• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,127 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 47

I don't have a plan.

I know, most people think I would have a plan by now. I did too, but I can't think of anything to do. It would help if I had some back-up. You see, some time ago twelve men came in and took away the Mane 6. They were all kicking and screaming, AJ and RD so much they had to be sedated. Fluttershy was so terrified, I could practically hear her screaming for my help just from the look in her eyes. Rarity was just yelling at the men getting their filthy hand on her, Pinkie was telling them they were being Meanie Pants’ and Twilight tried to use her magic only to be sedated a well.

When I ran to the bars to try and reach them, one of the men pushed me back so hard I fell flat onto the stone floor. It really hurt my shoulders and lower back, I think I had a bump on the back of me head.

So I was all alone again. I had no idea where Dominic was taking my Ponyville friends, or where he had taken my other friends. Or what he had done to my little dragon, or Spike. Or what Darcy was going thru all because of me... what’s worse it that I was starting to becoming starving so it was really hard to think straight long enough to form a plan that didn’t involve stopping by a Vending Machine.

Ugh...the universe hates me. What had I ever done to it? Was this my punishment for those months spent as Dark Morgan? Was it punishment for killing Darcy, twice? Three times now if I couldn’t figure out a way out of this hell.

Suddenly, I heard the metal door opening. Was it Dominic coming to gloat or something?


The figure walked into the dungeon, walking close to my cell. I immediately smelled something warm and greasy. When she finally came, I noticed she looked like Lila. Albeit, an older Lila with different colored eyes, but still Lila. In her hands was a box of... pizza. Was it that late?

Mrs. Chamberlin (it wasn’t that hard to figure out, if she was Lila’s mom then she was married to Dominic) walked to my cell and gave me a semi-harsh look.

“Hello Darcy.” Now I know why Darcy hated being called Morgan, if this keeps going on I’m gonna go insane! “Look, I know I shouldn’t even be here right now, but it’s cruel to let a teenager starve.” She lifted the lid on the box that I had been staring at, I felt a bit of drool coming onto my chin. “It’s cheese, I didn’t know what you wanted.”

She couldn’t gotten me a pizza made of dirt I would’ve eaten it. I think the last time I ate was dinner on Friday. It had to be 24 hours since then.

The blonde slowly unlocked my cell, opened it and gave me the box. I dropped it onto the bed and pulled a slice of cheese pizza out. I inhaled it and another before I heard the door close.

“Wow, I guess you were hungry.” Mrs. Chamberlin laughed.

“Mh-hmm.” I agreed with having my third slice. Swallowing the bite, I looked over at her. “So, who the heck are you?” It took me another second to realize this was my breakfast.

“I’m Felicity Chamberlin, you can call me Felicity.” Lila’s mom greeted.

“I’m Darcy” I almost winced, “you can call Darce. That’s what Morgue calls me.”


“No, Morgue.”

“That’s what I said.”

“No you said Morg I said Morgue.”

“I don’t hear a difference.” Mrs. Chamberlin said, starting to look annoyed.

“There’s a ue at the end of Morgue. Where they keep dead bodies on cop shows? That’s her nickname. She really likes it.” I said, giggled through the bites of pizza. Darcy and I always did that with people when they said Morg instead of Morgue. and yes, we can tell the difference.

Mrs. Chamberlin rolled her dark brown eyes, still giving my a harsh-ish glare. “What you and your sister did was wrong. You dragged Characters back from their World-”

“A lie.” I interjected.

“And forced them to- a lie?” Felicity stopped, looking at me confused.

“Yep, a big effing lie. Morgue and I didn’t do anything wrong. Well, actually, scratch that. It was all my sister’s fault, if she hadn’t brought that picture to her house back in Ponyville and wrote that spell on the back, then none of this would be happening. It’s also Luna’s fault for spying, the Mane 6’s for breaking into Morgan’s house and playing with the emotions of a seven year old. She’s such a fragile little thing, then again so am I.

“And don’t think it’s just me and my friends, your husband had a part in this to.” I said, a small plan forming in my mind. Thank you food.

“Dominic? What are you talking about?” Felicity asked.

“You mean you don’t know?” I had to suppress the urge to ask her about the bird.

“Know what?”

“What Dominic did. The bastard. I wish my sister killed him when she had the chance.” Darcy didn’t have a chance, that was me. I had at least two chances and I didn’t take them.

“What lies are you saying about my husband?!” Felicity yelled at me.

“Oh, I just love breaking up sweet naive romances like this.” That was more a Darcy thing than me, but I did like telling people the harsh truth. Is that irony? I was never good at irony.

Felicity growled at me with her dark brown eyes. “Why am I even listening to you. I’m just gonna leave.”

Crap! I had to act fast!

“You know what Dominic is, don’t you?” Felicity stopped, though she was facing away from me. I picked up a piece of pizza and walked up to the bars. “I bet you didn’t notice it at first, maybe it was little things. Taking a little longer to move a gun from somebody in a Travel, maybe it was his willingness to fight and make people hurt, how when a certain subject was brought up about an old friend her shot you down.” Felicity’s head was lowering, so close. “You know Dominic is evil. He’s planning on executing a fifteen year old for goodness sake!”

It was silent for a moment, I took a few bites of pizza just in case. There were only three left, but I had a feeling I might be eating them later. Felicity finally turned back to me, there were some tears shining in her eyes.

“How do you know about Danielle?” Felicity asked.

“You were her closest friend, weren’t you?” She nodded. “You could say I knew her, I met her a few months back.” Felicity’s brown eyes widdened.

Met her? But she’s dead!” Felicity yelled.

“That’s the point. I know she’s dead, Felicity, if she weren’t I wouldn’t be here right now.” I added, taking another bite of pizza and reminding myself I had to explain it like I was Darcy.

“Huh?” Felicity asked.

“Danielle, Morgan’s reincarnation. Morgan was born the day she died. She helped bring Morgan back when she almost died a couple months back, did the same a few days ago when Morgan was sent into the hospital because of your husband.” I accused. “You wanna how she ended up there? Dominic kidnapped my niece!”

“You have a niece?” Felicity asked.

“I’m 42, Morgan’s...195.” I really hated admitting how old I was. “I think it’s possible for us to have a niece. She’s only seven, SEVEN! The most dangerous thing she was a part of was the Dragon Migration a few months back, the next was the Changeling Invasion. She was locked probably in a cell just like this. Dominic called Morgan and told her he took Lilac and if she didn’t give herself up then he would kill her.”

“No.” Felicity said, her hand shoot up to her face to block her shocked expression.

“Yes. He proceeded to shoot my sister in the chest right in front of Lilac! The only reason Morgan is still alive is because of your friend! Wanna hear another fun secret? He killed her too!”

“Now I know you’re lying!” Felicity yelled. “Dominic, Danielle and I were friends!”

“Really? Or were they both just mutual friends of your’s? Did they ever spend time without you? Did one ever invite the other to some event without you reminding them?! Well I guess not since Dominic killed her and he’s planning on doing the same to Morgan!” I yelled at Felicity.

“There is no way Dominic would-”

“If you don’t believe me then go find Lilac! I’ll guarantee that dragon is terrified!”

“I will!” Felicity argued back. “Then you’ll see Dominic is good man!”

With that, the woman stormed out, completely unknowing that I had just planted the first seed of doubt.

Let’s just pray it reaches it’s peak before it’s too late.

Author's Note:

Oh...only a two more chapters left. Do you think Morgan will be able to save Darcy and Lilac? Will she be able to save her friends? Will Dark Morgan make an appearance?
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