• Published 27th Jan 2013
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The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Darcy Anderson (Revised)

Dying teaches you a lot. Important lessons you can regret in hell for all eternity. Or, so you can do better when you’re brought back. Coming back to life is very common. People think it’s an impossibility. That’s fair, to normal people it happens very rarely. But then people like ‘Immortal George’ exist to throw off the curve.

My universe has an Immortal George. We call him ‘Chucky’. One very unlucky day, I died. The details aren’t majorly important right now. Just ignore that. The important thing is that I died on top of Chucky. Our blood mixed. The body parts did too.

So when the beat cops collected evidence, they got extra parts. Some human bits and bobs mixed in with the plastic doll mask. It’s normally not a big deal. Unless, you know, the doll parts get mixed with the blood. Your blood seeps in with his. A tie that you’ve unknowingly been running towards your entire life, and now you can’t escape it in death.

Normally it’s fine. As I said, this wasn’t normal. This was ‘Immortal Chucky’. Chucky had a girlfriend. A very desperate, very needed girlfriend. Tiffany Valentine.

Tiffany decided, one day, to resurrect her dead boyfriend via the haunted plastic doll. Canon says this happens with a slight delay but Chucky does come back to life. He kills Tiffany’s new boyfriend, mostly for a warm-up. Things are still going according to plan.

When the boyfriend died, Tiffany was supposed to propose to Chucky.

That’s not exactly what happened. The ritual of Damballa woke up whatever spirits were attached to the doll. Thanks to a whole 16 year old girl’s worth of blood, my spirit got stuck.

So, as Chucky climbed off his latest victim, he tumbled off the bed to scream. Loud and shrill. A voice that wasn’t from New Jersey, but with a more Chicago accent.

Tiffany was very confused. Still, she proposed. Chucky refused her. I did too- even called her a bitch and demanded to be fixed.


Tiffany took it poorly. Locked our shared body away in a crate. She brought a Wedding Belle doll as a gag joke. Then, to make matters worse, she did another voodoo ritual. It split up the souls by putting one inside the other doll.

So I woke up as a Wedding Belle. Fuck the plotline of the movie, I’m killing Tiffany and leaving her without a body.

Chucky wasn’t so happy to find out I was one of the three kids that gave him such a hard time. He did a third final voodoo ritual to put Tiffany in my body. It’s disgusting. I hate sharing a body with somebody.

So I decided to kill the person that got me in this mess. My big sister, Morgan. The original bitch that killed me. She pushed me off a ledge into an industrial grade fan. All ‘cause I killed a few extra people. I don’t see why it was suddenly an issue.


One night, as our 3 souls and 2 bodies began the trek to New Jersey, I found a new doll body. It took very little effort to split my soul from Tiffany. She screamed a lot though which was annoying.

But I had a body.

My sister was out there somewhere. Maybe even doing voodoo rituals of her own to get me back. Like an idiot.


I found her at a graveyard. It’s fucking poetry. A teacher would give me 100% with this shit. So I charged at her to kill her.

And guess what the bitch does?


It totally ruined my plan to kill her first. She’s such a bitch. I’ll get her next time.


Chucky and Tiffany were getting a movie made about them. Thanks to my doll body becoming recovered too, my character was included in the movie. I could vomit.

It didn’t matter. Cause Glen/Glenda Ray woke me up. My sister wasn’t anywhere in sight. That’s a surprise. Glen is her favorite horror movie character. Where the fuck was she?

A heavy metal clang went off nearby. I turned to it, tilting my head.

“Aww fuck, this bitch?” Chucky complained. “Why did you bring her back?”

“Fuck you!” I whacked his head.

“Hey!” Chucky swiped at me.

“Quiet!” Tiffany snapped. “Sweetface, thank you!”

Glen continued to gawk at us. But I didn’t give a shit about him. I wanted whoever made that noise.

A figure hid behind the box they arrived in. She looked exactly like me, even in doll form. The hair was matted and wrong. That doesn’t change how weird it is to see her like that.

“Hi Darcy.” The doll waved a plastic hand at me.

I glared at her. “You-” Morgan ducked behind the box again. “Get back here!”

I chased her to the box, jumping at her. Both of us fell inside the mess of packing peanuts. I started scratching at her. She tried whacking me. I moved faster. The fucking movie people gave me dull nails. They’re fucking useless!

Morgan fought but it was weak. What, not used to a doll body? She had six years to get used to it since I died. This piece of shit is just letting me win. That’s not the same as kicking her ass!

“Fight back!” I snarled. “Fight back, you piece of shit!”

Morgan grabbed my wrists. Suddenly, I was twirled around with her on top and my hands behind my back. “Shut up! We don’t have time for this!”

“You think I give a shit about people coming in?!”

“It’s Tony Gardener the- nevermind!” Morgan slapped her doll hand over my mouth.

I tried biting her hand.

She huffed. “Lilac has dragon teeth. You think I haven’t learned how to avoid fucking fingers?”

I snarled. There’s still a chance. I bucked my hips, trying to throw her off. Morgan kept her weight on my upper body so I couldn’t buck very hard.

“I need your help!” Morgan pleaded. I laughed. She’s finally insane. It’s the only reason she thinks I would help her! “And if I had time to explain-”

The doors opened.

“Shit!” Morgan hissed. I licked her hand. Morgan squeezed tighter, her palm blocking my nose.The doll bodily had just begun to form humanity, so that actually hurt. “Okay. The fucking Equestrians fucked up my shit. Mom and Dad know. Everybody does. A guy named Dominic Chamberlin tried putting a bullet in Lilac’s brain. Fuck him up.”

That snapped me out of it. Somebody did what? And he’s not already dead yet? I just fucking implied I would go after my niece, and my sister tossed me into a fan. A dude shoots at Lilac and she has time to get me? Fucking Author, she’s an idiot.

Ade due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg of you! Switch! Switch!” Morgan said.

My body became lax. Things became very slow. My soul began detaching from the body where it rested.

“Now go home!”

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