• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 8-4: A Mother's soothing touch

A Mother’s Soothing Touch

It was the afternoon at the School for Gifted Unicorns. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were outside Princess Celestia’s office, with Spike and Abigail sitting right next to each other. All seven youngsters were still in complete disbelief.

“I still don’t get it,” Rainbow Dash said. “How is it that these two have complete and total sway over everything to do with Equestrian politics?

“It’s something that even I can’t figure out,” Twilight Sparkle said. “There’s no books on how Silver and Gold Banks rose to power. Not even a news article that tells how they did it.”

“Yeah,” Sunburst said. “I did some extra research on the Banks even before I came to Canterlot to attend this school. The only thing it pointed out was that Silver’s father, the famous Green Banks, made a lot of money on the real estate market.”

“It doesn’t make any sense,” Rainbow Dash said and she stomped her front hooves in anger. “How can making money on real estate, or whatever the hay it is, make you the richest pony in Equestria?”

“I’ve got no argument on that,” Danged Spell replied as he approached Rainbow Dash. “In fact, I find it really sickening that this Green Banks character was able to make bank on accommodations for ponies. Not to mention that he delivered the whole bank towards his son Silver Banks”

“Wow,” Moondancer said with a bit of shock on her face. “That’s a bit too serious by your standards of puns.”

“I know,” Danged Spell replied. “Even I’m not clowning around when the mood’s gone south.”

“The only thing I’m hoping for is how mommy is doing since that fallout she suffered,” Sunset Shimmer said as she sat next to Abigail and Spike.

“We saw the Chancellor and Princess Luna enter the office,” Moondancer said to Sunset as she approached Spike and gently stroked the baby dragon on the forehead. “I assure they should be there to at least cheer her up.”

“I hope you’re right, Moondancer,” Sunset said. “After what we all went through, we could use a bit of enthusiasm.”

Inside the office, Princess Celestia sat in her chair as Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch stood on the opposite side of her desk. Both of them had a share of concern for the Sun Princess.

“And they threatened to shut down the school unless you refrained from putting Golden Lace in detention?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “Even threatening to put out a propaganda piece to goad me into surrendering the crown. Even going as far as banishment.” Those words troubled Chancellor Cinch and Princess Luna deeply.

“This is exactly as I feared,” Chancellor Cinch said. “The Banks are completely out of control. But at the same time, they share some political immunity due to the amount of influence they have over Equestrian politics.”

“These events are making my fight with Daybreaker look like an easy task,” Princess Luna said. “Sometimes I wonder if I freed my sister from the Shade of Hate’s control, only to push her into this mess.”

“Now why would you want to say that, your majesty?” Chancellor Cinch said to Princess Luna. “That’s no reason to get upset over the Banks pulling this stunt on us.”

“I’m afraid she’s right,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ve felt defeated before. But never on this level. The Shade of Hate felt too merciful compared to the Banks.”

“Now you listen here, Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Or should I say..Mother. Just because you had to go through what the Banks brought to you, doesn’t mean you should give up. Especially when it comes to the Man’s Cub.”

“Wanda,” Princess Luna said. “I had totally forgotten about her. Where is she?”

“I saw her outside, crying on the fountain,” Chancellor Cinch said. “There was a pegasi right next to her, looking helpless at the lass.”

“Oh dear,” Princess Celestia. “I don’t know what to say to her right now. I failed her as a parent, because I couldn’t protect her friends.”

“You didn’t fail Wanda as a parent, sis,” Princess Luna said as she got up and put her arm around Princess Celestia.. “You only believed you did because of one incident. Even I tend to question my own worth in this world. Do you remember long ago why I originally saved you from the Shade of Hate?”

Princess Celestia looked up at her sister, but struggled to say anything. SHe was at a loss of words right now and looked like she was about to cry.

“It was because I believed in you,” Princess Luna said. “I believed that you were a kind-hearted soul who wanted to inspire all of Equestria, and losing you completely would have devastated me. That was why I saved you from the Shade of Hate, from being Daybreaker.”

Celestia looked up to her sister and smiled, as a tear flowed from her cheek. Chancellor Cinch got up and approached Princess Celestia. But instead of her usual scowl, she bore a smirk of hope.

“Princess Celestia,” Chancellor Cinch said as she placed her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “Go to the Man’s Cub. Go to your daughter. Comfort her. She needs it the most.”

Celestia’s tone changed into one showcasing a bit of optimism. She got up without hesitation and said “I will,” before stepping towards the doorway.

Outside, as the seven youngers, Spike and Abigail talked with each other, the door opened and out emerged Princess Celestia. Sunset saw her mother and approached her.

“Mommy?” Sunset Shimmer said. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine my daughter,” Princess Celestia said as she turned her head to Sunset. “That being said, it’s time I cheered your sister up. I’ve disappointed her today, and I’m going to make it up. Now come.”

“That’s the spirit, mommy,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I’m with you.”

And with that, Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer walked down the hallway. Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondanceer, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash looked on as the mother and daughter went down the same hallway that Wanda ran down.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “Guess something finally snapped Princess Celestia back to her old self.”

“You’re absolutely right, young lady.” Twilight and the others turned their heads as they saw Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch walk out of the doorway.

“We did,” Princess Luna said. “Princess Celestia is my sister. Because of that, she is family. And as a family, we are one together.”

Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash cheered as Abigail and Spike danced around on the bench.

“Come children,” Chancellor Cinch said. “The Man’s Cub is waiting for us.”

Outside in the courtyard of the school, Wanda was crying on the edge of a fountain, still devastated by Silver Banks’ threat to her mother, and Gold Banks’ cruel words. Nearby, Ditzy Doo watched on, concerned for the well-being of the young man’s cub. She felt helpless in wanting to cheer her up.

“Poor Wanda,” Ditzy said. “I know she did what she could to stand up for my behalf. But I wish she didn’t have to go through that kind of trauma.”

As Ditzy was about to approach Wanda, a hoof tapped her on the rear end. She freaked out and jumped into the air before landing on her belly.

“Who did that? Ditzy said, still a bit freaked out. She turned her head to the back and saw Princess Celestia alongside Princess Sunset Shimmer.

“Sorry,” Sunset said. “I wanted to get your attention.”

“It’s alright,” Ditzy said as she got up and pointed to Wanda. “She’s been upset since those two mean grown ups stepped outside, and I couldn’t figure out how to cheer her up.”

“I’ve got this, young one,” Princess Celestia said as she and Sunset walked towards Wanda. “Being a mother for many orphans for a thousand years, I know how to comfort those who need it.”

“One thousand years?” Ditzy yelled. “Are you a goddess?”

Princess Celestia laughed as she said “That might be possible. But I don’t really consider myself one.”

Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer walked up to Wanda Young. The Man’s Cub continued to cry on the edge of the fountain, as if all hope was sucked away from her. Celestia gave a gentle tap on Wanda’s back to get her attention.

“My darling Wanda,” Celestia said. “Do not worry. I’m here for you.”

Wanda turned her head towards her mother and sister. Her eyes were still water from crying, and her mood was still sour.

“Sister” Sunset said. “Are you alright?”

“I’m not alright,” Wanda cried. “A mean bully got away with picking on Ditzy Doo thanks to her parents, and I get called a filthy animal to be caged in a zoo? Those are a bunch of big, mean, nasty ponies.”

And with that, Wanda turned her head away from her mother and sister and cried once more on the edge of the fountain. Princess Celestia was concerned for her daughter’s sake. Would she have to suffer some serious trauma? Not on her watch. She walked to the left side of Wanda and placed her arm on the Man’s Cub’s back.

“I think I should tell you a tale on how I almost gave up on myself,” Princess Celestia said. As Wanda raised her head up towards her mother, the Alicorn Princess turned to Sunset and yelled “To me, my daughter. You must hear this as well.”

And without warning, Sunset Shimmer trotted her way towards Princess Celestia. As she approached Wanda on her right side, Abigail dashed from a nearby doorway and jumped up onto the edge of the fountain. She approached Wanda and touched her face with her paw, all while she gave out a soothing meow.

“It appears everyone is here,” Princess Celestia said as she turned her head towards Princess Luna, who gave a wink to her older sister.

Wanda wiped the tears from her eyes and sat up on the edge. She held her hand out for Abigail, who licked it in comfort. Sunset also jumped onto the edge of the fountain and sat down as well.

“I’m ready mommy,” Wanda said as her tone was still depressed.

Princess Celestia sat down in front of Wanda and Sunset and said “You both don’t realize this, but me and your aunt Princess Luna are more than a thousand years old.”

“Really?” Wanda said, completely surprised.

“Are you some kind of goddess?” Sunset asked.

Princess Celestia just giggled and said “No my dear. No matter what anyone says, I never consider myself a goddess. But way before your time, Princess Luna and I ruled over a smaller Equestria. One that was only a fledgling nation that was limited to what is now Canterlot City.”

“That’s right,” Sunset said. “I recall seeing some of the remnants of the old world while going through this city.”

“And believe it or not,” Princess Celestia said. “This school used to be the original castle that Princess Luna and I ruled under, long after we left the old kingdom behind. Back when it went under a different name: Zacherle Palace. During that time, Princess Luna and I were the fifth rulers of the three tribes after our mother Queen Eternia. We kept the ponies of the Equestrian Kingdom joyous and content. Until that fateful night.”

“What night are you talking about mommy?” Wanda asked.

“From out of nowhere,” Princess Celestia said. “A mysterious shadowy entity that resembled a demonic alicorn came out of nowhere and attacked me. I was totally unprepared for the being that referred to itself as the Shade of Hate.”

“Shade of hate?” Wanda and Sunset said.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia replied. “And the moment that beast dove into my mind, my body underwent a horrible shape shift, changing me from the princess you know, to a tyrant of pure malice: Daybreaker.”

“Daybreaker?” Wanda yelled.

“But didn’t you have control of this Daybreaker when the Shade of Hate attacked your mind?”

“No,” Princess Celestia said. “Once the Shade got into me, I lost control of my body, and he used his identity as Daybreaker to attack my own people. Though I saw what he was doing to every Earth Pony, Pegasi and Unicorn in Equestria, I was helpless in retaking control of my body. I started to lose hope for myself and for my people.”

“But how did you break free?” Wanda asked.

“It was my sister Princess Luna,” Princess Celestia said. “And a unique individual who carried six unique gemstones that were tied to the essence of Equestria itself: The Elements of Harmony.”

“I’ve read about the Elements,” Sunset said. “Some say their powers don’t even originate from any part of Equestria.”

“Even if that was true,” Princess Celestia said. “They were the key to saving me from the Shade of Hate. Using the power of these elements, Princess Luna fired off a rainbow of pure light in an attempt to free me from the Shade.”

“Wow,” Wanda said. “That sounded like some kind of magic.”

“The Shade tried to resist as hard as it could as Daybreaker. But in the end, the magic that came from the Elements was too much for it to bear. The shade was knocked out of my body, and I felt it being purified by the magic, restoring me to my original form.”

“So what happened to the Shade of Hate?” Sunset Shimmer said.

“The Shade of Hate was dazed and confused by the Rainbow of Light that came from the Elements. Princess Luna knew of a place where it could be sealed away. Using the magic of the Elements, my sister sealed away the Shade in a place where it could never harm me again: The surface of the moon. The nightmare was finally over.”

“Was everything back to normal, mommy?” Wanda asked.

“No,” Princess Celestia said. “I was traumatized by what I did as Daybreaker, even though the Shade took control of my body. I didn’t want to face my own people, because I attempted to do harm. There was a part of me that wanted to hide away in the castle, or confine myself to Tatarus. But then this same individual approached me.”

“What did she do?” Sunset asked.

“She told me this. ‘Don’t give up on your life. The very ponies who look up to you are only here to help you. They know what you went through. They are your family. And as a family, you are one together.”

“That’s the same line you always said to us,” Wanda said.

“That’s right,” Princess Celestia. “Though I accepted my family with open wings once again, I was traumatized during my time as Daybreaker. Princess Luna came up with an idea to help heal my mental wounds. She created the Summer Sun Celebration as a reminder to why I belong to this world and belong to Equestria. Since then, I look forward to the Summer Sun Celebration for one reason: There are others who are looking out for me, and that is the very essence that keeps me going.”

“Wow,” Sunset said. “I didn’t know that you suffered from this..trauma.”

“Is that what I’m going through,” Wanda said.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “We may be of different species, but we both suffer the same. The soothing touch of a friend, or a parental figure, is what helps us get through our hard times. Even if your own mother also has the curse of a wolf inside.”

“She’s right,” Sunset said to Wanda. “You’re a part of this family, Wanda. I know you’re upset, but we’re here for you.” She placed her hoof on Wanda’s right cheek and gently stroked it. Wanda smiled as a few tears flowed from her eyes before giving her sister a hug.

“I don’t know what I would be without you two,” Wanda said.

“I promise you this, my daughters,” Princess Celestia said as she placed her wings on Wanda and Sunset. “No matter what happens, I will not let anything, or anyone, harm you.”

Both Wanda and Sunset smiled as they gave Princess Celestia a big hug. Wanda cried a bit on Celestia’s chest. But it was not of sorrow, it was of joy. Though she is the only human of some sort to exist in Equestria, she felt as if she were not alone.

“Thank you mommy,” Wanda cried as she wiped her face on Celestia’s chest. Celestia just giggled and rubbed her daughter’s head.

Sunset Shimmer let herself go from Celestia’s hug. But as she got up, she lost her footing and took a dive into the fountain. This caught Wanda’s attention, causing her to freak out. A bit of the water splashed up and nearly drenched Abigail, causing the kitten to jump down from the edge of the fountain and onto the grass.

“Sunset?” Wanda said as she got out of Celestia’s arms. “Are you okay?”

But before Wanda could react, Sunset Shimmer emerged from the water, splashing her foster sister in the face. She shook the water from her main and placed her hooves on the edge of the fountain.

“Sorry,” Sunset said. “I couldn’t control myself.”

Wanda wiped the water from her face and glanced at Sunset Shimmer with a smirk on her face.

“Oh you’re going to be sorry,” Wanda said. And with that, she jumped into the fountain water and caused a huge splash. Celestia covered herself with her wing before the water splashed onto her face. And in almost an instant, Wanda emerged from the water, splashing Abigail by accident.

“MEOW!” Abigail yelled as she ran behind Celestia’s leg. She was completely drenched in water, and her fur looked a bit shaggy. She glared at Wanda as the Man’s Cub’s focus was on Sunset Shimmer.

“Now you asked for it,” Wanda said before she splashed water in Sunset’s face. Sunset splashed water back in Wanda’s face as the two giggled in delight. Celestia just stood back and watched her daughters having fun in the water fountain.

“And to think,” Princess Celestia said. “I used to do that in this same fountain with Princess Luna.”

But as Celestia observed Wanda and Sunset playing in the fountain, she overheard Abigail hissing at her. Celestia turned her head and saw the completely soaked Abigail growling at her, right next to her hind leg.

“Now don’t be a sour puss, Abigail,” Celestia said with a giggle. “They didn’t mean to get you drenched.”

Nearby at the doorway leading inside the school, Princess Luna observed her sister enjoying herself as she also saw Wanda and Sunset playing in the fountain. Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash emerged from behind Princess Luna, watching the two sisters enjoy their time in the pool.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash laughed. “That’s one way to cheer up that tough kid.”

“Well you could say that Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer gave Wanda a reason to..MAKE A SPLASH!” Danged Spell said with a smirk.

“DANGED SPELL!” That voice came from behind Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash. The duo turned their heads to Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, Sunburst, Moondancer and Ditzy Doo, who were laughing hard at the pun.

“You sure have this thing for puns, Danged Spell,” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Cheesy or not,” Danged Spell replied. “I tend to hit the punch line on these.”

“I’ll be the judge if you’re punny or not,” Rainbow Dash said. That caused everyone in the room to laugh even louder. Even Danged Spell couldn’t hold back with his chuckles as Princess Luna wiped a tear from her eye.

“Well there is one thing I should tell you kids,” Princess Luna said as she finally slowed her laughing down. “Next week, you all get a field trip.”

“A field trip?” Twilight Sparkle said as she approached Princess Luna.

“I was able to get in contact with Mayor Mare of the Ponyville Providence,” Princess Luna said. “Around that time, there will be a county fair set up for everyone to check out. You have all been invited and will be going there.”

“So where is the County Fair in Ponyville?” Starlight asked.

“Located around an area known as La Maresa.” That voice came from Chancellor Cinch, who walked towards the group from the hallway. “I know because I’ve been there to address a crisis when I first became Chancellor.”

“Too bad I can’t go with you kids,” Princess Luna said. “I still have princess work to do tomorrow.”

“I’m afraid your presence will not be needed tomorrow,” Chancellor Cinch said as she walked towards Princess Luna. “You’ll be going down to La Maresa tomorrow for your assigned vacation.”

“Wait, wha?” Princess Luna said as her jaw dropped to the ground.

“I know you’re been too busy to interact with these younglings,” Chancellor Cinch said with a subtle smirk. “So I’m giving you a break from all that bureaucratic headache of yours. Trust me. It’s for your own good”

Luna was completely speechless. She didn’t know how to respond to that, nor was she prepared to take a break. Maybe the fact that she doesn’t get as much attention in this fanfic as every other character is saying a lot. But she just nodded off as she looked outside at her sister playing with her nieces.

“I think she just lost her mind,” Sunburst said.

“But why would a pony like her be reluctant in wanting to take a break?” Moondancer asked. “For one who’s cutie mark is tied to the moon, she sure is that mysterious.”

“Now that’s something worthy of concern,” Twilight said. “I’ve always wondered what Princess Luna does apart from her sister, what her tasks are.”

“What she does,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Even I have no clue. Her life is a mystery to me.”

“Oh boy,” Twilight said as she placed her arm on her forehead. “Just thinking about it makes my head spin.”

As Twilight and the other younglings looked on at Princess Luna, the alicorn continued to glance outside at her sister with a bit of worry on her face, as if she wasn’t ready.

“I’ve always seen myself as one who takes her work seriously,” Princess Luna thought to herself. “Back when Wanda was only a baby, I used to be laid back. Just thinking about caring for the youngster was the only thing on my mind. Now? I’m tied up in my work, and I feel like I don’t have time to play. What am I to do next week? What if I fall behind? The life of a princess is so exhausting. Maybe this trip down to La Maresa will be the thing I need”

To Be Continued in

Arc 9: The Ponyville Providence Fair

Journey through Everfree

Author's Note:

So this arc does end on a bittersweet moment. While Golden Lace does get away with that stunt she pulled, she will get her just desserts in a future arc. The same cannot be said for her parents, and you will hate them even more.

The next arc will explore my universe's version of Ponyville. Here, it will be referred to as the Ponyville Providence, where the town they will visit is called La Maresa, named after my own hometown La Mesa, California. The next arc will be longer than this one since we're introducing Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and another familiar face from Friendship is Magic. Who is it that will join the crew? Stay tuned.

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