• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,397 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 97: FMP pt. 7 Return


Chapter 97: FMP pt. 7 Return

By Wanderer D

"What exactly happened in there?" Bradford asked, once he had guided Sunset to an empty room and motioned for her to sit down.

"I… don't know," Sunset admitted, "I think she managed to somehow—through my blood magic and the gem—see a glimpse of what happened to her."

Bradford sat down too, a slightly haunted look in his face. "If a glimpse made her scream like you had ripped her eyes out, I can't imagine what facing the real thing would be like."

"It's... " Sunset sighed, "I think that she saw more than even I could. She rode the magic, the memories… what she saw, it went beyond a physical appearance, or obvious changes. It deeply disturbed her, beyond that."

Bradford sighed. "Do you want to give them some time and try again? You didn't seem to get much information."

"I wonder," Sunset sighed, then yawned. "I'm sorry, I-I wasn't tired until now and…"

"Sunset?" Bradford asked, curious, then a bit more worried, "Sunset?"

"I'mma be okay…" she mumbled, crossing her arms and resting her head on them. "Just five…"

She looked around, she was standing in a white emptiness. All around her was white, there was no shadow, no up or down.

"...minutes? Um… Bradford?" She turned, more than slightly spooked. "Central?" A pause. "Dad?"

She felt as if the world was spinning, or maybe she was, but without anything around her, the sensation was incredibly unpleasant to the point of not knowing whether she should feel sick and throw up or if it was all in her mind.

Slowly, the world around her formed into familiar walls, and curtains, a bed and carpet, and a familiar mare.

Celestia sat on her bed, staring down at her copy of the diary. Sunset recognized the signs: The day was over… Celestia had gotten through Day Court and her duties were complete for now.

Usually, she would be drinking tea, and reading a book, but this time, she wasn't. She kept her eyes on the diary, obviously expecting it to do something.

It didn't.

Sunset could see the frustration and anger in Celestia. Just as she knew the signs of post-Day-Court, she knew the signs of frustrated Celestia.

"Oh my, but you do seem despondent."

Sunset… knew that voice. And apparently so did Celestia.

The Princess closed her eyes tiredly. "Discord… this is really not the time."

'Discord? But he sounded just like Geist!'

"Au contraire, Celestia!" the disembodied voice countered, "this is the perfect time for a bit of… randomness."

Celestia let out a long sigh, then opened her eyes and glared up at the floating head of her erstwhile enemy. "Things are not ideal right now, Discord, and I wou—"

"Oh, I know!" The head fell, bouncing on her bed and rolling to a stop on the floor. "I heard that our dear Twilight is in another dimension! How exciting is that?!"

The head winked at Sunset, who simply blinked in return.

Celesta, however, glared at him. "Not exciting at all! She's in a war-torn world along with my daughter!"

Sunset grimaced. It was clear that Discord could see her, but Celestia couldn't.

"Your daughter? When did you get busy?" Discord asked, looking genuinely surprised.

Celestia's cheeks turned rosy red. "Adoptive daughter, her name is Sunset Shimmer." She shook her head and gave him a wary glance. "I don't suppose you have the power to bring them back safely?"

Discord materialized fully in the room, seating on the sofa and looking pensively at his claws. "I don't know Celestia, why would I ever want to do that?"


"Ohohoho, no. I don't think that would be quite enough for that." Discord wiggled his eyebrows.

Celestia looked down at the diary. "They're risking their lives every day there, Discord… Sunset is always on combat missions, and Twilight… she's…" Celestia trailed off, sniffling a little.

Discord shrugged and grabbed the diary. Before Celestia or Sunset could protest, he flipped the pages, and then tossed it back onto the bed.

"I hate to break it to you, Celestia, but Sunny!Two never said she was okay with being your daughter," he pointed out. "Now, I admit that I do horrible things to ponies for my own entertainment, but I am at least honest about it. What you want to do, is choose for Sunset what her life is to be."

He snorted.

"And your student is jealous."

"Wait," Sunset spoke up, "Jealous? Of who?" But neither of the two acknowledged her.

Celestia frowned, her self-pity seemingly forgotten. "Watch what you say, Discord. I only want what's best for my—for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight, and it's bad enough that my hooves are tied and I feel useless enough to even consider asking you for assistance."

"Oh really?" Discord asked, floating forward and getting in Celestia's face. "You think that you can tear her away from everything she's built; all the wonderful chaos she's been involved with—and she'll just… what? Thank you for it?"

Celestia opened her mouth to speak.

"Be happy?" Discord interrupted. "You think she won't go mad with Blood Magic? That she won't despair about her friends just like you are now despairing for her?"

Celestia closed her mouth, looking down, the stubborn frown still in her face. "Even if not here, she should be somewhere where she's happy."

Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. A small, nebulous cloud of energy formed and in the middle, they could see who could only be Sunset in her human form, standing proud in battle armor in front of a large crowd of other bipedal beings.

All three watched and listened to her in silence, then the cloud faded away.

Celestia's eyes were tearful. "Oh, my Little Sun…"

Discord made gagging noises. "She just promised her dead friend to see him through the war," Discord pointed out, smirking at Celestia. "And you just want to take her away from it? How deliciously hypocritical and selfish."

"I just want them both safe, Discord!" Celestia snapped. "If you have the power to do it, why wouldn't I ask for your help? I'm trying to be supportive, but I'm stuck here and they are both there. I want them back because they'll be safe and happy here! All I can do is write letter after letter and pretend that I'm strong and fine! I'm tired of not being able to do anything! I love Sunset! And I miss my student! What's wrong with that?!"

"Nothing, I suppose," Discord shrugged. "But we're talking about a grown mare here who left to forge her own life."

"She was unfortunate enough to arrive at that horrible place," Celestia said, "I'm proud of what she has accomplished but… I'm sure that if she had arrived in a much more safe world, she would have been happier. Even now, she would be happier somewhere else."

Discord snorted once more. "Would you like to see what would happen?"

The image depicting the scene slowly faded away, and Sunset was stuck again in the whiteness.

"So, what do you think?"

She jumped and turned around, glaring at the chimeric creature across from her. "This was all what? A bet?"

"Heaven forbid!" Discord said, raising his lion paw to his chest. "Nonono. It was… a favor."

Sunset crossed her arms. "I somehow doubt that. A favor for who?"

"Why, Celestia, of course! And if you get some clues in the process, how can you complain?"

"Some warning would have been nice!"

"And spoil the surprise?" Discord cackled, then smirked. "Celly needed to see what would happen if you were taken away from your home just because she felt you'd be happier somewhere else. Guess what happened? You went straight back to the military after some random violence."

"Sunset?" a voice hesitantly asked.

Sunset stiffened, turning around slowly.

Celestia was there, in all her glory… looking scared. "Is it really you? I'm sorry, Sunset, I couldn't stop him… he plucked your consciousness before I could get a word in and made me watch the whole thing..." Celestia said, taking a deep breath, then smiling slightly, she approached Sunset, walking around and studying her. "So this is what you now look like, in person… it's different even from seeing it in those visions."

Sunset shuffled in place, unsure of what to do, so she glanced at Discord. "How did you do this?"

"Well, let's see…" Discord snapped his fingers and a purple crystal statue of Twilight appeared, and right next to it, one of Sunset, although for some reason she looked like a filly.

"Let's say," Discord started, "that the multiverse has several versions of all of us around it. Similar enough at times, but all different, even if in the end they're us." He summoned a giant hammer and crushed the Twilight statue into pieces. Each of the fragments flew into the air and into small bubbles, hovering in place, while a larger bubble surrounded the filly Sunset figurine.

"Now, if we grabbed Swee—Sunset here, and magically move her from one to the other as she is…" Filly Sunset was levitated and pushed out of the bubble, but the bubble popped. "...the universe can't really handle it."

"Right," Sunset said, giving him a slightly bemused look, "Except that the Law of Magical Duplication would prevent that, unless I was so integral to its existence tha—" her eyes widened.

Discord grinned. "Exactly, so, what do we do? Well, as young Starswirl once said to me when I was bored, we dilate time and space, and move the consciousness along…"

A ghostly form of the figurine separated from it and moved up to where the fragment was, just as another, similar ghostly figure was pushed into the first one.

"And we exchanged minds for a little bit..."

"Indeed," Discord said, looking at his claws with plenty of satisfaction. "Smart, huh?" He sighed, over dramatically. "Alas, even my magic can't rip you away completely from a world where your existence is currently so tightly tied to, and bring you to your non-mom against your will. But I figured she could see what would happen if we did just that regardless."

He grinned. "And it was glorious. The first thing you did was go John Wick on your counterpart's buddies. I guess they're lucky there were no pencils around."

"It wasn't my best moment," Sunset growled, "I had no warning! What did you expect?! To smile and just blindly accept a new reality? I don't even know those girls… other than Rainbow Dash, and all things considered, the word 'know' would be a stretch.

"And I have duties! Promises to fulfill! People that might die if I'm not there for them! Do you know how Sunset in that world defeated the Assassin, the Hunter and their sister?" she waved her arms in the air in frustration, "They sang a song!" She went pale. "Oh. Oh no. Don't tell me I have to sing to the Assassin."

"That still leaves the question… why?" Celestia said more soberly, letting Sunset ramble and turning to look at the draconequus. "Really, Discord? Why bother with all of this?"

Discord looked slightly uncomfortable. "I'll let you two talk." He then rolled up like a curtain, and blinked out of existence.

Sunset sat on nothing, arms around her knees. She had ran out of complaints eventually and after an awkward pause, simply took a seat. Across from her, sitting patiently—but not less regally—was Celestia.

"I really did not intend for Discord to cause this."

"But he did." Sunset looked down. "I don't want to sound ungrateful to your worry, Celestia, but I'm not your daughter."

Celestia didn't answer, simply closing her eyes and looking down.

"You know how much I wanted it… it wasn't meant to be," Sunset said, still not looking up, "I missed you. I still do… but that ship sailed too long ago."

"Is it really impossible?" Celestia's voice was soft. "I watched you in that other world… you seemed so happy that the other Sunset found a father… even so late in life. Is it really so hard?"

"Bradford is different."

"How?" It wasn't accusatory. And somehow, that hurt more to hear.

"He… both of them, in both worlds, saw my need to be recognized. That my ambition could be guided, not… quelled."

"I didn't want you to—"

"Have false expectations?" Sunset chuckled, "if you saw, you know… even in his world, I still reached too far. How else am I supposed to learn, Celestia? With gentle prevention? Never be hurt, never taste defeat or consequence?"

"There were plenty of consequences, Sunset… isn't that why you ran away?"

"I ran away because I just couldn't stand you being disappointed in me!" Sunset snapped, looking up at the princess. "Because, no matter what I did I wasn't good enough to be your daughter, or a princess or your chosen! Because at some point, you made your mind up about me, and I was never going to be good enough for anything! I didn't want pity! I wanted recognition from you! Who cares about other ponies adoring me? They were easy to impress! Memorize a spell that they couldn't! Remember an obscure fact! And then they would all praise me!"

She looked away. "Getting praise like that is easy when you're the Princess' apprentice. If I had been a normal unicorn at your school… maybe the teachers would have liked me, but I wouldn't have brown-nosers trying to gain my favor." She snorted. "But my achievements… my small accomplishments meant nothing to you."

"They did," Celestia said gently, "all you did, I cared for. All your dreams, I wanted to make true."

"You just fostered the ones that would send me away." Sunset sighed. "It took me some time to grow, Celestia, but when I did, I learned that you can't have everything you want, just because you want it. Maybe I had a chance…" She trailed off, smirking, then shook her head. "I never had a chance. Not back then, when I wanted it."

"You don't want it now?" Celestia asked, her voice a whisper.

Sunset bit her lip. The answer was tight in her chest. She struggled. She didn't want to say it. She had to shout 'no'.

"Yes." She she took a sharp, short breath. "Yes. Fuck it all. Yes, I want it. But I can't have it."

She heard the sound of feathers shuffling, and suddenly, gently, fur pressed against her cheek, a slight weight on her right shoulder. Celestia's voice came from there. "Why not?"

Slowly, hesitantly, she raised her arms, sliding them around both sides of Celestia's neck. Feathers brushed her skin, the fur felt soft and warm. Sunset wrapped her arms fully around the princess.

"I betrayed you. Any claim I could have is gone. I took a book of forbidden magic… I betrayed Equestria. I stole a magical artifact of ancient power and got a princess trapped away from her friends, family and home… I can never go back or I'll go mad. I gave my loyalty to another world…" she felt a sob rising, and fought it, managing to only snort, "why now? Why now?"

Celestia's wings wrapped around Sunset, gently, but firmly. "Because ancient alicorn mares can be stupid too," she whispered, "and not recognize things when they should have. Sometimes… they can be too stubborn to realize that they love somepony enough to let go of their old fears and heartache."

"I have a quasi-dad, you know?" Sunset sniffled.

"We'll have shared custody." Celestia shifted and nuzzled Sunset. "I'm proud of you. So proud. I'll make sure Discord minds his own business."

"I guess… we can give it a try." Sunset released a deep breath, sinking into Celestia's embrace. "Thanks… mom."

o.0.o End Chapter 97 o.0.o

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