• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 18-12: The Spark of Hope

The Spark of Hope

As the sun continued to rise from the east into the sky, Wanda Young ran as fast as possible through the forest with Chrysalis II in pursuit. The Man’s Cub began to tire as she started to slow down.

“What’s wrong?” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Have you lost your spark?”

Immediately, Princess Chrysalis II grabbed Wanda and flew her right through the forest. Wanda could barely speak, let alone scream, as she flew helplessly while being held by Chrysalis II.

“Don’t you worry,” Chrysalis II said. “This will be over soon once my mother bests your mother.”

At the edge of the forest, Chrysalis II flung Wanda downward, causing the Man’s Cub to roll down the hill and land right into a mud puddle. Her gala dress was covered in mud as Wanda shook it off her head and spat some out.

“Hahahahahahaha, I win I win,” Princess Chrysalis II yelled as she landed nearby. “This was far more entertaining than I thought it would be.”

Wanda looked up at Princess Chrysalis II. But there was no fear in the Man’s Cub’s eyes. Only anger. She smashed her fist into the mud as she glared at the changeling filly.

“You sociopath,” Wanda yelled. “When my mommy finds out what you did, you’ll be very sorry you messed with me.”

“You still rely on your mommy?” Princess Chrysalis II laughed. “She’s been holding you back since she took you in. Babied you, coddled you with all that mushy stuff. She never taught you to be a warrior like me.”

‘“Well I don’t want to be a warrior,” Wanda said. “I’m fine the person that I am. I would sooner enjoy life as it is than to sink down to your level. I’m not a heartless barbarian like you are. I’m Wanda Young, adopted daughter of Princess Celestia and a proud citizen of Equestria. And nothing you say will change that.”

“This is why living with ponies has made you weak,” Chrysalis II said. “You should have been roughed up from the very start the moment those ponies adopted you. Even your so-called chancellor has been coddling you up like a little baby. My mother will train you to be the apex predator that you were meant to be.”

As Princess Chrysalis II continued to talk, Wanda felt something by her hand. The Man’s Cub looked down and saw her slingshot right next to her. Without hesitation, Wanda gripped the slingshot in her right hand and scooped up some dirt in her left.

“And another thing,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “A failure to reach your true potential will be hazardous to your health. You won’t be able to live anywhere without having myself, my mother, the rest of the hive and our new partners to continue to terrorize you unless you cave to our demands. So what do you say?”

“I’d say,” Wanda said. “You’re nothing more than a spoiled, rotten brat who always asked for love from your mommy, and you get denied, every time.”

“What….did you say?” Princess Chrysalis II said.

“You heard me,” Wanda yelled. “I know what a mother’s love is about. You, on the other hand, could never understand the true heart of a mother’s love. You may think you do, but what you really experience is a desire for that. You will remain hungry for that love, and you will even further should your mother force me to be one of your kind. Face it, Princess. She doesn’t love you at all.”

“DON’T YOU DARE SUGGEST THAT TO ME!” Princess Chrysalis II yelled before she flew right towards Wanda.

Wanda smiled as she got up, slingshot in her right hand and a mud ball in her left hand. She placed the mud ball into the pad, pulled back and fired the mudball, hitting Chrysalis II right in the face.

“ARRRGH!” Princess Chrysalis II yelled. “I CAN’T SEE!”

Princess Chrysalis II spiraled out of control as Wanda jumped out of the way. The moment Chrysalis II reached ground level, she fell right into the mud and crashed into a nearby rock. The changeling filly lost consciousness and landed the side of her head into the mud.

Wanda looked down at the knocked out Princess Chrysalis II and said “Hope I didn’t bug ya.”

Suddenly, she heard a voice calling her name out. Wanda turned around to see Twilight Sparkle atop the hill with Spike on her back. Twilight ran down the hill while Spike held on, running down all the way where she finally reached Wanda.

“Twilight,” Wanda said as she opened the flap on her dress skirt and placed her slingshot away. “You made it.”

“I’ll say,” Twilight said as she turned her head towards the unconscious Princess Chrysalis II. “And it looks like you took care of a pest problem.”

“It was hard,” Wanda said. “For a moment, I thought I would have lost the fight. But I somehow figured out how to get under her skin by suggesting she doesn’t have the same motherly love as mommy does for me and Sunset. And oh boy. She didn’t take it well.”

“That was a brilliant idea, Wanda,” Twilight said. “At this point, Princess Celestia is almost done with Queen Chrysalis and we should be in the clear right now.”

“That is what you think.” Wanda, Twilight and Spike turned their heads to see Queen Chrysalis approach them, holding Princess Celestia’s body in the air with her magic, who’s eyes were closed. Queen Chrysalis threw Princess Celestia down into the mud, shocking Wanda, Twilight and Spike.

“No….” Wanda said. “This….this can’t be.”

“That’s right,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Princess Celestia…is DEAD!”


“You monster,” Twilight yelled. “How could you do this?”

Queen Chrysalis levitated Twilight and Spike into the air and tossed them aside. She then walked up to Wanda and glared down at the young Man’s Cub.

“Princess Wanda Young,” Queen Chrysalis said. “The Man’s Cub that the belated Princess tried to raise as a pony. And what a price she paid.”

Wanda just stood there, staring at Princess Celestia, her now dead mother. As tears began to fall from her eyes, she heard a voice in the distance.

“Wanda,” The voice called. “Come here. We’ll help you.”

Wanda turned to her side to see Princess Luna nearby with Princess Cadance, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Captain Airrazor, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Firefly, Magnum, and a number of Wonderbolts nearby.

“Wanda,” Princess Luna yelled. “Over here.”

But as Luna called for Wanda, she noticed Princess Celestia laying there…dead. Luna gasped in horror as she turned her attention towards Queen Chrysalis.

“You monster,” Luna said as she stomped towards Queen Chrysalis. “THAT WAS MY SISTER YOU KILLED!”

Princess Luna fired off a blast of magic right at Queen Chrysalis, who only batted the spell away. Luna stood in shock as Chrysalis grinned right back at her.

“You wish to join your sister in death?” Queen Chrysalis said. “I can make it happen.”

Queen Chrysalis fired a blast of magic back at Luna, hitting her. She went flying right back towards the group, who stared in complete shock.

“AUNT LUNA,” Sunset Shimmer yelled as she grabbed onto her aunt.

“I’m alright,” Princess Luna said as she slowly got up. “But that packed a powerful punch.”

Suddenly, a barrier formed around Luna, Sunset, Cadence, Shining, Abigail, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Airazor, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Firefly, Magnum and the rest of the Wonderbolts. They were trapped in and forced to watch Chrysalis walk back towards Wanda.

“LET US OUT OF HERE,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “YOU BIG PALOOKA!”

“All in good time,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But your time off this planet is not yet. I wish to give you all the privilege of seeing the daughter of the late Princess Celestia become one of us. And don’t bother to break through. Celestia’s love of her daughter was the charge I needed to best her, and trap you all inside. Enjoy it while you can.”

“Princess Celestia,” Princess Cadance said. “Is…dead?”

“This can’t be right,” Airazor said. “She’s stronger than the rest of us. This can’t be happening.”

“First our own daughter is put in danger,” Twilight Velvet said. “And now Princess Celestia is gone from this world.”

“Don’t worry,” Shining Armor said. “We’ll get through this.”

Suddenly, they heard a tapping on the barrier. Shining Armor looked down to see Twilight and Spike standing out there.

“I’m going to try to save Wanda from Chrysalis,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Twilight, no,” Twilight Velvet protested. “You’ll get yourself killed.”

“I know,” Twilight Sparkle replied. “Even after losing her own mother, Wanda deserves to live in freedom rather than to have to serve Queen Chrysalis.”

“Twili,” Shining Armor said. “You be careful. Don’t overdo it.”

“I know,” Twilight said as she used her magic to place Spike next to the barrier.

“Twilight,” Spike said.

“I’m sorry Spike,” Twilight Sparkle said. “But this is my fight, and I must do this alone. I don’t want to put you in any danger.”

Nearby, as Wanda stood there emotionlessly, Queen Chrysalis walked around the little Man’s Cub. The Changeling Queen looked down and noticed that Princess Chrysalis II was unconscious.

“You’ve bested my daughter,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Impressive. I knew there was a fighting spirit within you. A shame that your mother is no longer of this world.”

“I don’t care what you say,” Wanda said as tears began to roll down her eyes. “I’m not joining you, and that’s that.”

“What if I told you that, for allowing your mother to die,” Queen Chrysalis said. “You would become an…..outcast.”

“What?” Wanda said in total shock.

“Equestria is not really the friendliest place at all,” Queen Chrysalis said. “The news media will report on your failure, that you alone allowed your mother to die at my hoof.”

“No, I didn’t mean to do it,” Wanda said as tears began to roll down her cheek.

“Even if you didn’t,” Queen Chrysalis said. “The news media will chew you out for it. They’ll blame you for allowing her to die, and you won’t be able to show your face in Equestria, ever again. Your friends, your family, and even your own Chancellor will risk being a pariah unless they abandon you.”

“That is not true,” Wanda cried. “As a family, we are one together, and friendship is magic.”

Queen Chrysalis just laughed as she looked down at Wanda.

“Oh silly Man’s Cub,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Don’t waste your breath. Equestria is quick to turn against its own kind, and they will to you. But I can offer you something that they can’t: Real respect, real power, and a chance to preserve your own well-being.”

Wanda looked up at Queen Chrysalis as she looked like she was on the verge of crying. Queen Chrysalis looked down and slowly raised Wanda’s face up to hers.

“I can give you more than what your mother failed to give you,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I can give you real power. I can make sure you can use your magic without failure. I can teach you how to survive and how to beat back at the propaganda machine. Join with me, and you will never be ridiculed for who you are, ever again. What do you say?”

Wanda looked up at Queen Chrysalis. She looked down at her adopted mother’s dead body, staring down at it. Then she turned towards the queen.

“I…” Wanda said. “I accept.”

“Good girl,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Now. Let me unlock your true form, newest member of the hive.”

Queen Chrysalis raised her horn into the air. A tuft of magic flowed and began to encircle Princess Wanda as it began to take the form of a cocoon.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “Aunt Luna. I’m sorry.”

Wanda closed her eyes as the cocoon began to take shape. Chrysalis looked down at the Man’s Cub with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Queen Chrysalis was blasted in the face, sending her flying into the mud near Celestia’s body. The magical cocoon disappeared, causing Wanda to open her eyes.

“Who did that?” Queen Chrysalis said as she got up.

Queen Chrysalis looked around and saw Twilight Sparkle approach her. Her frown turned into a devilish grin as she let the filly approach her.

“So you wish to be a changeling as well?” Queen Chrysalis said. “I can make it happen.”

“I’m not here to be one of your own,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I’m here to rescue Wanda.”

“You?” Queen Chrysalis laughed. “You wish to rescue a human who’s on the verge of being an outcast because she let her mother die? What do you have with her that I don’t? I can teach her how to wield power and make ponies respect her. You only teach her nothing.”

A spark formed in Twilight’s eyes as she stared at Chrysalis and said “I don’t need to teach her anything. She already knows, and so do I. Wanda is loyal to us, she’s generous, she’s kind, she’s honest, and she gives us laughter. Those are the elements of a good friend.”

The unicorn filly’s horn began to glow brightly. Queen Chrysalis fired off a blast of magic at Twilight Sparkle, only for it to deflect off and fly into the sky.

Nearby, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Airazor, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts, and even Spike were in shock as they saw Twilight deflect the shot without breaking a sweat.

“I…I don’t believe it,” Twilight Velvet said. “Is that our daughter standing up against the big bad bug lady?”

“It sure is,” Night Light said. “I never knew she had that kind of power.”

“Princess Celestia did,” Princess Luna said. “:I believe this was the kind of power that was hidden deep within little Twilight Sparkle. And now it’s starting to manifest.”

“Wow,” Shining Armor said. “I never knew Twilight had that much power in her.”

“Who knew that little egghead was an awesome powerhouse?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Guess there was more to her than meets the eye,” Sunset Shimmer said.

Queen Chrysalis fired blast upon blast on Twilight Sparkle, each deflecting off Twilight’s magical spark on her horn. Twilight stood there, looking up at Chrysalis with a smile on her face as Wanda ran up behind the filly.

“Wanda is as part of our family as she is my friend,” Twilight Sparkle said. “And as long as she has friends and family that will respect her, we will never abandon her and never make her a pariah, no matter what the media says. And no matter what you do, you can never take away our friendship towards Wanda. For there is more to how we stand together, than meets the eye.”

Twilight’s horn glowed bright. Queen Chrysalis only stood there as Twilight fired off a powerful beam of magic, right in her face.

“This can’t be,” Queen Chrysalis said. “This day was going to be perfect.”

The beam connected with Queen Chrysalis and exploded, sending her flying uncontrollably into the atmosphere.


The moment Chrysalis finished her sentence, she disappeared into the morning sky.

Princess Chrysalis II woke up. She looked around and saw Twilight Sparkle standing in front of Wanda Young. Behind her, she saw the barrier fade away as Princess Luna and the rest of the group ran towards her.

“What is the meaning of this?” Princess Chrysalis II yelled.

“Your mother has been beaten because of Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Luna said. “If you value your freedom, you will depart this land immediately.”

“Urrrgh, fine,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “But mark my words. The next time we meet, we’ll make sure everyone feels our wrath.”

Princess Chrysalis II jumped into the air and flew off, disappearing into the morning sky. Sunset Shimmer looked up as the changeling filly faded away into the atmosphere.

“That,” Sunset said. “Was for messing with my family.”

Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor ran up to Twilight Sparkle. Shining picked her up and hugged her close.

“I can’t believe you did it,” Shining Armor said. “You beat the big monster. You’re the hero of Equestria.”

“Brother,” Twilight said with a laugh. “Quit embarrassing me.”

“Sorry,” Shining Armor said. “This is just sibling pride.”

“Twilight,” Night Light said. “We’re proud of you for saving Princess Wanda from Queen Chrysalis.”

“Once all of Equestria finds out,” Twilight Velvet said. “They’ll be singing praises of you. You could even earn the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage for your act of heroism.”

“Mom, dad,” Twilight Sparkle said. “That’s enough already.”

But as Twilight laughed with her family, she looked at Wanda. The Man’s Cub barely walked towards Princess Celestia’s dead body without a single emotion on her face.

“Wanda,” Twilight said as she jumped out of Shining Armor’s arms.

As Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Sunset Shimmer, Spike, Abigail, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Airazor, Firefly, Magnum and the Wonderbolts all walked up to Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Princess Cadance, they watched as Wanda approached her mother’s dead body, who looked down and started to cry.

“Mommy…..” Wanda said as she stood there helplessly.

Wanda struggled to hold her tears in. She tried as hard as possible before she bursts out crying, landing her face near Celestia’s broken wing.

Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor and Sunset Shimmer watched on as Wanda cried into the dead Celestia.

“Sister,” Luna said as a tear fell from her eye. “I lost my mother long ago, and now I lost the one spark in my own life.”

Luna turned her head away from Celestia and Wanda as she cried into Cadance’s chest. Princess Cadance could do nothing, but comfort her own aunt.

“What a shame,” Rainbow Dash said. “Princess Celestia was a pony to look up to. And now…she’s gone.”

“We all looked up to Princess Celestia as Wonderbolts,” Spitfire said. “To carry on without her, doesn’t feel right.”

“I know,” Airrazor said. “She was my own mother when I was adopted as a foal. She raised many to grow up in a world that is cold and bitter.”

Sunset slowly walked up to Wanda, reaching out towards her sister and her dead mother. Twilight came up to Sunset and gave her a big hug.

“Sunset,” Twilight said. “I’m sorry.”

Abigail and Spike walked near Sunset and Twilight, looking at Wanda crying into her dead mother’s body. Tears began to fall down the cheeks of both the kitty cat and the baby dragon. Spike held Abigail close as the kitten cried into the baby dragon’s chest.

“Wanda,” Spike said as Abigail cried really loud.

Wanda continued to cry into Princess Celestia’s dead, motionless body, as her eyes were flowing with tears.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to want to let Queen Chrysalis force me into becoming a changeling. Please don’t leave me. I ask for your forgiveness.”

“Be calm my child, don’t you be sad Your mother is here and aren’t you all glad? I will not depart from your precious side. If you’re looking for comfort, then that is what I will provide.”

The voice of a soft and soothing song caused Wanda to look up. Princess Celestia was awake, looking down at her daughter. Wanda’s face beamed with excitement as she saw her mother’s face once more.

“MOMMY!” Wanda cried before she gave her adopted mother a big hug.

“It’s okay,” Princess Celestia said as she wrapped her arm around Wanda and hugged her. “I’m not going to leave you. And I accept your apology. But it is I who should apologize to you.”

“Why’s that, Mommy?” Wanda asked.

“I should have known that Queen Chrysalis and her changelings were going to invade during the gala, and I should have also figured out that they would team up with Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild. I’ve put you and your friends in terrible danger. It is you who should accept my forgiveness.”

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I forgive you.”

Suddenly, Celestia and Wanda heard the sound of Princess Luna yelling out “SISTER!” Celestia looked up as Luna came to her side and rubbed her head with her sister’s head. Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire ran up and gave Wanda a big hug.

“Aww come on you guys,” Wanda said. “Let me cry a bit more.”

“You’ve cried enough for now, sister,” Sunset said. “Just smile for us for now, okay?”

“Sister,” Wanda said. “I will.”

Sunset turned to Princess Celestia, who looked down at her adopted daughter with a smile on her face.

“Mother,” Sunset said. “I don’t know what would have happened if you did die. I’m glad you did.”

With that, Sunset gave Celestia a big hug as the two embraced each other.

“Don’t you worry, Sunset,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ll be here for as long as possible.”

As Wanda smiled for both Sunset and Celestia, she looked down and saw Abigail meow at her.

“Abby,” Wanda said as she picked up Abigail. “You’re here.”

Wanda cuddles with Abigail as the little kitty meows with pride.

Next to Wanda, Twilight noticed Spike walking up to her. She reached out and picked Spike up.

“Spike,” Twilight said. “We did it.”

“Twilight,” Spike said, shocking Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire.

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said. “Did I hear that squirt speak?”

“You sure did,” Twilight replied.

Everyone laughed really hard as the morning sun shined down towards everyone.

Moments later, everyone was gathered around the carriage as Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Spike, Abigail and Princess Celestia got inside. Princess Celestia has a new splint wrapped around her broken wing as she gets inside.

“ARe you sure you don’t want to join us, sis?” Princess Celestia asked.

“There’s barely enough room for me,” Princess Luna said. “And besides, your wing is busted. So you gotta take it easy until it heals.”

“Point taken,” Princess Celestia laughed. “But for now, let’s depart.”

Princess Luna closed the carriage door as Wanda and Sunset looked out. Nearby, Airazor had fitted the Wonderbolts with the harness again with Firefly and Magnum ready to go.

“Aren’t you glad this madness is over?” Firefly asked.

“You said it,” Magnum replied. “But knowing how these monsters act, I have a funny feeling that we’ll be seeing them again.”

“And we’ll be there to make sure they won’t try that stunt again,” Captain Airazor said.

“Wait till everyone back in Canterlot hears about this,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah,” Spitfire replied. “This will be a day that we won’t forget.”

Princess Luna lined up alongside Airazor, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Magnum, Firefly and the carriage alongside a number of Wonderbolts. With a kick of dust into the wind, the group ran down and took off from the forest, pulling the carriage with the greatest of ease. It wasn’t long until the carriage, Luna, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and the Wonderbolt brigade were airborne.

But nearby, Coldnelius Snap watched as the carriage flew off with the other ponies flying alongside. He looked up as he placed his hood back on.

“This day is yours, Princess,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But mark my words. The next time we meet, it will be on a greater scale. That being said, I believe our partnership with Queen Chrysalis and her changeling got us closer to defeating you. So expect us to work together again. Until time.

With that, Coldnelius Snap turned tail and ran off through the forest, leaving a trail of ice behind.

To Be Continued in…

The end of the danger.

Author's Note:

Well how did you enjoy this climax?

It was always my plan to have Twilight Sparkle, not Wanda Young, defeat Queen Chrysalis right from the start. But originally, the only witness to Twilight's victory was going to be Wanda. However, I changed it to have others like Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and even Twilight's own parents bear witness to Twilight's victory against the queen of the Changelings.

As for Celestia having a Disney Death, it wasn't originally in the plan. But I went with it, and it may change Wanda for the worse.

Only 2 parts remain. The next part will be important for Twilight Sparkle. Very important, indeed.

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