• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,956 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 9-5: Sunburst, Spike and Fluttershy: Expanding moo horizons

Author's Note:

Now, two things about this part.

1) I forgot to bring this up, but Spike will be with Fluttershy and Sunburst for the time being.

2) This part will introduce a new character named Mr Bovine. He will be exclusive to this and the next arc.

Sunburst, Spike and Fluttershy: Expanding moo horizons

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst were exploring the animal pens of the Ponyville Fair. Spike was perched on Twilight’s back, looking at the many animals around them. Some were separated from the other ponies in giant pens like giraffes, lions, elephants, antelopes, hippos and rhinos. Others were free for ponies to touch or to interact with like cows, sheep, pigs and llamas. All of them looked content, lounging around in the beautiful sunlight, or just observing the crowd of ponies enjoying their time at the fair.

“Sunburst,” Twilight said. “Are you sure this is where Fluttershy is supposed to be?

“Of course,” Sunburst said as he pulled out his notes. “I did my research on Fluttershy. She’s said to be an animal enthusiast. But she’s also really shy and bashful, and often avoids crowds as much as possible.”

“That sounds alot like me,” Starlight Glimmer said. “I wonder why I didn’t get to pair up with her?”

“That’s a really good question,” Twilight said. “In fact, I’m curious as to why my pony partner is Pinkie Pie of all ponies?”

“Honesty,” Sunburst said as he placed his hoof over his eyes. “I think Princess Celestia really doesn’t know us well.”

“Well what about the fact that Moondancer was paired up with Rarity?” Starlight asked. “Or the fact that Danged Spell got along well with Rainbow Dash, or that Wanda and Sunset are paired up with Applejack?”

“That’s true,” Sunburst said. “But I wonder why we all got paired up? It does feel as if it was favoritism.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Twilight said as she put her hoof on her head. “I think it has to do with our personalities and what she thinks would be perfect for us.”

“How so?” Starlight asked.

“Well you see,” Twilight replied. “I think Wanda and Sunset were paired with Applejack and the Apple family in order to get them to be more connected to common folks. Moondancer with Rarity because of their fascination with beauty in different ways, and Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell because of how tough those two can be. Maybe there’s a connection between us and our assigned friends here in La Maresa.”

Both Sunburst and Starlight stared at Twilight with a confused look. Twilight just looked at them both and grinned in embarrassment while Spike looked at the animals around them.

“Okay,” Twilight said as sweat fell from her head. “Maybe it could be favoritism.”

But as Twilight began to regain herself, a scream echoed through the air. Everyone turned their heads as they looked down the inside of a barn.

“Whatever’s going down over there,” Twilight said as she prepared to run with Spike holding on. “It’s not going to be pretty.”

With that, Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst ran into the barn with Spike holding on tight.

As the trio reached the inside, they saw Hoops, Dumbbell and Score laughing at a young pegasus filly with a pale, light grayish gold fur coat, and a pale, light grayish rose mane and tail. The scared filly was covering her head crying in fear as some nearby animals watched in horror.

“Awww,” Hoops said as Dumbbell and Score laughed at her face. “Does the little baby want to cuddle in the mud with these varmints?”

“You’re nothing like that Rainbow Crash,” Score said as he let out a chuckle. “Or that hot headed unicorn friend of hers.”

“Yeah,” Dumbbell said. “After the humiliation we got from those two, you’ll do just fine, Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy?” Hoops said with a grin. “More like Puttercry.”

As the pegasi bully trio laugh at Fluttershy’s misery, Twilight and Sunburst witnessed everything from the entrance, enraged by the action of the trio. Starlight hid behind Twilight as she was completely scared, all while Spike turned around and rubbed Starlight on the head for assurance.

“That’s the pony you were assigned to,” Twilight said with a snort. “And those three are making her life miserable.”

“No doubt about it,” Sunburst said in complete disgust. “They were also the trio who gave Ditzy Doo a hard time when she came up to Canterlot to hide. I heard they ruined her birthday.”

“I was told to be on my best behavior,” Twilight said as she lowered her head and was about ready to charge. “But I’m not going to let those creeps get away with that stunt. If it meant getting banned from the fair, so be it.”

But as Twilight was prepared to charge at the trio, Sunburst noticed a red tarp draped over some boxes. He turned to the left and saw a bull looking at the trio from the pen with concern. His eyes lit up as he turned his head to Twilight Sparkle.

“Twilight,” Sunburst said. “I have an idea.”

“Please leave me alone,” Fluttershy cried as she covered her face with her hooves. “I don’t want any trouble like you did with Ditzy Doo’s birthday.”

“Oh but you don’t get a choice, snowflake,” Hoops said. “Even if you don’t look for trouble, it will always find you and give you hell. There’s no escaping us.”

“Hey boss,” Score said as he flew in holding onto a whip. “Here’s something to really scare that snowflake.”

“Sweet,” Dumbbell said, glancing at the whip. “Let’s scare her really good.”

Hoops got his hooves around the whip and said “Oh believe me. This will make that shrinking violet scream out.”

Hoops wrapped the end of the whip around his left hoof and tugged on it. He flew up above Fluttershy and glanced down with a smile. Fluttershy could only look up in horror as Hoops allowed the whip to unwind from his hoof and allowed it to dangle above the ground.

“P..p...p..ppp...please,” Fluttershy cried as she stared helplessly at Hoops. “Leave me alone.”

“Oh I’m terribly sorry,” Hoops said as he swung the whip back. “But I’m afraid that’s going to cost you dearly.”

“Well here’s your PAYMENT!” someone shouted as a red tarp flew right into Hoop’s face, covering him completely. He fell to the ground and lost his grip on the whip. Dumbbell and Score were stunned to see their companion struggling in the red tarp.

“WHO DID THAT?” Hoops yelled under the tarp. “THAT BETTER NOT BE YOU, ROADKILL TRASH!”

As Hoops finally pulled his head out from the tarp, he looked up and saw Sunburst hovering over him.

“Leave her alone you big bully,” Sunburst said as he stared down at Hoops.

“You’re the snowflake who caused this?” Hoops yelled as he glared at Sunburst. “Stay out of this if you know what’s good for you.”

Without blinking, Sunburst said “Then you leave me no choice. “ He turned to Twilight and added “Open the bull pen.”

Twilight Sparkle, hiding behind a hay bale with Spike and Starlight Glimmer, used her magic to pick the lock of the bull pen, and opened the gate. The bull marched out and took a look at Hoops as Sunburst stepped to the side. Hoops, Dumbbell and Score looked at the bull and their anger turned into fear.

“They actually had a bull in this barn?” Dumbbell said as his knees shook violently.

“I hate bulls,” Score said as he hid behind Dumbbell. “One of them poked me last summer.”

The bull glanced at the red tarp covering Hoops. His eyes squinted hard as the horned heifer let out an aggressive snort. Hoops wasted little time pulling himself from the tarp and gripped the whip hard.

“Stay back you beast,” Hoops said as he looked like he was about to swing the whip. “I have a whip and I’m not afraid to use it.”

The bull looked undeterred as he glanced at Hoops. The giant steer let loose a bellowing roar of a moo that sounded almost like a monster. Hoops froze in place as his eyes shrunk down and he lost his grip on the whip, causing it to limp down on the floor. He turned to his right and saw an opening through another doorway.

“RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” Hoops yelled as he, Dumbbell and Score ran out the back door with the bull chasing them down. Sunburst approached the doorway with a smug smile on his face.

“That will teach them not to harass innocent fillies,” Sunburst said as he turned towards Fluttershy, who’s fear had disappeared, but instead had a face of concern. Twilight, Starlight and Spike came out from behind the hay bales as they approached Fluttershy.

“You okay?” Sunburst asked as he extended his hoof towards Fluttershy. But the pegasi filly just flew out the doorway.

“Wait up, Mr Bovine,” Fluttershy said as she flew after the bull. “You don’t want to overdo it.”

Sunburst just stood there, dumbfounded by Fluttershy choosing to pursue the bull.

“What just happened?” Sunburst asked as Twilight, Starlight and Spike walked up to him.

“You did mention that Fluttershy is an animal lover,” Twilight said. “I think she has a concern for that bull you released.”

“Mr Bovine?” Starlight said with a giggle. “Now that’s a silly name.”

Outside, the bull chased after Hoops, Dumbbell and Score as they ran for their lives, all while Fluttershy was flying right after the bull. The bully trio were screaming like mad.

“HELP!” Dumbbell yelled. “MAD COW WANTS TO EAT US!”

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score ran as far as they could to a nearby fence. They saw a gap underneath that was small enough to fit them. Dumbbell and Score ran as fast as they could and slid under the gap, making it onto the other side.

“Whew,” Score said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “That was a close one.”

“Wait,” Dumbbell said. “What about Hoops?”
But before they could turn their heads, they heard a loud SMASH! They looked at a fence post and saw Hoops sitting on the ground with a large bump on his head, with the side of the fence post bent.

“Owww,” Hoops groaned as he held his head in pain.

Hoops opened his eyes, looked up and saw the bull breathing in his face. His face turned into a complete shock as he sat helpless at the giant behemoth. The bull let out a bellowing moo as he towered over the helpless colt.

“PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!” Hoops said as he cried in terror. “I’M TOO YOUNG TO BE SOME STEER’S DINNER!”

Suddenly, the bull yelled out in pain as it sat down and placed his right upper hoof on his side. He whined and groaned, holding carefully at his side and ignoring Hoop’s presence. Hoops looked up and saw the bull suffering.

“I’M GETTING OUT OF HERE!” Hoops yelled as he quickly crawled under the fence and out on the other side.

“You’re finally out,” Dumbbell yelled as he and Score got Hoops back up.

“Come on, boys,” Hoops said. “Let’s scram.”

And with that, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score ran off away from the fence and into the crowd of fairgoers, who paid no attention to the bull screaming in pain.

As the bull held his side carefully and cried, Fluttershy flew and approached the suffering cow.

“Mr Bovine,” Fluttershy said. “You pushed yourself again.”

“Sorry Fluttershy,” The bull known as Mr Bovine said. “But I didn’t want to let those bullies treat you like that.”

“I know you were concerned about me,” Fluttershy said. “But at the same time, you didn’t need to overdo it. After all, I’ve been concerned for your health since the fair started.”

As Fluttershy looked after Mr Bovine, Sunburst, Starlight and Twilight ran up to the duo with Spike riding on top of Twilight’s back. Looking at Fluttershy alongside Mr Bovine gave all three unicorn youngsters a confused look.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “First the bull we released has a physical problem, and now Fluttershy is tending to him? Pretty surprising world this is.”

“I think it’s time I introduced myself,” Sunburst said.

Sunburst approached Fluttershy as the little pegasi filly looked after Mr Bovine. But when Fluttershy saw Sunburst, she squeaked in fear and hid behind the giant bull.

“Please,” Fluttershy said as she hid behind Mr Bovine. “Go away. I don’t want any trouble.”

“I don’t think they’re related to those bullies,” Mr Bovine said to Fluttershy as Sunburst looked discouraged. “In fact, I believe they were the ones who helped me chase them off.” But Fluttershy only hid deeper behind Mr Bovine.

“I don’t think she’s in any mood to speak to us,” Sunburst said as he looked at Fluttershy shaking behind the big cow.

“Well that’s just it,” Mr Bovine said. “Fluttershy has always been known to shy away from other ponies. She thinks of us as her protectors, and in some ways, we did prove that right.”

“Just so you know,” Sunburst said. “We were the ones who released you from your pen because we didn’t want those creeps picking on that filly.”

“And I actually appreciate it,” Mr Bovine said. “I know Fluttershy wants me to look after my health. But it’s as I said to her, I didn’t want to see those bullies get the best of her. And by the way, as much as I appreciated the red tarp to trap them, it’s not the red that caused me to go nuts.”

“It wasn’t?” Sunburst said.

“No,” Mr Bovine replied with a chuckle. “But a good distraction is what’s needed to teach those juvenile delinquents a lesson. Sadly, those three keep picking on her. Poor kid. Princess Celestia was wise to send you kids to meet her.”

“Yeah, but there’s one problem,” Twilight said as she approached Mr Bovine. “She’s clearly afraid of us. But she’s friendly to you.”

As Mr Bovine looked at Twilight, he saw Spike riding on her back, waving at the big bull.

“I take it, that's a baby dragon, correct?” Mr Bovine asked.

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “Spike here is like a little brother to me.”

Mr Bovine slowly leaned down and whispered into Sunburst’s ear. The little colt’s face turned and approached Twilight.

“Twilight,” Sunburst said. “Would it be alright if I borrowed Spike for a bit?”

Twilight thought for a second, then said “Sure. I’ll let you under one condition.”

“Name it,” Sunburst said.

“Make sure he stays out of trouble and keep a close eye on him,” Twilight said. “Promise?”

“Promise,” Sunburst said.

With that, Twilight levitated Spike from her back and onto Sunburst’s back. The baby dragon looked at Twilight and looked like he was about to cry.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight said as she booped Spike on the nose. “We’ll be back for you. Just be on your best behavior. Promise?” The little dragon’s cry turned into a cheer as Twilight rubbed Spike on the forehead.

With that, Mr Bovine turned towards Fluttershy and tapped her shoulder with his hoof.

“Fluttershy,” Mr Bovine said. “Those unicorn kids have a friend with them.”

As Fluttershy peeped out from behind the big bull, she noticed Sunburst walking up to him with Spike on his back. The little pegasi filly’s emotions turned upwards as she flew right towards the young unicorn colt.

“A baby dragon?” Fluttershy said as she approached Sunburst with glee. “You actually have a baby dragon?”

“Actually,” Sunburst said. “He’s from a close friend. But we consider him a part of our team.”

“I have never seen a baby dragon before in my life,” Fluttershy said. “I heard they’re so cute and rare around Equestria.”

“Well this one is called Spike,” Sunburst said. “Twilight hatched her from his egg when she went for her entrance exam. She’s letting me look after him during our time here in La Maresa.”

“Twilight?” Fluttershy said as she looked up at Sunburst.

“Yeah,” Sunburst said as he pointed to Twilight and Starlight, with the latter waving at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy flew up to Twilight and Starlight and pulled out a letter from the back of her mane.

“Uhh Twilight,” Fluttershy said as she slowly held out the letter. “I heard you’re looking for a Pinkie Pie….and uhh...she wanted me to give this to you.”

“For me?” Twilight said as she accepted the letter and opened it.

“What does it say?” Starlight said.

“To the one know as Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight read. “I’ve been waiting for you, for I am the party pony committed to fun. I’ll be expecting you as I bounce around the La Maresa sun. You’ll find this pink pony trotting along the grounds of the fair. So seek me out, and be there or be square. Signed, Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie for short.”

“That must be your La Maresa friend that you’re supposed to look for,” Starlight said as Twilight folded up the letter and placed it in her male.

“Are you sure you can handle this without me?” Sunburst asked.

“I’m sure of it,” Twilight said with a flick of her tail. “And I trust Spike won’t be in any danger.”

“Considering who he’s with,” Sunburst said as Fluttershy rubbed Spike on the forehead. “I’d say Spike’s in good hooves.”

“Thanks Sunburst,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy turned to face Twilight and said “I hope you two find Pinkie Pie. I heard she’s a really elusive pony, even compared to me. Some ponies say she’ll lead you on a wild goose chase to something….spooky.” With that, Fluttershy curled up in a ball and shook like crazy while Spike looked on from the perch of Sunburst’s back.

“Oh please,” Twilight smirked as she placed her hoof on Fluttershy. “I’ve faced far worse than that. And unfortunately, I still get nightmares just thinking about it.”

Starlight walked up to Fluttershy, lowered her head down to the timid pegasi filly’s level, and whispered “It’s best not to ponder what we went through. Don’t want you to be there all day.” Fluttershy nodded as she slowly got up with Starlight helping her back on her four hooves.

“Well, I think we’re good to go,” Sunburst said. “I hope you two figure out where this Pinkie Pie character is.”

“Don’t worry,” Twilight said with a smirk. “All those mystery novels I read will be my guide through this one.”

Starlight waved to Fluttershy, Sunburst, Spike and Mr Bovine as she and Twilight took off and jumped the fence. They ran into another direction, disappearing into the crowd of fairgoers.

“Wow,” Sunburst said with a chuckle as he watched Twilight and Starlight gallop off. “This better not be a running gag.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said as she was looking into a satchel. “I thought I brought some gemstones with me just in case I ran into a baby dragon. But it appears I don’t have any. Now how am I going to feed Spike?”

“I don’t think that would be a problem,” Sunburst said as Spike giggled. “This little bambino will eat almost anything.”

“But I insist on gemstones for the little one,” Fluttershy said as her speech sounded faster and more nervous. “After all, if he’s going to grow up to be a mighty dragon, he has to eat his weight in gemstones.”

“You really don’t have to do that, young lady,” Mr Bovine said. “I know you have a kind heart, but you don’t need to burden yourself with that.”

“But I must, Mr Bovine,” Fluttershy said as she pulled out another satchel. “I will use the bits in this satchel and acquire some gemstones for Spike.”

But before Mr Bovine could speak, Fluttershy took off in an instant, jumping over the fence and galloping off into the crowd. Sunburst looked as Fluttershy disappeared and his jaw dropped in disbelief.

“I need to quit jinxing myself,” Sunburst said as Mr Bovine looked at Baby Spike, who was on the verge of crying.

“Sunburst, is it?” Mr Bovine said. “I think your baby dragon is about to turn on the water works.”

But before Sunburst could react, Spike started to cry his eyes out. Sunburst used his magic to lift the baby dragon off his back as he got on his two legs. He lowered the dragon into his arms and began to rock him slowly.

`It’s okay, Spike,” Sunburst said as the baby dragon’s crying began to slow down. “I’m here for you.” Spike looked up at Sunburst with a few tears in his eyes.

“You have a thing for that little bambino,” Mr Bovine said as he approached and reached his hoof out to gently rub Baby Spike on the forehead.

“Twilight Sparkle hatched Spike when she applied to the school for gifted unicorns,” Sunburst said. “Since then, Spike’s been more like a little brother to Twilight. And since becoming friends with Twilight, I’ve also gained a bond with the baby dragon.”

“Reminds me of when I first met Fluttershy,” Mr Bovine said. “The poor child fell out of the sky only months ago, following an attempt at starting a race between two other pegasi younglings. At that time, I injured my sides after an unintended accident.”

“That explained why you were in pain,” Sunburst said.

“Yes,” Mr Bovine replied as he cleared his throat. “Though she could fly, something within her stopped her from flying. A fear of some sort. Thankfully for her, she was saved at the last moment by a swarm of butterflies.”

“A swarm of butterflies?” Sunburst said in disbelief. “Excuse me. But how the hay can butterflies save a filly?”

Mr Bovine let out a friendly chuckle and said “Butterflies, in a swarm, can hold more than their own weight. They caught that filly as if she were as light as a feather. When she looked around, she saw her inspiration through many creatures that gathered in the meadow nearby. It was like a place of healing for her.”

“I take it that’s where Fluttershy earned her cutie mark,” Sunburst said.

“Well she did,” Mr Bovine said. “Around that time, a Sonic Rainboom echoed through the land, scaring the critters. She took it among herself to calm them down and gain their trust. That achievement was the very spark that led to her cutie mark.”

“Wow,” Sunburst said. “All it took was a Sonic Rainboom to ignite the spark of inspiration for Fluttershy. Sunset and Starlight told me that something like that happened with Twilight Sparkle. You don’t suppose there was a coincidence with that scenario, do ya?”

But before Mr Bovine could speak, Fluttershy rushed on in, holding a bag of gemstones in her hoof.

“Sorry I’m late,” Fluttershy said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “I had to make sure there were plenty of gems for Spike to try.”

Fluttershy reached her hoof into the bag and pulled out a few gemstones. She held them in front of Spike. The baby dragon smelled the gems on Fluttershy’s hoof before picking them up one by and by and eating the stones up. The baby dragon cooed in delight.

“Was that delicious?” Fluttershy said before Spike let out a huge belch.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Sunburst said as he and Mr Bovine let out a huge laugh.

Fluttershy turned to Sunburst and said “So Sunburst. Is it true about Twilight?”

“What do you mean, Fluttershy?” Sunburst replied.

“I heard Princess Celestia is taking up orphans, and I want to know if both Twilight and Starlight are her adopted daughters?”

“I believe you have that all wrong,” Sunburst said as he placed his hoof behind his head and let out an embarrassing chuckle. “Twilight is the student of Princess Celestia. Starlight and I hail from Sire’s Hollow. But Celestia does have three adopted daughters.”

“Really?” Fluttershy replied. “Then the rumors were true.”

“But here’s the juicy bits,” Sunburst replied. “The oldest is an alicorn teenager named Cadance. The second oldest is a filly friend of ours named Sunset Shimmer. And last, Celestia has a human daughter named Wanda Young.”

“A human?” Fluttershy said with a confused look on her face. “What is a human?”

“Oh just you wait,” Sunburst said. “I think you might end up being fascinated with this close friend of ours.”

As Sunburst and Fluttershy walked off with Spike still on Sunburst’s back, Mr Bovine looked at the younglings, and let out a warm smile.

“I made a promise to her parents that I’d look after Fluttershy while they had other business elsewhere,” Mr Bovine said to himself. “It’s true that she's overprotective of me when it should be the other way around. But she’s got a strong heart. And that’s what matters to her the most. Though I do have to question their son Zephyr Breeze.”

Mr Bovine cringed and shook a bit as he added “That brother of Fluttershy’s got a few screws loose and can be a lazy bum. Sometimes I question his approach to greatness that Zephyr Breeze. And not to mention his obsession with Rainbow Dash. That juvenile delinquent definitely needs some discipline.”

To Be Continued in…

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie: The journey to the party

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