• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,127 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 37

The next morning, I was harshly awakened by my nightmare. They had been giving me trouble lately but for the life of me I couldn’t remember them when I woke up. It was giving me a bucking headache.

The sun had just barely risen, so I did some random stuff on my computer.

An hour later, I succumbed to the feeling of boredom.

Looking around my room, I thought about what to do next. First, I needed to get Applejack back here and then I had to call Lila and get the time clock, and finally I needed to get the workings on the plan finished.


Yeah, that’s on my list. Yep. Getting you out of my head.

Walking over towards my dresser, I tried to find something to wear. It was a lot harder than it sounded.

Between the six mares, almost all of my clothes had been worn and they had all only just got their original clothes back. So, I had to wear a shirt with the Superman Logo on it and some dark pink shorts.

While I was getting dressed, I heard a knock at the door.

“I’m not decent. Give me ten seconds.”

About 7 seconds later I opened the door and saw Pinkie and Twilight standing by the door. Each wearing the outfits the came here in.

“Oh, hey girls. I’m just about to get Applejack. Need anything?”

“Yes.” Twilight started, her face showing some hesitation. “Some of us were wondering if it were at all possible-”

“Could you take us all home really, really, really, really quickly just so our families and friends don’t think we’re never coming back because then they would get really sad and I don’t wanna make ponies sad and Fluttershy wants to check on all her animals and Rarity wants to see Sweetie Belle and Dashie knows the whole town is going crazy with the weather and Twilight wants to tell the Princess what’s been going on and I want to see if the Cakes need any help with anything because I haven’t been around in almost a whole week!”

Just when I was started to think Pinkie Pie was normal, she would give a speech in one breathe. I give long speeches too sometimes, but never in one breathe.

Then, the impact of the words came to me. Could I really send them all back? Maybe not all at once and most certainly not for a long time. We still need their help with the plan, without them the whole thing would be ruined! And as much as I like going solo it can’t be done this time.

That and it might be awhile til I saw them again.

Oh. Pfft, I don’t care for the touchy feely crap.

Uh-huh, whatever helps you sleep at night Darce.

“Umm...I’m sure I could come up with something...but just let me check on Applejack first.” Looking back at the slowly waking form of Lilac, I remembered something important. “If I’m traveling and Darcy takes over my body, make sure she gets some banana nut muffins for Lilac. She can’t eat gems in this form so add some cherries or M&M’s to it. Also, make sure that I don’t get any head injuries while gone.”

The two humanized mares nodded, placing their arms behind me Trust-Fall Style.

“Break a leg.” I whispered to myself before focusing on My Little Pony.

Standing on my hooves, I quickly used my spell to nullify the pain. Didn’t wanna go thru that again. Waiting for the strange feeling of pieces of my flesh and bone moving to pass, I looked around and tried to figure out how to get to the Acres from here.

Based on the sun location, angle of the mountain and the smell...

I’ll walk in a random direction and hope for the best.

Slowly, the scent of the farm became easier and easier as I left the forest. I began to run towards the legendary farm as soon as I noticed a few checkpoints that I tended to use to help me on walks like these.

Soon enough, the familiar sign for the Apple Farm came into view.

“APPLEJACK!” I screamed.

Waiting a minute, I got a response.

“AH’M COMIN’ RASPBERRY!” Applejack’s familiar drawl spoke over the trees.


Before any more yells could be shared, the farming mare trotted up to the gate.

Applejack looked slightly worn, but still looked alright. I gave the mare a warm smile before I saw her two apple siblings running up behind her.

“Had a fun couple of days?” I asked her. Applejack nodded her orange head, the smile still proud on her face. “Fantastic, we still need your help back home...” I would’ve gone on but Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom reached us by then.

Little Apple Bloom looked at Applejack with confusion and sadness.

“Why’r ya leavin’ ‘gain Applejack?”

‘Ugh...something inside of my soul is breaking. Morgan make it stop.’

Wish I could Darcy, but it’s affecting me too.

I was staring at Apple Bloom with a sad look in my eyes, I was too strong for me to turn away.

“Applejack...” I pleaded. Seeing Apple Bloom so sad, and the memory from Lilac the night before. Ugh! I can’t take much more of it!

“Sorry, but Ah need ta go with Raspberry. She needs help and we Apples can’t turn down a friend in need.” Applejack explained to her siblings before turning my head so I wasn’t staring at sad Appl Bloom.

“Yeah, Yeah, sad break-up. Can we get moving before they start crying?”

It was silent for a second before everypony noticed the second voice coming out of my muzzle.

“What was-” Apple Bloom started.

“OH! Would you look at the time! Applejack we must hurry!” I quickly said before grabbing Applejack’s orange hoof and dashed off.

Darcy, when you get your own body I will kill you. Then I will bring you back so I can kill you again.

My sister remained silent as I dragged Applejack into the Everfree Forest. Even quieter when I used the spell to take Applejack back home with me.

Oh, but she’s gonna talk up a storm when I’m done with her.

Landing on my now favorite blue couch with human Applejack, I nds for everyone to gather around us and help AJ.

Then, I prepared to check Darcy off my To-Do List.

Seed of Chucky: Half Way Thru Movie

Slowly getting up with my dolls arms and legs, I began to look around for any signs of life. I was inside some really big mansion, with a large lawn space. Before long I could hear sounds of screaming. Huh, I guess I’m in Jennifer Tilly’s house. Nice.

Looking around the room, I saw it looked kinda like a study. Not a lot of bookcases, or other furniture. Of course, I wasn’t in need of stuff like that.

“Darcy!” I yelled into the room. The only response was a groan. “Wake the fuck up before I throw your plastic butt into the fire place!”

I got more groaning. This time, it was easy enough so that I could find where the demon doll was. Running over to her, I saw the familiar straight black hair and the light purple necklace saying Lil Sis over her biker jacket and doll jeans. A pale plastic hand reached up to her forehead.

“What happened?” Darcy asked, it took her a moment to get what was going on. “Morgue...did you finally kill me?”

I let out an angry groan. “Darcy, do you realize what you did back there could’ve fucked us both up!”

Darcy’s dark purple eyes opened. Her doll form shot up off the ground, she looked at herself then at me and then the room and finally she ran to the door.

Following my younger sister I thought about what I would yell at her next. Before I could, my sister ran down the large staircase where the inappropriate comments about Redman and Jennifer floated around the halls.

“Darcy!” I angrily whispered. “Get the hell back here!”

The black-haired doll didn’t listen, Darce just ran down the stairs and soon I heard the greetings of both Chucky and Tiff to my twin sister.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I heard Chucky ask.

“You wouldn’t believe the week I’ve had.” Darcy explained.

Rolling my amber eyes, I ran down the stairs after her.

“Darcy Elizabeth Anderson what the hell are you doing!” I yelled at her.

“Who’s she?” Chucky asked Darcy.

“Just me Goody Two Shoes of a sister.” Darcy complained. Before she could say anymore, I grabbed her hair and dragged her away from that mess. “Hey! Morgue let go of my hair!”

Dragging her onto the ground, I waited for her to slowly look up.

“I only did this so you couldn’t control my head anymore Darce. There is no way I’m letting you go thru with the movie unless you can somehow help me and my friends and help the Doll Family at the same time so get that freakin’ terrible idea out of your wanna-be blonde head.”

Darcy nodded, a small smile over her features.

She knew my anger would peak in movies of this genre. She also knew that my guilt was doubled so that would lead to all kinds of crap.

“Also, no. You can’t go around killing random people on the street to get your bloodlust high. We need to get back home before the girls start to worry. Come on.” When I tried to grab her jacket, she grabbed my sweater sleeve and pulled it close to her. That scary look in her purple eyes was back and I really didn’t like it.

“Aha, no.” Darcy said. “You’ve been calling the shots Morgue well guess what, this is my home and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you boss me around in my home.”

“First off, this is Jennifer Tilly’s house, not yours. Second, you’re already damned because of the doll body.”

Darcy apparently didn’t like my smart mouth, so she slapped me with her plastic hand.

“Hey! That hurt a lot more than I thought it would.” I told Darcy.

My sister only responded by rolling her own purple eyes, “Whatever, you just better shut up and stay back Morgue, because we’re in my place now

“And there’s nothing stopping me from killing you again.”

Why am I feeling that this was a bad idea?

Author's Note:

Yeah. I brought them into the Child's Play movie. No. The next chapter won't be about said movie. It will be a Lilac chapter, so cool you freakin' jets.
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