• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 252 - Agreements, Compromises, and Automobiles

The trek down the cavernous stairs to Chrysalis’s cave basement was long, reaching deep into the underground beneath the forest. Chrysalis led on, you staying beside Fluttershy as Discord stood in back, in adventurer gear, as he held a lantern above Fluttershy’s head to keep her in comfort within the light.

“So then, Fluttershy, what does being the element of kindness entail anyway? It almost makes me think that you’re forced to unconditionally act all good and interested in everything. I don’t mean to sound condescending, but it does explain Discord.” Chrysalis said.

Fluttershy, even unexpectedly to you, did not react to those words with discontent. She knew what she had to deal with, and just like with Discord, she would push on through until she could befriend her. “Not at all, I’ve always been very friendly, and always feel the need to help everycreature. I can still dislike things too: like Nightmare Night, a-and Tirek, and Rainbow Dash’s scarier pranks. If you think I’m only being nice about wanting to see your car just to be nice, well, don’t think that. I really want to see it.”

“Hm, interesting. I’m aware of Nightmare Night, but given how mostly secret my whereabouts are, I couldn’t really have the pleasure in partaking, even if the risk of being found out is slim. Anon thinks I could really shake things up, put a real scare into everypony.” Chrysalis said with a slightly evil chuckle.

“Erm, and I also said within reason! Remember, the point is to have fun!” You let out in a sheepishly nervous fashion.

“Oh, relax, Anon. You know that I’m well aware of what happened with Princess Luna. I have a lot more tact than that without needing the help of the purple princess.” Chrysalis said, her tone more jovial than annoyed.

“Well, given you can become anything or anycreature, maybe you, erm, can become something scary for a haunted maze or, erm, maybe turn your mansion into a haunted one? Maybe? I know if Discord made things safe to get here, everypony would be able to have fun.” Fluttershy suggested, while hoping that wasn’t too far reaching of a suggestion.

Chrysalis began to slowly ponder on that. “Hmmmm, it wouldn’t really produce any delicious love. But I do love spreading terror into the hearts of ponies. But I’d rather not have my manor be so public, Anon has already had one of his little friends find their way here without my permission, and I value my privacy. So… Perhaps that maze thing can work, as long as I’m not overly limited on what I’m allowed to do. I do my best work when I set my own expectations. I’m sure your pony friend, Rarity, would understand what I mean.”

“I think, as long as you’re nicer to the foals, that it would be fine to be really really scary. You’d be surprised how many ponies try to be at their scariest on Nightmare Night… It’s why I, erm, never leave home during it.” Fluttershy said with a bit of a cowardly quiver.

Chrysalis stopped for a moment. You expected her to look back in surprise, or maybe try to be prideful about it. But no, she only stopped, then continued with a short “Huh…”

“Chrysalis, would you mind if I ask you a question?” Fluttershy asked.

“I suppose that’s only fair.” Chrysalis said.

“Erm, well, what do you think of animals?” Fluttershy asked, with hope in her heart.

Chrysalis stopped again, and gave Fluttershy a deadpan look. “I’m going to do you a favor and not answer that question, for your sake.”

“O-oh… Okay then, erm, never mind.” Fluttershy said, looking down, feeling a little dejected.

“Hey, don’t worry, Aunt Fluttershy, it’s just how it is. But, erm, Chrysalis. She wanted to ask you if you wanted to try having a pet.” Ugh, you felt Fluttershy asked a bit too early in the visit for that question, so you might as well follow up and try to salvage it.

“A pet?” Chrysalis giggled. “Anon, you already know I can make anything my ‘pet’. Or really, more of a ‘toy’. Or if you’re actually being serious with that question, then no, I’d rather not have one.” Chrysalis’s mocking tone took a tinge of hurt with her next words. “I’d rather not have the responsibility of raising something else. I’m not a mother anymore.”

Eugh, okay, that didn’t work out either. It just turned out to be part of a touchy subject. You were already trying to figure out a way to bounce back, but Fluttershy walked up to Chrysalis’s side, in a way to reassure her. “Then let’s not worry about it then. I know! Have you ever heard of Ogres and Oubliettes?”

That took you aback to hear Fluttershy ask that. But Discord? He looked mortified. He immediately stepped up, and tried to be as polite as possible. “Now, Fluttershy, surely you don’t mean to follow up that question with what I think you mean, do you?”

Chrysalis stopped, and looked back at Discord with a smirk. “Oh, does she mean Equestria’s equivalent to Dungeons and Dragons? What’s wrong, Discord? Are you afraid I’d ruin your little game?”

Fluttershy gasped and looked back at Discord with sharp eyes. “Discord, I hope that’s not what you were about to say.”

Discord was heavily stunned, he shot a glance at you, before feigning utter approval of Chrysalis’s knowledge. “Quite the opposite, w-we’re always looking for more dedicated players.”

“Chrysalis, you know what D&D and O&O is?” You asked, quite confounded yourself.

“I know all the introductory rules thanks to that compendium of human knowledge you left me. I thought the disc film would teach me how to properly maintain dungeons like humans would and to take control of dragons as a whole. But no, it was a long introductory piece on the game itself. As for ‘O&O’, the name sounded similar enough to be the Equestrian equivalent. Which brings me to the question…” Chrysalis moved up to Discord with an innocent smile as she batted her eyes “Do you reaaaalllly mean that, Discypoo?”

“Discypoo?!” Discord reeled back in disgust, but then when his eyes met Fluttershys, he knew he had no way out of this. “O-of course.”

Chrysalis immediately went back to walking down the stairs as she went back to her cold demeanor. “Good. Sessions are to be at my home, in the dining room, with you, nor your little friends, touching any of my nice things. If I have a campaign I want you all to play, we will play it, and we will have a special rule where I can play a villain character, a magnificent and high level villain character. Oh, and don’t worry, we can also have a special rule where losing to my character won’t result in permanent loss of yours, as long as you all remember who is the dominant player.” Chrysalis then turned to Fluttershy with an almost childishly jovial smile as she hopped up “Let’s go, Fluttershy, we’re almost there! Come on!” Chrysalis said as she happily stepped down the last few steps to guide Fluttershy to the car, Fluttershy happily following along, feeling everything worked out.

Discord just stood there, stunned. He then looked at you, even more stunned. “What… What just happened?”

“I have no fucking clue…” You didn’t even know if Chrysalis was serious about that. And if she was, it clearly was more for the game than it was for the company. Well, as they say, roleplay is a great way to release one’s urges. “But that’s your problem, buddy.” You said as you walked past Discord, scampering off to rejoin Fluttershy and Chrysalis as Discord stood there, astonished.

“Here it is…” Chrysalis happily flew over to her pride and joy, her mechanical baby, the Queenmobile, in immaculate condition as usual. “Feast your eyes on this! Isn’t it beautiful? The impenetrable exoskeletal-like frame, powerful bone grinding wheels, a booster that screams with a green flame, and…” Chrysalis then gave the command to open the top of the Queenmobile to reveal the interior seating arrangements within, with the futuristic neon green dashboard lighting up. “More than royal furnishings within. What do you think?”

Fluttershy just stood there, staring. As you caught up, you just noticed she was rather silent, not even saying a word. It didn’t take long for Chrysalis’s mood to suddenly sour. “Oh, I see. What was I expecting?” Chrysalis said with an aggravated chuckle. “Why should I have ever expected ponies to understand the wonder of my Queenmobile? Well, I expect them to fear it. But you? Well… I expected…”

Chrysalis hesitated, and at that hesitation, Fluttershy realized how she was reacting and was quick to speak up. “Wait! Wait! I didn’t say I hated it!”

“You didn’t say you liked it, either. You didn’t say anything at all.” Chrysalis said, still unreasonably annoyed.

“W-well, that’s the thing, I-I don’t know what it is, but it reminds me of something. Something… Like a bat. I think it’s very nice.” Fluttershy answered as she slowly approached the car.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at her, she then looked at you and rolled her eyes. “Anon, did you set this up? ‘I think it’s very nice’. Ugh, there’s no way she’d know what the base idea was unless you told her about it. I don’t like mindless praise.”

Wut?! “I… I never told her about Batman, I swear! A-aunt Fluttershy? Does it really remind you of a bat?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes. You’d think, maybe, I’d find something like this a little scary. But I don’t. It’s almost like it speaks to me.” Fluttershy looked up to Chrysalis with a smile. “Would you mind if I went inside and had a seat?”

Chrysalis went silent, she looked at you, then back at Fluttershy, confused. “Seriously?”

Fluttershy nodded “Mhmm, u-unless you don’t want me to.”

Chrysalis’s eyes became unfocused for a second, she then looked back at the car, took another moment, then finally answered. “That seat there, on the right side. I’ll ask you not to touch my console.”

Fluttershy nodded and slowly hovered up to sit on the passenger side. “Thank you, oooh…oohhhhh. It isssss very comfy.” Fluttershy said softly as she melted into the comfortably and impossibly soft seat.

“Yes…” Chrysalis said silently as she slowly stepped up to you and whispered. “Anon, why does she look so pleased? I wasn’t expecting her to be so pleased.”

You whispered back, while in the same amazement she was, though feeling much more positive about it. “No idea. But isn’t this what you wanted?”

“I… I don’t know.” Chrysalis said, looking back at Fluttershy, who was patiently waiting inside the car. “You, how do you feel about going very fast?”

“Erm, well, I am a pegasus pony. I don’t mind, you’d be surprised how fast I had to fly before.” Fluttershy said, with some odd earnestness in her tone. She then looked ahead, and slid her hoof along the side of the car, gently. "If you want to go fast, then... I don't mind, I feel very... safe."

Chrysalis just silently went “Okay…” Before looking back at you. “Isn’t she the cowardly one?”

You shrugged. “Hey, she’s had to go fast before, like in this tornado thing this one time. You'd know, remember? Unless you didn't watch that many episodes. Bah, forget it. Look, this is a car. I know what you want to do, but do you think that maybe you could go not as fast? Please?”

Chrysalis looked back at Fluttershy, then back at you. “How many charges do you have right now, none?”

Dammit… “C’mon, I’m not an idiot. I actually got two this time.”

“Good. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll restrain myself, but I’d like you to temporarily open the path out. I know we agreed to close it, mostly because stupid ponies were led to believe this was Princess Luna’s car, but also to make sure nopony somehow slips in. But, well, I’d like to show her what I can do. Oh, and I’ll only need ten minutes, you can have us teleport right back here after that. How does that sound?” Chrysalis suggested as she slowly walked over to the driver side.

Wow… That was, well… Perfectly reasonable. “Uh, sure, I can do that.” You said as you slowly popped on the horn.

“Good, now get in before that idiot comes out of his stupor. I don’t want his hide ruining my unruinable interior.” Chrysalis said as she stepped in, and started the engine.

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