline shook her head. “People like you. Anna and I, the others, we like you.”

“Oh I’m leaving here too.” I told her.

“What?!” Caroline flinched back, shocked.

I hushed her. “I can manage on my own.”

“You’re fifteen!” Caroline argued in a low hiss.

“In theory.” I answered.

Caroline blinked, confused. “Aren’t you gonna talk to your parents?”

“Who would I? They think I’m insane.” I reminded her.

“No they don’t.” Caroline shook her head.

“I literally heard them yell that at a nurse this morning.” I told her.

“You must’ve misunderstood. They would never say that!” Caroline replied.

“Think about how you reacted to it. Why would they react any better?” I countered.

The paper was all filled out. I clicked the pen, standing up.

“But they know about your powers. Why would they-” I snorted. Caroline paused. “Morgan. They know, don’t they?”

I snorted again, chuckling now. “You know my parents. If they knew, would they let me meet any of them?”

It made me laugh again, delighted at the optimism. Most of my classmates thought the world of my parents. Crushing that belief wasn’t quite a victory. Or maybe I was crushing their belief in me, that I was cut from the same cloth. Instead Caroline and everyone could see I was the rotten apple falling from the tree.

“There. Finished signing.” I passed the clipboard back to Robert. “Can you show us to our friends now?”


Robert guided us to the holding cells. He unlocked the cell, letting the girls out.

Dash barely acknowledged my presence. Applejack rushed up to hug me. I stepped away from it.

“Can I just say, I’m shocked neither of you are dead yet.” I remarked.

Dash glared, about to fight me. Applejack stepped in the way, trying to calm her down.

“Raspberry! Weren’t you hurt?” Applejack asked.

“Got better.” I replied. I turned to Robert. “Thank you for keeping watch of them.”

The officer nodded. He walked to the door, opening it for us. “It’s fine. Just keep them from starting anything again, got it?”

“Yes sir.” I nodded, guiding the trio behind me.

Robert stood far enough behind that he wouldn’t hear our conversations.

“Where’s everypony else?” Applejack asked in a low whisper.

“Keep your heads down.” A low hiss came from me. “Just until we get outside.”

“This is just like you. Still so high and mighty on us.” Dash rolled her eyes.

“Dash!” Applejack hissed. She punched her friend’s arm, making Dash yelp. “She said quiet!”

Caroline looked at them, concerned and confused. It made a bad idea sprout in my mind. An idea so bad that she would finally understand.

“Don’t worry, Dash, soon I’ll be out of your mane forever.” I replied.

Applejack turned to me. “Wait, forever-?”

“Good riddance!” Dash snapped.

Caroline stepped back, surprised. It made me smile inside.

“We don’t need you anyway. You got us in this mess in the first place!”

“By being a no-good traitor?” I supplied.


“And a freak?” I added.

“Ye-” Dash blinked, shaking her head. “What?”

“You think I’m a freak too, yes? I prompted. “You’ve yelled at me for it all week.”

Dash gawked. She shook her head. “What? No! I- I don’t think you’re a freak.”

I hummed.

“I don’t!”

“But you do think I’m a traitor.” I reminded her.

“Yeah but not a freak!”

No time to go further.

They’ve said all I needed

Caroline could see it now.

“It doesn’t matter. We’ll be done soon.” I guided them towards the main exit.

They just needed to get to the car. I’d start bringing them back to Equestria on rotation. Each time I returned there, I would bring more of my house with me. It would fit in my Bag. Hopefully by the time I’m done bringing everypony back, I would have time to talk to Lilac.

She would need to learn a lot more about her mother before we moved.

I wanted to take it slow

To bring her in over the course of time

Time with Lilac

That’s always been a luxury

I shouldn’t have assumed it would be endless

“Hey Miss?” Robert spoke up- running to catch up with us. “We had a problem with the paperwork.”

“Are you joke-” I calmed myself down.

Getting mad dragged attention to us. The last thing we needed was more attention. Staying low profile was the point of all this.

Dominic warned me.

“Of course, officers.” I turned to the girls. Dropping my voice to a whisper I warned them “Just keep walking. Don’t stop until you find the girls outside.”

“But-” Caroline began.

Go.” I ordered.

Caroline obeyed. She walked the two girls up the hallway. I heard Dash asking Caroline about what just happened.

Robert nodded his head back the way. I followed him down the hall. It got strange when we went down a different hallway. We weren’t headed towards the holding cell or even a desk.

Instead we went into a small interrogation room.

“What’s the problem with it?” I asked them.

The officer tensed. I did too. Instantly I stood up straighter, sliding into a defensive position. Whatever was about to happen, it wouldn’t be a paperwork problem.

“Wasn’t in MLA format, was it?” I joked.

“Sorry about this, little lady.” He moved forward for a punch.

“I get it.” I dodged, grabbing his arm and twisting it. He grunted. Pulling the arm, I used his momentum to fling him at a wall. “You’re just doing what you were bribed to do.”

Robert pushed himself off the wall. He came at me again. I sidestepped him, rushing around the table. He tried reaching for me. I ducked beneath the table. My leg swung, pulling out his leg. He fell. Instead of taking advantage to run, I pushed myself against the wall. Robert stood up to come at me again.

As I expected.

He lashed out at me. I dodged the attack, letting him barrel at the empty space. That empty space being nothing but a wall. Propelled by his own weight and strength.

Now I rushed to the door.

As I opened the handle, something went off behind me.

Fucking tasers

I started to fall back down. Every part of me screamed with pain but I couldn’t let it out. The taser kept up its charge.

“Sorry. But he said you needed to go.” Robert replied.


At least they got away...

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