• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 263 - Warm Milk, Cake, and Pillows

“...So I let him go, right? And get this, he recognizes me too. Calls me Tempest’s ‘Le goon’. That’s right, I am her ‘le goon’, and I make a cool pose and tell him that he better never forget. And then? He freaks out, right? Thinking I mean I’m gonna rip him to shreds or something. So, if he’s gonna be that afraid, I tell him that he better pay back or return everything he ever stole to everyone he’s ever ripped off… Or else I’ll rip him apart. I mean, if he thinks I was gonna rip him to pieces, I might as well give him a real reason to think that.” Grubber said with a shrug as he sunk into the huge cashmere pillow he was on.

Capper’s place, a rustic and kinda creaky sort of place indeed. Although the place looked better than what it looked like last time you were here. With the new huge pillows, holes boarded up, and it not looking as dirty and dusty as it once was, you could still tell the place wasn’t exactly up to code. Though, given Capper had poured his heart in fixing the place up as is, you really couldn’t criticize.

“Using infamy to spread harmony, that’s a new one.” Capper said as he swirled his paw in a mug of warm milk he had, before giving his claw a lick. “Mmmm mmm, can’t go wrong with a classic.”

“Sometimes it has its perks. Good work, Grubber.” Tempest said as she sat militaristically on her pillow, giving Grubber a gentle nod.

“Hey, it was no sweat.” Grubber then looked at you. At first, you thought he was going to make a backhanded remark, which made you tense. But he only smirked and pulled out a slice of cake as he tossed it towards you. “Catch, Anon. You deserve this double fudge cake I was keeping. Taking on Tempest is just stupid. But helping out a friend? I respect that.”

You catch the slice of cake in your hooves, and give it a quick look over. Despite Grubber keeping it in his pocket, it didn’t seem damaged or gross in the least. Guy was really serious about keeping his cakes clean. As for the fact he even gave it to you? Huh, you didn’t think he became that ‘friend-centric’. Hm, he wasn’t an asshole after all… Mostly. “Thanks. Hey, uh, Grubber? Can I ask you a question?” Since he was seeming so friendly, you were actually curious about the weapons he was using. He hadn’t used anything like that before, and you were wondering what it was all about. Especially since he seemed so proficient in their use.

“Hmmm…” Grubber rubbed at his chin as he jokingly gave it some thought, before he rested his back on the pillow with a smirk. “Sure, why not? Ask away.”

“Those weapons you have. Did you make them? Or buy them? Like, did you always use stuff like that?” You asked.

“Oh, interested, are ya? Nah, I didn't use anything like this before. Let me tell you how I got these though. See, being Tempest’s number one hench, I gotta be prepared for any and all situations. At first, if a weapon interested me, like say…” Grubber reached into his pocket and pulled out a knuckle duster that sparked with lightning “...These spark fists. I paid for 'em. But then I was like, hey, I’m maintaining everything on the ship and doing all the repairs, why can’t I make my own stuff? So, wherever we landed, if there was some scrap or parts around I could use, I got them to make stuff that would be wicked useful. And if there’s something that looks really good? I’ll just buy it, trade, whatever. I got an arsenal, y’know? From bazookas to box traps to my nifty trapper blaster, I’m prepared for anything!” Grubber said as he hopped to his feet and whipped out his trapper blaster to spin around his finger like a gunslinger. “Oh yeah!”

Huh, that’s actually neat. “That’s pretty cool. So, what would you say is the best weapon you got?”

“Best weapon? Hm, never gave it that much thought. Well, I do have this cool ship-shredder I gotta install. Just shoots super strong bolts of power from the end, just like Tempest can with her horn, and rips enemy ships to shreds. Y’know, that’s why it’s called the ship-shredder. That would be my favorite. Haven’t even used it yet, but just the thought of blowing away jerks who try to blow us away just makes me salivate.” Grubber said as he flexed his grubby little claws, a crazed look as drool leaked from his maw.

Capper came up from behind and gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder. “Chill out, Grubber, you ain’t that bloodthirsty, are you?”

Grubber looked up at Capper with a sheepish smile, and brought his fingers closely together in a pinch “A little.”

Capper chuckled and took a sip of his warm milk. “Cool, a little is cool.” Capper then shifted his eyes to you, and plopped down on a pillow. “So, Anon. You got me thinking like a curious kitten, what was that gift you mentioned?”

“Oh, yeah!” Haha! Here we go! Almost forgot about it! You slap on your horn and look up at the ceiling. Hmmm, perhaps four giant screens that can be seen in any direction, connected to a pillar, with all devices needed below to make adjustments, with every movie and tv show saved within without having to get any DVDs or anything like that. Given the weasel, making this thing unstealable was probably the best bet here. “You guys ready for this? This is going to be the coolest thing you’ve ever seen ever.”

“I don’t know about that, but like I said, I’m curious. So, Capper? Are you ready for the world of human movies?” Tempest asked as she looked over at him with her usual stoic expression.

Capper shrugged “What can it hurt? Besides, this place is meant to be a place to chill out, be cool, and take cat naps. Hit it, Anon, show me what you got!”

“Oh yeah! Here we go!” You aimed your horn near the middle of the room and created the television pillar, with speakers set at each corner of the room, making sure things were subtly shifted enough that everyone in the room was now sitting around it as Die Hard immediately began to play on the screens. It was a Christmas movie after all, it made sense. “Ta-da! What do you think? Surround sound, perfect crisp picture, and whatever you want to watch right at the tip of your claws.”

But all of them were just staring at the screen, until Grubber pointed up and looked disgusted. “Is that what humans look like? Man, you guys are ugly.”


But before you could explode at Grubber, Capper just looks over at the controls, humming to himself, and flicks the off switch. “Hey, Grubber, that ain’t very nice. What if Anon thought hedgehogs were ugly?”

“He’d be wrong.” Grubber said

“...I forget being humble ain’t your strong suit.” Capper said with a chuckle as he circled around the pillar, giving it a whistle of approval. “This is real hot, Anon. Never seen anything like it.”

“Well, yeah, it’s human tech. But, hey, you don’t want to watch the movie?” You were actually disappointed he shut it off, you weren’t used to someone just declining to watch a human movie so easily.

“Of course I do, but these little kitty cats need to get some rest. We were awake all night navigating a storm and we ain’t slept yet. Only reason we ain’t sleeping now is because you were here. Wanted to hang out a little since we don’t get to see you a lot. But hey, we ain’t shipping out to Ponyville til the afternoon tomorrow, right? Why don’t you come down here in the morning and we’ll hang out? Give that movie a watch while we pack things up in the morning for the trip.” Capper said as he gave you one of his more charming grins.

Your ears folded, you were actually feeling pretty hurt. But you didn’t realize they had been awake for so long. And as much as you’d like to take his offer, you had your thing with Cozy Glow in the morning. “Actually, I have a really big obligation tomorrow. I wouldn’t be able to make it in time.”

“Hm, is that so? Capper, would you know a place that can convert storm bucks into the current Klugecoin currency they use here now? I still have a few cases from when the Storm King thought it actually mattered that his own money would keep me pacified.” Tempest asked.

“Way ahead of you, Tempest.” Capper said as he looked back at you, pointing with his claw. “Alright, Anon. We’ll pay for a few extra days to stay docked. I’m sure nobody here minds anyway since, y’know, cabin fever is a thing. How about you show up after the whole Hearthwarming shindig and we watch a whole litter of movies. How does that sound?”

Your ears perked up a little, that would be more than one movie… “S-sure! That would actually be pretty awesome.”

Tempest lets out a light chuckle. “I see now, you’re always excited to show off something from your old world, huh?”

You let out a slight chuckle out of embarrassment. “Yeah… Heh, I dunno what it is, I just am always excited to see everyone’s reactions when I show them how humans do action movies. Or horror movies, those are great too.”

“Horror movies? Are you messing with us? There’s no such thing as ‘horror’ to us. We ain’t afraid of nothing!” Grubber let out, gesturing his arms away on each side.

“You can count me out on any horror movies. I know well enough to stay away from anything humans consider horror.” Capper said, shivering at the thought.

“Sounds to me like we might have a movie marathon then. Have Twilight and the others seen any of these human movies?” Tempest asked.

You nodded. “Yeah, about the only one who can handle the more serious stuff is Rarity.”

“Clas-sy” Capper snickered to himself.

“Huh, didn’t expect that. Well, we’ll see how I do then.” Tempest said as she looked up at the screens, feeling an eagerness to at least give one movie a watch.

Capper put down his cup as he began to relax. “You know something? Me too. At least with those action movies. Always down for one of those.” Capper laid down on his hands on the pillow as he crossed his legs, bouncing one leg along his knee. “Man, it feels good doing nothing. No worries at all, and no Storm King to ruin it either.”

“Yeah, I admit, it feels great to me too.” Grubber agreed before looking at you, without a confrontative tone this time. “Say, Anon, what are you doing tomorrow exactly? It can’t be better than hanging out with us.”

You felt a sudden tinge of uneasiness hit you at that question, as if the odd dread still hasn’t truly left you, despite what you accepted. “I’m just welcoming a good friend of one of my good friends to Ponyville. It might last a while as the guy doesn’t seem to be the type to get out much. I think he’s some really old scholar or something.”

“Old scholar? You’re blowing us off for some old dude?” Grubber asked, feeling a little insulted.

“That’s fine, if it is meaningful to your friend, then don’t even worry about us. We’ll celebrate together when we arrive in Ponyville.” Tempest said as she shot a stern but soft glance towards Grubber, instantly and silently telling him to stand down.

“Sounds like it’ll be a fun time to me.” Capper said as he continued to make himself more comfortable. “But if we’re gonna get there on time, we’re gonna need to get some early cat naps here. We gotta get everything packed in the morning for the afternoon trip.”

“Agreed.” Tempest said with a nod. “And don’t worry about us, Anon. Trust me, we’ll get to Ponyville on time.”

“I know. Hey, Tempest, before I go, can I ask you something?” You asked, as your ears began to fold a bit, causing Tempest to feel some concern.

“Hm? What is it?” Tempest asked.

“Look, just gonna throw it out there. I don’t know who this guy is, at all. Let’s say there’s a chance he’s a bad guy, what would you do? Like, to find out, I mean. I already know what I’d do if he actually is.” You asked

Tempest was silent for a moment, then she answered quite frankly. “Listen to the way he speaks, and pay attention to his body language. If you’re feeling that suspicious of the guy, then you need to be suspicious of this friend of yours too.”

…Hmnnn, like how Bonbon suddenly seemed spooked. “How come?”

“You’d be surprised how even the most harmless being can actually turn out to be a vicious monster. After the anger I felt, I’d say it would have been unwise to trust me, even when I was a filly. Dark anger, or evil scheming, it doesn’t matter what it is. Always cast your net wide should you have any suspicions.” Tempest explained.

…Hm, even with Starlight, once she was hurt the way she was, trusting her before her reformation was most likely a bad idea. But, Cozy Glow, could she really not be trusted? She mentioned before how others would insult her, make her feel bad. If she is even remotely like Starlight, then… “I understand.” You said with a sure nod.

“Good.” Tempest said, as she gave you a warm smile. “I hope it doesn’t come to that. I’m sure things will be fine. But if that’s how you feel, then remember my words.”

You nodded. “I will. Heh, seeya guys. I know I saw some puddles from some leaky pipes outside, so I’ll be making my way out.”

Capper waved “Take care of yourself, Anon.”

“Seeya. And remember what Tempest told you.” Grubber said with a wave.

You nodded. “I will.” You then looked to Tempest, and gave her a nod in which she mutually returned.

With that, you returned home to rest up for tomorrow morning. You went straight to bed, closing your eyes, not wanting to deal with anything for the rest of the evening.


You just wanted to get through it, and get it over with.

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