• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 200 - Memories under the Moonlight


You felt nothing…

You could hear nothing…

It was as if you slipped away into nothingness, or perhaps there was never anything there to begin with.

It was as if…

“Gyah!” You open your eyes, then reel back as sunlight blinds you. “Bah! What in the… What?”

You looked around to see a very beautiful meadow of flowers, made up of various types, with colors vibrant across the horizon. “...Am I dreaming? Did I die? No, this isn’t how death is, is it? What even happened?” You began to walk forward, into the beautiful endlessness that laid before you. “I can’t… I can’t even…” You just continued to walk, confused, nothing but endless flowers coming into view. “It’s gotta be a dream… Was all of it a dream?” You began to look around again. If… If it was a dream… Then. “Luna! Hey! Are you here?!”

Suddenly, the sunny sky above you turns into night, the moon rising as it becomes blanketed by stars.

“...Godammit” It was a dream. But how much of it was actually a dream? Was it in the before? The after? “Luna… What is going on? Please tell me everything with my evil self wasn’t some sort of dream. Please, because I do not need this right now.”

She did not appear before you, but you could hear her voice in the midnight winds. “No, Anon, I have only just arrived after you had called for me.”


“I mean, yeah. When I’m lucid in a dream, it means you’re around. But then… What do you mean you ‘just arrived’?” The hell was she talking about? What was going on?

“As in, I have entered your dream the moment I heard your call. Anon, you may have not realized it, but you’ve been in a deep darkness that even I could not find for weeks now. I have spent my time in the world of dreams trying to locate you, hoping you had not fallen into the beyonds of the beyond.” Luna said.

Beyonds of the beyond? Death? You nearly died?!


You put your hoof to your chest, and look down. You could see it, but not feel it, the hole that was made by the root spike that had pierced you was still there! You panicked and fell back, breathing rapidly as you began to look around. “Luna! Luna! Am I dying?! Holy crap! Please! Please you have to help me!”

“Calm yourself, Anon. Despite what you’re seeing now, the barb that had pierced you has been safely removed in the waking world.” Luna said to you, in her stoic tone.


“Then, what? A-am I dying? D-did it pierce my heart?” Oh god, Dark Anon really did it. He killed you, or you’re so seriously fucked that you’re going to die within the dream realm.

“No. In fact, the barb had miraculously managed to miss every vital organ within your small body. However, it had poisoned you with a strange poison that sent you into a deep dreamless sleep. We had feared that despite your physical self being able to recover, that your inner self had a possibility to pass on.” Luna said.

Strange poison? The roots were poisonous? You’d think Dark Anon would have mentioned something about that. Then again, that last barb he sent through you was probably charged with the rest of the magic he had left, which, er, added poison? Seemed about right. “B-but you found me. So, what does that mean?”

“It means you are recovering, and will awake fairly soon. I can say this, Anon, I am relieved that you are alright, and I will inform Twilight immediately of your waking. But, before I do that, I must relay some news to you that, whether it angers you or not, that you must hear.” Luna said to you.

News? OH SHIT! “Starlight, Scrappy, Sunburst! Are they alright?!”

“Yes, changelings have quite the healing factor, and Sunburst was only slightly injured. Starlight, despite her injured ribs, has made a full recovery as well.” Luna told you.

Yes! Ok! So they're ok, and you remember Spike being ok with just a arm broken.

"W-what about Fluttershy? She, er, isn't too worried, right?" You asked.

There was a long silence

W-well then. Dammit, you didn't want to worry her that badly. Then again, you didn't plan on getting skewered either.

But then…

You hesitated…

You could remember something else. Shining having Chrysalis arrested.

What happened after you fell unconscious?

“You must be wondering what happened to Chrysalis. Am I correct?” Luna asked

“Y-yeah… Did she… I…” You didn’t know how to word it. Do you ask if she reformed? If she’s ok? Was she sent to Tartarus? Or… Did something worse happen?

“She remains at Twilight’s castle, within a cage, on constant guard.” Luna said, with no hesitation.

Shit! “What?! So she did get arrested?! Wait, why is she still in the castle? What happened to her? What’s going on?”

“Calm yourself, Anon, and allow me to explain. Prince Shining Armor had arrested her after-” But you cut her off, yelling up into the sky.

“Fuck that guy! I remember how she looked when she t-” But then the sky shook, with stars nearly falling down on you in bright blue fire as Luna bellowed out a voice so intimidating that you swear Sombra would have fucking quivered.

“ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN, ANON!” Luna shouted.

“...E-erm, ok.” You just kinda put your butt down, and looked up, your tail curling around your rear as you just, er, wait for Luna to finish explaining. You were on her turf, and she was being serious, probably not good to upset her when it comes to something so serious.

“Ahrm, now then. She was put under arrest by Shining Armor, something she herself had allowed. Or at least she had not resisted, as I was told she seemed to be in some sort of trance. Since the arrest, Twilight had wanted to show a mercy to Chrysalis, a mercy Shining Armor was not willing to allow. There was many arguments to be had, both of them not being able to agree upon what to do with her. At first, it seemed Shining was going to have his way. But then, Chrysalis, she came out of her trance within her cage and heard the argument between the two. She had made a request, or perhaps it was a plea. She had asked to be allowed to remain under arrest in the castle until you had recovered, to allow her her goodbyes, before she is tried among the royals. I’m sure you understand what that means.” Luna explained.


“She… Wants to see me? She gave up and… Wait…” Noooo, wait. “Royal court?! As in you’re all going to judge her and shit?!”

“Anon, understand that it was her decision, no doubt to try to sway Shining Armor into granting her this mercy. You must also understand, as must Twilight, that she made an attempt on her life when she could have walked away once her plan failed. Once you combine that with her past crimes, this royal trial is more than fair.” Luna explained.

“Bullshit! I saw her, she backed off from Twilight! And hell, if even Twilight, freaking Twilight, is willing to side with me, then you can’t just… Ngh, Shining Armor is gonna say guilty no matter what! Hell, what does Celestia think? Cadance? You, what do you think?” Fucking hell, you were so close. If she was willing to allow this herself, then she did change. Come on, you know she did… Dammit!

“Cadance, I do not know. As for my sister, I will not say and you will bear her no ill will. She has been making sure not even rumors of this event spread. Your dealings with Chancellor Neighsay has put her in a position of secrecy. Not just for your sake, but for Twilight as well.” Luna says.

Fuck… You forgot about him. Ngh, if he did find out about what happened… Everything would be fucked. Dammit… You fucked up. Did Chrysalis not reform? You at least knew she cared about you…

But that wasn’t enough, not for that guy.

You just sat there, and began to whimper. You tried so hard, for so long, but you couldn’t save her. She was right, you were a fool to ever attempt it. She just… She just couldn’t be saved.

“Anon?” Luna called to you.

“...I fucked up, Luna. I just… I just wanted so bad to save her. I don’t even know why. She always treated me like shit, and yet… She didn’t. I don’t, I don’t know what to think. I thought I was close, and… Maybe I was, because she cares about me, and Diamond, and… I just, it just wasn’t enough.” You failed, and now she was going to be locked away. You didn’t even know how you were going to break it to Diamond.

Suddenly, you felt a hoof gently come upon your shoulder. “Anon, I believe you asked about how I feel about the situation.”

You look back, and see Luna, looking at you with a subtle and gentle smile as the field around you began to warp into… Some sort of library inside Twilight’s castle. Fuck, how many libraries did she have? And… Wait. That cage behind the guards... “Chrysalis? Chrysalis!” You rush up to the caged Changeling, past the guards, but she didn’t notice you, neither did the guards. She was just laying there, looking bored, looking like she was deep in thought. “I’m still in the dream.”

“Of course you are, although this is more of a memory.” Luna said.

“A memory? Whose memory?” You asked, your question being answered as another Luna enters the room. She doesn’t seem to notice you or the Luna who was with you, which made you realize. “Your memory?”

Luna simply nodded as her memory dismissed the guards.

“You… You went to talk to her yourself? What, why?” Why Luna, of all ponies? That made no sense to you.

“Why not? Anon, despite your terrible degeneracy and unappealing humor, I’d like to think we have bonded well.” Luna said.


“Uh? What? I-I mean, I guess? But, er, despite you keeping my secret about the Storm King, you kinda seem like you don’t like me all too much. I mean, I know that’s mostly my fault, but… Well, we uh… Yeah, what?” You were befuddled.

Luna giggled and gave you a gentle pat on the head. “As they say, you’ve grown on me. I don’t agree with everything you do, but your blind devotion and capacity for love reminds me of myself. You stopped at nothing to try to reform your friend, and show her the right path. So, curious as to how well you truly did, I had decided to see for myself how much progress had been made.”

Wut? You reminded her of herself? Either she was being egotistical, ignorant, or… Something. Blind devotion? Capacity for love? Sure, she was loving, you guessed? Blind devotion? Er, to the night? You didn’t really get it, but whatever, just go with it. “Ok… So, er, we’re watching your memory? I mean, you don’t seem upset at her about what happened and… I just…” You started to become curious. Was this a good memory? Was this… Well, it was too soon to call it. So you just sat there, and waited. “I… I’m just going to sit here and watch.”

“Indeed, I too shall do that, and I shall enjoy your reactions, as I am sure you will be quite surprised.” Luna said as she sat next to you, getting a little giddy as her memory approached Chrysalis.

You were about to comment that the way she was acting, and her words, kinda ruined the surprise. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, because this was still quite surprising. Luna going to see Chrysalis? Even if everything went well, you had to see how it went down, you had to know what Chrysalis had to say. Like, holy shit, not in a million years did you ever think Luna was going to talk to Chrysalis. Could this be it? What you were waiting for?

“Well, well, well, the princess of the night herself. Aren’t you a little early? Or did you come just to gawk at the caged animal?” Chrysalis, cold and defensive as ever, she even had her wings back in their original flavor. Though, at this point, you were sure she was just hiding her newly transformed ones.

“I came to speak with you.” Luna said, her memory giving as stoic an expression as the one next to you. “Having heard everything about you thus far, I thought speaking to you personally would be pertinent to the situation. Although, I hope this conversation becomes more than that.”

“Hmph, so what does that mean? Or does it mean that you came just to play psychoanalyst with me?” Chrysalis asked. She was being patient, confident, and slightly annoyed with Luna.

“That depends on you. I heard you agreed to all this so you could say goodbye to Anon one last time. Is that the truth?” Luna asked.

Chrysalis said nothing as she leered at Luna.

“So it is not the truth.” Luna said, as she began to pace right and left of the cage. “I thought as much. Biding your time to make an escape, my sister felt that may be the case.”

“Oh, is that right? Well, maybe she should have come instead, I would have left the guards a nice present as I escape this dinky little cage.” Chrysalis said, as her annoyance and anger slowly began to mount.

“Still so vengeful. I should have known Anon failed to reform you.” Luna said as she turned around, looking towards the exit of the library.

You looked towards the real Luna, surprised. “Holy shit, Luna. You know she’s faking it right?” Suddenly, you started to feel a little unsure. “R-right?”

“Shhhh, do not speak until the memory is over.” Luna said as she shushed you.

Christ, please don’t let this be Luna lording over you that Chrysalis was fucking evil the whole time. God, please don’t let this be Chrysalis actually being evil the whole time.

“Of course he did. I change for nopony. But you can’t do anything, can you? As long as Twilight believes there’s still a chance, you telling her anything will mean nothing.” Chrysalis transforms into Twilight, and speaks in a mocking tone. “She’s just being herself, Luna. She just doesn’t want to admit she cares about Anon.”

“I’m aware of that.” Luna says, without turning her head back to her.

“Then? What do you hope to achieve?” Chrysalis asked as she changed back to her original form, a bit confused about the situation, as she had expected Luna to react more angrily, or to feel hopeless about the situation.

“Something even my sister isn’t capable of. While she blames you for everything that has transpired, just as you blame her. I know the true culprit of all of this.” Luna said, looking back at Chrysalis with cruel glowing eyes.

“True culprit?” Chrysalis scoffed. “Well, this is news to me. You don’t intimidate me, princess. So just say your silly little theory and get out of my face.”

“The true culprit… is Anon.” Luna said, as rain could suddenly be heard through the library window, lightning striking.


“...Luna?” You slowly looked to her, worried as fuck.

Luna said nothing to you this time, staring at the memory. Where the fuck was this going?

“Anon? The true culprit?” Chrysalis started laughing at that. “That idiot couldn’t mastermind his way into my bed chambers, much less anything you’re thinking. Have you lost your mind, Little Luna? Or perhaps you’re just trying to rationalize how close I was to ending your sister’s little prodigy.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore, I made the order before coming here.” Luna said, sounding vague and ominous.

“Order?... What order?” Chrysalis said, she actually became a little shaken, As if she too was feeling what you felt.

“He went away peacefully, Chrysalis. Despite his foolishness, his human tendencies are not compatible with Equestria. So to do what had to be done, I too had to indulge in something that would be deemed forbidden. Something, if found out, may bring back the eventual reign of Nightmare Moon.” Luna stated, her eyes were still glowing, her words still ominous.

Went away peacefully? But she said… Oh, holy shit, no way! “Luna, no fucki-” But Luna looked back at you with her own eyes glowing, as she yelled in the ‘Royal Canterlot’ voice.


Eep, ok she was being serious.

“Went away peacefully? What do you mean by that?” Chrysalis said, her wings flittering, her voice becoming angry.

“Was I not clear? Anon is gone, I had an agent poison him in his slumber. It was hard for me to come to this decision, and I bear the responsibility of it-” But Luna is interrupted as Chrysalis suddenly goes crazy, smashing at the cage as her true seraphic wings reveal themselves.

“I’LL DESTROY YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HE DID NOTHING WRONG! LUNA! LUNNNNAAA! I SWEAR, ONCE I AM OUT OF THIS CAGE, YOU’RE DEAD! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN TO THE ENDS OF EQUESTRIA, AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU PAY… I’LL… You…” Chrysalis actually began to tear up, she actually started to sob as she continued bashing at the cage, trying to destroy it with her magic. “You can’t… Anon… You… I didn’t...” And then, she started screaming again. “YOU, AND YOUR KIN, AND YOUR KINGDOM, I’LL SEE IT ALL BURNED TO THE GROUND! DO YOU HEAR ME?! HE DIDN’T EVEN…” Chrysalis suddenly stopped, and let herself slump down. “I didn’t even get the chance to tell him I’m sorry.”

“You’ll have your chance.” The memory of Luna said, as her eyes returned to their normal state. She looked to Chrysalis with a soft smile. “He’s still very much alive.”

“But you just said…” Suddenly, Chrysalis jumped up and looked at Luna with fierce anger. “You just said you put him down!”

“A lie for a lie.” Luna said as she looked at Chrysalis’s wings. “Surely you, of all creatures, know of that kind of trade.”

Chrysalis’s right eye began to twitch as she growled at Luna. “...I should end you right now for that. How dare you tell me such a thing! How dare you get me to admit anything even remotely… You know what I’m getting at.”

“I believe we stand on equal ground, given your threats to my sister and nearly ending Twilight’s life. Now then, can we perhaps have a conversation?” Luna asked, as she sat down in front of the cage.

Chrysalis let out an annoyed short laugh. “Oh sure, let’s do that. So, Luna, my friend, my gal pal, how ever did you even come to tell me such a lie? Hm?”

“Ah, are you impressed?” Luna asked, being genuine about it.

“Sure... “ Chrysalis said in a sarcastic tone.

“Well, as Princess of the Night, I have the ability to peer into dreams. When it comes to Anon, you have left a certain avenue into your mind quite open. While I cannot explore all of it, I could tell you’ve been having trouble sleeping as you worried about his condition. I have, like for all, tried to ease your fears.”

“First of all, I fear nothing! Second of all, nopony gave you a right to look into my head!” Chrysalis shouted. “We’re not friends, Luna! And I will never forgive you, Celestia, or any of you other wretched do gooders.” Chrysalis said as she turned around, facing away from Luna. “Now leave me alone…”

“Yes, I have thought about your constant need of revenge as well. My sister, she can be quite irritating at times, hm?” Luna asked.

“Hmph, aren’t you gone yet?” Chrysalis responded.

You just looked at the real Luna and shook your head. “I know you said to wait. But fucking christ, Luna. I mean, that lie was kinda... I don't know how to feel about it, it got the job done but, yeesh. But also, damn, your dream shit again? Do you really just spy on everypony?”

“Hmph, I am the princess of the night, Anon, it is my civic duty.” Luna responded, actually being defensive this time around rather than shouting at you.

You roll your eyes. “Whatever you say.” Christ, there's no way to get it through her head that it... Well, maybe it is actually helpful. Or maybe it just traumatizes ponies into doing the right thing.

“Exactly.” Luna said, missing your sarcasm. Typical Luna, probably the only pony who will never change ever, sees nothing wrong with it, nope.

Looking back at the memory, you could see Luna suddenly sliding a huge cake towards Chrysalis, where did that come from?

“...Is that a cake?” Chrysalis asked, confused. “Is this supposed to be some sort of peace offering?”

“Something like that. Even if my sister is stressed, it is no reason to have something of this size be made to sate her sweet tooth. I pilfered it, and thought you may enjoy it. You don’t have to eat it, but that is up to you.” Luna explained.

“You’re trying to bribe my favor by using your sister’s treats? Well… Just toss it in a trash can, I don’t want to eat whatever she made.” Chrysalis said, looking away from the cake.

“I see, well, I can certainly do that.” Luna said as she opened the window and literally chucked the cake into the rain.

“Huh…” Chrysalis just stared, now she was really confused. To her, Luna was suddenly some sort of paradoxal being, she couldn't figure out what she really wanted out of this. And perhaps, she was worried about on getting on her bad side, lest her lie suddenly become truth. She then went silent for a moment before finally asking about you. Since Luna wanted to talk so badly to her, she might as well ask something important. “So how is he, really?”

“He’s mostly recovered, but he lays dormant in a deep dark sleep. The barb that pierced him had some sort of sleeping poison within it.” Luna explained.

“I've heard that. …Better than what I would have expected from his evil self. Have you been able to make contact with him?” Chrysalis asked, trying not to seem too caring, despite her previous display of anger.

“Not yet, but you will be informed once I have.” Luna told her.

“You better… Hm, don’t think of this as me caring any further, but has his marefriend been sleeping well? I can only imagine you have had your hooves filled with her.” Chrysalis asked, still facing away from Luna.

“I’ve done my best each night. I know you care for her as well, you needn’t hide it." Luna said to her. "I know you would enjoy her company, and I sincerely wish I could grant you that comfort."

Chrysalis groaned. “Ugh, you’re a snoopy little princess, aren’t you? Fine, since we’re going to be truthful to each other now, what does your sister really think about this, what is she doing?”

“She’s been busy keeping things hidden from the one known as Chancellor Neighsay. Of course, this also extends to keeping the entire incident out of the ears and minds of everycreature in Equestria. Only a few know what happened, and have been sworn to secrecy.” Luna explained. “As for what she thinks of the entire situation? That, I truly do not know, my sister wishes to keep her thoughts to herself, and although I may have tried to peek into her dreams to find out, she has kept herself mentally locked out.”

Christ, even Celestia isn't safe from Luna's snooping.

“Old dutiful Celestia. Always plotting, scheming, doing what she wants. No wonder you became Nightmare Moon.” Chrysalis said as she slowly turned to face Luna with a smirk. “How ever do you deal with her?”

“There is no dealing, Chrysalis, we simply do as we do as sisters.” Luna said.

Chrysalis just looked at her with an annoyed half lidded look. “Right, sure. That’s not exactly the answer I was expecting, but then again, I don’t know what to expect anymore.”

“Then how about this? I have heard Fluttershy has spoken to you…” But the memory began to fade as you and Luna returned to the field of flowers.

“Wait! Wait! What?! Fluttershy?! What did they talk about?! What happened?! Luna, come on! Why did you cut it off there?!” What the fuck! That was something you had to hear, you needed to know for yourself.

“I’ve shared enough, and the day draws near. I must leave you to inform Twilight of your waking.” Luna said to you.

“Holy shit, Luna! That isn’t fair! Coooome on, that’s really important!” Like, fuck man, that was not a good place to cut things off! It finally looked like Chrysalis was giving in.

“Then perhaps you shouldn’t have wasted time interrupting. Time in a dream moves much faster than time in the waking world. Besides, you will be able to ask what happened yourself, once you awaken.” Luna said, before giving you a bop. "Besides, looking into a conversation between her and Fluttershy in a dream would be snooping, would it not?"

Woooooow, she can't even pick a good time for a joke. Fucking hell.

But, if you were already getting close to waking, then...

“Dammit! But… The trial! You’re still going to… Is it really going to be a thing?” It worried you. Chrysalis, being judged by royalty that hated her. Though, from the sounds of it, Cadance would be the tie breaker, as Luna and Twilight seemed to be on your side.

Luna nodded as she began to slowly fade. “It is, Anon. I promise to try to do the best for you, as I have seen real change in her. I truly think, under proper supervision, that she can thrive.”

Words you never thought you’d hear from her. Christ, when did Luna become more understanding than fucking Celestia? Then again, whatever dreams Chrysalis was having, that must have been what convinced her. They had to be truly terrifying to make Luna try to help Chrysalis in any way.

But wait, there was one last thing.

“Wait, Luna, what about Discord? Has he, like, shown up at all?” You asked her.

“No, Anon… And nopony knows where he is, not even Fluttershy.” Luna said as she began to completely fade.

Goddammit, all this time, all this fucking time, and he’s nowhere to be seen. He could have at least woken you up, or… something. He could have stopped Dark Anon in an instant, dammit, how did he not feel he was there?! Fucking Discord, goddamn useless when the chips are down. Fucking…

He could have changed things…

Maybe he could have stopped Chrysalis from threatening Twilight, and things could have ended better from there.

“...Ok, I’ll… see you later, Luna. Thank you, for coming to see me, and making sure I’m ok. Thank you for showing me that memory.” You truly were thankful. You now knew, without any doubt, that Chrysalis held you near and dear to her heart.

Luna nodded to you as she disappeared. “You’re very welcome, Anon. Enjoy your time in this peaceful place, as your awakening is at hand.”

And with that, she disappeared, as daylight within the dream began to commence, growing ever brighter by the minute.

Time was already approaching.

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