• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Life In The Wild (3)

Life In The Wild

While I may not have ever hunted before, I have definitely dissected, and I've also flayed fish, so when it came to carving the deer, I knew pretty well what I was doing. My claws are wonderful, they're like the perfect little knives, and made short work of it. Gilda went about draining it, while I gathered some leafy stuff and flint for a fire. I used to go camping all the time, and I've been to Indian reserves several times, as well as to geologist sites on class trips, so I know my way around nature. While I never could get the 'rub two sticks together' thing to work, I can tell rocks apart, and I know flint when I see it. There was a load of gravel at the base of the mountain, which, thanks to Minecraft, I know tends to have flint in it. I guess all that gravel is what wore the mountain smooth. I found a pair of fairly large pieces. It helps when you have hands, or claws. I'd never be able to pull it off with hooves.

I found my way back to Gilda, who had a little camp set up, some broken logs to sit on. I tossed a bunch of twigs and dry leaves in a small clearing. We didn't want to catch anything on fire. Sliding the rocks against each other, sparks came off, and the brush caught fire nicely.

"How'd you know how to do that?" She asked me.

"Same way I know everything else. Although this makes me think I wasn't a doctor. Maybe I'm a traveler. It would explain what I was doing in some badlands." She just smiled.

'Okay, she's DEFINITELY coming on to me. Then again, I am pretty awesome since I got here, and in the show, I saw a very distinct lack of males around. Probably at least a 70% female majority. Oh shit, she's probably looking at me as a potential mate. Well, I was El Virgino on Earth, nothing says that has to stay the same here. Back there, I was a loser with a chip on his shoulder. Here, I'm actually pretty cool. I must be cool, since Gilda won't hang around people she thinks are lame.'

"What ya thinking about?" She asked. I had been staring off into space while the meat cooked.

"Trying to remember stuff, it's not working. Who knows, maybe it's better this way. I feel... happy? And it feels unfamiliar. I mean, I've been happy before, I know I must have at some point, but this feels like true happiness, if that makes sense. And if that's the case, maybe I'd rather not remember." It was a crock of bull. I knew EXACTLY what happened, I just didn't want to remember. Maybe I'd get lucky and actually forget my past life.

"Well, ya still did good today. You killed a deer, all on your own, carved it, started a fire, and cooked the thing. Looks like you can handle yourself. See ya." She got up and started to leave.

'Wait! Don't go! I don't want to be aloooooone.'

"And just where the hell do you think you're going?" Whew, smooth.

"You don't need me any more, so I'm leaving, you got a problem with that?" She looked annoyed. Yes I have a problem with that. I'm tired, and I don't want to be all on my own anymore. Okay, so, I suppose I could just head south and go to Ponyville and use my feathers for unlimited hugs, but I don't think that pays well, and I can't live off the generosity of others forever. I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing.

"You're damn right I do. You're going to sit your ass down and eat some of this."

"You caught it, it's not right for me to eat it, since you did all the work."

'She has a sense of honour after all, I guess either she wasn't really all that bad, or my endless wit and charm is starting to rub off on her. After only two days.'

"Consider it pay back for saving my hide, and teaching me to fly." I smirked, or, what I thought was a smirk, given I have a beak and no lips. Although I still have teeth, inside my mouth, past the beak. Part bird, part lion. I guess rather than splitting at the chest some things are mixed.

"Who ever said I was gonna help you with that?" She demanded.

"Well, you saw how well my first attempt went. Since I'm crazy enough to try that again, I'm gonna need someone around to make sure I don't splatter myself on some rocks. Which means that I still need you. Nope, you saved my life, and now you've gotta take care of me. Don't like it, too bad." I said with as much attitude as possible. She laughed, sat down, grabbed a chunk of meat, and started eating. I did the same.

'MEAT! Sweet and savory MEAT! It tastes soooooo much better when you kill, carve, clean, and cook it yourself. I'm glad I'm not a pony, or I'd have to be vegetarian. And that would suck. Who can live without steak? This venison was delicious.' Between the two of us we ate half of it. We decided that we would split the other half tomorrow. When she argued, I told her that since she spotted it, it was half hers, and if she wouldn't take it I'd knock her out and strap it to her back. She got the picture, laughing again. We fell asleep next to a smoldering fire, bellies full.

The next day, my flying lessons began. She walked in front of me like Rainbow Dash when she was coaching Fluttershy on her cheering. *yay* She was in full coach mode. I caught on pretty quickly. After the day was over, I was already flying, albeit rather poorly. By flying, I mean I could go up, down, forward, turn myself slowly, and land in a way that didn't involve my face hitting the ground. Having seen birds close up, I knew how they moved their wings, and practiced the motions, getting helpful hints from Gilda. Even though I had never used mine before, they were fairly muscular. Given some practice, I would be as good a flyer as she was.

The excitement of being able to fly however, was fantastic.

We ate half the remaining meat. Instead of stuffing ourselves, we saved the other half for tomorrow, and we split it evenly.

"Well, ya taught me to fly. I really can take care of myself now. Here's your share of the meat. Thanks for everything. I guess I can let ya off the hook."

"You know, I could stick around." She said nervously.

"What? Won't I be tying you down? I thought you wanted to be alone out in some forsaken waste filled with dragons that want to make you a snack." Sarcasm really is my strong point.

"If you want me to go, then I'll just go!" She actually seemed hurt.

"Hey, I never said that. I actually happen to enjoy your company, despite your personality." Nice save on my part.

"Well, what will you do?" She asked curiously.

"Well, considering my knowledge and skill set, I was probably a traveler. I guess I'll do that again. See the world with my own eyes. I mean, I've got nothing to tie me to this place."

"What, so you can end up half dead without your memories again?" She said sarcastically. We really are two sides of the same coin.

"That won't happen if I have a travel partner." I said, raising an eyebrow at her. She just smiled back, then scowled.

"I'm gonna end up saving your tail again, aren't I?"


A lot of Griffin's past is my own. I got bullied, but not to that degree. I've never been to an internet café, but I've been in one, I just went inside to see what it was like, but I was in a hurry and had to leave. As for the survival stuff, yeah, it's true. I really have been to Indian reserves, as well as geology sites. The rest is just common knowledge. It isn't? Oh, well, it is for someone with my interests. The bullies left me alone after I started giving them the Vulcan neck pinch, except it was a stab with two fingers. Much more effective. Some of the other stuff is actually from a guy I know from school, who got picked on even more than me, but again, nobody trying to kill him. It was elementary school, and the guys harassing HIM were teenagers. OMG, An OC X Gilda ship? Yes.

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