• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 9-4: Moondancer and Rarity: A Dress for the Occasion

Moondancer and Rarity: A Dress for the Occasion

Food was cooking in the various stands scattered across the vicinity. Balloons were inflated for the colts and fillies to hold onto. Animals were making a lot of noise, craving attention. Stallions, mares, colts and fillies were enjoying the sights that was the Ponyville Fair. It was a busy day with this massive agricultural event surrounded by lush, green trees. And everyone was enjoying themselves.

But as the crowds were busy enjoying every moment of the fair, we see Twilight Sparkle walking through with Spike on her back. Behind her were Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Moondancer. The group was lost in the atmosphere of the fair, distracted by the sights, sounds and aroma all around them.

“Wow,” Twilight said as she saw everything around her. “I never knew the fair would be this grand.”

“No kidding,” Starlight said as she stared at the whole place in disbelief. “Where Sunburst and I came from, the fairs we went to were smaller in size.”

“Sire’s Hollow is not the biggest town in Equestria,” Sunburst said. “So our county fair is much smaller compared to this.” Sunburst continued to look around at the sight of the fair and added “But this is massive. I’ve never seen a fair this big.”

“No kidding,” Starlight said.

Twilight giggled and said “You can say that again for the third time.”

Moondancer let out a snort and said “Well you could say that’s not really...FAIR! Get it?”

As Moondancer laughed, Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst let out a groan and said “Moondancer.” Moondancer looked at the others and blushed in embarrassment.

“I think I caught Danged Spell’s overuse of puns,” Moondancer said to herself.

Twilight, Spike, Sunburst, Starlight and Moondancer continued to wander around the vicinity of the fair, overwhelmed by the number of booths lined up, and the various ponies enjoying their time. Twilight looked around, salivating at nearly every food booth.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “I know we’re supposed to look for our assigned friend. But I feel like I just want to eat everything up.”

“You and me both, Twilight,” Moondancer said as she licked her lips.

“Thanks for reminding us, Twilight,” Sunburst said as he began to freak out. “I was supposed to look for this Fluttershy pony, Starlight was supposed to look for Trixie, Moondancer was supposed to look for Rarity and you were supposed to find Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight shook her head violently and said “Sorry. But I can’t seem to think on an empty stomach.”

“By the chance,” Starlight asked as she pointed to a Quesadilla booth. “Would something like that be perfect?”

Twilight stared at the Quesadilla booth and looked like she was going to be sick. Spike was sitting on her back, quietly sucking his thumb.

“Yuck,” Twilight said as she stuck her tongue out in disgust. “I tried that before. Too cheesy for my tastes.”

But as Twilight turned her head away from the Quesadilla booth, something caught Moondancer’s attention. She perked her ears up and heard a voice singing in the atmosphere.

“That’s strange,” Moondancer said. “Why do I hear something that’s subtle and yet, beautiful?”

Moondancer looked around, trying to pinpoint the location of the singing. Her eyes caught the attention of a unicorn filly walking through the fair. She had a white coat, and a moderate indigo mane shaped like it came from Canterlot. On the side of her rear was a cutie mark shaped like three diamonds. In front of the filly was a medium-sized lavender bag being levitated by a light blue aura.

“Hey guys,” Moondancer said as she eyed the unknown filly. “Do Ponyville ponies have their manes styled like some of the elite ponies of Canterlot?”

“I don’t recall any who have that kind of description,” Sunburst said. “Why’s that?

“Because I just spied a filly who looks like she came from there,” Moondancer replied.

Twilight looked at the out-of-place unicorn filly and said. “You’re absolutely right. And I think she might be one of the friends we’re supposed to meet. Come on.”

With that, Twilight with Spike on her back, along with Moondancer and Sunburst took off after the unicorn filly. Starlight yelled out “Wait.” But none of the others paid attention to her voice.

Starlight let out a sigh and said “This just doesn’t feel right.” Without a second thought, she took off after her friends.

Further down in the fair, the unicorn filly continued to sing to herself as she pranced passed various fairgoers, carrying the bag with her magic, completely unaware of the four youngsters following her. She continued to prance forward, singing to herself before coming to a stop. She looked up and saw a fancy booth to the left of her, painted in a lovely light blue. A sign hung on the top of the booth labeled “Rarity’s.”

“Ahh here we are,” The young unicorn filly said as she jumped up to the booth’s platform. She looked at her bag and said “I’ve got to hand it to daddy. He sure knows how to find the best Sunstone in the Ponyville Providence.”

The Unicorn filly opened the bag and poured out numerous gemstones. All of them were of various sizes and shapes, but they all shared a color, similar to the sun that shines across the land. She placed the bag down before using her magic to pick up one of the gemstones and took a good look at it.

“This is exactly what I need for my Ponyville Fair lineup,” The filly said. “What better way to celebrate the fair than with the very gem that is as magnificent as the sun? Oh they are all going to be gorgeous with this beaut.”

As the Unicorn Filly observed the sunstones in her collection, Twilight, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and Moondancer watched from afar, with Spike just staring at her, awed at her presence. Moondancer took a good look at the sign, seeing the word Rarity’s on there.

“If I didn’t know better,” Moondancer said. “I believe that must be the Rarity I was supposed to look for.”

“That’s Rarity?” Starlight said, confused.

“Judging by her mane and coat, and the cutie mark on her side,” Twilight said. “That has got to be the Rarity you’re looking for.” But as Twilight turned her head, she saw Spike continue to glance at the unicorn filly who may be Rarity.

Sunburst looked at Spike and said “I think he’s got a crush on Rarity.”

Twilight just giggled and said “I dunno. I think Spike may be too young for a lady like her.”

Meanwhile, the Unicorn filly continued to observe the sunstones in her collection, one at a time. As she picked one up to look at, the stone slipped out of her magic spell and bounced out of the booth. The filly’s eyes were completely wide as the stone bounced away from the booth.

“NOOOOOO!” The filly yelled. “Some pony STOP THAT STONE!”

The filly jumped out of the booth and chased after the bouncing sunstone. But as the stone bounced away, it landed on top of a light yellowish-gray hoof. The filly looked up and saw Moondancer staring at her, all while holding the escaped sunstone in her hoof.

“Did you drop this?” Moondancer asked as she held the sunstone out to the filly. The young filly picked up the sunstone with her magic and breathed a sigh of relief.

“My goodness I did,” the filly said as she moved the Sunstone right next to her. “Thank you for helping me retrieve it.”

“It was the least I could do,” Moondancer replied. She cleared her throat and then said. “By the way. I am looking for someone called Rarity. And judging by the sign above the fancy booth you’re in, I take it you’re Rarity, correct?”

The unicorn filly was surprised by Moondancer’s question. She flicked the back of her mane with her right hoof before she said “Yes. I happen to be Rarity.”

“Then you are the pony I was assigned to,” Moondancer said as she held her hoof out to Rarity. “My name is Moondancer.”

“Wait a minute,” Rarity said as she stared at Moondancer in disbelief. “I was told that I would meet another from a city called...Canterlot.” Rarity moved the stray sunstone back to the pile in her booth and said “ By any chance, are you from Canterlot?”

Moondancer let out a chuckle and said “Originally, I am from Cape Coltnaveral. But yes. I do live in Canterlot now with my friends.”

Rarity’s face beamed with excitement. Her jaw dropped with a studded smile as she looked at Moondancer, Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle, with Baby Spike on Twilight’s back waving to Rarity.

“You’re all from Canterlot?” Rarity said as she couldn’t contain herself. “Oh I always wanted to set up a shop in Canterlot for every pony who lived there. The lifestyle must be so divine, especially for a place where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna live.”

Sunburst let out a chuckle and said “Actually, Starlight and I originate from Sire’s Hollow. Twilight’s been a resident there for a lot longer than any of us.”

“Oh dear,” Twilight said as she looked a bit nervous. “I don’t think telling her that was a good idea.”

Rarity zipped towards Twilight, eager to hear of any knowledge coming from the purple filly from Canterlot. Twilight was clearly sweating from the top of her head as Rarity’s face beamed with excitement. That’s one way to cause a filly from Canterlot to freak out.

“By any chance,” Rarity asked. “Are you one of Princess Celestia’s adopted daughters?”

“Oh no no no,” Twilight replied as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. “I’m actually Celestia’s protege. Sunset Shimmer is one of her daughters, as is another named Wanda.”

“Oh my,” Rarity said as she placed her hoof on her chin. “By any chance. Who is this Wanda? Is she another divine pony? Or maybe a princess that we don’t even know of?”

“Actually,” Starlight replied with a smile. “Wanda’s a human.” That answer got Rarity puzzled.

“What’s a human?” Rarity asked, confused by what Starlight meant. Starlight just looked at Rarity and giggled a bit.

“I think if you met her,” Starlight said. “You’ll understand who she is and why Celestia adopted her. Besides, she’s also a great friend.”

“A great friend you say?” Rarity replied. “Well any friend of you all would most likely be a friend of mine.”

But as Rarity focused her attention on Twilight Sparkle, something else caught her eye. Spike the Dragon was nesting comfortably on Twilight’s back, staring at Rarity. He giggled at the mere sight of the Unicorn filly as he reached his arms out. Rarity looked back and her face beamed with excitement.

“Oh my,” Rarity said as she approached Spike. “Is that a baby dragon?”

“He sure is,” Twilight replied. “He’s more like a younger brother to me ever since he hatched from the egg at the School for Gifted Unicorns. I call him Spike.”

“Now that’s a cute name for such a cute creature,” Rarity said as she put her hoof on Spike’s forehead and rubbed it. “Aren’t you a little cutie Spikey Wikey? Yes you are. Yes you are.” Spike just stood there, cooing as Rarity stroked his head.

“I think some dragon has a crush on a certain filly,” Moondancer whispered to Sunburst. “You don’t suppose you have a crush on a certain someone?” That statement caused Sunburst to freak out.

“Oh dear, look at the time,” Sunburst said as he looked down on his right arm. “We have to locate our other assigned friends here at the fair.”

“Oh come on,” Twilight complained. “And I was starting to get used to our new friend.”

“I’m afraid he’s got a point,” Rarity said as she took her hoof off Spike’s forehead. The baby dragon looked like it was about to cry. Rarity looked at the dragon and said “Oh don’t you worry. We’ll see each other again soon,” before proceeding to wipe a tear from his face. Spike let out a giggle as Rarity booped the bambino on the snout.

“I hope your friendship with Moondancer turns out well, Rarity,” Twilight said.

“Same for yours if you get a chance to meet her,” Rarity replied. “Anyway, you three best be on your way.”

Starlight waved at Rarity as she ran off in the opposite direction. Sunburst and Twilight followed behind with Spike riding on Twilight’s back. Moondancer watched as her friends ran off into the crowd of fairgoers, until they were out of sight.

“You sure seem to have a bond towards baby dragons,” Moondancer giggled.

“What can I say?” Rarity said. “I consider them to be fascinating creatures. In fact, I once encountered one when I was a foal. But that’s a story for another day.”

Rarity walked back towards her booth with Moondancer behind her. She looked at the gemstones before turning her attention towards a yellow dress near her. It looked like it captured the yellow colors of the summer sun. Moondancer looked at the dress, observing the fabric that was used and the way it was stitched up.

“This is an interesting dress to say the least,” Moondancer said as she looked closer at the dress. “I take it you based it off the summer sun itself?”

Rarity walked up to Moondancer and said “You just read my mind, darling.” She then pulled out a few small pieces of sunstone with her magic and placed them on the table.

“And I also assume that those sunstones are for the dress,” Moonstone asked as she glanced at the gems and at the dress.

“That is correct,” Rarity replied. “Seems with this year’s fair, the sun has become a popular theme among the crowd. To them, the sun represents the light that shines among Equestria, the energy that grows the crops in the land, and a way to show off its divine colors.”

“Is that a fact?” Moondancer replied with a smirk.

“Oh no doubt about it,” Rarity said as she pulled out some fabric glue. “What gets ponies about the colors of the sun is how warm it feels, and not to mention the bright and beauty of the day we all wake up to.”

Rarity walked up to the dress and placed a few dabs of fabric glue on the flat ends of each sunstone. She then placed each stone neatly around the neckline in a pattern. After placing around sixteen small sunstones on the dress, she took a few steps back to allow the gems to gleam in the light.

“Wow,” Moondancer said as she was amazed by the small glimmer of the sunstones.

“Gorgeous, isn’t it?” Rarity replied. “This piece is to be a showcase for the Ponyville Fair’s Summer Sun days. Something to help capture the eyes of the stallions and mares who enjoy the sights and sounds of wonderful La Maresa.”

As Moondancer observed the dress from afar, her eyes were able to make out another dress in the background. It was a dark shade of purple and it’s shape was different, as if it weren’t meant for a filly. But even with the bright lights emitting from the sunstones, she was still able to see the dress with her eyes.

“Uhh Rarity,” Moondancer said as she pointed to the dress in the back of the booth. “What’s that dress all about?”

Rarity turned her head towards the purple dress at the back of her booth, and said “Oh that? That was a project I was going to work on. It’s supposed to represent the evening night.” Those words caught Moondancer’s attention, as she shifted her eyes more towards the dress.

“Now that’s something I can resonate with,” Moondancer said as she took a few steps towards the dress. “Just so you know, I happen to observe the night sky with a telescope, fascinated by the wonders beyond our planet.”

“I like to observe the night sky as inspiration for my designs,” Rarity replied as she glanced at the bright yellow dress.. “But so far, it feels like too much of my focus is on the summertime dress. I know I got these sunstones just to help it shine. And I do admire the colors I’ve chosen. But at the same time, it feels as if I was holding myself back with popular themes.”

“Like you want to do your own thing?” Moondancer replied.

“Of course, darling,” Rarity said as she looked at the purple dress. “I actually want to have a major influence across all of Equestria, not just follow the trends like every pony else does. Sure I may be a little filly. But even I know to look beyond what’s popular. Especially ever since I found that cache of gems hidden within a giant rock that was exposed by a powerful rainbow.”

Moondancer reflected on the words that came out of Rarity’s mouth. She looked more at the bright yellow dress as Rarity glued sunstones around the waste. Then she glanced at the purple dress and its lack of gemstones.

“Rarity,” Moondancer asked. “Do you have any diamonds?”

“I’m afraid not,” Rarity replied. “There’s been a huge demand for diamonds for jewelry. And sadly, the same can be said of white sapphires.”

“What about White Quartz?”” Moondancer asked.

Rarity turned towards Moodancer and pointed down towards the nerd’s hooves. Moondancer looked down to her left and saw a light blue bag. She picked up the bad with her magic and opened it up. Inside were gemstones made of white quartz. Though they did not shine as bright as diamonds, their luster was still impressive. But as she pulled one gemstone out, a container of fabric glue was levitated right next to her, with Rarity right nearby.

“You might need this,” Rarity replied. “I have a feeling you have big plans for the dress.”

“You read my mind,” Moondancer chuckled as she used her magic to accept the glue from Rarity.

Moondancer walked up to the purple dress with the bag of white quartz gemstones and fabric glue. Without a second thought, she began to apply glue to the back of each gem and set it onto the skirt area. Rarity watched on from the sidelines, fascinated by the patter Moondancer was creating with the gems.

“Oh my,” Rarity said. “I haven’t had this much inspiration since I discovered my cutie mark.”

When Moondancer was done, she stepped back from the dress, with its skirt now decorated with white quartz gems, decorated in a random pattern. Their glow awed Rarity.

“My dear,” Rarity said as she approached the gem-laden purple dress. “This looks like it came off the night sky.”

“It is,” Moondancer said as she sat the bag and glue bottle down on the stand. “I’ve gazed up at the stars every night, bedazzled by where they are all spread out.”

Rarity looked at the pattern of the quartz gems on the dress and said “By the way it looks, it’s as if you studied the night sky very well.”

“Let’s just say when you gaze up at the stars every night,” Moondancer replied. “It becomes second nature to know where they are scattered.”

Rarity sets the purple dress, now bedazzled with white quartz gemstones, right next to her summer dress. She turned around and said “Since you did me a huge favor, I’m letting you have one piece of my attire, no strings attached.”

Moondancer was surprised by what Rarity said. The young star-gazing unicorn said “Wow. Are you really sure about that?”

“Why of course, darling,” Rarity replied. “Not only did you figure out the design for the dress, but you also gave me a new inspiration. After all, you deserve something nice for your troubles.”

Moondancer looked around Rarity’s mini-boutique and glanced at all the fancy dresses. She peered into a corner and saw a dark lavender scarf in the back, wrapped around the neck of a dress mannequin.

“I’ll take that scarf back there,” Moondancer said as she pointed at the scarf. That wound up catching Rarity by surprise.

“Are you sure about that?” Rarity asked. “Surely you want something to shine during your time in La Maresa, or when you return to Canterlot.”

“I’m more of a minimalist kind of pony,” Moondancer said. “Besides, the last thing I need is to ruin a perfectly good dress by some kind of mean jerk.”

“Point taken,” Rarity said with a giggle.

Rarity removed the scarf from the mannequin and wrapped it around Moondancer’s neck. She looked down at her bag of white quartz gems and pulled a few out.

“You don’t suppose you would want a few gems on your scarf,” Rarity asked.

“Go for it,” Moondancer replied.

With that, Rarity took the fabric glue and dabbed a bit of it on no less than ten white quartz gems. She proceeded to place them in a random pattern, similar to the purple dress that Moondancer created. Once she was done, Rarity stepped back and saw the gems shine on Moondancer’s new scarf.

“Darling,” Rarity said as she sat the gem bag and the fabric glue on the stand. “You look gorgeous.”

“You think so?” Moondancer asked as she felt the quartz gems on her new scarf.

“Oh believe me,” Rarity said. “It’s like a new galaxy shining in the eyes of every pony.”

Moondancer laughed as she took a few steps towards Rarity, and said “You know, I think I might stick around for a bit. After all, I think our minds intertwine even when we have different interests.”

“Darling,” Rarity said as she put her arm around Moondancer. “I think this might be the start of a beautiful friendship.”

The two give out a laugh as they looked up at the noon sun, shining down on the Ponyville Fair.

To Be Continued in…

Sunburst, Spike and Fluttershy: Expanding moo horizons

Author's Note:

The reason why I chose Moondancer to pair up with Rarity ironically, was more about the VAs. Kazumi Evans is the voice of Moondancer, while she also did the singing voice for Rarity(FiM and Equestria Girls only).

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