• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 251 - The Gallery of a Changeling Queen

“Don’t worry, Aunt Fluttershy, I got it!” You said as you placed your horn on your head. Fluttershy had opened the oven to pull out the fresh apple pie she was baking for the visit, and you yourself were generally excited it was happening at all. Today is the day! You gingerly use your telekinesis to grab the pie and gently place it on the table. “There we go! Oh man, it looks good!”

“Thank you, Anon.” Fluttershy said cheerfully as she gave you a gentle pat. “Mhmm, I made sure to bake it the exact way this recipe told me too. Oh, and I made sure to make it with lots of love.” Fluttershy said with a wink, before having a bit of a giggle. “Oh my, this is exciting.”

The fact Fluttershy was excited for the visit also put you in very positive spirits. You had a game plan for this. Well, most of a game plan. You didn’t know what you’d do if Chrysalis suddenly went on some angry tirade, but that is also why you were going to make sure to conserve your charges. Dammit, don’t think that way. Chrysalis won’t get angry. Despite her temper, she is master class at conducting herself properly. You were sure she wanted this, to feel like she has a family again. “Awesome! You have no idea how excited I am for this! Trust me, Chrysalis is pretty cool, I promise! I mean, like, she’s pretty good around Diamond, so she’s going to be good around you too. I swear it!” God, why are you overpromising?

Fluttershy showed no hint of hesitance or fear towards the meeting. She also found your excitement quite charming. She couldn’t help but encourage it. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, you’ll see. I’m actually excited to see her car. If it really makes her that happy to have it, then I want to be happy with her. I’m sure it is very impressive.”

Fluttershy wants to see her car? Awesome! “Really? Erm, the car can be pretty scary, Aunt Fluttershy.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked, finally showing a hint of worry.

Shit! “Erm, I meant, like, scary awesome. Erm… Well, actually, you’ll really like the inside of it. It is super comfy, the seats are really comfortable. And you can set the temperature to however you like it, you never have to be too hot or too cold. You can make it just right.”

“Oh, is that what you meant? Oh my, that does sound ‘scary’ good.” Fluttershy said with a giggle, before she began to imagine how comfy the seats must really be. “I didn’t know seats like that were possible. It sounds like a very expensive luxury from a five star hotel. I’m sure Rarity would love to experience something like that.”

Thinking about it, she probably would. “Yeah, I bet she actually would. Though, erm, I don’t actually think giving Miss Rarity a car is a good idea.”

“Oh? Why?” Fluttershy asked.

All you could imagine was Rarity with designer sunglasses and a white poofy hat, her expression becoming more twisted as she gained speed, screaming about something like society and fashion. “Uh, well, erm, it requires a lot of responsibility. And you know what happened with Starlight and that jet plane.”

“Oh, oh my. Alright, I understand.” Fluttershy said, with some slight dread in her voice. But then just as quickly as she came to worry about it, she also shook it out of her head to think of happier thoughts. “Well, Anon, I actually do want to ask you something. Do you think it’d be alright if I ask Chrysalis if she’d like a pet? Living home alone in the forest must be awfully lonely, she could use a friend for all the time you’re away.”

Hm, not a bad idea, actually. Although, she’d probably be hesitant to the idea. Or she’d flat out refuse it just to save face. “Erm, let’s just see how the visit goes before we ask her. I just want to take this one step at a time.”

“Right.” Fluttershy said with a nod. “One step at a time.” Fluttershy then let out a little noise of realization as she looked around. “Oh, we should probably get your father. Do you think he’s finished with his project?”

“Uhm, let me see.” You placed your hoof over your ear and activated your codec to contact Discord. “Ring ring, Dad, you there?”

“Now, ngh, isn’t a good time MNGH! I’m losing my fight against my emotioSADSDSD” Discord choked out as you heard a slamming noise come from your codec.

You just rolled your eyes. “Really? You’ve been fighting him since last night. The crowd, the commenters, and your trainer already left! Which is kinda sad, actually, since they’re all just clones of you.”

“D-don’t patronize me! Ngh, you should have helped me through this if you wanted me to be on time!” Discord gurgled out.

“Anon? Is your father okay?” Fluttershy asked, feeling a growing seed of worry.

“Yeah, just give me a second.” You sighed as you put on your horn, grumbling under your breath. “Can’t believe I fucking have to waste a charge on this. So much for being ready for today.”

Within seconds, you can hear a high pitched squeal of pain come from your ear. Then a moment of silence. And then finally Discord’s voice once more. “Hm, a kick below the belt. As Rarity would say, that is quite uncouth. Hm, nonetheless, I suddenly feel quite good.”

Finally… “Cool, so can you come over now? Please?”

Without a word, Discord suddenly appears within the room holding a champion belt. “I’m here, everypony, I’m here. So sorry to keep you all waiting, but…” Discord grins as he holds up his championship belt. “I had a sudden exhibition match scheduled for this morning and I didn’t want to let my fans down.”

Fluttershy rubbed her chin for a moment, as that seemed to strike her as odd. She knows Discord wouldn’t be allowed in an actual wrestling match. And, whatever this project was, it had to do with something important. Something you both didn’t tell her. “Discord, erm, while I think winning a belt like that is very neat, and I mean that. That wouldn’t be because you were, say, wrestling with your feelings over something?”

While you tensed from those words, fearing Fluttershy was suddenly going to go into ‘mommy’ mode and dig into what you, Scoots, and Discord did last night, Discord, instead, just grins with confidence as he snaps the belt away. “I have been. Now, you may think it has to do with today. But what if I told you I made a new friend in Scootaloo?”

“You made friends with Scootaloo?” Fluttershy asked, rather confused. But then she began to smile, as she was always proud of Discord making friends. “Discord, I’m so proud of you! Ooooh, tell me about it, pleeeease? I know you have wanted to make more friends ever since you took back those clones from the wedding.” Fluttershy asked while giving him big, shimmering eyes.

“Ah, but I wouldn’t say that is what pushed me to make the friendship, as one might guess. No, I simply thought since she seemed to have some enjoyment for chaos, that maybe having her along for my more innocent mischief I do with Anon wouldn’t hurt.” Discord then gives a cool shrug. “If anything, she makes sure I don’t take things too far. At least that’s what I think, anyway. And as an added bonus, she’ll most likely be our fourth player for my O&O sessions, since Anon still refuses to play.”

Well, that was eloquent. “Y-yeah, that sounds about right.”

“I’m so proud of you, Discord!” Fluttershy said with glee and she jumped up and gave him a hug. It was always a sight to see Discord handle Fluttershy’s physical affection. He always softened up and hugged her back, stewed in the ooey gooey goodness of it all, and then quickly changed subjects. Speaking of…

“Well, uh, look at the time! We better make haste before that pie gets cold.” Discord said as he readied a snap.

“O-oh, right! Of course!” Fluttershy takes the pie and holds it within her wings like hands. “I’m ready!”

“Ready too. C’mon, let’s go already!” Yes! It was time!

With a snap, you three disappear and reappear in front of Chrysalis’s mansion. It was rather cool out. The manor itself was always kept in good condition, thanks to Chrysalis. She clearly was shoveling, or blasting, the snow and making sure her mansion was clear of any snow piles or icicles hanging off the edges of the roof. You were already ready to knock. You look up at Fluttershy, who gives you a nod of readiness. You rushed towards the door, and gave it an excited knock. “Chrysalis! Hey! We’re here!”

The three of you stood at the ready. You looked back at Discord, just to make sure he was taking things seriously. There he stood, keeping his word. You admired him for that, it must be ridiculously hard for him to do. A habit that is near unbreakable.

You could hear a sound coming from the other side of the door. This was it! HERE WE GO! YES!

The door slowly opened. Chrysalis was there, as expected. But what wasn’t expected was her tired look. She was wearing some sort of shirt and apron that seemed to have splotches of paint on it. She just stared at the three of you, the silence was awkward.

Finally, Fluttershy held out the pie, hoping to save the situation and raise the mood. “Good morning, Chrysalis! It is very very nice to finally be able to visit your home. We’ve baked you an apple pie that we very much hope you enjoy.”

Chrysalis stares at it silently and licks her lips for a moment. “Well, it certainly is delicious. Been some time since I had a good meal.”

Fluttershy just stood there confused, and looked at the pie. “But you haven't tast… Erm… Okay.”

“Um, hey Chrysalis! What’s up, erm, uh… What’s up?” Holy shit, this was really goddamn awkward.

“Hm? Ooooh.” Chrysalis slapped her forehead with her hoof as she groaned. “Right, the visit was today. I thought you were trying to get in my good graces with that love-filled pie.” Chrysalis stretched for a moment and stood aside to let the three of you in. “Well, might as well come in. I’ve been working on some projects and I’d actually like to hear some honest opinions about them.”

What the fuck was going on? While Fluttershy was more than happy to step inside, you were suddenly on edge. Discord, though, you couldn’t tell what he was feeling. But something felt off. Fluttershy, still holding the pie, looked around at the extravagant entrance hall, from the grand chandelier above to the black tiling and red royal walls to the west and east stairways both leading up and joining together to the second floor. “Chrysalis, your home is amazing.”

“Yes, I know.” Chrysalis said as she used her magic to snatch up the pie and gently place it on a small table next to the door. “Let’s just put this here, I don’t want it getting on anything.”

“So, you mentioned you were working on projects.” Discord said as one of his eyes diverted itself to keep an eye on Fluttershy. “What kind of projects? I’m genuinely interested. Certainly not anything to do with, hm, maps or gaps, or perhaps food wraps?”

The hell did that mean?

“Shut up, Discord, it isn’t a trap.” Chrysalis said, though still in a rather tired tone.

“Discord!” Fluttershy gasped as she stared up at Discord.

“What?! I didn’t even say trap! I, erm, was actually expecting food wraps. You know, you have to feed your guests.” Discord said with a disingenuous grin. Ugh, you couldn’t blame him for suspecting something. Something was off with Chrysalis, but you didn’t know what.

Chrysalis just sighed and walked over to the stairs on the left. “Discord, whatever you think, it doesn’t bother me. I just spent all night watching this painting show, this painting show with a man named Bob Ross. This is not to be repeated, but I somehow gained some sort of joy in painting. So much so that I lost track of time, I don’t even know how it happened. Seriously, that man has some sort of power he projects through the screen that somehow soothes a soul like mine.” Chrysalis then pointed to the left wall, above the stairs. Upon further inspection, there were three paintings there, hung on the wall. “So these are my projects, including the large painting on the second floor, and the three paintings hanging near my right staircase. I’ve spent all night and morning painting them, and now, since you’re here, you’re going to rate a few of them. It’s the least you can do for having the privilege to step into my home.” She pointed briefly to the three paintings on the other end, but they were all covered by sheets. Whatever they were, you could only think that maybe Chrysalis had the foresight to know they’d be upsetting to Fluttershy, if that was indeed the reason they were covered.

Bob Ross? My god, it was worse than you thought. Chrysalis had been compelled by the original ASMR god. She got caught up watching him somehow and just began painting to pass the time. And time passed so much, she didn’t seem to have realized what the day was even. How the fuck did this happen?

Like, not like it was a bad thing. But at this point, one can believe that Bob Ross is the most harmony-filled man next to Mr. Rogers. If he was to become a pony and arrive in Equestria, his very soul could cleanse the universe better than the elements could.

“We’d love to, Chrysalis.” Fluttershy said, trying to be as supportive as she could. “I don’t know who Bob Ross is, but if painting is your hobby, then it is something I want to support. Especially now, since we’re going to be such good friends.”

“Right…” Chrysalis said as she took another stretch. Hm, something really did seem off about her. She wasn’t just tired, you think she’s actively trying to refrain herself from reacting harshly or saying something overtly evil. So far, she’s doing a pretty good job. Maybe it wasn’t worth thinking too deeply into it right now. She is a changeling queen, after all, something like this should be seemingly easy for her to pull off. You just hope she also means it.

“Erm, um, so this is the first painting?” Fluttershy tried to shift away from the awkwardness to make everything pleasant again by focusing on the first painting. It wasn’t anything special really. Actually, it was surprisingly nothing special. It was essentially a copy of something Bob Ross would paint, down to a little log cabin by a small lake, a mountain, a blue sky, and a few happy little trees. “It is so nice. It is like sitting in the plains and looking across the river to see a beautiful scene.”

“Yes…” Chrysalis said as she looked back on the painting. “I didn’t expect this one to really impress anypony. At first, it almost felt like a window to the human world. But then I realized something like this can exist in Equestria too. Anyway, I suppose I appreciate you liking it, since I can tell these two aren’t impressed.”

Ngh… Well, you wanted to be impressed. But it is kinda hard when it is something so simple and you’re not emanating any love for it. Discord, thank god, didn’t react to those words. But you just had to say something, you didn’t want Chrysalis to feel bad. “E-erm, wel-”

But Chrysalis quickly interrupts you, as she didn’t want to hear an excuse. “Don’t try to act like you are, Anon. It doesn’t even upset me. Honestly, if you tried to pass this off to me as art, I’d slap you across the room.” Chrysalis then grinned as she moved on to the next painting. “But this… This is true art. What do you think of this?” Chrysalis then pointed higher up the stairs, to the next painting.

“Woah, no way.” Now this was cool. “Is that John Rico?”

“Now I can tell you’re impressed. Isn’t it beautiful? The documentary never really told what happened at the end of the war, and I can’t imagine somepony like you would know, given you’re probably nothing more than a civilian. Look at him, gun held high, as he stands on the corpses of those dirty disgusting bugs. It is a masterpiece, isn’t it? This was the fifth painting I made and I wanted it to be perfect.” Chrysalis said, her pride and ego oozing out of her voice.

Discord chuckled for a moment. “He is a civilian, isn’t he? Then again, he wouldn’t be here had he fought in that war, if you know what I mean. Three, two minutes maybe? No, he’d probably be on one of the ships that got shot out in space. Ah, but the painting, I actually like it. War is chaos after all, even if it isn’t my cup of tea. What do you think, Flutt-wait.” Discord then looks over at Fluttershy. “T-this doesn’t upset you, does it?”

Fluttershy was definitely stunned, her breath a little deeper than usual. But she wasn’t shrieking, she wasn’t turning away. She just looked over at Chrysalis, and she could only respond in a meekish way. “I-I like the brave pose he has, and the flag he, um, planted, looks nice.” Fluttershy then covered her eyes. ”Mhmmm, I like it”

Chrysalis looked upon Fluttershy for a moment, then she shrugged, still feeling proud of herself. “I’ll take it, the fact you, of all ponies, are clearly entranced with the best part of this painting means quite a lot. It’s almost funny, actually, us ladies finding this man to be absolute perfection. If only Discord had brought him instead, I could have corrupted him and had the perfect soldier.” Chrysalis then suddenly entered maniacal laughter for a moment before calming down, wiping a tear from her eye. “Ah well, Anon is still alright.”

“Gee… Thanks…” Good to know Discord and Chrysalis can team up in a way to still insult you. Yay…

Fluttershy just let out an awkward chuckle. She seemed like she wanted to say something to defend you, but she also knew this was important to you, so she felt she had to hold back, so she moved on to looking at the next painting. This one though, she found it cute. “Awww, this one is nice. Scrappy is wearing a cute little hat, but who is the changeling sitting across from him?”

You narrowed your eyes to get a better look. You almost thought it was Jimmy, but no. Scrappy was posed sitting on a chair, playing poker on a poker table, looking focused. While the other one was more laid back, looked tougher, holding a wine glass and laughing with his cards on the table. You still couldn’t place it. “Yeah, I don’t know who that is.”

“Tommy, it’s Tommy.” Discord said as he suddenly had a picture of Joe Pesci in his paw. He then held the card out towards you, and flipped it around a bit. It was like a holographic card, where shifting it changed it from human form to changeling form, and vice versa. “See, I pay attention.”

Chrysalis just puts her hoof to her face and shakes her head. “That’s just sad. I don’t even want to talk about this painting anymore. Alright, let’s just move on to the last one.” Chrysalis walks up stairs to point to the grand painting hanging in the middle of the second floor. “Of course, when it comes to my little gallery, a painting of my regal and fearsome self must watch over all. Feast your eyes on this!” Chrysalis said proudly as she displayed the last uncovered painting. It was a huge painting of her sitting on a golden throne in a relaxed and cool state, surrounded by various guns as a nuclear explosion seemed to have been set off far in the background. Chrysalis was also wearing sunglasses, which she was loosely wearing to subtly uncover a rather sexy but disinterested look. At first, it was strange she would depict herself like this. But then you realized it, she’s expressing her love for human culture. It took you a moment to even realize that the throne was in the style of an extravagant car seat, which you probably should have got given the cup holder with a soda cup in it. It was kind of dorky, but in a cool way. Chrysalis obviously saw this as the peak of human life. It also helped that no detail was spared in this painting, Chrysalis obviously spent the most time making sure this, most of all, came out the most detailed.

Fluttershy actually looked impressed as well. Discord just golf clapped towards it.

“It actually looks really really nice. I gotta say, Chrysalis, you look pretty chill here. What inspired you to paint yourself this way?” You had to know, you were genuinely interested

Chrysalis actually seemed to nearly beam when she saw you so interested in the painting. But she then looked at Discord, and instantly calmed herself, obviously not wanting to show too much weakness, at least towards him. “Well, it really wasn’t anything specific. My lust for conquest is so old news. When it comes to social status, having everything everpony doesn’t have is how you truly show you’re the best. And if that doesn’t work, I have so many ways to blow them away that the only difficult part about all this is what to choose to do it with. With my personality? My vast treasures? Or with a magnum. There might be too many choices, actually.”

Discord silently put his talon to his ear, and you could suddenly hear your codec going off. You gently placed your hoof on your ear to activate it for your end, and all you could hear were cuckoo clock noises. Christ, as if he’s one to talk.

“I don’t know what a magnum is, but I think this is perfect. Everything is so different, and curious. But most of all, it all looks so genuinely interesting. Chrysalis, I think you took your best parts of you and painted it here. You look so relaxed, nothing anypony thinks is bothering you at all. Yet, you look ready for anything. Like there is no challenge that will ever keep you down, not even a mushroom explosion thingy. I really like it!” Fluttershy started to clap “Truly amazing.”

Discord, subtly noting Fluttershy’s reaction, follows suit in complementing the painting. “No complaints here, it certainly captures the new side of you.”

“Yeah, Chrysalis. I gotta say, I wasn't expecting this. I bet Diamond would think you look super cool in this painting.” You really did. Even if she didn’t understand all of it, the exotic nature of the painting would certainly thrill her.

“Oh come on.” Chrysalis said with a smirk, waving her hoof. She then suddenly shrugged. “Nevermind, I know it’s perfect. It is me, after all. Oh, since you’re all here, would you like to see my car? I never get a chance to really show off its magnificence to anypony and I figure, since I have your attention, that you should have a taste of perfection.”

“Actually, I very much would. Anon has made it sound so interesting, that I actually have been excited all morning to see it.” Fluttershy said with enthusiasm.

“Really?” Chrysalis slowly turns over to you. You give her a wink, and a childish and overly positive nod. “Well then…” Chrysalis somersaults from the second floor and easily lands back down to the first. “This way then, I mustn’t keep you all waiting. What kind of host would I be keeping you from such beauty. Not a good one, I’ll tell you that.”

So far, this was actually working out better than you could have ever dreamed of. Chrysalis was happy, you were happy, Fluttershy was happy… And that’s all that mattered really. You were glad Discord was here, but you somehow got the feeling his overall opinion wasn’t what Chrysalis really cared about.

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