• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,099 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Three (Revised)

Waking up was actually a delight. I’d had a dream that the Mane Six came to my town to arrest me for lying about who I was. That they broke into my house in Ponyville. If that wasn’t crazy enough, they showed up at my Girl’s Night.

I spent the next ten minutes getting ready for school. It was a cold day here. Weather around here changed on a whim, so I took advantage of the cold days. I wore one of my old shirts, deciding I’d just wear a sweater over it. All the while, I wondered if had actually been a dream.

I was so lost in my wonderings, I put on my old lollipop necklace. It would be awhile before I noticed it.

After spending three minutes in the bathroom on last minute hair and hygiene I began the trek downstairs.

“She’s up!” An all too familiar voice cheered.

Damn, it wasn’t a dream. I inwardly cursed as I found six colorful girls sitting in my living room. They all were still dressed as they were the night before, plus some dirt here or there. Had they slept outside?

“Why, why couldn’t you just be the worst nightmare of my life and let me live my life here in peace?” I groaned, making sure not to get the attention of the other members of my family who were all in various stages of getting ready upstairs. It would only be a few short moments before they came down.

“We’re sorry Raspberry, but we need to talk about this.” Twilight gestured towards me. I take offense to that.

“How did you even find this place? I thought we left you at the bar.” I asked, fighting off annoyance headache they were causing.

“We followed you, duh.” Rainbow Dash explained. Huh, she hasn’t said a thing about the whole me being a person thing. “And that reminds me. Why did you do this to us?” Ah, there it is. ‘I can always depend on you for that, Rainbow.’ “We trusted you and you were probably using us all along! Why?”

“I have my reasons, Rainbow Dash. How about I ask you why you didn’t just wait for me to get back? I remembered a Pinkie Promise I gave to my friends, the ones I was with last night, and dashed back here so I could make it. I was coming back to Ponyville, I guess during free period. I know you guys didn’t know about it, but I assure you I was coming back to Ponyville probably two hours after you broke into my house. Time works differently here.” I finished, expecting the question from Twilight about my confusing timelines.

I didn't really wanna explain to them about my ‘gift’ because no doubt Twilight would run some Unicorn test on my brain. I didn’t want her thinking of touching my brain. A part of me still hasn’t gotten over what she did to me when she met ‘Twilight from Next Tuesday’.

“What is a ‘free period’?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing Twilight. Ignore me.” The lie was the only thing saving me from explaining the human educational system. That is hard enough to explain to me, let alone explain to a unicorn. I heard my brother, Derek, coming downstairs, quickly. “My brother is coming. Hide!” I ordered.

At first, all they did was look at me confused until they heard the footsteps. They must’ve understood my need for them to hide. Pinkie, Twilight and Rainbow Dash hid behind our six person denim couch, Fluttershy hid behind the large pillar right by the stairs, Applejack hid inside our coat closet and finally Rarity hid by our pantry on the other side of the room.

“Hey Morg, you’re up early.” Derek accused. It’s true. I had woken up before my family. It was pretty common of me. I just usually stayed in my room until everyone else woke up.

Long years of Jumping had something to do with it. I just knew it. But I couldn’t tell my zombie loving, Doctor Who watching, Big Bang Theory fan, nerd of a brother that I had powers. He would go nuts. He wouldn’t believe me. He’d tell Mom and Dad.

“Yeah, I probably had a weird dream.” I lied. I noticed him walking towards the pantry so I quickly dashed in front of him. “I was just about to have breakfast Derek. Want anything? Cereal, eggs, toast?”

He looked at me strangely for a second. Thankfully he just passed it off as Morgan being Morgan. “Alright, get me the Froot Loops.” Derek said, going back to sit at the table.

Wow, I completely forgot to explain the first floor.

I had a basic two story yellow house with black tiles on the roof. The front door was about 7 feet tall and dark green. You first walk in and find our lime green welcoming room. To the left sat our fancy dining room with brown paint and a large white table with fancy white chairs with roses painted on two of them. By the door was the stairs with tan carpeting leading up to the second floor.

Right of the door was a small ‘meeting’ room. It had two brown wooden chairs, with the same design as a basket and zebra printing cushions. The walls were pale sunshine and my baby brothers emptied toy chest with all his ‘action figures’ and Disney toys scattered across the floor. None of us had the energy to clean because he would later scream his head off and make another mess of it all. This was also the room where we had the two pillars, one by the stairs and one by the wall, where we held photo albums, school books, drinking glasses, and just whatever we could fit.

If you kept walking straight past the door you would find our small coat closet and our living room. It had a six-person denim couch up against the back door (no one has gone back there to play since I was 10). Our coffee table was wooden and also covered in my baby brother’s toys. Mostly old Star Wars ones and crumbs of food he had ‘eaten’ there. It had a two-person brown leather couch facing the TV being held inside a tan wardrobe holding a bunch of DVD cases, broken DVD’s and my brother diapers (un-used of course).

Next to it was our other dining room. It had a polished wooden table with white tiles painted with grapevines and some old saying painted on them. It had six chairs for my whole family to sit. One of them was an old fancy chair we needed moved.

I’ll explain the kitchen later, but now I needed to make sure Rarity wasn’t spotted. She was just standing in the four foot long room between our kitchen and fancy dining room.

“You need to find a better hiding place.” I told her, careful to avoid getting Derek’s attention. “If we were playing hide and seek you would lose so badly, Rarity.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice, Raspberry.” Rarity whispered back angrily. ‘I love the name and all, but here it’s Morgan. It’s confusing to be called my pony name when I have hands.’ “But this was the first place I could reach before that...other human appeared.” Rarity explained.

The pantry was opened so I quickly grabbed the cereal I knew the rest of my brothers would eat.

There were only two other places Rarity could hide; the small bathroom or the garage. “Which would she hate less?” I asked myself.

Thankfully no one was using it or would need to, so I pushed her in the bathroom. The garage has a ton of spiders. The bathroom had a nice towel. She would fawn over that thing for ages.

“Finally, I was beginning to think you got lost or something.” Derek joked. He sat on the end of the table, where he wouldn’t see Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash hiding.

“Yeah, it was hidden behind two other boxes.” I lied again.

The rest of my family came down slowly. My mother, who was the shortest out of us all at 5’5, came down in her favorite dart blue shirt with dark gray sleeves going out to her wrists, jeans and brown heel boots. Her dirty blonde hair went to her neck and swooped towards it. Her sky blue eyes were chaotic as she tried to get ready for work at school.

My dad, at a whopping height of 6’3, came down next in his large orange shirt and baggy jeans. He wasn’t a small man and it wasn’t all muscles underneath it. His black hair was gone on the top for as long as I can remember. His natural tan didn’t go to any of my siblings but we barely cared.

My middle brother, Terrence, came down. He looked like Mom. Same colored hair, eyes and height. He wore his basketball jersey for the Lakers, must have a game tonight, and his all too familiar scowl. For an 11 year old he can really get grouchy. Terrence hated sports but Dad made him do some sports thing every year.

Derek looked like a much younger version of Dad. He had the dark brown hair, the deep blue eyes, smarts, athleticism, and height. He was only 17 months younger than me but two inches taller!

I was thinking of how to give the mares a minute or so to escape their respective prisons, maybe one at a time. Thank Storyline I was good at creating backstories on the spot.

“Mom, Dad, is it ok if my friend comes in?” I asked them as they got their coffee and cereal ready.

“Is she a student?” Mom asked. I hate how she was the co-owner of my school. She knew every student that came, and would know if six miraculously showed up on the spot long before I did. Maybe I could lie. No, they all had colorfully colored hair. Except Applejack.


“No, she works with her family. She decided to walk with me to my school today, give it a gander ya know?” I lied. AJ was going to be a little angry about lying. She can’t tell a lie to save her life...why did I pick her again?

“What’s her name?” Dad asked.

“Abby Jacobs.” I could almost hear Twilight’s nerves breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, I heard Applejack’s heart drop.

“When does she get here?” Mom asked. If they hadn’t met a girl I knew as a friend, then they were suspicious. Especially since the was the first time I met someone before they did. My social circle on Earth was really limited to about everyone at school.

“Now.” I walked up to the coat closet and opened the door, thankfully facing away from the dining room. “I heard it was chilly, need a sweater.” I lied. I can withstand temperatures 40-85 degrees. I loved the cold.

Applejack walked out of the closet. I ran to the door and opened it wide, hoping my parents could buy the lie.

“AJ, how are you?” I moved my hands as to tell Applejack to play along.

She was already having problems. Her green eyes shrunk, and her new human hands fidgeted nervously at her sides. “Ah-Ah’m doing alright, sug-sugarcube. Uh, you ready ta g-go?” She asked, stuttering over every other word.

“Just let me get my backpack.” I stopped. What about the others? The only other one I can make an excuse for is Fluttershy, seeing how she’s not facing the family. That and she looked the most terrified. The three behind the couch, and in the bathroom, would just have to wait.

Ugh, they couldn’t have just gone to Ponyville, could they?

“Oh and you brought Faith! Great. Perfect. Come on out Faith.” I motioned for Fluttershy to come out from her hiding spot. The ex-pegasus tried to stay hidden

“Care to introduce us to your friends, Morgan?” Dad commanded. It may have sounded like a question, but Dad was telling me they couldn’t be my friends unless he checked them out first. He was like that.

Please don’t freak out about her long light pink hair! I repeated over and over in my head.

“Sure Dad,” I walked up to Fluttershy, offering her my hand and pulled her in close. “Just say ‘My name is Faith, nice to meet you’ alright?” I instructed. She nodded. “You can do this ‘Shy, just breathe through it.” This calmed her down.

I closed both doors and brought them into the group of my family.

“Family, meet Abby Jacobs and Faith Shadows. Faith, AJ, meet my family. Now that pleasantries are done we should really get going. Bye!” My dad stopped me before I could even move an inch.

“Why is her hair pink?” Dad asked.

“She likes the color. So can we go?” I asked impatiently.

Dad gave them the once over, before giving a smile of near-acceptance.

“Where did you meet?” He asked quickly.

“Internet.” I answered quickly.

“How long have you known them?

“Since November, so like two months.”

“What stuff do you like to do?”

“We talk about TV, family, and what’s hot and what’s not. Normal teenage girl stuff.” I was spitting lies like wildfire. But if it protected my friends then I would do it. I double checked my poker face and practically had a staring contest with my Dad. “They’re taking me in...Abby’s truck.”

I won. Again. Of course, I never let Dad know what the score was. It was dramatically shifted in his favor.

“Okay, now no funny business. I wanna see you, at school, on time, understand?” My principal spoke. Yeah, my dad was the principal of my private school. It only concerned me when he taught me Algebra.

Waving good-bye and grabbing my backpack, I walked out the front door with Applejack and Fluttershy. The others still trapped inside. Maybe I should have put Rarity in the garage, then I could’ve let her out from here.

Oh well. Now I just have to wait.

“Uh, Sugarcube, how do you suppose we gonna get Twilight and the others outta there?” Applejack asked.

“Easy.” I lied.

Applejack gave me a look, saying ‘go on.’

“A true mastermind like myself doesn’t give up her plans so easily, Applejack. All will be revealed in due time.” Her look told me she was still a little uneasy about my plan. AJ, so am I.

Author's Note:

And I'm back! It's been over a month since I published anything, to be honest I feel so relaxed! I've spent most of June running around Florida (and my legs are killing me for it). It was good to see my family. Though I'll admit, things were tough at times.
My next few days are gonna be about writing, working on my next college semester, and job hunting. So good to be home!

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