• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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The Trix To Success (42)

The Trix To Success

"So then he says, 'Trix! Torch this shit!' And I say, 'With pleasure!' and throw fire all over the place. It burns for maybe five minutes, with a huge gust of air coming in, bringing all the dust with it. We finally get in the main chamber, and a spider 30 times his size grabs him with a web line like it's fishing. You should have seen him scream like a little filly!"

"Baaahahahaha. Who would have thought he'd be afraid of spiders?" Rainbow Dash laughed. For all the mockery I faced in Ponyville, she was just as big a braggart as I was.... well, the difference being she could back it up, but still, she knew the value of a good story.

"So it drags the both of us up and covers us in web. He held his sword out in front, which was lucky because the spider's fangs hit it instead of him. We both ran out of air really quick and passed out. Next thing you know, we wake up by a burning spider corpse. Then Gilda tells him he's got a spider on him, and he tells me to light him on fire. It was hilarious to see him running around freaking out. Well, let's just say after that ordeal, I'm afraid of spiders now too, but him, he's petrified."

"I can see why, nasty little things, and that one wasn't so little." Rarity added.

"Sooo, having fun at my expense I see?" Grif walked in.


"Let's not forget you passed out from the spider as soon as it grabbed us." He mocked, making me blush.

"Hey! Outside, what did you mean by what you said?" The rainbow pegasus asked.

"What do you mean what do I mean? It's pretty obvious. The reason you don't have a coltfriend is because nobody can keep up with you. If you were to get a special someone, you'd have to slow down, which you don't want to do. It's one of your main drives from getting in the Wonderbolts, they're the only ones with even a chance of keeping up. Which reminds me, when are you going to join them?" He asked.

"Well, I'm still waiting for them to notice my awesome skills." She replied.

"I don't get it, I mean, after pulling off the rainboom and saving their lives, which everyone saw, how could they not accept your application?"

"Um, what application?" Audible face hoofs all around.

"They're a branch of the military, they can't just show up and take you, you have to apply to them. You know, paperwork?" Grif explained.

"You're kidding, the entire time, THAT'S what's been holding me back?" Yep, Rainbow Dash is currently the title holder of 'Most Dense Pony In Equestria'.

"Well, it's not like you could join them right now anyway. You'd have to leave all your friends in Ponyville. That, and they probably couldn't handle you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She got a bit defensive.

"It means they fly in formation, and you'd just speed ahead of them."

"No, the other thing."

"Oh, yeah, the Wonderbolts travel all across Equestria, and you'd have to go with them. The time will come when you'll have to choose between your dreams and your friends."

"I, never thought of that...." Rainbow now seemed a little depressed.

"Oh nonsense, no matter where you go or what you'll do, we'll always be friends." Rarity piped up.

"True, Dashie here is so fast, she could just make it back to Ponyville in no time and pop in for a visit whenever she wasn't busy, but what about the rest of you? Rarity, what if you were suddenly given the offer to move to Canterlot and make dresses for the creme de la creme of the elite? What would you say? Would you leave your friends behind and follow your dreams, regretting it as you drifted apart, or would you put your career on hold for the sake of your friends? What about Twilight, if she was given the chance to teach at the Canterlot academy? Fluttershy would stay in Ponyville, because she's attached to the animals and the forest, Pinkie would stay there because all her friends are there, and Applejack would remain because that's where the farm is, and pretty much nothing could pull them away." Griffin stated.

"I..... I don't know what I'd do. Oh Canterlot, the fashion, the culture, the society, but... my friends? They're too important to me. I wouldn't want to give up either. I suppose I'd try to find a way to make it work...." Rarity thought.

"You suppose?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, we'd DEFINITELY make it work." Rainbow declared.

"Aha! And that's the right answer, and what our group is all about. We're the ones that when life comes up with those dilemmas, we downright refuse to compromise. We break the rules life sets for us." I added. The captain had a mind for philosophy, and none of the others really took to it. Growl would just listen. I'm the only one who ever actually replied to his musings.

"So wait, what was the whole point of this?" Rarity asked.

"Simple, to make you think. This is a problem that you would no doubt encounter in the future, something with the potential to tear you apart. By making you think about it beforehand, it gives you plenty of time to come up with a way to deal with it. It's what Grif does all the time, and it's what's kept us afloat. Plan for everything."

"Trixie, when did you start thinking that way?" Twilight asked. I bear no grudge against her. I used to, but that has been long since burned away in the fires of battle and camaraderie I had with my crew.

"Since I joined the crew. My eyes became open to the world. The princesses put a phenomenal amount of effort into making sure we ponies don't have to worry about very much, but even then, often times things just don't turn out on their own. My time with Griffin made me learn that if you want something to turn out a certain way, you have to set it up so the pieces fall into place with a slight nudge, then force them in. As his rider, we have a pretty close relationship, and we share our thoughts. We have to be on the same page to work together." I explained.

"That must be comforting, having somepony you are that in tune with." She replied.

"Yes.... it is....."

"So.... what's it like?" Rarity asked me.

"What's what like?"

"FLYING! But, more than that, being strapped to somepony and having them do the flying, no control over it yourself."

"Well, at first it was frightening, but once I realized that I wasn't going to fall, and even if I did, he'd catch me, once we came to trust each other...... it's exhilarating."

"You should have seen her, when I took her for her first flight, it was a mix of when you fell during the best young flier's competition, and when Dash did the rainboom to catch you." Grif teased.

"Wait, you weren't there, so, how do you know what we looked like?" Rarity asked him.


"That's your excuse for everything." Dash pouted.

"And it's a good one, because it's true. Oh, and Twilight, I was meaning to ask, just what exactly happened in magic kindergarten to make you dread it so much?" I asked, causing her to fume and blush at the same time. I'm not sure why, but Grif told me if Twilight makes me upset, to just ask her that and it would shut her up right away. I decided to use it here, because it would be fun. I have to admit, messing with these ponies heads is extremely enjoyable. Considering that I'm an illusionist, who's entire goal is trickery and deceit, I should have learned to do this sooner. There's just something satisfying about getting under somebody's skin.

"I will never speak of it again." She shuddered.

"Oh well. Alright, well, I'm done analyzing Rainbow Dash's love life, who's next?" He asked.

"Ooh! Me! Pick me!" Pinkie Pie began bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Are you sure? After all, this is going to be blatantly honest, and you might feel hurt afterwards."

"Okie dokie lokie! Hit me!" She responded.

"Trixie, would you like to do this one?" He asked.

"Well, I suppose I could....."

"Just remember what I taught you about profiling." he encouraged.

"Alright.... let's see..... Pinkie Pie, hyper and overzealous, good for making you smile and laugh, but unstable, and has erratic tendencies. To get a stallion, you'd have to calm down a bit while maintaining your happiness. So..... stop rambling and going off on a tangent. You talk a lot, and a guy will sometimes need you to listen. That, and when you get going you can make anyone's head spin."

"Ooh! So, you're saying I can't eat cupcakes all the time, and should have muffins once in a while!" I'm not sure where she drew that analogy from, but by now, I know better than to question Pinkie Pie. She just bounced off, happy with her answer.

"Alright, well, what about me?" Twilight asked. I looked to Grif, who just looked back to me and nodded.

"Get out of the library! You're smart and talented, but if you spend all day indoors, there's no way someone will ever notice you. How can you catch someone's attention if you're invisible?" She seemed lost in thought, then walked away mumbling something about not being a shut in. I have to agree with the captain, this is fun! Figuring out what is wrong with other people and pointing it out to them, while mean, also lets them better themselves.

"Very good Trixie. Now, can you tell me what's wrong with yourself?" He asked. The question took me totally off guard. Me? I'm, not really sure.

"I don't really know....."

"Don't worry, that's normal. It's hard to spot your own flaws, and easy to pick up on the faults of others. My problem is I'm condescending. I think others are beneath me until they prove themselves. You're kind of the same way. We burned a lot of that out of you, but it's still there. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It means that others have to work hard to gain your acceptance, but it also means the relationship is more stable." He explained. It made sense. I was always thinking myself to be better than everyone else, but now..... I guess I still think that way, I just don't voice it. And, for the most part, I AM better than most, given my skills and what I'm doing.

"I hear ya'll are goin over each other's love lives, or lack thereof. Wanna give me a spin?" Applejack asked. Unrefined farm pony.... let's see what the captain has to say.

"Well, honestly, I can't really see any reason why you don't have someone. Honest, hardworking folk are hard to come by, well, where I'm from anyway. Being open with someone is extremely important, and so is being strong enough to help them back up when they're down. Hmm, let your mane and tail hang loose when you're not working, and take the hat off sometimes so they can see your eyes. Other than that..... I think you might intimidate the guys."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She looked somewhat angry at the statement, getting into a defensive stance.

"See? My point exactly." He recoiled a little. "You need to be strong, but gentle at the same time. In fact, you and Fluttershy should switch roles for a week. It would make you more sensitive and her more confident. Do that, and the guys should be all over you, unless Big Mac scares em off." She dropped her guard, then sat on the ground thinking.

"Ah guess ah do come off a little strong....."

"Oh! You truly are good at this. I would be most appreciative if you would give me advice as well. For some reason, no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to get anypony to take a second glance. Of course, they look the first time, but then they just keep walking." Rarity spoke up. Really, I'm clueless when it comes to her. I'm not nearly as good at this as the captain is.

"Are you sure you want me to do that? I mean, I know what's wrong, and, well, it's a LOT. You'll probably be offended, or angry. In fact, if I were to tell you everything, you'd probably downright despise me afterwards for being so harsh." He actually looked a little afraid of what her reaction might be.

"That bad?" She asked, feeling a little hopeless at the fact that her personality was that messed up when it came to her possible relationships.

"Yeah, that bad."

The white unicorn sat there for a moment in thought, struggling with herself, before finally coming to the decision.

"Alright, tell me. I will not be angry, I will not break down, I will listen to what you have to say, and remember that it is merely your opinion, despite the fact that you are quite skilled at this." She resolved to hear him out no matter what he said.

"Very well, I ask that we do this in private. Just you, Trixie, and myself. While you might appreciate me being brutally honest, I won't appreciate being bucked in the face, and thrown into a wall by magic." He actually seemed worried. If I hadn't seen Twilight handle an ursa minor, I'd say he was overreacting. I know quite well these ponies are not to be underestimated.

The three of us left and went into his room. Rarity looked around at his weapons and armor, stacked neatly in the corner, while he had a number of other things strewn all over the place. Notes, charged gems, diagrams, maps, charts, and several crumpled pieces of paper that contained scrapped ideas. The unicorn seemed to have a mix of emotions.

"Your room...... it looks like the library when Twilight is having one of her study sessions...." She remarked. I hadn't been in his room before. He kept most of the stuff in there private. Mostly because when he discovered something, he wanted to perfect it before showing it to us.

"Oh, don't mind the mess. I do a lot of thinking, about, things. Oh, hold on, let me just...." He grabbed a piece of blueprint paper, covering it as he did it, then rolled it up and put in in a chest which he then locked. Apparently he was working on something he wanted to be a surprise.

"Alright, now take a seat. I'll be doing your review, while Trixie takes notes." He said, passing me a piece of parchment.

"Really, it's so bad that you have to take NOTES?" She proclaimed. "Oh, I'm beginning to think that it might be hopeless by the way you carry on about it...." She said, making an overly dramatic pose.

"Yes. Just as Applejack has very little wrong with her in this regard, you, being her polar opposite, have a lot. Alright, that's the first thing. Trix, what did you see?" He asked.

"Overly dramatic?"

"Correct! Guys don't like a drama queen, prone to flights of fancy and over embellishing their problems. People don't like it when other's go for a pity party." Rarity looked upset.

"Number two, fussy. Sure, being prim and proper is important, as are details, but absolute perfection cannot be achieved, no matter the effort, and you have to know when to say, 'it's good enough'. You, do not know how to do that."

"Oh, pish posh, I know that out there, my prince charming is waiting for me." I rolled my eyes, he practically gagged himself.

"Number three, unrealistic. You went after your 'prince charming' with Blueblood, and look how that turned out. The fact is, there are very few who fit that description, and those that do are already taken. Fancypants for example. What's more, you seem dead set on royalty. Guess what? It's not going to happen. You need to lower your standards. There are many, perfectly reasonable ponies, or griffins, or dragons out there that you won't even take a second glace at. The whole reason you get interested in someone is because they're high class, and as such, wealthy, instead of who they really are. This is something you need to change."

Her cheeks were bright red with frustration, after all, everything she believed in regarding relationships was being thrown out the window, and rightfully so. She puffed up her cheeks, then forcefully blew her breath out to calm down.

"Please, continue."

"Actually, before I do, I need to ask you a question, how do you feel about Spike?" She seemed of guard with his question, and was about to ask how he knew of such things before she remembered his 'alien' line.

"Well, I don't really know. I mean, he's sweet, and helpful, a true gentlecolt, but, at the same time, he's a dragon."

"And what's wrong with being a dragon?" I asked.

"Well, nothing per say, but, he's still a baby dragon. By the time he grows to maturity, I'll be far older than I am now. What's more, he'll be far larger than I. It just wouldn't work out." She explained.

"Have you told him?"

"Heavens no! How can I? It would break his heart. I know how he feels for me, how can I just tell him I don't return his feelings, and never will?"

"So then, you'll just keep stringing him along, until one day he finds out from someone other than you how you feel? He'll feel used, and rightfully so. He'll still have to face the heart break, but knowing that he wasted years trying for the affections of someone who would never return them, and that they knew it the whole time, it would only make things more painful. Considering all he's done for you, you owe him a solid answer. Yes, it will hurt him to be rejected, but at least you'd still be friends. It will hurt him so much more being lied to. Tell him how you feel, you owe him that much."

"I, I can't..... I can't do that to him....."

"And that's the fourth thing. Indecisive. You can't make a difficult choice. You avoid making necessary moves because they'll hurt. Overall, it means you don't trust those close to you to handle what you tell them. Like with Fluttershy and the modeling thing. You couldn't bring yourself to tell her, and look how that turned out. You ended up putting unnecessary stress on Twilight, and all your friendships were strained because of it."

"I know! I'm weak and I'm cowardly! The whole reason I'm so stricken with royalty is because then I wouldn't have to make those kinds of decisions....."

"And you're also a fool, because no matter what, you'll have to make those decisions. Royalty even more so. They have a country to run. I do not envy Celestia and Luna. They have to make difficult decisions every day, and if they make the wrong choice, the people suffer." Grif's eyes were soft and caring.

"How can I tell him? How can I tell Spike that? He'll hate me!"

"Well, we COULD always send him a letter." I suggested. Rarity looked at me.

"What? We can. Grif can just cast the spell and send a letter to him, telling him how you feel."

"NO! Under no circumstances! I will not reject him in a letter!"

"Well then, you have to tell him yourself."

"But I....."

"Either you promise.... wait, Grif, what was the thing you said?"

"Pinkie Promise?" He offered.

"Right, either you Pinkie Promise to tell him when you get home, or I'll make the letter and send it right now. So, who would you rather him hear it from, an anonymous letter, or from you?"

"You, you can't! You wouldn't! That's blackmail!" She cried, tears appearing in her eyes.

"And that my dear Rarity," I used a mock high society accent, as well as a pause for dramatic effect, "is why we are pirates. You see, we don't follow the rules. We do what needs to be done regardless of standard. So yes, we can, and unless you make the unbreakable promise, we WILL." I gave a devilish smile. While it will turn out better in the long run, causing these ponies emotional pain and distress is oddly satisfying. I love it.

"Alright.... fine..... cross my heart.... hope to fly..... stick a cupcake in my eye......" She was choking.

"You promise what?"

"I promise that when I get home, I'll tell Spike how I really feel, as soon as I've unpacked."


"Twitchy, twitchy, rub, ache, flop, flutter, twitch, flip, and kick. Rarity just made a Pinkie Promise to tell Spike how she really feels. Poor guy."

Griffin's Room

"So, that's it then. Take these notes. Look them over. If you're dead set on high society, try going for a royal guard. Otherwise, start looking elsewhere. Goodnight Rarity. I hope this was informative. Now, get out of my room, I have things I need to discuss."

Rarity left in tears, having all her flaws just laid out in front of her, knowing them to be true, and now having a difficult task ahead of her, she went to her own room. As soon as the door closed, we heard bawling. Oh well. She needed to learn this sooner or later, and sooner was better. That and making her cry was strangely satisfying. I guess I'm becoming more like the captain every day.

"Do you mind me asking, what was on that blueprint you were so desperate to hide?"

"Well, I don't mind showing you, but don't tell anyone else. It's still in development, and I'll have to have Steelhorn take a look at it to make alterations. I'm not a smith, so this is just an unprofessional idea, he'd have to make it work." He went into his chest and pulled out the paper. It had two chambers, a handle on the bottom a little ways from the back, with a gun stock on the back of it, and a sliding handle halfway through on the side, with a spring mechanism and fan of some sort. Each chamber had a gem in it, with the front leading to shutters which seemed to be connected to a trigger near the back, and lenses in front of the shutters. He smiled brightly. I had no idea what the hell it was.

"I'm not an engineer, mind explaining it?"

"Well, I found out that the ship runs by having a natural generator of a gem give magic energy to powdered gemstones dissolved in water, which is then pumped to other gems for their function. I saw Steelhorn's designs for the weapon he's building for the ship, and I decided to make a smaller version of it. A charged gemstone in the chamber near the back provides the energy, pull the spring loaded handle on the side to turn the waterwheel mechanism inside, pumping the solution through the hoses. It comes in contact with the flat bottom of a triangular gem, which then gives off light via 'lumen', which, when the trigger is pulled, opens the shutters and pours light through the lenses, which is focused into a beam. Basically, it's a laser rifle. we're going to have a big one on the deck that is hooked right into the ship's systems, but I figure the troops could carry these. Perfect accuracy, long range, no fall off from gravity, unlimited ammo. It's a sniper rifle that uses beams. For closer range, they could just hold the trigger down and continually pump the side handle, making it a Super Soaker, but with lasers. As long as they keep pumping the handle, the beam will keep going." He explained.

All the technical stuff went over my head. So he said in layman's terms, 'When you put light through a magnifying glass, but more powerful and portable.'

"Well, why didn't you say that in the first place? By the way, just when the heck did you have time to come up with all this?"

"Well, when I was laying in bed recovering after I had woken up, Steelhorn came down and showed me his plans for the laser cannon he's building on the top deck, so I could give it the once over. Part of the deal was that since I came up with the idea, he'd show me the plans for any innovations first, let me give them the once over. Then, I was allowed to sleep in my own bed, but not allowed to exert myself, so I was bored for a half day, and I drew some sketches, which you see decorating the floor. It's not finished yet. I spent my spare time over the past two days drawing up proper blueprints, although I'll have to change them once I get the crew measurements and I expect that minotaur will be making his own modifications to them, since he's the smith and will actually be making the things. I finally finished the first draft maybe twenty minutes before the party started, which is why I forgot to put it away. We won't be able to build them till we get more gems and supplies and whatnot, but when we do, we'll have a properly armed army in terms of both melee and range." He was almost fanatical when he spoke about his design. It wouldn't be a stretch to say he was obsessed with it. An idea all his own.

"Can you imagine it? Ten small beams from the Romak, picking off enemies, as well as one large one, and the cannons operated by the Lemko for bombardment, all firing off the ship at once? What a sight that would be. And if we deploy them somewhere, all forty of them become capable rangers. It's just point and shoot, no kickback. The easiest gun ever made. Maybe we could even give you a bigger one to use while riding me, since you aren't really that good at offensive spells, you could just charge the gem yourself, snipe an enemy, and then we'd disappear. Of course, you'd have to get more magic endurance. Can't have you fainting when I need you. By the way, those blue potions are there for you too you know. Feel free to use them, as long as you save one for me."

"Will it work though? I mean, it sounds really useful, but will it work?"

"I'm just the idea man. I come up with all the crazy stuff, then I get you guys to make it possible. Whether or not it works will be up to how good Steelhorn is. Considering the fact that he built this ship all on his own, or with at most a skeleton crew, I'd say there's a pretty good chance of this panning out. And if it does..... our enemies won't know what hit them. Walking down the street one day on patrol, a flash of light, no sound, the guard next to you drops dead. There's no blood because it burns the wound shut as it makes it. You turn around, the beam hits your armor, if it's cloth, lighting you on fire, if it's steel, melting it to your skin. No matter what, it's going to hurt, and it can be fired from out of visible range."

Explaining this all to me, how it would work, the strategy, operation, benefits. He did so with a maniac gleam in his eye and a wicked grin. He got great enjoyment from designing weapons, weapons which would be used to kill others in a war. And the strange thing was, I was smiling right along with him. I'm not sure when I changed, when I decided that it was alright to kill, and I'm not sure when I actually started enjoying it. Sometime after we saved Blueblood, but before the bar massacre. I liked killing. I liked helping him kill. Fighting the dragons was the scariest thing I ever did, and I loved every second of it. Now, going over weapon designs that would let us kill more effectively, it was enjoyable. We were having FUN plotting the deaths of others, and I had absolutely no problem with it.

Griffin once told me there are two types of killers. Those who sleep at night and those who don't. We had both taken lives, quite brutally, and while I can't vouch for the rest of the crew, we both slept like the dead.

Wow, Trixie is..... evil...... ME GUSTA. So, this is what Griffin spent his week doing while the mane six were on board. Sorting out their personality problems, and designing a freaking gun.

More art, by Carnelian as usual.

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