• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 5-2: Trapped in a Love Triangle

Trapped in a Love Triangle

At a nearby house in Canterlot, Shining Armor was playing a game of Ogres and Oubliettes with three other friends. They were 8-Bit the Pegasus, Gaffer the Unicorn and Poindexter the nerdy Earth Pony. Right next to Shining Armor was his sister Twilight Sparkle. Though his friends were enjoying the game, Shining Armor was distracted from playing. And that concerned not just Twilight, but his own friends.

“Hey big guy,” Gaffer said to Shining Armor. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” Shining Armor said as he let out a depressing huff. “Nothing bad.”

“He has girl problems,” Twilight said to Gaffer.

“Girl problems?” Poindexter gasped. “What happened?”

“Princess Cadance is dating someone else,” Shining Armor said.

“Woah, woah woah,” 8-Bit said. “I thought you and Cadance were foalhood friends. That doesn’t sound right.”

“It’s a misunderstanding,” Twilight said. “Cadance doesn’t have eyes on anyone except my big brother.”

“How can you be sure of that?” Gaffer asked. “Not that many ponies know about the life of the princesses.”

“Are you kidding?” Twilight laughed. “I have friends who are younger sisters of Princess Cadance.” And with that, all three of Shining Armor’s friends gasped at Twilight’s response.

“Wait,” Poindexter said, shocked by Twilight’s comment. “Are you saying that you’re friends with….two princesses?”

“Yeah,” Twilight replied. “One’s a unicorn like me. The other is actually a human. But I’ve never seen a human before.”

“So what’s it like to be friends with a pair of princesses?” 8-Bit asks Twilight.

“What do they like to do on their day off from the limelight?” Gaffer asks Twilight.

“And how close are they to Princess Celestia?” Poindexter asks Twilight.

At this point, Twilight was starting to freak out over three older colts asking her random questions about her friends from school. And it was causing enough stress to the young filly.

“That’s about enough questions from you three,” Shining Armor says as he grabs Twilight with his magic and pulls her away. Twilight wiped the sweat off of her forehead in relief.

“But we’re rather curious,” Poindexter says.

“Look,” Shining Armor replies as he sets Twilight right next to him. “I know you are super geeky about the lives of the princesses. But this is not the way to do it. Besides, I’m still upset.” Twilight just looked up at her big brother and snuggles right next to him.

“Sorry about that,” Gaffer said. “I guess when you’re close to royalty, you become some kind of big shot celebrity.”

“Me? A Celebrity?” Twilight said as she let out one big raspberry. “No way. Do I look like the kind of pony who would be big in Canterlot? What next? Becoming an alicorn?”

“That would be silly,” 8-Bit said. “Besides, you’re too good for that role.”

“But I think your brother deserves to be with Princess Cadance,” Poindexter said. “Not with some guy who tackles monsters in real life.” Upon hearing Poindexter’s words, Shining Armor felt a bit more confident.

“You know what?” Shining Armor said. “You’re right. Me and Cadance deserve to be together, and I won’t let that celebrity one-up me.”

“That’s the spirit old friend,” Gaffer said. “Don’t let a big guy like Buck Withers get the best of you. By the way, is there any chance we can help?”

“Right now, not at the moment,” Shining Armor said as he stood up. “But if I have a plan, I’ll let you all know.”

But as Shining Armor’s attitude started to come back, Twilight became a bit nervous.

“I hope I didn’t overdo it,” Twilight said to herself.

Later that day, Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle stepped out of the house and into the streets of Canterlot. While Shining Armor’s mood has gotten a bit lighter, Twilight was a bit concerned for herself.

“Uhh, big brother,” Twilight said to Shining Armor. “I’d like to apologize for butting into your conversation about Princess Cadance.”

“You don’t need to apologize Twili,” Shining Armor said. “Actually, I should thank you for helping me find the courage I lost.”

“Really?” Twilight said as her tone changed.

“Yeah,” Shining Armor said. “Early ago, I let loose the waterworks because I saw Buck with Cadance. But now, I believe I can get Cadance back on my side.”

“I think that might be easier than you think,” Twilight said. “After all, you both knew each other for a long time. Especially when she started out as my foalsitter.”

“Oh thanks for reminding me, Twili,” Shining Armor said. “You have another foalsitter meeting with Cadance tonight. Ask about anything, and see if she still loves me.”

“Oh believe me,” Twilight said. “She’ll most likely ask me about you.”

Meanwhile, inside a local jewelry shop that is located on the northern side of Canterlot, Buck Wither had entered the shop with the smaller jewelled eye that he gained from bringing down the giant rock monster. Behind him was Gad Zookes carrying a heavy saddle bag with an obviously round object. They approached the front desk where a local Jeweller was putting the finishing touches on a necklace.

“Jeweler,” Buck Withers said. “I have a special project that I wish for you to perform.”

The Jeweler turns to face Buck Withers, who showed him the jewelled eye.

“Ahh Buck Withers,” The Jeweller said. “It’s good to see you again.” The Jeweller turned his attention towards the jewelled eye and had a bit of a sparkle in his own eyes.

“And it seems you have a real rare prize on our hoof,” he said. “I have not seen one of those in a long, long, time.”

“He took out a Rock Monster in the White Tail Woods not long ago,” Gad Zookes said. "Actually, I stand corrected. He took out two of them and secured their eyes as a prize."

“And we already know how difficult those monstrosities are to take down,” The Jeweler said. “Normally I have a number of orders to take care of. But in your case, I’ll be happy to get started on it.”

“That’s simply perfect,” Buck Withers said as he places the jewelled eye on the table of shop. The Jeweler attaches an eye glass to his eye and takes a careful look at the large gemstone, which sparkled with a magnificent gleam in the sunlight.

“Oh it’s the real thing alright,” The Jeweler said as he was bedazzled by the gem’s clarity. “There’s no mistaking the quality of the eye of the Cyclops Golems. The emerald green in this one represents that it comes from the forest, as it is more connected to nature.”

“And there happens to be other variations as well,” Buck Withers replied. “Like some near a volcano, or in the cold continent of Winterra.”

“Indeed,” The Jeweler replied as he continued to study the jewel. “But this one came from a rather smaller variation. A bambino of some sort.”

“Not much of a concern,” Buck Withers said. “And on a side note, I took out its father to boot. Gad Zookes, show em.”

“You got it,” Gad Zookes said as he unloaded the larger Emerald Jeweled Eye from his saddlebag. The Jeweler’s jaw drops at the mere sight of the bigger emerald.

“Sweet Amethyst,” The Jeweler replied, shocked by the emerald size. “Any bigger and I don’t think it will fit through the doorway.”

“You can say that again,” Buck Withers replied. But The Jeweler could only let out a smug smile on his face as he looked at the smaller, yet nice-sized, emerald that came from a Cyclops Golem.

“Anyway, you do realize that this stone is too big to fit onto any form of jewelry,” The Jeweler said. “Furthermore, breaking this Golem Eye into a number of pieces requires special tools. The pick at the end of your whip couldn’t even create a hairline crack. Luckily for you, I happen to have some of those tools. For a moderate price, of course.”

WIthout a second word, Buck Withers throws a bag of gold bits onto the table.

“That should cover the cost of the labor and the supplies,” Buck Withers said. “You can keep any leftover precious stones that you managed to chip open. Shape that into a ring, and I’ll be all set.”

“Oh that is just what I need,” The Jeweler said as he accepted the bag of gold. “Give me at least two hours, and I will have your ring ready.”

As Buck began to walk out, he overheard a scream coming from outside. He looked out and his jaw dropped down. Something had disturbed this stallion, and he wasn’t going to take it.

“Gad, come with me,” Buck said as he ran out the door. “We got a squabble going on.”

“On my way,” Gad Zookes said as he stuffs the bigger Golem Eye into his saddle bag before running after Buck Withers.

Outside, two stallions were yelling at each other as a crowd of onlookers watched on. Near these two are two baskets that have spilled over. One with dates and one with pistachios. Nearby, Lemony Gem watched in horror as the two stallions looked to tear each other apart.

“You tipped over my dates,” One stallion yelled.

“Well you tipped over my pistachios,” The other stallion yelled.

“At least I didn’t have the gall to be near those disgusting cashews,” The first stallion yelled.

“Disgusting?” The second stallion yelled. “If anything’s disgusting, it’s those rancid excuse for fruits.”

That angered the first stallion. He grabbed his basket with his teeth and flung it at the second stallion, who ducked underneathe the flying basket. Lemony Gem watched at the basket was heading towards her face, and she could do nothing but scream in agony.

Suddenly, the ends of a chain whip flies out of nowhere and collides with the basket, shattering it to pieces. Lemony Gem stopped screaming as she just stared at the broken basket. The two stallions looked nearby and they say Buck Withers, holding his whip with his teeth. He spat out the whip and glanced coldly at the duo.

“That’s about enough, you two,” Buck Withers yelled. “There will be no bickering over food.”

“But he started it,” The first stallion said.

“Nuh uh. You started it,” The second stallion said.

But Buck Withers was not having any of it. He stomped his hoof into the ground, scaring both stallions like they had seen a ghost.

“What kind of example are we giving to our kids with this mindless bickering?” Buck Withers said. “Short tempers and scattered foods won’t solve anything in Equestria. Now I suggest you both clean up the mess you made.”

Buck then turns towards a basket stand next to him and places a couple of bits next to the owner, who gives him a basket. Buck then takes the basket over to the very stallion who threw his at the other.

“This is the only thing I’m giving you,” Buck said as he placed the basket down near the stallion. “But the next time this happens, you’re on your own.”

Buck walks over to Lemony Gem, who was still shaking a bit over almost being smashed in the face by a flying basket. It was as if her life nearly flashed before her very eyes.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” Buck Withers asked.

“I’m….I’m fine,” Lemony Gem said. “Thank you.”

Gad Zookes walks up to Lemony Gem and says to her “It’s good that you have Buck Withers on your side. If there is one thing he can’t tolerate, it’s personal feuds between ponies.”

“I have no argument on that,” Lemony Gem replied.

“Well,” Buck Withers said. “We best be on our way, ma’am. Do be careful. Even the streets of Canterlot can be dangerous.”

And with that, Buck Withers and Gad Zookes walks off, heading straight in the direction of the setting sun. Lemony Gem looks at the duo, and a smile cracked on her face.

“I was rescued by Buck Withers,” Lemony Gem said as her heart grew. “I can’t believe it. Wait till I tell Princess Cadance about this.”

Later on at a nearby house, Princess Cadance was hanging out with two other friends of hers: A slender unicorn named Fleur De Lis, and a pegasus named Diamond Rose. But they weren’t the only ones there. Wanda Young was sitting on a nearby bed with Abigail Albright sleeping on her lap, and Sunset Shimmer relaxing in the warm sunlight. There was a look on Diamond’s face that was of concern.

“Lemony Gem sure is late,” Diamond Rose said.

“Oh don’t worry,” Princess Cadance replied. “It’s probably the middle of a busy shopping day at the markets.

“And besides,” Fleur De Lis said. “Isn’t it pretty typical of Lemony? She likes to go down there and check out the newest video games at the nearby shops. Especially games for her Neightendo Swap. She buys them like they were hot cakes.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Diamond Rose said, still with a concern in her voice.”

“Trust me,” Fleur De Lis replied. “When it comes to video games, Lemony loves to dive deep into one for who knows how long. I’ve seen it a million times.”

But as Fleur De Lis stopped talking, the door opens and in emerges Lemony Gem. Her heart was floating like a boat in the water as she was amazed by early ago.

“Well that was unexpected,” Princess Cadance says as Lemony Gem walked up to her. “So,” she continued. “What happened down there? Did you get the game you were looking for?”

“Even better,” Lemony Gem continued. “Buck Withers saved me.”

“Wait,” Diamond Rose said as she walked up to Lemony Gem. “The Buck Withers? The greatest adventurer to ever lived in Equestria?”

“Yes,” Lemony Gem replied. “A basket flew right towards my face and Buck managed to deflect it with his whip. He’s so dreamy.”

“Then why don’t you marry him?” Princess Cadance asks.

“But...I can’t,” Lemony Gem replied. “I’m not a princess like you. And besides, I don’t want to steal the spotlight from you.”

“Woah woah,” Princess Cadance replies. “I don’t want to marry Buck Withers. My eyes are set on Shining Armor, despite the incident from early ago. You sound like you were made for him.”

“Princess, you’re passing up on an opportunity,” Fleur De Lis said. “This is Buck Withers. The greatest adventurer that Equestria has. You deserve a guy like him.”

“This is your future you’re deciding about when you become Prime Princess of Equestria,” Diamond Rose replies. “Do you want a husband that can bring a positive influence on our future children?”

“Girls,” Princess Cadance replies as she starts to become nervous. “This is my own life. And who said I wanted to be the Prime Princess of Equestria? Besides, my adopted mom hates politics.”

As Cadance struggled to defend herself, Wanda and Sunset watched with concern for their bigger sister, all while thinking long and hard about their own future.

“You know,” Sunset said to Wanda. “I’m beginning to wonder why I wasn’t adopted by a humble family instead of Princess Celestia.”

“Nevermind that,” Wanda said. “I’m concerned for Big Sis.”

“We all are concerned for her,” Sunset said. “No one should have to marry who they don’t care for. And Big Sis sounds like she doesn’t care for Buck Withers. Like I’d want to have him for a brother-in-law.”

“We better cheer her up when we get the chance,” Wanda said as he continued to pet Abigail. “And fast.”

Later that day, Princess Cadance was slumping down the streets of Canterlot City with Sunset Shimmer, Wanda Young and Abigail Albright right behind her, who all shared a cause for concern.

“Hey Caddey,” Sunset says. “You alright?”

Cadance lets out a sigh and says “No.”

“It’s about that guy, isn’t it?” Wanda asks.

“No doubt about it,” Princess Cadance says. “I don’t want to marry Buck Withers. My heart goes out to Shining Armor. If only there was some way to convince him that I’m not interested.”

Sunset inches towards Wanda and whispers “She really needs our help. Maybe we should join her when she goes to foalsit Twilight and Starlight.”

“Roger,” Wanda whispers back.

“Well if it ain’t the Pink Rose of Canterlot.” That voice came from Buck Withers, who was walking down the street with Gad Zookes. Abigail ran behind Wanda and began hissing at Buck Withers.

“Hi Buck,” Cadance sighed. “Don’t mind me, I’m just heading for home.”

“You seem to be down in the dumps, my lady,” Buck Withers says as he approaches Princess Cadance.

“Look, I know you’re all handsome and all,” Princess Cadance says. “But truth be told, I…”

“Am I looking forward to the Fall Formal Festival?” Buck Withers interrupted. “It’s only two weeks away, and that would be the best date to go on.”

“No, that’s not what I…” Princess Cadance replies before Buck interrupts her again.

“My lady,” Buck Withers said. “I’m here for you, and I’m here for your people. You need a brave soul to guide us all to the bright light.”

“For your information, buster,” Wanda said as she stomped towards Buck Withers. “She’s not the mare for you, and I recommend you find someone else.”

“Ahh, you must be the Man’s Cub Princess,” Buck Withers said as he picks up Wanda. “I always wanted a cute little sister-in-law.”

“Hey, let me go,” Wanda yelled as she struggled to get out of Buck’s hooves.

Buck Withers proceeded to toss Wanda up and down as if he were playing with her. Wanda screamed really loud as she flew up and down.

“Sisters,” Wanda yelled at Sunset and Cadance. “Get me down.”

But before Cadance could look up, Buck flung Wanda up really high. The sisters looked up and saw Wanda clinging onto a wooden beam that was connected to a building. The Man’s Cub was chattering her teeth and holding on for dear life.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Sunset said. “What if she got hurt?”

“Buck Withers would never dare to hurt a little one like yourself,” Buck Withers said as he gave Sunset a hoof noogie.

“That’s about enough Buck,” Princess Cadance said as she walked towards the stallion. “They’re my sisters, and they’re also my responsibility.”

“But of course,” Buck Withers said. “I mean no harm to them. After all, aren’t they just the littlest bundles of joy.”

And with that, Buck Withers reaches his arms out and catches a falling Wanda into his arms. He then proceeded to cradle and rock the young Man’s Cub.

“Aren’t you just the little cutie of Equestria?” Buck Wither says as he rubbed Wanda’s nose with his hoof. Wanda tries to bite back, but Buck was quick to pull back his hoof.

“Now now now,” Buck says to Wanda. “You don’t want to ruin your teeth, young lady.” He then proceeds to set Wanda down, who then runs towards Princess Cadance.

“Now will you excuse me my lady?” Buck Withers said to Princess Cadance. “I must be on my way. Come along, Gad Zookes.” But as Buck Withers began to walk off, he steps on Abigail’s tail by accident. The kitten screams and flies upwards up onto the same wooden beam, clinging for dear life all while shaking her fur like crazy.

“Oh dear,” Buck Withers said. “I think my hoof is a magnet for cat tails. I best be careful from here on out.”

With that, Buck Withers made his way out with Gad Zookes following right behind him. Gad, however, turned his head towards Princess Cadance.

“Don’t mind me,” Gad Zookes said to Princess Cadance. “I’m just a simple nobody who hides in the shadows.”

Princess Cadance looks down at Wanda and Sunset Shimmer. Her two sisters were concerned for her well-being, and they didn’t want her to marry Buck Withers. Something about him rubbed them both the wrong way, especially Wanda. The little Man’s Cub was upset, but also had a couple of tears in her eyes.

“Having boyfriend problems, Princess Cadance?” That voice came from Chancellor Abacus Cinch. She stepped out from behind the shadows and approached the eldest of three sisters.

“An understatement if you ask me Chancellor,” Cadance says as she watches Buck Withers and Gad Zookes disappear into the distance. “Buck wants me to marry him, claiming that it’s for the good of Equestria. I don’t want to marry him, and I don’t want to be the Prime Princess of Equestria. But what can I do considering that he won’t let me say no?”

“I’ve been through this before,” Chancellor Cinch says. “I once had this aristocrat from Manehattan wanting to marry me, claiming that it will help boost the economy and make his trillion bit business number one in Equestria. I told him he can go jump into a river. Next thing you know, he did exactly that, and his business tanked. My advice? Ditch him the first chance you get.”

Princess Cadance could only help but laugh at Cinch’s statement as the Chancellor walked up to Wanda and Sunset.

“Normally, I would have you be on your best behavior,” Chancellor Cinch said to Wanda. “But this is a rare circumstance. Your sisters need you, Man’s Cub. Don’t disappoint them.”

As Abacus Cinch walks off in the distance, Wanda could do nothing, but think about the very words the Chancellor said to her. Sunset looked at Wanda and saw a slightly different human than what she was used to.”

“You’re not scared of the Chancellor?” Sunset asks.

“After what Buck Withers put me through,” Wanda replies. “Not right now.”

“By the way,” Sunset replies. “How are you going to get Abigail down?”

Sunset, Wanda and Cadance looks up to see Abigail continuing to cling onto the wooden beam, still scared from having her tail stepped on. Wanda could do nothing but let out a sigh.

“I’ll get her,” Wanda said as her insect wings sprouted from her back.

“That’s okay,” Cadance said as she put her hoof on Wanda’s head. “I got this.”

Without a second thought, Princess Cadance flies up and gently grabs Abigail from the wooden beam. She strokes the kitten on the head, calming her down as flies downwards towards her sisters. Once she touches the ground, Princess Cadance hands Abigail over to Wanda, who was happy to see her companion.

“Aww,” Wanda says as Abigail snuggles into her arm. “I’m glad you’re back, Abigail.”

“Come on you two,” Princess Cadance says as she begins to walk towards the palace. “Let’s fill mommy in on our plan.”

“Coming,” Wanda yells as she runs after Princess Cadance with Abigail in her arms. “And thanks for helping me.”

“Hey wait up,” Sunset Shimmer says as she catches up to her sisters. “I want in on what you’re both planning.”

“Here’s a hint,” Cadance says to Sunset Shimmer. “It involves tonight’s foal sitting with Twilight and Starlight.”

To Be continued in….

The Foalsitter’s Club

Author's Note:

Anyone who's read the original IDW cover version of Neigh Anything will recognize 8 Bit, Gaffe and Poindexter, along with Lemony Gem(I accidentally called her Lemony Gems, but I made the correction. If I still called her Lemony Gems, let me know. I'll have that fixed up.

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