• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 134 - Obsession

Using your magic, you turned yourself into a shadow that melted into the floor. Able to glide without truly being noticed, you travel past Cozy’s door and into the main halls of the school. Mostly empty, it seemed. There seemed to be some students still studying or going into their own rooms, too busy to notice a roaming shadow such as yourself.

Even as a shadow, you are still able to use your magic. Using your close connection to Starlight, you let your horn pull you towards her office. Upon reaching the door, you glide under it and into a rather inviting little room. It had furnishings, carpet, a set of tea placed on a table on the side, and even a sofa sitting across from Starlight’s desk. And behind the desk was Starlight herself, talking to herself for some reason.

“Alright, Starlight. Day three is nearly gone and nothing wrong has happened so far. Got my room in the castle completely set, got my office fully furnished, all the students seem pretty content with the advice you’ve given them so far, you're relaxed enough to help Trixie tonight without any issue, Twilight is optimistic despite all the crap she’s going through right now, and ah… Yeah, crap, human words, got to totally get that out of my system. Only let it slip once, but it was still hard trying to explain away the word ‘fuck’.” Starlight takes a deep breath, steadies herself, and slowly exhales as she relaxes herself further. “There, I’m ok, everything is a-ok.”

“Heya Starlight!” You let out as you manifest yourself on her surprisingly comfy couch.

“FUCK!” Starlight screams out as she falls backwards on her chair. Shaking due to her own nerves, she peeks above her desk and notices you. She then hops back on her chair, looking at you with a sour expression. “Anon! Did you have to do that?! There is a door, you know?!”

You chuckle, that was a pretty adorable and hilarious response. Guess it really wasn’t out of her system yet. “Sorry, Starlight. I didn’t even know you were really here. I didn’t spook you too badly, did I?” You say, knowing full well that you did.

“Spooked me? N-no, like I said, I just expect everycreature to use the door. But…” Starlight sighs, and looks to you with a smile. “It is nice to see you, I’ve been alone here for an entire hour checking and double checking and even triple checking everything and I think, as long as no student shows up, that a small break is just what I need. But, why are you here? Do you have any new information on Chrysalis?”

“Actually, no. This is more of a friend type visit. As in, well, do you know Cozy Glow? Has she come to talk to you about anything?” Just go straight into it, expect her not to want to divulge info, and work from there.

“I have, but only once, it has only been three days after all. I can’t tell you what we talked about other than the fact that I know she’s your friend. Heck, makes me wonder why you even need to take classes here considering you’re already making good friends with the students before even attending the school, but I’m sure Twilight and the others have their reasons. Either way, Anon, good job. But then… Why are you asking about her? Is there something wrong?” Starlight asked. And then, the fact that she had to ask could possibly mean that Cozy had not told her the trouble she was having.

“Look, Starlight, I need you to be straight with me, ok? I’ll have stuff I have to tell you, because I actually need your help sorting my own shit out. But I need you to give me something, please?” You were practically begging her to be more open about what she knew. You had to have this talk, you had to get your own thoughts sorted out.

“Anon, you know I can’t…” Starlight sighs, leans back on her chair, observing you for a moment. She could see it, she could see you were being more genuine than she’s ever seen you before. And considering you needed help with someone who wasn’t an evil psychopath, Starlight couldn’t even guess what got you in such a sudden funk. “But, as your friend, I can maybe tell you a few things, off the record, but it depends on what it is.”

Good, that was something. Maybe you can work with that. “Thanks, Starlight. Erm, it isn’t too huge or anything like that. All I really want to know is if she’s been having trouble in school. Y’know, making friends and stuff.”

Starlight just stared silently at you for a moment, puzzled. “No… I don’t think so.”

Wut? “You don’t think so? As in, she didn’t tell you anything about it? Or you just can’t tell me.”

“Hmmm…” Starlight stood up and walked past you, putting her ear to the door for some reason, maybe checking to see if anyone was nearby? She then looked to you as she went back to her seat, her expression more serious. “As in she really didn’t say anything about it, at least the making friends part. She said she made friends with you, and that you’ve been like a professor to her. The only trouble I can say she has been having is just due to a lack of confidence in herself. I won’t go deeper than that, but that’s basically it.”

Lack of confidence? Well, you did get that feeling. But it wasn't more than that? “What about with the other students? She didn’t say any of them were mean to her?”

“Not that I know of. She never mentioned having trouble with the students, she just didn’t seem to be confident interacting with many of them. There’s also the fact that she kinda may be already having trouble with the material, which is weird because she seems generally friendly. But again, that’s all I’m willing to say about that.” Starlight told you. Really, that’s all you needed to hear thus far. So did Cozy not tell Starlight everything she told you? Maybe, you couldn’t be so sure. Something was off. Or she was becoming dependent on you already.

“Hm, then…” It seemed even if Cozy herself wasn’t aware of it, it was still true. She seemed to be becoming reliant on you, on all things friendship. You sigh, and prepare to tell Starlight what has happened on your side. “Starlight, look, you’re my friend, and I haven’t been too open with you lately.”

“Anon?” Starlight was now confused. She also began to subconsciously brace herself, expecting the worst. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah. It’s just, about Cozy. I’ve gotten closer to her than I should have, not in a love way, in a… Obsessive way.” Oh boy, here we go.

“Obsessive way? You mean like you did with Chrysalis? Anon…” Starlight looks into your eyes as you stare into hers. At first, you immediately thought she’d just lay into you there and then. But she didn’t, she just sat there and nodded to you. She could already tell from your look that it was a ‘yes’. “I see. Well, it’s not like Cozy Glow is some sort of evil mastermind or anything. You shouldn’t be obsessive, but, from how this all has gone so far, it just sounds like you’re really worried about her, that’s all.”

“Well, there’s more to it. She told me she doesn’t really have any friends besides me. I felt bad for her, so I conjured up a compass which would lead to her heart’s true desire. Which, of course, is just a friend. The problem is I was in her room. I know, I know, I shouldn’t have been snooping, but I found out she was studying up on how chaos magic works. I think my want to help her so badly has made her dependent on my magic, as in, to help her make more friends. I just wanted to help her, that’s all.”

“Oh boy, ok, that is a lot more than I had been expecting. Buuuuut, it’s definitely not as bad as it could be. Anon…” Starlight got up again, opened her door to look around, making sure no one was listening in, and closed it once she was sure everything was clear. She wouldn’t normally check for eavesdroppers, she expected better from everyone, but she didn’t want anyone, by chance, catching a listen on this particular conversation. She began to speak to you, calmly, almost like a mother as she returned to her desk. “I’m here for you. If you want to get this all off your chest, or you need my advice, anything at all, I’m here. Anything you have to say does not leave this room. Even if Twilight asks me about it, I won’t tell her a thing, I promise.”

You perked up from hearing that. You knew you could count on Starlight. Hell, she wasn’t even spazzing about what you did. You knew, for sure, if Twilight found out, she’d probably spout some shit about you basically giving Cozy Glow a few underhanded cheats to help her through her friendship issues. “Thanks Starlight. Yeah, I am looking for a little advice. I mean, I already know I shouldn’t give her any more of that kind of help. I’m just wondering what will happen when she does ask for it. I don’t want her to feel like I don’t like her. I know how kids can be, she just might see it the wrong way.”

“Well, Anon, I guess I’d be here for her on that one. If she does take it that way, she’ll come to me for guidance. And, Wellllll, y’know, I can smooth things over for you. I know telling her that will be tough, and it may hurt her feelings, but it has to be done. This school, the faculty, and even the students, it’s all about friendship. I feel using magic to cheat through that would rob anycreature of the genuine love and warmth friendship gives you when you have it. I was also thinking about the compass, and if you were thinking of asking for it back, don’t. It might be better to let her have that one while explaining to her that it’s the only thing you’ll help her with with your magic. Just tell her it's just a push in the right direction. Be there for her as a friend, but don’t help her cheat is what I’m basically saying here.” Starlight explained.

Yeah, that makes sense. You had thought about taking the compass away, but she was right, taking it away and then telling her you wouldn’t help her anymore might make things implode. Letting her keep it is probably the best way to go about things, it’ll make telling her that you can’t help her magically from this point on a lot easier. “Yeah, that works. Thanks, Starlight.” You probably could have come up with that one on your own, but it was better to have her opinion since she had actually spoken to Cozy.

“Awesome, problem solved. Wooo, this is a lot easier when it doesn’t deal with a big evil threat. Er, not insulting Chrysalis… Sorta. Well, you know. Ahrm.” Starlight coughed, feeling a little nervous insulting Chrysalis like that in front of you. Added to the fact she’s supposed to be more neutral now due to her job and it made her sheepish smile all the more shaky.

“It’s alright, Starlight, she probably likes being called that anyway. Erm, actually, I do have another problem I had wanted to go over with you. This one is kinda… Much bigger.” You say, nervousness entering your voice as you put on your horn and conjure up an envelope. It had already been torn through, but the letter inside was still there. Yep, you were really doing this.

“Uhhhh, how much bigger? Y-you didn’t befriend, like, another villain, did you?” Starlight said as her own anxiety began to mount.

“That is a matter of perspective actually. Um, so uhhh, let me ask. Have you heard any rumors of the school having a spy?” Heeeeeere we go.

“A spy? I mean, unless you mean Spike’s crazy theory on it. He thinks Chancellor Neighsay has somepony planted here observing the students and the staff. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the guy doesn’t seem genuine on how happy he is that everything is working out, but he’s a top EEA official, I doubt he’s actively trying to sabotage the sch- Wait, Anon, are you asking that question because you know there’s a spy? And you know who it is?” Starlight asked as she came to the closely correct realization that you knew what was up.

“Sorta, mostly, look…” You sigh, and look to Starlight with a shattered frown. Sorta faking it if only to try to soften the blow by looking pathetically adorable. “I really need you to keep this between us, ok?”

“Anon, yeah, of course. I mean, it’ll be hard to deal with if it’s just between us, but I’m sure we can come up with something. Does it have to do with that envelope? Are you and the spy friends?” Starlight asked as she observed the envelope in your hooves.

“Starlight, I am the spy.” You say, plain as day.

“Oh, you’re the spy? Ok, that-WAIT! YOU’RE THE SPY?! THE HELL?!” Starlight yelled out as she fell back on her chair once more.

“Starlight! Geez! Don’t yell that out loud, ok? Yes, I’m the spy. Geez, I didn’t really wanna be, it just sort of happened…” You try to explain as you begin to take a look at the letter. “He just sort of made me his spy to make sure everything went ok here at the school, and with the students. The guy genuinely seems to care about the students well being… As long as they're ponies. It’s not like I’m on his side though, I haven’t given him anything that would get the school shut down.”

Starlight quickly got back up and rushed past her desk to stand directly in front of you. She was already in panic mode. “But, Anon, why wouldn’t you tell anypo- Wait, don’t answer that one, I know why. Still, you can’t just go around spying on everycreature. How exactly did you even end up working for him?!”

“Really? It kinda happened after the whole exam thing. If I remember correctly, I was simply ensuring an educational future for Diamond and myself, mostly Diamond. And, well, I guess after the dragon attack, I sort of saw into his point. But after meeting everycreature, like Smolder, I can tell he was wrong. Look, even in this letter, he wants me to keep him updated and to keep an eye on everycreature that isn’t a pony. And I can tell you right now that nothing is going to come up. But Starlight, please, you have to understand that this wasn’t really my fault. I don’t want to be a spy. Hell, I was thinking of just dropping the whole thing and telling him off. I just… I don’t want to ruin anything for the Riches though, since Diamond is tied into it.” It really was a tough call. Sure, you could keep the whole spy thing up anyway. But if Twilight and the others found out, or if Starlight told them…

“Anon… Oh boy, oh boy.” Starlight said as she hopped onto the sofa, sitting next to you. She leans over a bit to look at the letter herself. She even snatches it with her magic to get a better look. “Just as you said, it looks like he wants you to let him know the moment something is up. But…” Starlight’s once manic tone began to calm near immediately. “You’re not going to, at least in a way that would make him close down the school, right?”

“No, and like I said, I kind of want a way out of this. I just feel bad that I could ruin this school’s chances just because I try to bail or he somehow decides I’m not reliable and tries something more drastic. I’d just use my chaos magic to warp his mind or something, but eh, then Twilight would most likely find out and that’d just be another mess.” Like seriously, you could use your chaos magic to do something, but if you out yourself, Twilight, or even Celestia might find out and ruin you.

“Well, given we have to deal with the school and Chrysalis, adding Chancellor Neighsay to the mix would really make things difficult.” Starlight says as she walks over to her desk once more and puts the letter away in her desk. She then looks to you with a smirk. “Of course, if you continue to do what you’re doing, then we’ll never have to deal with him at all.”

Wut? “Uhhhhh, what? What do you mean? That guy is nosy as fuck, Starlight. He’d know something is up sooner or later.”

“Only if you give him a reason to suspect something. Anon, I think I already came up with a solution for this.” Starlight said as she put on a scheming smile. “Let me ask, do you know how Twilight and her friends beat me?”

“Yeah, actually. You basically somehow thought my aunt was on your side, she found out your secret, and by the skin of her teeth, revealed your cutie mark. I dunno, Starlight, thinking about it now, I just gotta tell you that you probably should have just mind controlled them or something. It seems pretty stupid to think they’d just break and be on your side.” Like seriously, what did she think was going to happen?

“Stupid?! That plan was brilliant and it nearly worked! Nopony holds out that… Ugh, no, no, no. I am NOT going to argue that with you. Wait, yes I am, because how was I supposed to know that Fluttershy was faking it? Hm? I didn’t know them from before, and given my success, nopony who had their cutie marks taken came out of that shed planning to take me down.” Starlight growled as she leaned forward, feeling she was right.

“I mean, I dunno.” You shrugged “You know them now, and er, we already know my aunt would never straight betray her friends. Like, never ever, she’s too soft for that.”

“But that’s… right.” Starlight said, pausing for a moment, before groaning and plopping her face on the desk. “Why did I even bother arguing that if it was so obvious?”

“Er, dunno, it just, well, you just got tricked so hard that you went along with it as if… you… OH! I get it! Ha, no, right, that is pretty simple actually. Just ‘play’ the part as spy and keep the guy happy so he never has a reason to think otherwise. I mean, I was pretty much going to do that already, but do you think I can keep it up for that long?”

“Not alone. I’m sure eventually he’d think you weren’t doing your job properly or think you aren’t with him anymore and come to check on things himself. But, with a little help, and a little crafty trickery on my part, I’m sure we can keep him at bay up until he realizes that no student, not one, is going to be a problem.” Starlight said with a snicker

“Wow, Starlight? Willing to go that far, huh?” Like, seriously, you didn’t expect her to actually join in on this.

“Not too far, just enough. Anon, you’re a good guy, really. And it’s not even really you… Sometimes, mostly. It’s just on the ‘not sometimes’, it just seems to be the chaos around you that ropes you into messes like these. We all know that, I accept that. You’re one of my best friends, Anon. You helped me become the mare I am today, and I owe you so much… Even if I do give you crap sometimes anyway. Look, what I’m trying to say is that I’m not going to let you do this alone. I have your back.” Starlight said, bringing a hoof to her chest as you gives you a sure nod. “Don’t worry, Anon. I’m sure we can handle him without a problem.”

“S-Starlight.” Your eyes began to water. Ah damn, it really made your heart feel warm and tingly when someone says something like that to you. “Are you sure he won’t find out? W-we’ll be pulling this con for the whole year, m-maybe more.”

“Hopefully it won’t take him that long to realize how wrong he is. All you have to do is keep up your reports while I personally deal with him whenever he decides to make a casual visit. All I have to do is show him that every nonpony is just as good and friendly as anypony else. No problem, not for us, anyway. We got bigger things to worry about than him.” Starlight, she sure seemed really confident all of a sudden. With her on your side, things really should be a lot easier. Hell, at this point, you were sure you could handle Cozy Glow too. Yeah boy, you got this!

You run over to Starlight and give her a great big hug. Yes, finally, it felt good to be at the same wavelength. It felt really good to know she had your back. Scootaloo was fine, but Starlight was someone you just wanted on your side for something like this, at least once. It just felt good to know she was going so far with it as to not even mention a word to Twilight, nor anyone else either. “Thanks, Starlight! Y-you’re awesome!”

“Anon…” Starlight said, softly, as she slowly wrapped a single hoof around you, embracing you in a gentle hug. “You too. And you will always be awesome to me, I don’t think there is anypo-”

“Starlight!” Came the cry of a very familiar and very arrogant blue pony as she just barged through the door “You’re already two minutes late and you promised me, the Great and Powerful TRIXIIIEEE, to help with my trick. And yet here you are, talking to Anon, who isn’t even a student yet by the way, instead of trotting on over to my wagon to get things ready. Also, hello Anon, how are you? BUT WHY ARE YOU ALSO TAKING UP TRIXIE’S PRECIOUS TIME!?”

“DAMMIT!” Starlight said, frightened once again as she hopped upwards in a fright. She then, realizing it was Trixie, looked over at her angrily and began to shout. “Trixie! What have we talked about barging in like that?! You’re supposed to knock, remember?! Everycreature is supposed to knock!”

“Yes, but Trixie felt the need to be dramatic and angry. You did promise, you know? This is the first time you’re late, and Trixie would like it if it’s the last time.” Trixie said, raising her head snootily high, feeling she was right.

“Trixie…” Starlight sighed as she shook her head disapprovingly. “I know I’m late, but I was dealing with something serious. Look, I’ll be free in a couple more minutes. Can you just wait outside for me, please?”

“Oh, erm, ok. But we do understand that this can’t be a thing that happens a lot, right?” Trixie said, a little more subdued, but still wanting her way in the long run.

“I’ll do my best on that, Trixie. This work is important to me, just like helping you is important to me. We still have plenty of time to practice it, since the trick only works at night. It really wouldn’t hurt if I’m just a few more minutes late, right?” Starlight asked, desperately wanting Trixie to cut her shit out.

“I… Suppose. And it would give Trixie time to prepare snacks for us both. Alright, fine, Trixie shall go now. But…” Trixie sighed, and looked to Starlight with a frown. “Hurry up, please? I’m really excited to try this. Anon, I’d invite you, but I wouldn’t want you to see what we’re practicing until it is perfect. I hope you understand.”

“I understand, Trixie. Um, me and Starlight are pretty much done too, so I won’t keep her much longer.” You tell her. Things have gone well so far, and you just wanted to make sure you send this off well before leaving.

“Well, er, not much longer should be good enough. Yes, because practicing this trick? Ohhh yes, it’ll be the greatest thing anypony has ever seen! Once it is perfected of course. Wait! You’re not even supposed to know there is a trick, hence why we had been practicing in secret! Gyah! Darn it, Trixie, darn it.” Trixie said as she gave her head a few smacks with her hoof. She took a moment to recollect herself before looking back at you, a little nervous, but still showing her usual bravado. “W-well, it doesn’t matter. Because for all the chaos magic you have, you will still marvel at the greatness that is TRIIIIIXXXIIIEE!”

God, you’d get annoyed if she wasn’t so adorable with her proclamations. “I’m sure I will, Trixie. Your tricks are always fun to watch.”

“Hmph, they are more than ‘fun’, but I will accept that observation since we are good friends. Now, I must be going, so you both can finish, and then Starlight can be going, er, coming to practice. Farewell!” Trixie said, dramatically of course, as she made her exit and shut the door.

“Well, now that got me curious. What even is the trick?” You turn to Starlight, curious as to what got Trixie so riled up.

“Can’t say, Anon. Not even due to my job, just because Trixie made me promise not to actually say what it is. You’ll just have to find out when Trixie and I perfect it.” Starlight explains with a giggle, finding Trixie’s little antic there cute at the end. “So, are you ready for school tomorrow? Like, really ready?”

“I hang around you guys all the time, I think I can handle it. Besides, I already lived one lifetime, going through a ‘friendship’ school will be easier than a normal school, for sure. I mean, I’m already good at friendship.” You say with a smirk, shrugging.

“I know, I know. Like I said, it’s Twilight who has a reason for you being here, even if I don’t really get it myself. Ah well. I really should be going now though, I did make a promise to Trixie.” Starlight said as she began to walk back towards the door.

“Yeah. I guess I’ll go to Aunt Fluttershy’s for the night. I’m sure she’d really like me to be there so she can send me off to her own class, I guess. Whatever, It’ll make her happy, and I like making her happy.” You say.

“I’m sure it will. Anyway, just remember you can always come to me if you need my help, my door is always open… Unless I’m not here, but I’m sure you know what I mean by now.” Starlight said.

“I know.” You say as you plop on your horn once more. Ah, it was over. Three days of unlimited power, and you really only got to abuse it in a fight. Ah well, you got what you wanted out of it. “Goodnight, Starlight. Seeya tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow, Anon. Sweet dreams.” Starlight says. And with that, you both headed off for the night.

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