• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 248: Update

XCOM: Ranger

Chapter 248: Update

By Wanderer D

The moment that Adagio stepped into the commander's office, she felt it. Something wrong.

She tried looking towards Chrysalis, someone she had known for decades, even if the other woman had no idea, and tried to say something witty, but something to the left—where the large frame of a map of earth hung—kept grabbing her attention. Sucking it in. She gulped. "What is that?"

"Ah, that expression," Chrysalis said, glancing over from her desk at her. "Whenever Jane or Princess Luna step in here it's the exact same thing." She stood up and walked towards the frame, pulling it towards her and revealing a hidden safe behind it.

"Careful!" Adagio blurted out when Chrysalis' hand went up to open the safe. The commander gave her an amused look and entered a code quickly. The safe opened and she pulled out a small box.

It was like the world slowly faded into it, as if its mere presence drew the light and color and happiness and essence of everything around it. She could feel ice in her blood, like her stomach was being drenched in cold water. "What is it?" she repeated softly, unwilling to speak up. Or maybe she had spoken normally and her voice was diminished.

Chrysalis opened the box and showed the silvery bullets to her and Adagio could only feel horror as she gazed at them.

"There was once a man I met," Adagio said, "a tortured soul; an artist and creator to whom I whispered ancient legends of worlds beyond. I fed his imagination with twisted visions, his dreams with lucid fantasies of cities twisted from our memories or visions. He was gifted and sensitive to the worlds beyond: to magic and the forbidden. Sometimes, at midnight, I would get Sonata and Aria to sing with me from the coast of Providence, near the harbor when he was walking by or simply trying to sleep. We would sing our nightmares. We would sing about our enemies and their astral forms. We would sing about the silence, the evil and cold beyond the cold light of stars.

"He told stories of his visions, twisted his perception of his fellow human beings with hatred and fear that seeped into the very words he feverishly pushed into paper. He made up the most amazing words, drew from snippets of dreams and legends to fabricate such wonderful, evil beings. He wrote once a phrase that would outlive him by over a century. Something I thought fanciful at the time. Even lovely."

She licked her lips, her eyes tracing the contour of each bullet. Everything around them to her magical senses seemed to deteriorate, but the bullets themselves only seemed… real.

"He wrote, "That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die." And until now," Adagio whispered, "I never knew what a horrible truth he had discovered."

"And I always wondered why H.P. Lovecraft had such a dim outlook on the world," Chrysalis muttered, closing the lid on the bullets with a click.

Adagio started, as if suddenly waking up from a dream. "Those things. Destroy them." She looked up at Chrysalis. "Please. You don't know what they can—what they truly mean."

"I hear you've been asking around, trying to catch up with recent history about our dear Captain Shimmer." Chrysalis said casually as she put the bullet box away. "How far have you gotten?"

Adagio swallowed the moment the things were out of sight, secured within the safe box. "I uh. Until she transformed into Fugue."

"Right," Chrysalis said, motioning with her hand. "We have much to talk about, you and I, but I guess if you're going to help, you might as well hear some details the others might've forgotten or not been privy to." She glanced in the direction of the safe. "Or simply didn't want to share."

"O-of course," Aria said. "But those—"

"Sunset made them."

Aria recoiled back, as if the statement had been a slap to the face. "What? But… that's the antithesis of magic and life… no magic wielder would create something like that!"

"Not even a spell-casting soldier who is afraid of what type of monster she might become?" Chrysalis asked softly.

"That's not—" Adagio groaned. "Sirens are not monsters!"

"So you just sang Lovecraft and who knows how many others into madness for centuries for the benefit of humanity."

"We're different. We're created from ponies, true, but—when she became one she shouldn't have turned into what she did." Adagio crossed her arms.

"Then let's try and figure out what went wrong, let's catch you up completely then. After that, we can work on possibly helping her."

Adagio simply nodded, glancing uneasily towards the safe.

Chrysalis took a deep breath. "When I was put under, Sunset Shimmer and Stardust had just left the XCOM base and we were attacked. When I came to, twenty years had passed. We had lost the war, your sisters were running around doing hitjobs for ADVENT, my Sunset Shimmer was dead as were many of my friends, Bradford had stopped wearing a sweater, we had a flying fortress, and the person that had rescued me looked, talked, smiled and… had the same presence and name as Sunset. I had to watch her closely, Bradford told me all that he knew, then showed me a package that had been given to him by Charles… who got it from the original Sunset Shimmer.

"She said the new Sunset wasn't a fake. That she wasn't a clone." She glanced up at Adagio. "To this day I don't understand these premonitions that she had."

"I… sort of have an idea…" Adagio said weakly. "But continue."

Chrysalis' eyes narrowed, but she nodded. "I eventually saw her reappear after going to another world. I heard her speak to Twilight Sparkle, and I heard what she felt for this world, for us." She smirked. "How could I not trust her?" She leaned back.

"Part of the reason I joined EXALT was because they weren't afraid of aliens or other creatures," Adagio said. "The same goes for my sisters. I never thought I'd see the day XCOM admitted aliens, hybrids and unicorns into their ranks."

"The times of xenophobia are gone. We can't afford to be afraid of others because of their origin anymore. Bigger predators are out there than the ones we make up in our heads out of petty differences. The Elders are killing us all, and it's our choice to either embrace others or die alone." Chrsyals rolled her shoulders back. "I choose to fight alongside those that want this to end."

"Very accepting for someone that was asleep for twenty years."

Chrysalis snorted. "Was I? Or did you forget that I was part of the conscience of every alien and soldier that was part of ADVENT?"

Adagio's eyes went wide. "You remember?"

"Some of it," Chrysalis admitted. "I remember a few instances where I managed to get a response from some of the soldiers and aliens. It was that that… sort of opened me to the idea that they were not all mindless monsters."

Adagio chuckled. "The silver lining."

"Of a sort." Chrysalis scoffed. Her smile faded. "I grew to respect Sunset. Even when Twilight was captured, her heart was in the right place and her loyalty never wavered. She was willing to give her life if necessary, but understood that the sacrifice was not just her choice. That she was a piece in my strategy, and she trusted me." She licked her lips. "It… hurt watching her come back so many times barely clinging to life and only surviving because of some flimsy "magic" that wouldn't let her pass away."

"Blood magic will do that," Adagio said. "It's not conscious itself, but it is the most visceral type of magic to exist. It draws on the most basic instincts to sustain itself and maintain its caster. It's part of what makes it so dangerous."

"As you know, she killed the Viper King thanks to Twilight's intervention, then during her infiltration missions almost lost Jane and did lose Mox." She paused. "Mox is probably the hardest hit for her so far," Chrysalis continued. "He was her first friend in this world, and her direct mentor for a long time. He welcomed her back into her first family here, even if unofficially. In the end, I think she looked up to him as much as she looks up to Bradford."

"She managed to contain the blood magic for years," Adagio said. "What happened to push her?"

Chrysalis shrugged. "A combination of things? I think the Element of Magic being here affected her, as well as her trip to Equestria."

"And you didn't notice anything? No warning signs?"

Chrysalis looked down. "When Michael betrayed Twilight… she almost killed him with magic. Her shape changed into something… demonic for a few moments."

Adagio stared at her. "And this was not a warning sign?"

"It was," Chrysalis growled. "But what was I supposed to do about it? Try and keep her in here? Stop her from fighting? Would that have changed anything?" She shook her head. "Sunset was still an asset and assured me that it was a temporary loss of control. Given that noone else had her knowledge of that particular brand of magic, including Twilight, I had to trust her on that."

Chrysalis stood up and walked over to the shelves where her memorabilia from the old XCOM was. The skull of a Sectoid. The picture of herself, Sunset, Chen and Moira. She picked it up and gazed at it, not turning to face Adagio. "It seemed that things went back to normal after that. Sunset brought the bullets, but I thought it was just… a bit of overdramatization. I can't sense them like you and the others can. Until Princess Luna explained what they did, I thought they were just more powerful in the sense of normal ammo."

"Clearly not."

The Commander ignored her. "Then she and Bradford went on the mission where she met the Warlock. That's the last time we saw Sunset Shimmer, and the day Fugue was born," Chrysalis said. "After that… well, you know what happened next: you reached out to us through the network, played that video of Sunset Shimmer and Stardust in the Temple Ship."


"And I think that's it. We sent a team to find you, lost over half of Dragon, but we got you and Miss Grimfeather."

Adagio stood up and walked over to the commander, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Even though you didn't know, I was with you and Sunset since you were kids. I'm sorry."

"Yeah." Chrysalis rolled her shoulders. She didn't turn around. "Anyway, we got sidetracked with all this catching up. I've called a staff meeting to start in about fifteen minutes. How about we have a drink?"

Adagio glanced at the picture Chrysalis held. She remembered that day. "I think I'll pass."

It wasn't until Chrysalis was already serving up the whiskey that something clicked in her head.

"Wait, did you say Princess Luna?"

Chrysalis glanced at her and grinned.

"You know what," Adagio said. "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now."

o.0.o End Chapter 248 o.0.o

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