• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 90: Self


Chapter 90: Self

By Wanderer D

*** Earlier that Day ***

After the Commander, Bradford, Elena and Sunset had been summoned into Betos' tent, the XCOM group, sans Angel—who had slithered to wait over by the tent itself like some sort of bodyguard—had decided to take a look around the camp, with Betos' early blessing.

It had been odd, watching Sunset's reception, Twilight thought. These ex-ADVENT soldiers had come from a very organized, controlling, society and now approached things with a lot of… loudness, physical confrontation and anger.

She had read about cultures like that in Equestria, of course, where bravado played a big part in society. Dragons were a good example, and if Celestia's stories about Yaks were anything to go by… she grimaced. She hadn't intended her thoughts to go back to her fellow princess right now.

Still, it was clear that places like these would really put weight on being tough and resourceful in a rather violent way. Of course Sunset would have done well here initially, when she had fled Equestria full of anger and hate but… to come back here and feel a stronger link to Earth? How?

"So this is the sort of life Sunset had when she arrived a couple of years ago," Jane mused, unwittingly echoing Twilight's thoughts as she, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Laetitia stopped their wandering to watch a training match between several Skirmishers.

One of them, Twilight noted, was the female that had been waiting at the landing spot, along with Betos, who was the only Skirmisher she could name besides Mox (and Sunset, technically).

The Skirmisher in question was fighting two others, both male, but clearly less experienced, if the pounding they were getting was any indication. In another area, other Skirmishers were practicing with their claw-like weapons, rushing in to dismember several dummies made of various materials.

Others ran from cover to cover increasingly reducing the distance to their targets as they shot, or used their grappling hooks practically fly into their "enemies" and slash at them. It was brutal.

"I really don't want to say it…" Jane said, "but it explains a lot of things."

"It certainly sheds some light on her propensity to get showered in blood," Laetitia quipped, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, after watching this, it's no wonder tha—Twilight, the hell you're doing?!"

Twilight glared over her shoulder, one foot inside the combat area. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to do this too."

"Why?" Jane asked. "There's no point, you're going to get your ass kicked."

"Sunset came out just fine," Twilight retorted. "If she could do it, so can I!"

Laetitia seemed perplexed. "And you think Sunset somehow didn't get her ass handed back to her?"

"I already went through basic training, I can take it."

"Twilight," Jane insisted, "think about this, look at what's going on around here, we already know you're a good soldier, resilient and even went through shit that others wouldn't be able to handle… you don't have to do this."

Laetitia nodded. "Not to mention, you still have things and projects to do, and it will be most difficult to do it when you're not in one piece."

"Hey, XCOM," the female Skirmisher called out, "If you step in here you're going to fight, you understand? And I have a lot training to do to help these guys catch up."

Twilight hesitated.

"Don't do it, Squaddie," Rainbow Dash said.

The female Skirmisher snorted. "If these are the kind of warriors that XCOM boasts, it is no wonder Mox died."

Twilight blinked, shocked and angered at the comment, but in that moment, she had already lost sight of Rainbow Dash. She whipped around in time to catch her friend smashing her fist into the Skirmisher's face, knocking her down with that punch.

A beat.

Then Jane body-slammed one of the Skirmishers in the rink, who was about to tackle Twilight, and Laetitia was in the air, spin-kicking the other.

This did not go unnoticed by other Skirmishers, and soon enough fists were flying and Twilight was kicking and punching as well. Mostly dodging, though.

She didn't get far, however, although she did better than she had anticipated. Once the fight had escalated, Twilight had found herself choosing her attacks carefully, as the bigger Skirmishers barely felt them if they were not placed properly.

Still, she could only dodge so much and eventually a fist caught her straight in the chin.

Oddly enough—she would think later in retrospect—as short as her own fight was, and as painful as the recovery felt, it had been very emotionally rewarding.

Chrysalis emerged from the tent along with Bradford and gave him a half smile. "I think Betos cares about our Sunny."

Bradford sighed.

"Look, you can't let your paternal feelings get in the way of her growth," Chrysalis said, patting his shoulder with obviously fake empathy. "She has to leave the nest someday. Find a snake to marry. Give you grandkids that you can spoil with small mice."

"Let's not go there, Commander," Bradford said, giving her a look. "Or I will bring up the two pictures you have of both Sunsets with measurement notes and comparisons."

"I have no such thing and hard drive wipes should have taken care of such a thing if it ever existed."

"I shall contact Volk and share this information," Elena said from behind them. She walked past the pair and headed towards the Skyranger.

"Wait, what information? What we discussed inside, that Bradford has daughter issues or the pictures that never existed?"

Elena paused. "Yes."

Then she continued walking away.

Bradford and Chrysalis watched her go in silence.

"Central, if Volk even mentions any of this…"

But Bradford wasn't paying attention. His eyes were on the people walking up to them.

Rainbow Dash and the female Skirmisher from earlier, Tala—if he remembered the name correctly—were between them carrying an unconscious Twilight Sparkle, and Laetitia and Jane were supporting each other as several other Skirmishers limped away.

"It seems we missed something," Chrysalis drawled.

"Lieutenant," Bradford locked eyes with Rainbow Dash, "Did you get into a fight?"

"A training exercise, nothing more," Tala said immediately.

"So what happened to Twilight?" Bradford asked Rainbow Dash.

"She… um, joined one of the combat training groups and well… you know that saying, 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee'? She needs practice on the floating part."

"In her defense, her punches were calculated to do the most damage, if they had more power to them, Karg would have even felt them."

Chrysalis' eyes narrowed. "I expect this was the last cross-company training exercise I'll have to worry about for a while?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Good, the funeral will start when Sunset is done talking to Betos, make sure Twilight is at least awake by then."

They watched them go in silence. "Central," Chrysalis spoke up once the group was gone, "Is Twilight getting any help with her emotions and mental state?"

"Some… mostly from friends, since she declined formal therapy. Jane and Laetitia have been taking care of her. I know the latter has medical studies…"

"I want Twilight Sparkle in mandatory psychological evaluation, and weekly therapy."

"What about Sunset?" Bradford asked after a moment. "Between… that event and Mox…"

"Sunset already scheduled something," Chrysalis said, "The mission just happened first… as for Mox's death…" she glanced at the tent, "I think she's got that under control. The princess is who worries me. Whatever Twilight's up to, it's counterproductive."

"I'll make the call commander," Bradford said. "But I'm afraid our current team is… somewhat limited in that department."

"I have someone in mind…" Chrysalis said, then smirked. "Won't that be a surprise for our dear Twilight."

*** Present Time ***

Through most of the funeral, Twilight had remained silent. The fight from earlier, as short as it was, had provided a bit of relief. Somehow, she had needed to let loose in such a manner.

It was unusual for her, and the changes in personality she had been experiencing were worrying. Was she just jaded? Suffering from emotional imbalance of some sort? The lack of people to talk to… or rather, close friends to talk to, ponies that got her was weighing heavily on her.

She looked down at her hands, touched briefly her swollen jaw, wincing at the shot of pain from the touch.

Why was she so angry? And worse, not only angry… she was… numb. Even the brief relief from the fight didn't really make her more willing to talk to others, or reach out. She recognized that this was a problem.

Logically, objectively, she knew there was something wrong.

But… she somehow didn't seem to care, despite that.

The funeral drew to an end after Sunset's impassioned speech and Twilight made her way to the front, where the other XCOM soldiers were. They were leaving soon, and she had stuff to do.


o.0.o End Chapter 90 o.0.o

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