• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 184: Exposition


Chapter 184: Exposition

By Wanderer D

Laetitia wasn't the only one that jumped when they heard the scream. Her eyes whipped to the restroom as the door exploded off its hinges and flew across the hall, into the kitchen and embedded itself on one of the tables, splattering food all around.

The light bulbs in the hallway exploded, casting it in impenetrable darkness.

The kitchen staff retreated, eyes wide as the ADVENT soldiers on guard ran towards the origin of the scream. They didn't get far before something snatched them and violently pulled them into the darkened hallway.

Their screams were cut short by crunching, squelching noises, and Laetitia had to fight down her flight instinct when metallic-orange blood sprayed out of the hall, halted in mid-air and was sucked back into the hallway.

Everyone stayed still, shocked and horrified, and for a moment, it seemed as if everything was over.

"Whatever you do, do not move," Luna's voice whispered. "Dark magic is ahoof, as bad as as the stuff of Nightmares."

Even though Laetitia wasn't aware of everything in Luna's life, she understood that the princess wasn't talking about simple dreams.

One of the cooks glanced at the door.

"Brace yourself!" Luna shouted.

Immediately, Laetitia gathered her psionic energy, forming a shimmering shield around herself as the cook attempted to run. The darkness reacted, and the lights exploded. Laetitia fell to the ground, covering her head and hoping her shield held as things were destroyed around her, accompanied by a cacophony of deathly screams and the sound of people being torn apart.

Around her, the building shook, possibly by the damage here, or things going to hell all over. Communication with the radio was down, and even if she could have talked to Central, the noise around her was driving her mad. "Stay strong," Luna's voice echoed in her head, and she felt the soothing presence of the princess. "We will survive."

Eventually all sound ceased and Laetitia dared look up. Pieces of bodies littered the floor, and blood and guts splattered the walls and even the roof.

"Can't you feel it?"

Laetitia's eyes widened as she slowly stood up and turned towards the darkened hallway, where Jane now stood. Incredibly, her fellow XCOM soldier was calm, as if nothing was going on. Most of her clothes were pristine, as they were earlier, but her hands up to her elbows were drenched in blood.

Jane smirked, lifting her right arm and looking down at the blood on it, before slowly licking the back of her hand. "Can't you feel it? Taste it? Smell it? See it?" she visibly shivered with obvious delight. "I can. It touches every inch of my skin and soul. It feels so good, Laetitia."


"Careful! She is under the influence of powerful dark magic!" Luna said, "Jane is not in control!"

"Jane, listen to me, ma cherie, you're not yourself, oui? You need to—"

"No, I can see your blood, Laetitia," Jane whined, her bloodied hands tracing down her face and neck, over her breasts and stomach, before she hugged herself and looked hungrily at the Templar. "It looks good. So good… let me share this with you, let me feed…"

"Fight!" Luna ordered, a decisive tone creeping into her voice. "Fight or die, Templar!"

Jane was halfway through the room in an instant, unearthly speed granted to her by whatever magic was possessing her. Laetitia tried to raise her barrier, but Jane's hands had turned into claws made of blood. The magic-infused limbs broke through her hastily erected shield like it was made of rice paper, and only her quick reflexes moved her outside of the claw's range.

"If the claws touch cut you, your blood will become infected," Luna warned. "We must-no!"

But her warning was too late. Laetitia had already sent a blast of psychic energy towards Jane, who crossed her arms in front of her to prevent the blue energy from hitting her unprotected body, just as blood-made tentacles flared from behind her and rushed towards Laetitia.

The moment the psychic blast smashed onto the magic-imbued claws, both energies crackled and pushed and pulled at each other, while the tentacles themselves descended on the Templar.

"Foolish! Do you forget what happens when magic and psychic energy mix?!" Luna's voice boomed inside Laetitia's mind as she felt the world melt away from her. Her mind was pulled away and she suddenly found herself in another body, a magical flare of power circling her as the energy around her crackled.

She tried to run, but her body was all wrong. She turned, facing the runes etched by magical energy, eyes widening as they flared up and her body was blasted from every angle. By the time she collapsed, she was already unconscious.

She felt the tentacles wrap tightly around her friend. "Good…" she would be a dutiful servant to her mistress. Jane shivered in lust-filled promises of blood and darkness, but frowned when she felt the tentacles dissipate into nothing.

She couldn't see what was going on; Laetitia's attack, while powerful, had done little more than blast the kitchen into pieces and shaken the room around, starting a fire where the ovens were and filling the room with a cloud of debris. The vents activated, drawing the particles away and clearing the view a little.

In her current state, she could see the blood flow of everyone around her, just like Sunset could… and the Templar's fast-beating heart had slowed down to a normal pulse, the adrenaline faded… too quickly, completely unnatural. Laetitia stood proudly in front of her, patiently waiting for the smoke and dust to clear fully.

But even more strange were the translucent wings sprouting from Laetitia's back, matching the ghostly form of a horn on her forehead, it was unlike anything Jane had ever seen before… it was like an angel—or a Valkyrie—had come down to Earth.

"You are an ally, fair Jane," Luna said, her magic slowly permeating every inch of the body she was in. "As such, I regret the actions I must take now. Perchance, once you are removed from this foul influence, you may find it in yourself to forgive me."

Luna grimaced, what she was doing was a risk; she could end up killing Laetitia as much as saving her. But a risk that needed to be taken. Not only for the noble Templar's sake, but for Sunset's—no, her teammates. After battling together (even if in secret) for so long, could she consider them anything less?

"What…" Jane crouched, and the blood all around them glowed, ready to follow her commands. "Who are you?"

Luna clapped her hands together, slowly drawing them apart. A magical sphere of white-blue energy formed between them, shimmering and spinning in place. She met Jane's eyes, unflinching. "Your salvation."

o.0.o End Chapter 184 o.0.o

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