• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,397 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 181: Obscure


Chapter 181: Obscure

By Wanderer D

The trio walked into the main hall of the mansion, alight with golden lights, glinting merrily against the white and gold of the marble floor and columns. It was lavish to the point of being offensive to the senses. Several objects of different shapes and forms and levels of technology were scattered around the large room, giving it almost the air of a museum.

There were many artifacts attributed to the Elders. One glass case contained a metallic box of alien design. It was open and a weirdly shaped, cracked crystal of some sort lay inside. A small, metallic plaque proclaimed the item had been granted to them in the year 1843, which would put it almost a century ahead of the FBI file's point of contact.

Another exhibit, of unknown origin or date was an unnerving jade figurine of some sort of demonic gargoyle or sphinx. It was also battered and one of the wings had been broken clean off.

But it was one of the bigger displays that drew Sunset's attention. Her eyes widened and she walked up to it. It was almost comically friendly-looking, surrounded by all the other dark and foreboding artifacts that emanated unsettling psychic waves of dubious Elder origin.

This one was different. It didn't whisper promises of dark power or threats. It had a resilient presence of sorts. Not quite psychic, but it seemed to emanate a statement. "I'm here." against all the darkness around it.

What remained of it, like a miniature ship, about the size of a car, of light blue and white, faded and battered. It was badly damaged, with the contents completely fried. A large piece of blackened crystal could be seen jutting from the side of it. The plaque under it mentioned that it had been recovered during the Elder's ascension and seemed to be part of some unknown culture that had dared stand in their way, but no other information was provided.

"What is it, Su—Eli?" Bradford asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"Nothing… this thing, it just… that symbol? If it wasn't so bent out of shape, I'd say it looks like the number six in Equestrian."

Elena snorted. "Nonsense, we know there was no science crossing between worlds," she shrugged. "It's a coincidence."

"Yeah," Sunset sighed, glancing around. "Yeah, you're right. What isn't a coincidence is why we're here," she hissed, "look at all of these Elder supporters… dining and celebrating while Earth is slowly consumed."

"One thing at a time, Eli." Bradford said on a normal tone of voice. "Let's enjoy ourselves, after all, it would be rude to leave early without at least meeting with our host."

Sunset smiled demurely. "Yes father."

Her eyes studied the mass of murderers and betrayers. The ADVENT soldiers and mutons. Blood flowed all around her. She could feel the hearts, hear the rush of it in their veins. Yes. She didn't have time for old artifacts.

She looked around, practically prowling, when something caught her attention. Something else was here, something… or someone dangerous.

Sunset's eyes studied the figure, taller than a human or any ADVENT soldier, easily the size of one of their MECs. It studied a far wall, away from the party, keeping its distance.

She glanced behind her, noticing that Bradford and Elena were mingling, as planned. It was time to do her duty. She smirked, navigating between the guests as she approached the doors guarded by a Muton and an ADVENT officer.

Their positioning was clear. No one was attempting to enter the small hallway that led into that room. Sunset smirked, allowing her control of blood to touch their vascular systems. She didn't need to make them faint, but lower their blood pressure enough and…

The moment the aliens groaned and touched their foreheads, Sunset dashed in between them, quickly forgetting about them, as she followed the dark hallway to a pair of double doors.

She finally hesitated. Should she go in?

"I know you're out there," a voice, strong and deep emanated from within. "Why don't you join me?"

The Warlock sat in the study, his thoughts on the old times, when he and several others had gathered in this very library to delve into the unknown; studying ancient artifacts that defied explanation. Feeling the sheer power emanating from each and everyone of them.

Back then, they had thought they had power. That their names would live on forever, alongside themselves, as their power overwhelmed every nation of earth. Such promise. Such prominent names.

The purest of ancient blood.

Hailing from Egypt to Greece to Babylon to the deepest of Africa and the farthest, highest mountains of Tibet.

They were rich, possessing forbidden knowledge and the will to use it. Their ancestors had collected much and when the Elders had approached Earth, many of their gifts had returned to power, allowed them to speak to the Elders and gather forces for them.

They were going to be exalted beyond the human limits.

He grinned, looking down at the gem that had put him even further beyond the grasp of the Elders. He had their power now… but also power ancient and unknown, ripped from the claws of another powerful being.

A pulse made him frown. He glanced at his gem, which trickled with its mysterious power, reacting to something… something powerful, much like himself.

He turned towards the door. Now that his attention was to the party, he could feel it coming closer until it stood just outside the library. Hesitating.

The Warlock stood, facing the door, a feral smile crossing his face. Who was it? Sona-The Hunter? No… the power was similar, but not quite hers. No… this was new. A new Chosen.

"I know you're out there," he finally spoke, straightening and crossing his arms across his chest. "Why don't you join me?"

He could feel whatever or whoever was outside pause to consider his words, then the door handle twisted and a young woman, beautiful by human standards walked in. Her hair was pitch black, and she wore a single piece dress that would have been scandalous twenty years prior.

She walked in, confident, but cautious. A warrior then.

Clearly not one of the usual guests, as no one would have dared get past the guards at the hall entrance. She closed the door behind her, and slowly circled the room, until they both faced each other with the entrance to his right.

He studied the intruder. There was an unsettling, familiar aura around her. He grinned, his fingers caressing his gem as the simple act created a sympathetic effect of some sort. Just above the young woman's breasts, the skin seemed to ripple, and a gem emerged, red, solid, and emanating entropic energies.

So familiar and promising.

"Well, well, well…" the Warlock's grin turned into a chuckle. "I thought there were only three of you… what do you want, little siren?"

o.0.o End Chapter 181 o.0.o

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