• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 18: Princess


Chapter 18: Princess

By Wanderer D

"...IIIT! Oof!" Sunset landed with thud on a cold, marble-like surface and slid on it until she smashed against a wall. "Oooh… crap." She coughed, taking a deep, ragged breath.

A door opened, and clattering sounds around her prompted her into action. She could barely see what was happening, as the place was shrouded in darkness, but two quadrupeds—as big as herself—were rushing her position, light shining from them.

As confused as she was, she wasn't going to become a chryssalid egg-sack. Her magic flared, and her sword sliced through the first one, dropping it gasping on the floor, and splattering with warm blood as she levitated her shotgun and tackled the second one, which only managed to squeak a weak "stop" before she had shoved the muzzle of her gun into its mouth.


Magic? Talking Chryssalid?

"Shut the hell up! If I hear a whimper, I'm blowing your brains out!" she hissed, and felt the figure under her nod fearfully.

With a growing sense of dread, she used her magic to close the door and summoned an orb of light. Simple things to do… if one had a horn.

She was a pony again. She was in a room she didn't recognize, made of thick, purple-blue quartz. Behind her, and to her right side was a pony guard, laying on his side, wheezing as blood oozed out of a gaping wound on his chest. His armor had done nothing to protect it from her sword, which was designed to slice through thick alien armor.

He was gasping, eyes wide, looking at her, but unable to really see her.

"Shit!" Sunset hissed, panic starting to seep into her. The last few minutes of her mission rushed back to her head. Jane's shout. The explosion that sent her crashing through the statue's base… She looked down at the frozen guard under her, who was only glancing from her to his dying companion and back to her in an almost desperate haze.

"Crap. Crap!" Sunset swore under her breath. She had to get back. She couldn't abandon her team... She looked down briefly at herself, confirming she was a pony once again too. Her XCOM armor had adapted to her pony body-no doubt a side effect of the mirror's magic, and now that she was in her original body it felt a little awkward and alien.

But that wasn't her main concern. The magic flowed around her and through her. She felt her long starved reserves overflowing with it. If she could only access this type of power while on Earth! The aliens would stand no chance.

A gasp behind her made her remember where she was and that her time was limited. "I'm going to make sure you don't move, and I'm going to heal your friend," she said to the guard, whose eyes widened with hope.

"Oh, don't get your hopes up, handsome," Sunset smirked, levitating her sword to cut a thin line on the guard's cheek, making it bleed. "I haven't made up my mind yet about what's happening to you both. It depends on what you can tell me."

Blood magic flowed much more easily here in Equestria, and through that tiny wound, the guard was completely paralyzed. He couldn't even close his eyes. 'If I could have done this! How many lives would I have saved?'

Sliding her shotgun's muzzle out of the guard's muzzle, she attached it to its magnetic harness and turned around, grimacing at the state of the other guard. It was lucky that the blade was so sharp, in a way, there were no jagged incisions… he had basically been split clean in half.

She approached the guard, his eyes focusing on her. "I did a poor job of it too, with the damage not killing you instantly," she said calmly, as her mind raced through what she needed to do. "A cut like that would not have brought down a chryssalid. You're lucky that I was so confused… or maybe not, if I had known what was happening, I could have taken you both down without blood splatter."

Her magic weaved out. The blood stopped pooling, and slowly, very slowly started flowing back into the body of the guard.

"Even though I did cut you open, I didn't pierce anything important… or well, anything that would kill you immediately. You won't be able to do much for about a month or so… in fact, I highly recommend you get checked by a medical professional as soon as possible… but that will have to be later." She smiled. "But don't worry, I'll make sure you're not going to die. I might be wanted here for treason… maybe. But I don't want to seal my fate in Equestria by adding murder to that."

Her magic was making her confident. She could tell. Having to ration it back in the human world, and limiting her spells was tremendously frustrating. The spell that she was using on the guard right now was what had barely saved her own life when the Assassin had ran her through.

What had only put her in a stasis that allowed the Templars to help regenerate her body over the course of several days, was now filtering the blood for any contaminants, closing the wounds and healing the cuts as it basically regressed through time with cellular regeneration. The guard would be okay—if in serious pain—within a few more seconds.

And she could do this again. And again. No two-week waiting period. She felt her energy revitalized immediately. It took a lot of willpower to not start cackling in glee. But thankfully she had things to concentrate on, and as soon as the guard was not bleeding internally, she used another spell she had learned, but had been unable to use, and he slumped down, unconscious.

Casting a simpler, regular spell she had used when younger to dim out sounds so she could study in peace, followed by another to prevent light from escaping the room—the use for that one had been to not get a talking-to from castle staff when she was up doing things instead of sleeping—she turned around to face the frozen guard, but stopped when she noticed her reflection on the mirror.

She slowly approached, taking in a face she hadn't seen in years… a face covered in orange and green blood from aliens, and now red blood from the guardspony she had almost accidentally killed. If not for that, she looked kinda cute in her XCOM predator armor. Her grappling hook hung a bit low now, so she slid it up a little, so when it shot it wouldn't cause any issues with angle.

She took a deep breath and extended her magical senses. She wouldn't be able to see who was where, but at least—power. Such strong magical power! And it was not a pony! Although… there was somepony near it. An item? More than one, actually… there was one, far below, but another was in the same level of the castle as she was.

Her team was on the other side of the mirror, either fighting, dead or worse, captured. She couldn't just save them as she was. She needed more power. More magical strength to take down the likes of the Chosen or the Alien Rulers… and whatever else the Aliens could send to Earth.

She hesitated, taking a step towards the mirror again. The urgency of her team's fate called her but… but… the power in this place, wherever she was… was beyond anything she had felt. Finally she shook her head, turning around and approaching the guard, who only now seemed to truly understand that she was drenched in something other than paint.

"Now, handsome, you're going to tell me everything I want to know."

He had been silenced again by her spell, and she had taken his baton, frowning at the blunt weapon.

When she had noticed the look the guard was giving her, she smirked. "Well… better broken bones than using my sword, right?"

The guard's eyes—the only part of him that could move, given that she didn't want him to suffer through complete paralysis of the eyes—had widened slightly.

"Now, don't tell anyone I'm here, okay?" she said with a sweet smile, before turning and leaving the room.

Sneaking around the castle at night proved to be of little challenge.

Just like Galahad had told her so many years ago, ponies were too confident in the lack of danger. To the point of stupidity, even, given what the guard had told her.

She wasn't in Canterlot, that much had been obvious, but the Crystal Empire? Just released from Sombra's control and hosting not one, but four princesses… and there were only two active patrols?

Sunset shook her head, watching in the shadows as the guard she had heard coming from down the hall passed under her, not even bothering to look up at the edges above, which she used to silently bypass every other random guard so far. Two patrols, four guards.

And none of them looked up. None.

It was almost offensive.

It was downright embarrassing. Where had they gotten these guys? Even the pegasus guards never looked up.

What if the Gryphon Empire sent assassins to take out one of the princesses? Or all? They flew! The ponies knew they flew! Sunset stopped and took a deep breath, angrily shaking her head and resisting the urge to jump down and shake the guard.

These idiots could get Celestia killed!

She managed, however, after several deep breaths and—reluctantly—using Cadance's leg-stretch stress-release technique, to calm down enough. Her bloodvision could only detect a few sleeping ponies below her, and in one room, her senses told her the magical item she needed was located. After making sure there was no one else around, and that all the heartbeats in the rooms were steady and calm, she made her way down.

At one point, Sunset had given up on the idea of an invading army coming to Equestria. She wasn't sure when that had happened. The appeal of leadership had always been about showing the princess she was more than capable of being one herself.... maybe it had been Bradford, who had taught her what a leader was… or maybe it had been her own struggle to raise through the ranks.

Regardless, her dreams of showing up Celestia had faded, even if her motivation and desire to lead hadn't lessened. But now… looking at this… she could take over the nation with a small strike team, and Equestria was not remotely prepared for what a single XCOM soldier could do, much less Sunset's team.

Granted, other unicorns could be a problem… but few of them would have what it took to really take her team down. You didn't really stop an XCOM operative unless you killed them. And even then, they might take you with them.

Sunset shook her head. Her thoughts were turning decidedly dark, and she needed to concentrate. She carefully opened the door and peeked in.

A purple baby dragon slept in a little bed on the side of the stand where her objective sat, to all appearances a regular crown with an amethyst like star design. But she could sense the power emanating from it… and from the pony sleeping blissfully next to it.

Sunset paused, looking over the sleeping princess. 'I should hate you for taking what was supposed to be mine,' she thought, contemplative, as she used a hoof to lightly brush the pony's mane from her face. She slept peacefully and unworried. And for the life of her, Sunset couldn't bring herself to be angry at her.

When was the last time she had slept so peacefully?

Shaking her head again, she levitated the crown and slid it into one of her pockets. It fit uncomfortably, due to the shape, but it would stay inside. She felt a pang of guilt as she turned around and started walking carefully out, her thoughts turning to the disappointment Celestia and… Princess Twilight would feel the next morning, for different reasons.

But she wasn't doing it to be mean. She wasn't bitter about… not being the one sleeping comfortably in the bed. She hesitated. Did she really want to do this?

It was then that she stumbled on the tail of the little dragon, which had slid out of his bed. Sunset didn't fall, managing to keep herself upright, but she did have to canter a little, her hooves striking the crystal floor harder than she intended.

"Huh? What was that?!"

Sunset cursed under her breath.

"Wait! Who are you? Is-is that my crown! She's got my crown!"

Sunset didn't stop to reason with her, taking off out of the room as fast as she could go… which was pretty fast.

"Stop!" the princess shouted. "Thief!"

She heard several doors open behind her and soon a bunch of ponies were on her tracks, but Sunset was confident they would never stop her.

It was then that the air in front of her shimmered with gathering magic and in a flash of light, princess Twilight teleported right in front of her. "Oh yeah… I forgot about that," Sunset muttered, her horn lighting up and teleporting just past the princess with a laugh. It felt good to have magic again.


Just as Sunset turned around a corner, a guard at the end of the hall she had stepped into noticed the chase, then grimly charged her, trying to stop her.

Well. This one here wasn't a civilian.

Narrowing her eyes, Sunset accelerated, and just as they were about to crash, the baton she had borrowed from the other guard smacked viciously against the knees of the guard in front, eliciting a cry of pain. She jumped over the collapsing guard, kicking back viciously with her hooves and smashing his face onto the floor. "Sorry soldier, but at least you'll be up and about in a week!" she called back.

She heard the gasps of horror from the mares behind her, and for the moment they all had seemed to stop following her. Probably in shock at what happened to the guard.

Civilians. Peh.

Sunset ran around another corner and smirked when her objective was straight in sight. She burst into the room, closing the doors behind her before she realized she was not alone.

"Halt, blood witch!" a dark blue alicorn, who could only be Princess Luna called, standing angrily in the middle of the room among guards and other alicorns. To her left, Cadance stood, her eyes widening in recognition, and to her right…

"Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset looked up at the princess, her heart a turmoil of emotions, ranging from shame to frustration to relief to defensiveness.

Sunset's spell secured the door behind her, locking her in with three alicorns and six guards, including the two she had taken out earlier, who were off to the side, in good health, but not participating.

Sunset shut her eyes and took a slow breath and cracked her neck from side to side, before slowly opening her eyes again. On Earth, she would have been taken down in that pause. Here… not so much.

"Princess," she said neutrally, bowing slightly. "I'm glad to see you in good health."

"Sunset…" Celestia hesitated in taking a step forth, deciding to remain in place... and that… that hurt more than Sunset would have expected. "I-I thought you had left forever. I was wondering how you were doing."

Behind the three alicorns, the mirror shimmered with magic… and the urgency behind her theft.

"Princess.. I-I read your last messages... just two days ago."

Celestia looked down. "Oh."

"I'm sorry." Sunset said. "I was stupid, and… and petty."

"Sister," Luna's voice was cautious, but still somewhat angry. "You know this blood witch?"

"She's Sunset Shimmer," Cadance said. "My former roommate, Celestia's old apprentice… but what happened to you, Sunset? You're covered in blood… and that armor..."

Sunset looked down, her nametag catching her eye, reminding her of what she needed to do. "I have to go." She looked up at the three princesses and four fight-ready guards. "Please don't make me hurt you and just let me through. People's lives depend on me."

Even though she seemed shocked by Sunset's words, there was a glint of something in Celestia's eyes. A warmth. "I'm afraid you can't leave with the Element of Magic in your possession," she said, shaking her head. "As much as I would like you to stay and… mend old relations, that does not belong to you."

"I'm sorry, Princess, but that's impossible," Sunset remarked, assuming a fighting stance just as she heard the banging outside the room. "I need an edge. The stakes are much higher than you or anyone here can possibly understand. Either let me through… or prepare to fight."

Celestia's eyes were pained. "I see you have my cutie mark on your shoulder guard. Before we… before we battle, could you tell me why?"

Sunset didn't take her eyes off of them this time. "To remind myself to never betray those who trust me again. And were there another way, I wouldn't do this."

"There's always another way, Sunset," Celestia whispered, eyes silently pleading.

"Enough chatter!" Luna growled. "Have at thee, blood witch!" Her blast scorched the place where Sunset had been a second ago, but she had jumped to the side, getting a guard between the princesses and herself.

The guard was of no consequence, clearly only having battle experience in training alone, but it was Luna she needed to deal with. She wouldn't be able to take down all three princesses, so all she could do was… she grinned. She'd never get away with it without technology, of course, but…

Sunset flashed, disappearing for a moment.

"Fool!" Luna roared, turning around to face the place that Sunset reappered in across from where everypony was, leaving her a straight line at her. "I know where you will appear!"

"I know!" Sunset said, her grappling hook shooting out of her hoof and catching Luna by surprise. "But you're not fighting one of your useless guards!"

Luna was dragged towards Sunset in an uncontrolled rush, straight into a baton swing. The baton broke with a crack upon impacting against the alicorn's face, but Luna had been stunned sufficiently enough for Sunset to telekinetically pick her up and throw her on top of Cadance and the guards.

The Princess sailed through the air just as the guards were starting to mobilize and Cadance was preparing a spell, resulting in a mass of bodies collapsing as they tried to catch Luna. Sunset smirked. 'How many times have I wished I could do that to ADVENT troops!'

Celestia was conflicted, looking from the mass of struggling bodies to Sunset, unwilling to commit to an attack, and so, Sunset used the surprise of her attack to rush the mirror. "I'm sorry! I'll bring it back!" she shouted, taking a running leap into the mirror, just as something appeared in front of her in a purple blast of magic.

Sunset crashed into it, hearing an 'oof' before she and the soft thing that had appeared on the way rolled into the mirror.

o.0.o End Chapter 18 o.0.o

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