• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Gilda (38)


So, I know you all want to know what happened during that week with the mane six on board. I didn't really go into it, because it was from Grif's POV, and it would be hella long. So, I'm making a couple chapters from the POV of each of the characters, in order to get you a little more familiar with them and add to the story. This first one is from the POV of Gilda.

'Dweebs. Dweebs. Dweebs. I can't wait for this week to be over so we can dump the pony parade off and get back to the way things used to be. I'm not too happy about it, but Grif wants us to get along, so, I guess I at least have to try. I still don't get what he finds so awesome about these six, but, he's in charge, and he knows what he's doing. I swear, if Pinkie or Dash try making fun of me, I'll throw them in the ocean at mach two. At least I have Shimmer, but she's a little young yet for me to talk to about problems like this.'

Looking around the main hall, I see the yellow and pink pegasus, with the big blue eyes. Fluttershy was it? Yeah.... Grif said I should talk to her. I don't really get it, I mean, she's timid all the time, she's like a mouse. No way she's cool. That and I have to apologize for Ponyville...... uuugh, let's just get this over with.

"Hey." She turns to look at me at takes a step back, her eyes are shaking. Yep, she remembers me. Why is she so afraid all the time? She looks like she just wants to run away, curl up in a ball and hide. Makes me sick. She should stand up for herself, otherwise she'll just keep getting pushed around.

"Listen, I'll say it once, so listen good, because I won't say it again. About Ponyville, when I yelled at you.... I'm sorry." Bleeeuurgh, I wanna puke. There, at least that's done with.

"Oh, um, okay....." What, that's it? She's not gonna ask why, or give me a hard time, she's just going to say it's done and over with? Oh well, not my problem. I said sorry, she forgave me, so it's over, right?

"It's just, I got so frustrated. I hadn't seen Dash in.... a long time. I just wanted to hang out with her a bit, and the pink one wouldn't leave us alone for even a second. I just wanted to catch up with an old friend, but.... it seems like her new friends were more important to her." What the hell am I doing? Stop! I don't need to explain myself to her! Just walk away! Why can't I walk away?

"So, I got upset, and blew up at the first thing to get in my way, and that was you, and it was wrong." Dumbass! Why can't I stop talking? She's so quiet, it makes an awkward silence, and I just can't shut up!

"Do you, want to go somewhere private to talk about it?" That's odd, she spoke. She's asking me to open up and talk about this? NO! It's not her problem! It's mine! I only ever told Grif, because he's the same! What would she know? I should tell her off and.... those eyes.... why can't I get mad enough to tell her to just take a hike? She's not looking down on me like everyone else...... she, genuinely cares? Why? All I ever did is yell at her, why does she want to talk to me.

They wondered what made you so angry, what made you be like that. They wanted to know your hidden pain and take it away. Grif's words echoed through my head. So that's it. While he didn't know any of them, and his life was hell because of that, there are those who care. They exist to heal.... and she's one of them. Even now, I'm just sitting here, having an inner monologue, and instead of asking me again, she's just waiting patiently for my answer.

"I mean, it's okay if you don't want to.... I mean.. um.. eep!" She backed away. Now she feels like she's overstepped a boundary. She's shaking again, probably afraid that I'll get mad. Stop it, hey, don't do that. Now I feel guilty. Damn it.

"Fine. Let's go." She stopped quivering, looked up, and began to follow me. Shimmer is with the minotaur, so, it'll just be us.

Once in my room, I closed the door and laid down on the bed.

"Just, make yourself comfortable." She looked around, trying to make sure she didn't step on anything, before she sat on the floor.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Oh, um, nothing really... um... you can start." She looked around nervously, and seemed to shrink when she saw my bow and arrow set in the corner. She opted to not look at anything, just sitting there with a blank look on her face, her mane hiding her right eye. I lay on my back on the bed for a couple minutes, silent, before taking a picture frame from my pack. I hadn't shown it to anyone, not even Grif. It was.... my family.

"Um, what is that? Oh, um, if you don't mind telling..... me.... that.. is....."

"It's..... I haven't shown it to anyone..... I swear, don't you ever tell anyone you saw this!" I glared, and she shrank again.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry I asked....." She turned her head so her mane fell over both her eyes, so she wouldn't have to look at me. She acts like it's a shield, but it's just flimsy hair.

"No, it's.... *sigh*.... alright, here, just.... be careful with it...." Passing her the frame, she looked at it carefully before passing it back to me.

"Who are they?" She asked softly, hoping I wouldn't be offended by the question.

"They're, my family. Here's my mom, here's my dad, and... here's me." I pointed out each of the figures. The tiny little bundle of feathers and fur.

"This was taken...... I don't even remember how long ago it was. I was, six? No, seven. We were poor, I mean, all griffins are, but, we had each other. We were together, something most didn't have, and we were happy because of that."

"What happened?" She asked the question, and I tensed up, grabbing the wooden bedpost.

"On my eight birthday, they took me out... to practice flying...... We couldn't go out much, because it was dangerous and..... I got caught. DAMN FUCKING DIAMOND DOGS!" She recoiled at my outburst. I was breathing hard, my memories of that time had come welling back up. I took a minute to calm down, and she seemed a little nervous. I don't blame her now, a potentially violent me and she's defenseless. I let go of the bed post, it had my claw marks in it.

"A net came down and trapped me. My mom and dad came as fast as they could They fought them, but, they lost. My dad lost his right wing. While mom distracted them, he put the detached limb over me to try and hide me. It didn't work. They knocked us all out with gas. When I woke up, I had chains on me, and a harness. I was only eight! They had me pulling carts of gems that would make earth ponies sweat, and I was eight!"

"Oh, I'm.... so sorry...." She took a few steps closer then stopped when I interrupted her.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Besides, the story's not over."

"Oh." She sat back down.

"A year.... a whole year of that. Underground. Coughing, choking on the stale air. Pulling something I had no business pulling. My parents worked hard. Really hard, so the dogs would trust them not to try anything. They, stole a key, and unlocked me. I hid in the darkness, praying to whatever god is supposed to be looking after us griffins, who has been doing a right terrible job at it, that I wouldn't get found. They took my dad to a room, and when he said he didn't know where I was, they beat him, and then cut off his other wing. I was, so afraid..... so scared. I hid, sneaking through the tunnels for three days, no food or water, before I finally got out."

Fluttershy was crying at this point. She dove at me and wrapped her hooves around my neck, pressing herself against me, soaking me with her tears as, against my will, a few of my own escaped.

"So..... the image I have burned in my mind, the one I see every night...... is the one of my mother, telling me they'd be fine, to go, to escape, to live my life and be happy, and to have a happy birthday. I have no idea what happened to them after that. I hate them! I hate them so much! I was barely able to stop myself from killing Etch and Growl on a couple of occasions. Just flying, carrying them. Hey, maybe I could just drop them from up here? And then I remember. They were slaves too. They went through the same thing I did, at the hands of their own species no less."

"That's.... so terrible......"

"And it's not over. I worked hard. I worked myself to the bone, I scrimped and saved and starved, and I moved to Equestria. I went to Cloudsdale, and I met Rainbow Dash. She was..... so confident. I never saw her parents around, but she never let it get to her. She talked about them once in a while. Her dad, nothing was ever good enough. He wanted a colt, so he tried molding her into one. She was tough, strong, fast. They teased her of course, because of her mane and her macho attitude, but she never let it get to her. They called her a 'filly fooler', when nothing could be further from the truth. We grew up together. Eventually... we went our separate ways. I went off and did my own thing, trying to figure out a way I could maybe see my parents again."

"And then?" She asked. I was full on crying now.

"I went and saw her in Ponyville, and she had new friends. She had replaced me! I felt.... so worthless. I thought, it might be okay, maybe she hasn't replaced me, maybe we could catch up, but Pinks would give us a second alone, and then the party, the humiliation, it was just too much. I was so alone, again. I just wanted to die. I didn't care where I went anymore, and ended up drifting to the dragon badlands, where I found Grif. I dragged him back to a cave I had found a bit earlier. He was beaten all his life, and instead of getting sad, he got angry. He could fight back and he knew it! But, his world was different than ours, with different rules. He couldn't fight back there, despite having the ability, his enemies all had friends in high places. He couldn't touch them. He became one great big ball of rage."

"What happened next?"

"Well, we worked together to get some food, I taught him to fly, new body and all, it was new to him. After a couple days, we started getting along pretty well, he wanted to go back to where I found him, to look for clues about how he had gotten there, maybe find something of use. And that's when a dragon showed up."

"A.. d...d...dragon?" Fluttershy stammered. Wow, she really is afraid of everything.

"Yeah, we tried to escape, but it torched me. I couldn't fly anymore. He realized he couldn't escape, even if he left me behind, which he refused to do. That dragon had harder scales than all of these ones, and was at least twice as big. It looked like death itself. He never had any real friends either, and then, having finally found one in me, only for the dragon to try and eat me.... he got MAD. He got this look in his eye that said 'I don't care if the spirits themselves try to strike me down, because I'll live through it, find them, and kick their asses for even thinking of hurting me and my friends.' He flew right up to it, ripped a scale out, and dove down it's throat."


"I thought he was dead, then the dragon starts thrashing around, blowing fire, trying to get him out. It fell over, dead, and he walked out of it's mouth, acting like it was nothing at all. Sure, he freaked the hell out afterwards, but for the moment, he just looked..... I can't explain it. He was bruised, cut up, burned, covered in blood, and he looked beautiful. He's the first friend one who ever stuck their neck out for me since my parents. So, I decided to stay with him. I didn't have much of a choice, not being able to fly and all. He made a salve for my burns, took care of me while I healed, and after I told him my story, he told me he was going to take over half the world, so stuff like that never happens again."


"First I laughed, called him crazy, but when I looked at his face, the same proud face of victory he wore when he did the impossible and saved my life, I suddenly realized, he could do it. He CAN do it, but not without help. My help. So, I joined him. And now, we're famous throughout the known world. Even if we fail, and we can't pull it off, we've made waves. All throughout Equestria, ponies know who we are, and they're starting to figure out what we stand for, especially after we bailed Blueblood out. Odds are, others are going to start following suit. We're gathering support, even if it's just ponies wishing us good luck, they're behind us. It's time for change, and we're going to bring it, whether the world is ready or not, because despite what it wants, this needs to happen NOW. He gave me hope where there was none, and he can do the same for the rest of us. I'd follow him to hell and back. Heck, I already have, the Volcanic Wastes are close enough. That's why he's the captain."

I was never much for motivational speaking, but, something about Grif ignited a fire in my heart. The way he does things, going overboard and lashing out at the slightest provocation, making the WORLD know that he's not one to mess with, and he's not going to get pushed around. Damn it, now I'm acting like a school girl crushing on the storm ball captain. Except he's a pirate, and by his definition, a loser.

"He's, kind of scary....." My thoughts were interrupted by the soft voice of the pony hugging me, and I had unconsciously begun combing her mane with my claw.

"Nah, just talk to him. He acts all tough, but when he's not fighting, he's just a big softy. By the way, he happens to like you, something about adorable or something, and he's really soft, well, when he's not wearing his armor. One thing I know about him, is he knows people, or ponies, better than they know themselves. He'll act different depending who he's around. If you walk up to him, he'll turn into a big soft marshmallow, because that would make you the most comfortable."

"Oh, um, okay, I will." She blushed at the mention of a pirate captain thinking she's adorable.

"Oh and Fluttershy....... thanks......"

Pretty good. I like it. it's a bit of a distraction from the plot, and it goes more in depth as to what happened.

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