• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,099 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Seven (Revised)

A few minutes earlier...

They had been searching for me for awhile. I didn’t have the heart to tell them to look up. The shirt I ended up wearing was a sickly gray, blending in with the dying tree. My black hair was certainly helping me hide up here.

Yes. I was hiding up a tree. Where else does one hide from friends? They knew all my other hiding spots. The library, my house, and the bathroom. The big tree outside was my best bet.

Sure I may not like heights, as they made it seem all too easy to fall. The branches were digging into my lower back. The branch I was sitting on creaked when I moved too quickly. Still. When running from friends, you have to get creative.

My friends were getting smarter over time. Caroline would no doubt of told them about what happened with Spike this morning. One of them was bound to tell somebody else. By now the entire school must’ve heard about him. They already knew how odd I am when I pretending, now that I was full freak they were going to hunt me down and make fun of me.

“I’m sure I saw her come this way.”

Oh Storyline...it was beginning...

“Morgan, where are you?”

They found me...I’m never going to escape them. I should just accept my destiny to be the school freak, and keep whatever dignity I had left.

“I found her!”

Looking down I saw Lauren pointing a finger at me. I was still sulking from my life about to be ruined to want to talk to her or any of them. The other five quickly joined her, Care began trying to climb up the tree.

“Morgue, what are you doing up here?” She asked.

“Searching for the answers of all mankind and the secrets of the universe. What does it look like in doing?” I quipped.

I had nowhere to run unless I wanted a concussion.

Maddie looked at me with caring blue eyes, eyes that might soon be looking at me within confusion and fear. “Why are you up in a tree in the cold?” Maddie asked me.

“I like it when it’s cold. Nice breezes, no bugs to bite, it’s where almost every holiday is. What’s there to hate?” I avoided the answer they wanted me to give.

Anna could see right through me. “Morgan, how about you tell us why you’re really out here?”

Her question actually made me angry. They wanted to talk to me? How dare they just demand my answers about what I’m going through, when they know full well? They’d heard about Spike by now. The Mane 6 had to have told them all about me too, how much a freak I was and a traitor.

“I don’t have to tell you anything.” I snapped at them. The girls all flinched. “Just leave me alone!”

“You know we’re not just gonna do that, Morgan.” Caroline reminded me.

“Just go eat lunch without me.” ‘You’ve done it before’ “I’m fine.”

Caroline gave me a look. “No you’re not. Get down from there.”

‘Be careful what you wish for.’

My hand grabbed one of the branches. My legs were already filling up with the energy needed to jump off the branch.

Except I knew if I did...the Mane 6 and Spike would be stuck here...I’d be the traitor they accused me of being.

Plus it’s not like it was gonna kill me anyway. With my luck I’d bounce.

“Morgan. What’s going on?” Caroline asked.

“You already know.”

“No, no we don’t.” Caroline argued. “You’re not telling us. How could we know?”

“I’m not an idiot, Bellingham! You saw him, this morning! He told you everything!” I shouted, curling back up against the trunk of the tree. “They all did! Just get it over with so I can move on!”

“Whoa- what- who told us?” Anna asked. “We didn’t talk to-”

“Anna stop.” Caroline instructed her older sister. “I’ve got this.” She turned back to look at me. “Morgan. No one’s told us anything. We’ve been looking for a long time.” She paused. “Did you mean the boy from the closet this morning?”


“What would he have told us?”

You already know. You already know. Stop mocking me. STOP MOCKING ME!

“Morgan, sweetheart, need you to talk to us. We’re not mind readers.” Caroline spoke up.

“You-You really didn’t talk to them? You don’t know?” I asked.

The other girls relaxed. Caroline was still focused on me. “No. Will you come down?”

“I’d rather stay in the tree.” I admitted.

“Will you tell us the truth if we’re in the tree?” Caroline asked.

“NO! Stay down there!” I ordered. The girls tensed again. “Shoot- sorry- shouldn’t shout like that- stay down on the ground. It’s easier this way.”

“Alright. That’s alright.” Caroline held up her arms. “We’re not gonna climb the tree. Just tell us what’s going on. You’re getting us all worried.”

‘I’m worrying you? Oh Author...what if I tell them and they get more worried? What if they call my parents? What if my parents call a doctor? What if when they do that the Mane 6 see me and tell everyone that I’m a freak and a traitor- OH MY AUTHOR WHAT IF I START TELLING THEM AND THEY CALL ME A FREAK?!

I pushed that voice away. Stupid anxiety...I don’t have time for you.

“I can’t. You won’t believe me. I know you won’t. They didn’t.”

“Of course well believe you. What friends would we be if we didn’t?” She comforted. “Does it have something to do with those girls from last night?”


“Do they have something to do with the boy in the closet?”


“Okay, Morgan. Love the talking. Mind giving me more than just one word answers?”


“It can’t be that bad, Morgan-” Maddie began.

“That’s because it’s worse!” I snapped at her. “It’s worse! Whatever you’re thinking is nothing compared to what is actually going on!”

“Then just tell us!” Maddie insisted.

“I can’t!”

“Why not?” Lauren asked, impatient. “Seriously, it’s cold out here and I hate it.”

“Lauren!” Caroline and Anna hissed.

“Because none of you will want to be my friend anymore when I say it!”

The girls were quiet again.

“How do you know?” Caroline asked. I didn’t answer. “Was that what the girls last night did?”

“...yeah.” I let out a shaky breath. “...yeah it’s what they did...”

“Morgan. You know we’re not gonna shut you out right?” Caroline asked. When I didn’t answer, she turned to the others. “Right girls?” She stressed.

“Right!” Maddie added.

“We would never do that.” Becca shook her head.

“We’re your friends, Morgan.” Anna assured.

“Yeah, got it.” Lauren finished them up.

I took another shaky breath.

For a long time, all I did was breath in and out. I heard Lauren and Becca whispering, but ignored them.

“When I was ten...”

Oh my Author, am I really telling them this?

Telling them all this?

“You guys know how much I like watching TV and stuff right?” They all affirmed. “When I was ten, I only kinda sorta liked it. Just...you guys don’t why I like them even more now...”


I was running. Fast. A monster was growling behind me and I couldn’t seem to run fast enough to avoid it. Giving one fearful look back, I quickly regretted it.

It was a giant purple spider, wearing some business suit. I got up and continued running inside the halls of Monsters Inc. scared out of my ten-year-old mind.

“Stop right there! Bring the girl to me!” The spider screamed.

“Help! Someone help!” I shouted as loud as I could. My heart was beating so loud I was sure that I was sure the spider could hear it.

As I turned another corner I saw them. A big furry monster twice my size, with blue fur spotted with purple. He had two large horns on his head and nice blue eyes. In his big arms I saw a little purple monster with one eye that looked pretty lazy.

Next to them was a monster about my height, he looked like a big green ball with an eye, arms and legs.

“Do you need some help?” The blue monster asked. Just as the world became white I saw the purple spider staring at me with his four angry eyes.


“Then I woke up. Back on the couch, mom and dad sitting beside me like nothing had happened.” I explained. The girls had been silent for a while. “To them all I did was fall asleep. It’s funny, because I couldn’t sleep the next few days. All I could see was Waternoose chasing me again...or screaming so loud I couldn’t scream anymore...”

I was too scared to see what looks my friends were giving me.

If they were even my friends now.

“I thought it was stupid dream after a while...until it happened again. This time I went to Kim Possible. Hard to call it a dream after that.” I explained, swallowing down the lumps in my throat. “I told the kids at my old school but they gave me the same looks you’re giving me. Don’t even pretend you’re not. It only makes it worse.” I chastised though it almost sounded like begging, my voice was shaking so hard.


“I’m not done. The girls and that boy? They’re all from one of those places. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They brought themselves here because of me- because I’m a traitor and a freak, and that’s all they see me as. I ended up in there world because...because sometimes I don’t get to choose where I go. My powers brought me there. There brought me there for-”

I cut myself off. They had to have stopped believing me by now. Even I could hear how crazy this all sounded.

“It’s all gone wrong. It’s gone so wrong-”

“Morgan stop-”

“I was just trying to help them get back to Equestria and now everything is ruined.”


The schoolbell.

I wasn’t expecting to hear it.

So surprised was I, that I jumped. The branch was small so I started to fall down. My hand lashed out for a branch. I told you this tree was gray and dying? Yeah it couldn’t hold my weight.

Despite my best efforts, I fell off the tree.

“MORGAN!” They were screaming.

My body fell towards the ground.

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