• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 270 - The Power of Anguish

Nothing around you mattered anymore.

Not Discord.

Not Fluttershy.

Not the ponies suffering behind you.

Not Tirek, nor Cozy Glow.

They killed him.

Everything seemed so black.

You could feel something bubble within you, a familiar feeling. An ugly feeling, and yet, the feeling was so good. You weren’t a pony, you knew letting go wasn’t good enough for you. It didn’t matter if what you wanted wouldn’t bring him back. He would’ve done the same if it happened to you. You could feel all those warm memories flash before you. You could remember him dealing with your drunken stupor, you could remember him nearly sacrificing himself time and time again to either try to reform you or just make you happy. The car rides, the fact he was even kind enough to humor you despite your callous commands for more things. You could even remember the first time you watched Starship Troopers with him. He meant to scare you, but in the end, you both just had a good time watching it.

You could even remember your first meeting. He and Discord had fooled you, he made a mockery of you. And yet, all it did was make you cry when you remembered how he asked for accommodations without fear, how adorable and intelligent he seemed, even if you knew now he was a moron.

He was a respectable little dipshit…

No, he was a good friend, somepony you should have shown more respect. Somepony you should have shown that he was appreciated...

He showed you that friendship, as detestable as the concept is, wasn’t that bad. That you could trust more, to have friends like Little Sister.

Little Sister...

It was how you found out something was wrong. She had came to you, braving the forest with Scrappy guiding her, leaving when that castle burst through Twilight’s school. She knew Anon was there.

You had heard the chatter that Twilight had suddenly disappeared without telling anypony. You thought, if you could rally her friends as Twilight, you could win.

But these ingrates, these fucking bastards. They were thinking like humans, that’s how they did it.

And then…

They killed him…

“Oh, please, don’t cry.” Tirek said, disgusted with your display of empathy. “Don’t make me lose whatever respect I still had for you. Imagine, the queen of the changelings crying over an outworlder. You’ve fallen, Chrysalis, you’ve fallen hard. I would extend an offer to you to join us, as your ability to eat love could circumvent a theoretical issue with our plan. But it has become clear these ponies have made you too pathetic to join the likes of us.”

“...You bastards.” You growled as tears rolled down your cheeks, your fangs bared. “You killed him.”

“You would have done the same. How many lives did you destroy within your lifetime? Hm?” Tirek asked, slowly grinning at the thought that he even managed to topple you, an ancient legend.

“I don’t care about that! I cared about him! You hear me?! You fucking bastards! He was the only one who really cared, and out of everypony, you killed him! I’m going to kill you! I’LL KILL ALL OF YOU!” You screamed. Your wings began to glow as you began to float up, you could feel all that love for him, the love he had for you, even the love Fluttershy has for you, Little Sister, everything, all that you refrained from eating. Little Sister, Anon, Fluttershy, down to even the ones you barely cared about, like Spike and Scootaloo. Scrappy, your captain, who stood by your side always, he was your last loyal child. If this is your last stand, you wished you could tell him that you were truly proud of him. Not as a queen, but as a mother.

You began to glow brighter and brighter.

“Um…” Cozy Glow backed up a little, hiding behind Tirek’s head nervously. “What’s going on? Mister Tirek?”

“Tch, a minor problem, that’s all.” Tirek spun the staff in his hands and aimed towards you. “Alright, Chrysalis, if you miss him that much, then allow me to oblige you the same-GYAH!” Tirek jumped back as green flames began to shoot up and around from the ground, as the torch’s flames turned from red to green, shooting up like pillars. Your wings began to flap, releasing magical residue like angel wings around you. “What is this?! Where is this power coming from?!”

“Mister Tirek! Do something already! I didn’t ruin my cuteness to lose here! Stop her!” Cozy shouted as she began to jump angrily on his back.

“I’m trying!” Tirek shouted as he tried to aim the staff. But the power, it was too strong for him to eat, and the force too powerful for him to even hold his ground and fight. “This power, it rivals the elements themselves!”

You stared at Tirek with a venomous glare, like an angel of death about to bring ruin to all around him. “Tirek, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” You asked him.

There was a long silence, before Tirek let out a “What?”

Without another word, your horn began to focus everything you had, and with a flash of deathly green, your horn began to fire a gigantic beam of magic. A beam made of your sorrow, your love, your memories. Everything that made you the Chrysalis you are now.

This was for him.

“Impossible!” Tirek raised the staff and used it to block the beam. He was grunting as the beam was slowly pushing him back. The power, it was too strong. Such force, he was losing his footing, holding on to the staff with dear life as he knew if he faltered even once, he was doomed.

“W-wahhhh!” Cozy flew back from the force back into the security room, crashing onto the ground.

You began to slowly approach, continuing to fire your magic, your wings glowing brighter and brighter as you focused on everything you had to destroy Tirek. The walls of the throne room began to break, forming holes. The security screens in the back began to shatter one by one. You were putting everything into it.

“T-this is it… The outworlder was right, this is deus ex machina! No!” Tirek put both hands on the staff, trying to aim it towards you, trying to make a last-ditch effort to stop you. He could feel the beam weakening, but if he didn’t try anything, it wouldn’t matter, he’d be doomed.

“This is the end, Tirek!” Your voice was booming, loud, godlike even. You didn’t even care if this saved Equestria or not. You would avenge Anon, no matter the cost.

“N-Ngh! No! I’ve-come-too-far!” Tirek cried out. That’s when he heard it. A crack? He looked upon the staff. It was cracking?! No! “No! No! I-I won’t let you! I WON’T LET YOU!” Tirek, with all his might, swung the staff, releasing a hellish wave of red.

You were faltering, you did your best to hold back the wave of chaotic magic. But it was too strong, even with the force you were exerting. “No!” You’re sent flying backwards, your power leaving you after using so much magic.

Tirek was panting hard, falling to his knees as he looked upon the staff. “She managed it… The staff is damaged. Even with chaos and harmony coursing through it now, she cracked it! We’re going to miss it, Hearthwarming!” Tirek began to become enraged as he weakly stood up. “You! Do you realize how long it will take to mend the staff?! You reduced its power immensely!” Tirek aimed the staff at you, growling, weak, only barely able to aim it. “You ruined everything, I’m going to destroy you!”

You didn’t do it…

Even with all that power, he was still standing…

You slowly stood up, trying to muster up any energy you could, even trying to absorb any love in the room to at least give it one last try. If you couldn't stop him here, all would be lost.

“It’s time to go, you lowly insecRSHGFG” Tirek is attacked! Fluttershy jumped onto his face, attacking him fiercely as he falls back, accidentally firing the staff at the orb above, knocking it down in front of you.

“C-Chrysalis, run! Take Discord and run! Please!” Fluttershy cried out as she actually tried her best to be violent, to slow Tirek down.

“Are you an idiot!? What about you?!” You cried out. You felt it, her love. She was risking her life for you, even though she still only barely knew you. Why?! WHY?!


You couldn’t leave her behind, you couldn’t lose anypony else!

“I can feel it, Chrysalis! My c-care for Twilight! It’s, ngh!” Fluttershy was still attacking, but she was faltering, you could already see her eyes starting to glow.

Her eyes...

Even if it felt painful, you knew you had to cut these feelings here. It was too late for her. Dammit, this was your one chance! Anon…

No… You were Chrysalis, you’d have your revenge. Not today, but… yes, if you had Discord, then perhaps you’d be able to slow them down even further.


You will come back for her…

You began to flap your wings as you wrapped your hooves around the orb. You were able to barely carry it. You looked towards one of the holes you made, and flew through it, not looking back.

“You stu-stupid little…! G-GRRR! GET OFF OF ME!” Tirek growled as he finally managed to grab a hold of Fluttershy and threw her back at the doors behind her friends. He quickly grabbed the staff and aimed it towards her. “You’re done! I’m going to destroy you!”

“STOP!” Yelled Cozy Glow, who was crawling out from the security room.

“Don’t stop me now! They ruined everything! The staff is damaged! We won’t be able to use Hearthwarming to spread our influence across Equestria! And…” Tirek looks up, then around. “Wait! She took him! She took Discord!”

“And?” Cozy said as she walked beside Tirek and pushed the staff away from him. He was so weak, even her gentle push was enough to knock it out of his hands. “Look at her, she’s ours now.”

“So what? Our power has been cut down! Didn’t you see how much power she had? We can’t withstand that again!” Tirek shouted. "We won't be able to conquer Equestria like this!"

“Oh, we will. So we’ll miss Hearthwarming, so what? The staff can heal its booboo and feel all better, right? As long as we still have the connection to dumb dumb Discord, it will get better, it doesn't matter where he is. Besides, we now have the elements of harmony. We can let Princess Twilight out to play if we need to use that power.” Cozy said as she began to fix her mane again.

“How can you be so sure they can even use the elements in this state?” Tirek asked, angry at how calm she seemed after such a massive setback.

“That’s the point of the chaotic harmonic flux, isn’t it? Or the ‘Cozy Friendification’ as I like to call it. It isn’t like Discord’s twisting of their minds to make them useless. They’re all still really good friends and love each other, they are still tied to their elements. It’s just they will consider me their bestest best friend and will do whatever I say. If Chrysalis tries that again, we’ll just use our new harmony shields against her.” Cozy said while hugging on Tirek. “Why don’t you get some rest and I’ll take it from here, huh?”

“You’re becoming too arrogant, Cozy. That attack was unexpected, even you didn’t see it coming. The staff holds the power of Discord's chaos and Twilight's harmony, and she was able to damage it anyway.” Tirek told her, stepping back to get her off his leg.

Cozy began to become annoyed with him. “It’s a minor setback. Don’t be a jerk, Mister Tirek. We completed step four. It’s just gonna take awhile to do step five. Our influence still covers Tirglowville. So nopony else will be able to attack us”

“So you say…” Tirek takes back the staff, and grips it tight. “I will use the power we still have to forge a barrier around the town. Any of the changed will be able to step in, but not step out. Conversely, those who resist or will not change will not be able to pierce the barrier from either side. We need to secure ourselves as we regain our lost power and grow our forces with anypony stupid enough to venture near Tirglowville.”

“Okay, what else are we gonna do?” Cozy asked, crossing her forelegs, looking at Tirek with an irritated look.

“For now? Nothing. The staff is damaged, exerting any more power than we’re already using is dangerous, horn or no horn. You will refrain from using the staff. Got it?” Tirek said sternly, pointing down at her.

“Ugh! Okay, fiiiiiiiiiine!” Cozy Glow huffed. “Great, now I’m stuck walking around like a dumb earth pony.” She said as she looked back at her contorted and warped wings.

Tirek looked at the controlled five, then back at Twilight, then back at them with an irritated glare. “Whatever. You five, prepare me a feast! I need something to take the edge off.”

“Oh! Oh! And make me a sugary snack!” Cozy said, hopping about adorably, wanting to be heard.

The five ponies nodded, and left through the throne doors.

Tirek walked over to the holes in the walls, and looked down upon the town in deep thought. "Deus Ex Machina... What else lies in store for us?" He felt destroying the outworlder was too hasty, and that things were already falling apart. He knew he should have stuck to his instincts, and forced more information out of him. He slowly came to realize how you were able to produce so much power as well, he’d have to make sure not to give you another reason to muster such power. Not until he was able to destroy you.

But for you, as you held Discord’s orb, you finally crashed down in front of your manor, the orb falling next to the door.

All that power, if you hadn’t left then and there, you would have been destroyed.

Fluttershy... Why?


You could barely move anymore…

Then you heard it, the knob of your door turning, and the door itself opening.

“Big Sis!?”

“My queen!? MY QUEEN!”

“Scrappy! Grab Big Sis! Help me get her inside!”

You were barely conscious as they brought you inside.

But deep in your mind, the thing keeping you going…


You will have your revenge…

It’s not over yet, not by a longshot…

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