• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Food and Flag (44)

Food and Flag

Hello once again audience, when we left off, Griffin had dropped the mane six off at port and had reached the first of the Zebra Islands in the archipelago.

"Well, we're here. The Zebra Archipelago. Hard to believe it wraps around the whole ocean."

"Yep, a zigzag of islands dotting the ring sea, going all the way from the western shore of Equestria to the eastern one." Gilda said.

"So, what are we doing here anyway?" Trixie asked.

"Well, a couple things. First off, resupply. We're running out of fresh fruit and vegetables. We need to load up. Once we've done that, we'll try to find a doctor for our crew, and finally, we'll see what kind of trouble we can get into."

"Sounds good to me." Nadene replied.

"I really just hope there aren't any spiders. White Wind, when the ship drops anchor, set up a perimeter, Shimmer, you alright staying with Steelhorn?" The little dragon pulled a pair of steampunk goggles off her eyes and smiled while the minotaur patted her on the head.

"You got it, I'm helping make the rest of the scale armor. Building the laser cannon took up a lot of time, so they're not finished yet."

"Alright. Good on ya. Tiras, stay with the ship. Selma, I'd like you to come with, we might need help with negotiation." Gilda, Nadene, Maria, Etch, Growl, Selma, Trixie, and myself disembarked, while the cats dropped down on ropes that had been tossed over the edge and began setting up a temporary position under the ship, with the rangers still on board acting as lookouts. We began walking into the jungle, me taking the lead and keeping my eyes wide in case there were spiders. Thankfully, there weren't. There was however, mangos. And bananas. And coconuts. And oranges, and pineapples, and lychee fruit and a plethora of various other tropical foods. Absolutely perfect. By my advise, Steelhorn had bought canning facilities so we could store food long term. It would definitely come in handy, considering just how much was here.

"Who wants a piƱa colada? I took a pineapple and a coconut, slicing them both open with my sword, then pouring the juice into the coconut shell and drank some. I passed it around, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

"Now if only we had some rum to go in it..... damn Pinkie...... why is the rum always gone? Oh well, nothing we can do about that. I'm not convincing that minotaur to buy a distillery, and I don't need alcohol anyway. Just one more thing for me to get addicted to."

Scouting around, I couldn't find any villages. Where are the zebras? Shouldn't they be here? These are the zebra isles, so where are they?

"Never mind, looks like this island is a no go for civilization. Load up on food and we'll move to the next one."

Back at the ship, we began unloading the food we had gathered. Maria and Selma began canning some, while the cats ate some for lunch along with the rest of us.

"At least we'll never get scurvy. Maybe once we get our country set up, we could run back and forth between the islands for food. That way, we'll have fruit, clams, fish, and all sorts of other stuff."

"Speaking of that, Grif, do we have a flag?" Gilda asked, which surprised me. There was a flag at the top of the ship, but it was just a plain grey square. She's right, we'd have to do something about that. I walked into the on board forge, where Shimmer was blowing her lungs out heating it, while Steelhorn was hammering away on something.

"Hey, Steelhorn, mind if I change the flag?"

"Yeah, go ahead. You're captain right now, ye can do whatever ya want."

Flying up to the top spire, which was really just a small flagpole put on the ship, I took the drab piece of grey down and brought it to the crew. They all looked at me, and I just shrugged.

"What? I'm not an artist. If I try it'll turn out looking like crap. This is going to be our flag, our pride. It has to make a statement about who we are, and it has to be as awesome as we are. Anyone here know about art?"

"Don't look at me, I just kill things." Gilda replied.

"I can make paint, but I can't use it." Nadene said hanging her head.

"I deal more in light shows than paint." Trixie stated.

"I can try....." Maria offered weakly. Etch and Growl stayed quiet.

"Well, come up with a design to show me, and we'll see." Everyone else left, and I walked up to her.

"I'm glad to see you're trying. Don't worry, you'll find something you're good at. Who knows? This might be it. We all have our own little ways that we help, this could be yours. It's also good that you've been training so hard with Nadene. I'm proud of you Maria." I patted her on the head then took out some paper for her to try and come up with some designs. She was happy to be helping, even if it didn't turn out.

'Great, I'm turning into a father figure.... then again, we are family after all.'

"So? Please, be honest." I looked over her designs and cringed.

"Ehm, well, this one isn't so bad..... maybe art just isn't your thing. In fact, it's pretty much nobody's thing. The point is you tried, and, it's still better than anything I could come up with."

Growl came in and laid a single piece of paper on my desk, then walked out. On it, there was the image of Hades, (my sword, not the Greek god), pointing upwards, with two red wings flared, one on either side, coming out from the handle, on a field of white. A slight gold outline was around all the objects on it. It was good. Really good. I like it.

"Growl, wait up!" I chased after him. I found him in his room, getting his paints ready, holding a white piece of fabric. I still had the previous flag in my room, he somehow had gotten one of his own.

"Yes?" He asked innocently.

"You never told me you were an artist."

"I don't say much."

"Well, this is really good." I showed him his work. "I like it. Do it."

"Aye aye."

"Well, everyone, here we are. Our flag! The blade pointed upwards, symbolizing that we can overcome and rise above anything. The wings of red, that we buy our freedom and the freedom of others with the blood of the wicked, as well as our own! This is the flag, not only of our ship, the Possibility, but of the nation we shall found upon our victory! We are the harbingers of change!" I held my blade aloft, letting it shine in the light of the setting sun, as well as it's own faint glow. I was met with a massive cheer. The cats roared, the dogs howled, the griffins screeched, Trixie yelled 'yeah!' and I smiled.

"And let's give a cheer for Growl, who made this masterpiece of our hearts!" Another cheer rang out. They were really riled up.

"And now, let us hoist this flag, and declare ourselves to the world!" Trixie jumped on my back, strapping in her rear hooves instead of all four, as she was more comfortable with her front ones free, and held the flag between them as I flew around the ship, the cloth flapping in the wind behind us to the cheers of those on board, before flying up to the top and trying it on through metal lined holes in one side, to metal rings on the pole. There was a fairly strong wind, making the flag whip quickly. Satisfied, we flew back down, where Maria came out from below.

"Dinner's ready!" She called, to which she was nearly trampled by the hungry crew. Cobblers, pies, glazed vegetables and the like filled the mess hall. We all ate heartily. It was delicious, spiced to perfection, with all the flavours blending perfectly.

"This is really good, Maria, did you make this?"

"Well, yeah.... I mean, Selma helped, but...."

"I did no such thing, all I did was give pointers." The old hag of a cat replied.

"Well, I think it's fantastic. Where'd you learn how to cook?"

"I've just, been on my own for a while. I eventually got good at it....."

"Well, that's perfect, I mean, I can cook, but nothing near this level. Guess who just found her place on the ship. I think the crew will appreciate having some home cooked meals. And with Selma giving 'pointers', along with the fact that we're at food filled islands, we'll never go hungry. See? I told you you'd find your place."

"Well, I didn't think it would be useful, I mean, it's just cooking....."

"Just cooking? Maria, cooking is one of the most important skills a person can have. No army marches on an empty stomach. You're making sure we're all in peak health by our nutrition, don't sell yourself short. In addition to our fighting skills, I've got my science and magic, as well as strategy, Gilda has her strategy and experience, Nadene has her potions, Trixie has her magic, Growl apparently has art, both he and Etch are good at building and getting supplies, Shimmer and Steelhorn have their forging, Selma and Tiras have their charisma and wisdom in leading their own people, and you have your cooking. They're ALL important. No task is less important than any other. Pretty soon, we'll wonder how we ever got by on the raw stuff we've been eating before." She was blushing furiously.

"Oh stop it you..... sit and eat before it get's cold...."

"Yes ma'am!" I continued eating. Maria smiled, having finally found her place.

Next morning, Maria had already gotten up and started breakfast, the smell of eggs wafting down through the ship, as well as fruits.

"Here ya go!" She was wearing an apron, and had already started setting out the food. She and Selma were working overtime to get food for the 45 of us, all laughing as we ate the fantastic food.

"Well Maria, didn't I say you'd figure it out eventually, and you should stick with Selma?"

"Yes, you did...."

"And was I right?"

"Yes, you were..."

"Are you happy?" She stopped to think for a moment, then smiled.

"I am."

"That's good. We're family, and if you're happy, we're happy."


After breakfast was over and I was standing on the deck, letting the wind ruffle my feathers, Maria and Growl both came to talk to me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I, wanted to thank you." She answered.

"For what?"

"For giving me a family again."

"You know, you never told us what happened to yours. I mean, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to, just, when you're ready, we'll be here to listen."

"I, never knew my family, but I was told they were taken as slaves in the mines. I was raised by an old man, who taught me how to survive. Well, everything other than how to fight. I never knew his name, it was just, 'Geezer'. He was old, and, he got sick. Eventually, he died, and I was alone again. I left the dominion and went to Equestria. I was maybe ten when it happened. I couldn't work, so I stole to survive. I did it for years, until I eventually got caught, right before I made it to the jungle. I got careless, and made a slip up." She explained. She wasn't sad or anything. My guess is she had a long time to get over it.

"So then, you were a thief for a while.... that explains why you ran from the guards, and us. You wouldn't fight, you'd hide, or run."


"Well, that makes you a perfect match for Nadene. She's stealthy too. That should be your combat focus. I figured I'd be a brawler, but I'm actually more of a combination between that and magic class. I take other brawlers. Basically, I'm glad I have you and Nadene on my side, because you two could probably beat me, if I was on my own. I really need to work on my speed. I think from now on, I'll train wearing my scale mail, and wearing weights, so I can improve how fast I move. I think I rely on my sword too much. I guess 'll be your sparring partner from now on." She smiled, then went back inside, now it was just me and Growl.

"So, what's on your mind?"

"Nothin, just want to look at the sky." He replied stoically. We both just gazed upon the clouds, there were a few birds, and the sun hung there in the sky, making the ship glimmer in it's light.

"That was a good speech yesterday." Growl suddenly spoke.

"It was, wasn't it?"

"You said exactly what I had in mind when I made it." We both gave a bit of a chuckle.

"I'm pretty good at that, and the flag declares itself well."

We were silent for a while longer, each taking a deep breath then sighing.

"You're always so quiet, you're the only one that makes me wonder what's going on in your head. Why did you decide to come with us? You could have gone anywhere, but you went with us." I asked, and he lowered his head.

"I could have, but, I didn't. There isn't any point thinking about what would have happened if I didn't, but, the reason I joined is because of the way you carry yourself. All my life, I wanted to be an artist, to make things of beauty, instead of just dig up gems and eat them. When you spoke of freedom, of toppling the system that kept us down, letting us all be ourselves, it sparked a fire that I thought had long since gone out." He leaned over the railing.

"I see. Freedom for all. There is actually a saying where I come from, give me freedom, or give me death. The people were oppressed by royalty, who simply used them to further their greed. There was a revolution, and as the soldiers charged, that is what they cried. Better to be dead than a slave."

"The diamond dogs are slaves to their alphas, and yet, they do not realize it. The few that do speak out are killed for trying to overthrow the leader." He explained. We both sat there for a while longer.

"You know, there's a reason I called the new tribe the 'White Wind'."

"Because like a great gust, you shall wash over the land, blowing away all that is corrupt and purifying the evil and hate that plagues it." He replied, which shocked me slightly.

"How'd you know?"

"We are not so different. I am artistic, using paint and clay to form a picture, to bring feeling. You use words. We are both poetic. I am silent because I let my art speak for me, while your art is your words." He explained.

"Charisma.... Yes, I suppose you're right. Words can be just as much of an art form as lines and colour. Heh, remind me to let you design the parliament building when we start our own country."

"Parliament? I thought you would be king." He was surprised.

"Well, yes, but, I'd be more of a figurehead than an active participant. I know for a fact that running a nation is hard work, something I don't have experience with. So, I'd let the nation run itself. Each hold would elect members to represent them, who would make laws and devise plans to care for their people, and I'd be more of a..... mediator. I'd keep them in line when tensions began running, as they no doubt will, remind them that even though they're the ones running the country, I'm the one that rules it, and they bow to me. Despite what everyone believes, and what I'd like, I can't do everything. And, monarchies are too unstable. What if my successor is cruel? Or, his? As soon as someone new takes the throne, everything changes. As king, I'd only rule the council, keep them in line, change them out when needed. The council would lead the nation, and would be made up of the people. My only purpose would be to prevent them from becoming corrupt."

"Yes.... that would be a good way to do it. But what of those who come after you?"

"The next king would be chosen by me, or, if no successor is chosen, then the council would choose one, and it can't be one of them, it would be an outstanding citizen, who has proven themselves worthy, and above all, does not want the role. The only ones fit for power are those who do not seek it, but have it thrust upon them and find that they bear it well. If the king isn't working out, they'd take him out of his seat, and find a replacement. I'd set up a number of unbreakable, unchangeable rules for stuff like that, that even the king and council cannot change, and let them work the rest of it out."

"You have thought on this frequently, haven't you?" He asked.

"Indeed I have. I was actually wondering what you thought of it. You and Trixie are the only ones who have an ear for my philosophies, and you've never given input on them."

"That is because I agree with all that you have said. You hold a firm belief, and I find it to be matching my own."

"I'm glad you're here. Sometimes, I wonder if they get me at all. You know how to listen. You know how to think. You understand me, without me having to give a huge explanation. I'm not sure why you're so wise, but I'm glad you're here Growl. Anyway, we'll have more time to think about it when we get there, we should get back to work. We're moving on to the next island in an hour."

More philosophy, and Grif explained how he plans on ruling the country when he succeeds. At this point, there isn't really a matter of if anymore, it's when. Everyone believes in him. He's charismatic, and they all know in their hearts that they can do it.

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