• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,956 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 10-7: A Tearful Conclusion

A Tearful Conclusion

The bright light that came from the Sonic Rainboom has dissipated. The sky was clear once more as the sun shined downwards at the wrecked Ponyville Providence Fair. Any signs of the Windigo’s Guild were gone. Not a single cult member was on the fairgrounds.

Deep in the middle, Wanda Young held onto Chancellor Cinch as she cried in deep pain. While tears fell from her eyes, she held on, as if she were trying to resist the pain.

“I can do this,” Wanda cried. “I’m strong.”

Chancellor Cinch looked down at the human child as she held her tight. “She’s suffered through a lot today,” the elder pony said to herself. “To think, she was supposed to be on her best behavior, only for those wicked cultists to pull that stunt and put her in danger. And I was about to allow her to move down to La Maresa.”

As Wanda cried into Cinch’s chest, Rainbow Dash flew downwards right near the Man’s Cub. Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy walked up to Wanda as the little girl continued to suffer in pain.

“You were right, Twilight,” Applejack said. “But why does she suffer from that kind of pain from a Rainboom?”

“Even Princess Celestia couldn’t figure her out,” Twilight said. “She’s more of a mystery not just to us, but also to herself.”

“If only those despicable cultists hadn’t interrupted the peace of the fair,” Rarity said. “None of us would have been in this situation.”

“Sometimes, we have to be prepared for the worse,” Applejack said. “But at the same time, hope for the best. Ma always told me about this when I was younger.”

“I’d say it’s advice worth keeping,” Twilight said.

As the group watched over Wanda, who was still crying in pain, Pinkie Pie turned to her left and saw a big group in the distance.

“Hey guys,” Pinkie Pie said as she tapped Twilight’s shoulder. “The cavalry's arrived.”

Chancellor Cinch looked up and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approach the group with Danged Spell riding on Celestia’s back. Right next to the duo was Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Moondancer.

“Thank harmony,” Cinch said as she put her hoof to her chest in relief. “We’re truly back together.”

Fluttershy looked nearby and saw Mr Bovine limping up towards the group. Even in spite of that, he was still in good spirits.

“MR BOVINE!” Fluttershy yelled as she zoomed towards the big heffer and gave him a big hug. “You’re alright.”

“It will take a lot more than those goons to take me out,” Mr Bovine said with a laugh as Fluttershy giggled.

Right near Mr Bovine was Bright Mac, Buttercup, Granny Smith, Filthy and Spoiled Rich, who were walking up to the ground. Buttercup held Apple Bloom in her left arm while Spoiled Rich held Diamond Tiara in her right arm. Next to them were Big Macintosh, Ditzy Doo, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. The entire group cheered as they approached Chancellor Cinch.

Applejack ran up to Bright Mac, Buttercup, Granny Smith and Big Mac as the entire family embraced each other.

“You’re alright,” Applejack said. “I don’t know what would have happened if something bad happened to all of you.”

“It won’t happen today,” Bright Mac said. “And it won’t happen for a very long time, my daughter.”

“As long as we’re a family,” Buttercup said. “Nothing will separate us.”

“Eeyup” Big Mac said as he gave his little sister a big hug.

As Bright Mac, Buttercup, Applejack and BIg Mac embraced each other, Granny Smith lets go of her family and walked towards Wanda and Chancellor Cinch.

“Ma,” Bright Mac said. “What’s going on?”

“Gotta give the kid the bad news,” Granny Smith said with a shamed look on her face. “And I won’t be the only one to do so.”

As Granny Smith approached Wanda and Cinch, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance ran up Twilight Sparkle and Spike, excited and happy to see the lavender filly.

“TWILI,” Shining Armor yelled as he grabbed Twilight and pulled her close. “You’re alright.” Twilight only giggled as Shining Armor gave her little sister a noogie.

“Well I can see you’re in high spirits,” Princess Cadance said as she approached Twilight, Spike and Shining Armor.

“Go right ahead,” Shining said as he let go of Twilight. The little filly ran up to Princess Cadance with plenty of energy, looking like she was about to dance.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake,” Twilight and Cadance chanted as they danced together before laughing. Sunset Shimmer walked by the duo and only let out a playful raspberry.

“You’re not getting me to pull that stunt, sis” Sunset joked.

“Oh come on,” Cadence said in a playful tone. “Someday, you and Wanda will pull off a friendship dance of your own.”

“Speaking of which,” Twilight said. “You might want to check up on her.”

Cadence’s tone went down as she looked at Wanda in the distance. The little man’s cub was still crying, but her face started to see the sight of those who approached her.

“Right,” Princess Cadance said as she faced her younger sister. “Come on Sunset. Let’s check up on Wanda.”

“Roger that, Big sis,” Sunset Shimmer said as she and Cadance ran up to Wanda and Cinch.

As the entire group approached Cinch, Wanda, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Abigail, Danged Spell jumped off Celestia’s back and ran up to Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Moondancer and Ditzy Doo. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity approached the small group of unicorn younglings as they all giggled.

“So many friends,” Pinkie Pie said. “And we all made it through that bad moment.”

“Bad moment indeed,” Starlight said. “If Trixie wasn’t helping me out, I don’t think I would see mommy or daddy again.”

Rainbow Dash flew up to Trixie and said “You’re still the same Trixie we’ve known since long ago. But at least you’re not as mean-spirited as the Windigo’s jerks.”

“Well what is there to expect from the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE?” Trixie boasted, causing all of the younglings to laugh.

Danged Spell walked up to Trixie and said “Well I’d say that voice of yours is really built like a horse. Get it?”

“DANGED SPELL” The younglings said as they all laughed at him.

“It was worth it,” Danged Spell said to himself.

As most of the younglings laughed at Danged Spell, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance, Granny Smith, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Bright Mac and Buttercup approached Chancellor Cinch and Wanda. The man’s cub looked up and her face beamed with excitement as Cinch released her hold on Wanda.

“MOMMY!” Wanda yelled as she jumped right into Princess Celestia and gave her a big hug.

“It’s alright,” Princess Celestia said as she patted her adopted daughter on the back. “That nightmare is now behind us.”

As Wanda embraced her mother, she opened her eyes and noticed Granny Smith approaching her with a somber look. Wanda’s excitement disappeared as she let go of Celestia and dropped to the ground.

“Mommy?” Wanda said as Abigail approached her human companion.

“Wanda my darling,” Princess Celestia said as her voice became saddened. “One week ago, when the Banks traumatized you by scolding me for punishing Golden Lace, I believed that life in Canterlot was too much for you. So I worked with Granny Smith, Chancellor Cinch, her son Bright Mac, Buttercup, and even the Rich family for something even more than just going to the fair.

“What exactly do you mean?” Sunset Shimmer said as she approached Celestia. “Are you saying that you were going to move Wanda here?”

“Yes,” Princess Celestia replied. “I wanted to move Wanda to La Maresa so that she could grow up without all that mess up in Canterlot.

“And not her, young lady,” Granny Smith said as she placed her hoof on Sunset’s forehead. “You as well, along with your big sister Cadance.”

“Actually, that was an understatement,” Princess Celestia replied. “I wasn’t just going to move my own daughters down to La Maresa. I was also going to move the entire school down there, which meant friends like Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell were going to go with you. All so you wouldn’t miss them.”

“You all were?” Wanda said. “You mean, I could live here in La Maresa and be close to our old and new friends.”

“And it wasn’t just that,” Bright Mac said. “We were going to adopt you and your sister Sunset Shimmer. Raise you both as if you were bonafide Apples to the core.”

“And even more so,” Princess Luna said as she looked like she was about to tear up. “Princess Celestia and I were thinking about retiring from our royal duties and moving down here. With all the chaos and commotion up in Canterlot, this would have been the perfect time to live down here.”

“I would have been the only one to remain up there to lead the country,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But it was a sacrifice I was willing to take.”

Wanda looked up at Celestia and saw tears falling from her mother’s eyes. The young child said “But why are you sad? Did I do something wrong?”

“No my darling Wanda,” Celestia said. “It’s just that...after what we’ve all been through, I’m afraid we can’t move you down here to La Maresa.”

“What?” Wanda and Sunset yelled.

“I’m sorry,” Granny Smith said. “As much as I wanted you both to come down here and live a life worth living, those varmints at the Windigo’s Guild would have snatched you up far easier than they would up in Canterlot.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Sunset said in protest.

“I’m afraid she’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said. “As much as I want you both to at least be free of the madness in Canterlot, I’m afraid you’ll both have to return there...for your own safety.”

Tears began to flow from Wanda’s eyes right down to her cheek. She tried desperately to hold it in.

“But,” Wanda cried. “I like it down here. I don’t want to go back.”

“I know you do Wanda,” Celestia said. “But I don’t want to risk losing you again. Not after what they did to you, Sunset and Applejack.”

Wanda’s cheeks were flowing with her tears. She struggled to hold it in before she cried her eyes out, yelling into the atmosphere.


“I’m terribly sorry, Man’s Cub,” Cinch said with a somber tone. “But I’m going to have to side with your mother on this one.”

“Wanda,” Celestia said. “When we get back, I think you’ll understand why it’s for your own good.”

Suddenly, Wanda was yanked violently by an aura of cold magic. She screamed loudly as Coldnelius Snap emerged from a broken booth and grabbed the Man’s Cub. Wanda stood there, scared half-to-death while Coldnelius Snap laughed.

“LET HER GO!” Celestia yelled.

“Now where’s the fun in that, faker?” Coldnelius Snap said as he held a scared Wanda tight. “And I overheard you saying that you wanted to keep this Man’s Cub locked up in Canterlot. Well what good is that going to do if we keep our focus up there?”

“You sick little puppy,” Princess Luna said as she pointed her horn at Coldnelius Snap.

“Ahh ahh ahh,” Coldnelius Snap said as he pointed to a frightened Wanda. “You don’t want to hurt the precious baby.”

Princess Luna raised her head as she took a few steps back. The entire group stared down at Coldnelius Snap as the cult leader held Wanda tight and let loose a sinister grin.

“Even if you locked this child up in the deepest part of the castle,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I would have dived right in and took her away. There’s nothing you can do to protect her. So give it up already and embrace the eternal winter that will forever blanket Equestria.” He let out a sadistic laugh that caused Wanda to cry even more.

“LET ME GO YOU BIG MEANIE,” Wanda cried.

“Deal with it you Mary Sue wannabe,” Coldnelius Snap said as he pulled Wanda to his face. “You think you’re so special? That you have these so-called others as your friends? You’re nothing special to these weaklings. Why don’t you learn to deal with it before you die?”

As everyone watched Coldnelius Snap hold Wanda in his grasp, Princess Celestia walked up to Chancellor Cinch, who could do nothing, but stare in disbelief. The Princess of the Sun placed her muzzle up to Chancellor Cinch’s ear and whispered “Chancellor. Now would be a time to yell at Wanda.”

Chancellor Cinch’s eyes widened. She turned to Princess Celestia and said “Are you crazy? Not while your daughter is in peril.”

“Trust me,” Princess Celesita said quietly as she gave Cinch a wink. “If anyone knows how to keep my daughter in line, it’s you.”

Chancellor Cinch smiled as she slammed her hoof on the ground and got up. She approached Coldnelius Snap and said “I’m afraid you haven’t gotten away with it, you monster.”

“Oh,” Snap said as he held Wanda tight. “What exactly do you plan to do, Governor?”

“I’ll tell you,” Cinch said before turning her head towards Wanda and adding “Man’s Cub. I command you to use your magic.”

“But,” Wanda cried. “I’m not supposed to or I’ll get in trouble.”


Wanda swallowed hard and said “Yes ma’am,” before closing her eyes.

“Oh please,” Coldnelius Snap said, looking down at his hostage before letting out a bellowing laugh. “Threatening the captive when I have her in my grasp? You’re really losing your touch, Governor.”

But as Coldnelius Snap laughed at Chancellor Cinch, he noticed a bright green aura emitting from his arm. He looked down and saw Wanda glowing brightly. Smoke drifted from the arm as Coldnelius Snap yelled loudly and lost his grip on the Man’s Cub.

“What in blazes is going on with this kid?” Coldnelius Snap said as he clutched his arm.

“The reason why we don’t have her use magic, out of fear she would lose control of it,” Chancellor Cinch said with a smirk on her face. “And now she’s about to cut loose.”

Coldnelius Snap’s face turned pale as Wanda’s eyes glowed brightly. She fires off a beam of green magic right at the leader of the Windigo’s Guild. The impact was powerful enough to send the cult leader flying out of control.

“JUST YOU WAIT YOU MEDDLESOME KIDS,” Coldnelius Snap yelled as he flew out of the fair. “THE NEXT TIME WE MEET, I’LL TEAR DOWN THAT CASTLE OF YOURS AND LEAVE YOU ALL HOMELESS. DO YOU HEAR ME?” With the last of his words, Coldnelius Snap disappeared into the atmosphere.

As Wanda’s magic disappeared, she looked very dizzy and tired. Princess Celestia ran up to Wanda and scooped her arm out as Wanda fell backwards.

“WANDA!” Celestia yelled as the Man’s Cub passed out on Celestia’s arm.

Moments later, Wanda awoke on Celestia’s arm as Sunset Shimmer fed her a cup of water. The Man’s Cub groaned as she slowly got up.

“Wanda,” Celestia said. “You’re alright.”

“Mommy,” Wanda said as struggled to get on her two feet. “I think I...understand why you want me safe in Canterlot.”

“There’s no stopping that monster,” Sunset Shimmer said. “After what he said, I dunno if we will be safe in the castle.”

“We will,” Princess Celestia said as she lifted Wanda into her arms and held her gently. “I won’t let that monster anywhere near Canterlot, as long as I am still your mother.”

“She’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said, approaching Wanda, Celestia and Sunset with a somber tone. “I may be harsh on the Man’s Cub. But it’s because I want her to be on her best behavior. But I sure as hell won't let any cretin like Coldnelius Snap take her away, even if he is an Alicorn.”

“Besides,” Princess Cadance said as she cuddled Sunset. “Even if you lost Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, you still got your big sis as an Alicorn to protect you both.”

Wanda let out a big sigh as she looked up at her adopted mother.

“I guess I understand why I can’t live here,” Wanda said with a depressed tone. “But does that mean I have to remain there for the rest of my life?”

“Not exactly,” Princess Celestia said. “We still have other field trips for you, your sisters and your best friends. So you won’t have to spend your childhood up in Canterlot.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said as she waltzed over to Wanda. “Even if you can’t come back down to La Maresa, it doesn’t mean we can’t go up to Canterlot and pay a visit there.”

“Besides,” Applejack said. “Pa always told me about you, your struggles up in that big city, the mother, aunt and sisters that care for you, and even the friends that you have. That’s why I wanted to go up there. To at least get a chance to meet you and your sister.”

“You,” Wanda said. “You actually wanted to meet us?”

“It’s amazing we can find such interesting friends, even in a place like La Maresa,” Sunset said,

“Indeed,” Applejack said as she scratched the back of her head. “And when pa told me that the both of you were coming on down, I was excited. I wanted this to be the best day of my life to meet the daughters of Princess Celestia, even though the Windigo’s Guild ruined it for everyone.”

“Guess that’s saying a lot,” Sunset said. “Funny thing is, I really wanted to meet you, your big brother and your little sister.”

“Sunset,” Applejack said as she wrapped her arm around Sunset’s back. “I think there’s far more to the both of us than meets the eye. You’re strong, tough, and you have a soft spot for relatives. And that’s your biggest strength, like it’s mine. Whatever you do, never lose sight of that, and never let anyone tell you otherwise, no matter how stupid and cliche they think it is. Promise?”

“Promise,” Sunset said.

As Applejack and Sunset laugh, Wanda looked upwards at Princess Celestia and said “So because of what those bad Windigos did, does that mean...we have to leave now?”

“Not yet,” Celestia said. “Sure you can’t move down here to La Maresa. But we’re not done with the Ponyville Providence Fair yet. Besides, after all we’ve been through, I think a little celebration is in order.”

Wanda looked up at her adopted mother as tears flowed in her eyes. She jumped right at Princess Celestia and gave her a big hug, yelling out “THANK YOU MOMMY” as she cried right into her chest.

Princess Celestia gently hugged Wanda as she whispered “You’re welcome, my daughter.”

Sometime that day, Rarity, Moondancer and Sunset Shimmer were going over the wreckage of the mini-boutique booth. Rarity held the purple dress up in the air, watching as the small diamonds fell off it, and some of the stitching was starting to come loose.

“All that hard work torn apart by those hooligans,” Rarity said with a somber tone “Well, I’ll have to fix it up and make it better.”

“I can salvage anything you need from your boutique,” Moondancer said. “We shouldn’t let something like that go to waste.”

“Thanks darling,” Rarity said. “Of all the ponies from Canterlot, you have a lot of passion in your eyes.”

Sunset looked at the form of the wrecked dress. She turned to Rarity and said “I’m surprised you wound up making a dress for my sister Wanda.”

“Of course I did,” Rarity said as she placed the dress down on a makeshift table. “It was your mother who put in an order for two dresses. One for each of her daughters.”

“Wait a minute,” Sunset said. “Did you say...two dresses?”

Rarity smiled and lit up the magic on her horn. A magical aura surrounded the debris from her mini-boutique wreckage, pushing it out of the way to reveal a metal chest that only had a few bumps on the side, but remained intact.

“Princess Sunset Shimmer,” Rarity said as she used her magic to open the chest and pulled out a bright orange dress, holding it up to shine in the afternoon sun. “I present to you a gown made for royalty.”

Sunset Shimmer reached out and touched the fabric of the dress. She turned to Rarity and said “I’m not worthy of this dress.”

“But why not?” Rarity asked.

“It’s a lot to get off my chest,” Sunset said. “You put a lot of time and effort into this frock, I can give you that. But at the same time, I don’t know if I am truly worthy of even wearing this dress, even as a Princess. It looks too good for me.”

Rarity’s ears drooped down as she said “Oh….I see. Guess it was all for nothing.”

Sunset turned her head towards Rarity and said “But I didn’t say I wouldn’t try the dress out. After all, if mother had you make this dress, then I’m all for it.”

Those words perked Rarity right up as she ran up and gave Sunset Shimmer a big hug.

“Oh thank you thank you,” Rarity said as she snuggled up to the sun unicorn. “You will not be disappointed by it.”

As Rarity continued to embrace Sunset, Moondancer walked up to the sun-themed unicorn filly and whispered “You might want to be careful with the kind of words you say to your friends.”

“Duly noted,” Sunset whispered back.

Moondancer walked to the side of Rarity and Sunset, and said “So what should we do next?”

Sunset and Rarity released their hold on each other as Rarity pulled out a sewing needle from her mane. She approached Moondancer and said “Let’s get the work, my dear.”

At another part of the fair, a wagon that once stood next to the bleachers was totally wrecked, with broken shards of ice scattered among the wreckage. Trixie looked at what remained of her wagon. Her back slumped down, her eyes closed as tears dropped, and her ears drooped down. Starlight stood right next to Trixie and placed her arm around the broken filly.

“I’m sorry about your wagon, Trixie,” Starlight said.

“Thanks Starlight,” Trixie said with a huge sigh. “Daddy gave me this after I dropped out of the School for Gifted Unicorns. It was my inspiration for my tricks and performances. And now it’s gone.”

“Cheer up,” Starlight said. “We’ll find a way to get you a new wagon. One that’s even better than the last one.”

Trixie raised her head, opened her eyes and said “I’m glad I got to know you, Starlight.”

But before Trixie was about to reach out, she noticed a handle stuck to what appeared to be a giant chest. Trixie’s mood lit up as she jumped on her four hooves and ran up there.

“I know that chest,” Trixie yelled as she tossed aside the debris surrounding the chest before pulling it out.

“What is that?” Starlight asked.

“A piece of me that still stands,” Trixie said before she pulled a key from her cape and placed it into the keyhole before turning it. She turned to Starlight and added “And something that I kept safe for you.”

Trixie lifted the chest open and dove right inside, causing Starlight to walk over to the chest. The moment the twin-tailed filly approached, Trixie emerged from the chest, holding up the furbob plushie.

“My plushie,” Starlight cheered. “I forgot that you put it there.”

Trixie smiled as she held out the plushie, allowing Starlight to grab and cuddle the soft doll.

“I may have lost my wagon,” Trixie said. “But at least you still have that plushie of yours.”

Starlight dived into the chest, emerging from the contents as Trixie tackles her and gives the twin-tailed filly a big hug.

“Friends forever?” Starlight asked.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie sees you as a Great and Powerful friend,” Trixie replied.

“Thanks Trixie,” Starlight said as she and Trixie embraced each other.

Meanwhile, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Big Macintosh, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell were hard at work constructing a set made from the wood pieces. Shining Armor and Big Mac were hammering the nails in while Princess Cadance held the wood beams up. Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash came in, holding various pieces of wood.

“So what exactly are you guys building?” Danged Spell asked as he placed the wood into the pile.

“Something special for a certain filly who’s birthday was interrupted,” Shining Armor said as he pounded the nail deep into the wood beam.

Rainbow Dash gave an excited look towards Danged Spell as she said “That has to be Ditzy Doo. She ran away from La Maresa during her birthday celebration when Hoops, Dumbbell and Score ruined it.”

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said in a stern tone as he smashed his hoof right on the nail, smashing it through the wood beam, but leaving it intact.

“Wow,” Shining Armor said. “That was deep, even by my standards.”

“That’s saying a lot,” Big Macintosh replied as he picked up a nail, placed it on a piece of wood and slammed it in. “Those three are nothing more than sadistic troublemakers, looking to make the lives of colts and fillies miserable. Furthermore, everytime we punish them, they always seem to come back in full force. That’s why they haven’t changed at all.”

“That’s really dark,” Danged Spell replied as he pulled some wood out from a nearby wreckage. “Where were their parents?”

“That’s the thing,” Rainbow Dash said. “Their house was set on fire a year ago, and their parents have been missing since. But they claimed to have been responsible for the act. And to think, they actually used to be such nice guys.”

“And unfortunately, I can confirm it as well,” Princess Cadance replied as she held up another wood beam. “Chancellor Cinch told me about those three after they harassed Ditzy Doo and Crescent Eclipse, even going as far as to break a lens meant for Moondancer’s telescope. They bragged about being the ones responsible for burning down their house, claiming they wanted to be tough ponies.”

“From sweet to rotten in just one tragic incident,” Danged Spell said with a somber tone. “That really burns my mood.”

Big Mac just nodded and said “Eeyup.”

Rainbow Dash turned to Danged Spell and said “Wow. For a pun, that was really dark.”

“I know,” Danged Spell said. “When I hear something that disturbing, being funny is the last thing I’d want to be.”

“But there isn’t anything to worry about,” Shining Armor said as he hammered a nail into a separate wood beam. “When this is ready, we got a lot to celebrate.”

Rainbow Dash flew into the air with excitement. She spread her wings and cheered right into the air. “Aww yeah,” she said. “Tonight will be the best night ever.”

As Danged Spell got up onto the platform and pulled a few boards of wood up with his horn, Shining Armor walked by the young colt and gave him a noogie.

“Hey knock it off, ya big palooka,” Danged Spell complained as Shining Armor lifted his hoof off from the youngster’s head.

“Chill out, Spell,” Shining Armor said. “I just wanted you to loosen up and relax, even after what those punks did.”

Danged Spell brushed his mane with his bare hooves before shaking his head a bit. He turned towards Shining Armor and said “Well next time, give me a warning before you do that. What are you trying to do, give me a hair-raising experience?”

Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, Big Macintosh and Princess Cadance could barely hold back their laughter as Danged Spell leaped down onto the ground and ran off towards a wood pile.

“Somehow,” Rainbow Dash said as she let out a few chuckles. “That reminds me of myself. And I can be a bit cranky at times.”

“Is that a fact?” Shining Armor said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “I may be a nice gal, but I really hate it when some ponies get under my fur.”

“Well allow me to be one of those ponies,” Shining Armor said as he reached out towards Rainbow Dash, only for the filly to move out of the way.

“Oh no,” Rainbow Dash said as she glanced down at Shining Armor. “I ain’t letting you take a cue from my dad.”

Princess Cadance took notice of Rainbow Dash just hovering in the air. She zoomed out of position and flew up behind the filly before trapping her in a hug. The rainbow-maned pegasi began to squirm and freak out.

“HEY, LET GO!” Rainbow Dash yelled.as she struggled to break free.

“So my boyfriend reminds me of your daddy, eh?” Princess Cadance said. “Well let me be a reminder of your mommy.”

Princess Cadance turned towards a nearby crowd and yelled out “HEY EVERY PONY! LET’S GIVE THREE CHEERS FOR RAINBOW DASH!” The crowd ran up to Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash and started cheering. Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to scream

“Urrgh,” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Now you really remind me of mommy.”

Meanwhile, as the crowd cheered, Danged Spell watched from afar, bearing a sinister sneer on his face.

“Well I guess Rainbow Dash isn’t in a cheering mood,” Danged Spell said as he threw himself to the ground and burst out in laughter.

To Be Continued in….

Unforgettable memories

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