• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Hello Everypony (95)

Hello Everypony


"So, finally back to Ponyville. Steelhorn is going to go deal with Silver and get us our paycheck, a bunch of ponies are getting dropped off, we'll be here for a day or two, might as well relax for a bit."

I went human and had Gilda fly me down. We were still on our 'separation', but we both had something to do in town, show she brought me down. I didn't pry as to what she was doing. Walking through town, I took in the peaceful surroundings. Foals at play, pegasi flitting through the clouds, ponies setting up their market stalls, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being bitches. Again. Seriously, leave the crusaders alone.

"Hello again!"

"Griffin!" The four ran to me to say hi.

"Yeah yeah ya little scamps, those two ain't givin ya trouble now are they? Especially after last time" I grinned darkly.

"Hmph, we're not afraid of you. There's nothing you can do to.... what happened to your wing?" They said, eyes opening in shock.

"A dragon ate it." I deadpanned.

"Did it hurt?" Scootaloo asked nervously, buzzing her own wings occasionally.

"Incredibly. Got ripped right off. She ate it, bones and all. Said it tastes like chicken."

"But.... you can't fly anymore.... how are you gonna keep it up?"

"I'll be getting a replacement in a week. I'm gonna be a cyborg. Like from science fiction."

"Coooooool." The prissy pants parade didn't have anything to say to that, so they just left.

"Anyways, what are you up to?"

"Oh crap! We're gonna be late! Dad said I could have Applebloom and Sweetie Bell over for a sleepover!" Did...... did Scootaloo just say crap? Did Scootaloo just say dad?

"Buh..." I quickly recovered. "I mean, but, it's first thing in the morning...."

"Well yeah, we're gonna spend all day setting it up! It's gonna be the best sleepover party ever! Gonna run!" And then the three of them zoomed off to parts unknown. I..... I don't even know. I think I'll just go find somewhere to chill out. Finding a restaurant to get some breakfast, I ate quickly before finding my way to the park and laying on the bench, my wingless side to the back rest so it wouldn't get in the way. I might have dozed off for a bit before I heard a voice.

"Um.... are you Griffin?" I opened my eyes and turned to see a pony with a pen and note pad, as well as a cricket on her shoulder. 'Journalist....... well, it's about time.'

"Yeah, I am."

"Hi.... my name is Puppy Love, and this is Dave..." She motioned to the cricket. "Do you mind if I interview you?"

"Yeah, sure. I've been dodging the press long enough. Might as well get the full story out there."


I flew down into the little town which, I'll admit, isn't actually so bad once you get used to it. Grif went off to do whatever while Steelhorn does his thing. The rest of the crew didn't bother, as they all had stuff to do. Me.... I need to go have a talk with a certain six ponies. I need advice, and since Grif seems to think they know what they're doing, well, well enough, it might as well be them. I knocked on the library door, which of course was kind of stupid since it's a public library, but all the same, courtesy. I knocked anyways, then entered, the purple one was busy putting away books. She turned and when she saw me, was a little bit startled.

"Oh.... Gilda.... um...... nice? of you to drop by. Can I help you with something?"

"Actually...... yeah. Can you get your friends to come over.... there's something I need to talk about, and for whatever reason, Griffin trusts you, so I figured you might be able to give me a bit of advice."

"Um... alright then, just.... wait here. I'll go get the girls." And just like that, she was out the door. Maybe a half hour passed which consisted of me idly poking at books, trying to find one I was interested it. That attempt failed miserably, as nothing in that tree caught my eye. All I had succeeded in doing was putting several books in the wrong places. All six of them trotted in, and Twilight brought out a table and some chairs for us to sit at. Everyone cautiously took their seats, especially the yellow one, Fluttershy. She seriously needs to buck up, but, I guess she's alright in her own way.

"So.... Gilda... what do you want to talk about?" Twilight asked.

"Well..... here's the thing... see..... can you send the dragon somewhere else..... no offense, but this is kind of an adult conversation...."

"Don't have to ask me twice. If you're all gonna talk about mushy romance stuff, I'll just go hang out with Snips and Snails." He couldn't bail out fast enough. I was thankful for that.

"Okay, so, here goes. I've been in heat for the past two weeks, and, I did something I shouldn't have." So, I explained it to them. How I would have felt guilty, what I tried tricking him into doing, for my sake and Nadene's, without really thinking about how he felt, and how just like that, he'd forgiven me, so long as we gave him his space for the next while.

"Well..... we all get a little crazy now and then, and what you did was wrong, but you're not yourself. He understands that, so he won't hold it over you." The prissy one, Rarity explained. "He must really love you to be able to just let something like that go. I mean, I know it's normal here, but something like that goes against who he is. For him to just let it go...."

"Understatement of the century there. He bought a ring. A wedding ring. He almost threw it out after what I did." He did throw it out, I just got it back. "But, in the end, he kept it and said 'maybe later'. Can you believe it? Marriage! I know it won't be for a while yet, but he's clearly thinking about asking me to marry him!"

"Well.... I don't see a problem with it.... if you're both happy..." Fluttershy spoke up.

"Well...... there's the other thing. When he got high on the catnip, we did it, while I was in heat........"

"I don't get it...." Dash tilted her head to the side.

"It means....." I was about to explain.

"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!" Aaaaaaand there's Pinkie Pie.

"Well... not exactly. It's not for sure, but there's a good chance. Like, a really good chance."

"I'm not sure what you want us to do about it....." The farmer, Applejack said.

"Well.... I don't know whether or not I'm pregnant, and I figured since miss purp... I mean, Twilight is so smart and good with magic and whatnot, she could find out."

"Well. that's simple enough. Go lay on the couch."

I did as she asked, laying belly up on her couch as she slowly ran her horn above my stomach as it softly glowed. A couple minutes passed and a small spot on me began glowing as well. I don't like the look of it.

"Well.... that's that. I don't know whether to say sorry or congratulations, you're going to be a mother."

"Are... .are you sure?"

"This is a spell that detects impurities. Basically, anything that isn't 'you' starts glowing. Unless it's a tumor or a piece of metal lodged in there....."

"No...... I can't be..."

"Well, you are."

"Don't you get it? I can't be a parent! Listen, when I first came to Ponyville, what did I do? You all remember, don't you? I am mean. I am petty. Let's face it, I'm a bitch! I'll be a terrible mother! And Grif.... oh, geez, Grif..... How is he gonna raise a kid properly when he wasn't raised right himself? Half the time, he still acts like he's a kid himself. And then, our mission! If I'm pregnant, and then taking care of a kid, how am I supposed to fight? How can we take care of a kid if we do fight? How do you raise a child on a ship, always on the move? Or, do we leave our child behind with someone else while we go take on the world? Or do we put em up for adoption... just because we can't be bothered? Or...... do I...... I know there are doctors who...." Suddenly, I felt a hoof on either side of my head, and two giant, stern blue eyes set in a yellow head, and framed by a pink mane, were glaring right into my own.

"You are NOT getting an abortion. You hear me!" I couldn't look away. "You're carrying an innocent child, and you are not going to do something so despicable just because it would make life hard." Of course, she'd have a strong position on this. "I don't care if you kill dragons that are trying to eat ponies... or griffins, or diamond dogs, or if you get rid of slavers that make ponies miserable, but an unborn baby! Say it! Say you won't!"

"I...I....I won't." I had no choice. That shy little mare suddenly put forth a will so powerful, so dominating, I literally couldn't do anything but agree with her. It's like she was crushing my soul using her own. Is... is this 'The Stare' Grif was talking about?

"I won't.... but, still, I'm scared. I don't know what to do."

"Well darling, first thing you need to do is tell him." Rarity pointed out.

"I know, but, I can't. Not yet. I.... I can't yet. I'm not ready to tell him. What if he gets angry? What if he leaves?"

"Gilda, come on. We both know him." Dash started. "He doesn't run away from anything. And he's not gonna get mad either."

"Except that the reason I'm......... pregnant..... it's because I made a mistake. He didn't want this. I forced it on him, and now I'll be forcing parenthood on him too. I can't do that..... If he were to just walk away, he'd have every right to."

"Which is why when you tell him..... you should be among friends. Break it to him easy, give him room to breathe, and don't push for him to make a decision. Let him make up his own mind." Where the hell did the little shy one get so smart? It's like she's been through this, or maybe because she's the 'element of kindness' she's an empath and can understand what people are going through without going through it herself.... Nope, not gonna think about it. Don't wanna make a 'sub-plot' as Grif would call it. And now I think my life is a story. After reading Griffin's journal, I'm as crazy as he is. Maybe that's a good thing.

"I know I can't tell him yet, not so soon after what happened..... I'll give it a couple months, till I'm ready, then tell him."


"So, that's about it. Anything else?"

"No, I think that's good. Thank you for your time." Puppy Love started to walk away. I have to say, she's one of the few, SANE ponies in this world, and she has a talking cricket ride her around.

"Oh, hey, wait."

"Hmm?" She turned back to look at me.

"Of all those 'humans' out there that you've found, have you ever actually seen what a human looks like?"

"Well, no...."

"Then how do you know it's real, and that we're not just crazy?"

"There's way too many for it to be an isolated incident, and for so many to show up with the SAME craziness, it's too convenient. Still, I don't actually have any solid PROOF, just a theory without any holes in it...."

"What if I told you I could give you that proof?"

"Oh? How?"

"Well, by turning human."

"You can do that?"

"Yeah. Watch." I removed my amulet, said the magic words, and felt my body change. I stood tall and cracked my back, then sighed in relief. "Well? You gonna get a picture or what?"

"Oh! Right! Okay, let me just set up the equipment...." After a time, which I assume she spent setting up a camera, I felt something under my right hand. "Okay so, just put your hand on my head so everypony can see how tall you really are, and I'll set off the camera from here. I'm in the photo so they'll be able to tell it's real." I lifted my hand up and put it on top of her head, ruffling her mane slightly as I heard a click. "Alright. Done. Thanks again."

"No problem."

"Um... if you don't mind me asking.... why are you wearing sunglasses?" She asked.

"Well.... that would be..." I looked to where I thought she was. "because I have no eyes." I removed my glasses to let her see the empty sockets. I could practically feel her shudder before I put them back on.

"Okay, creepiness aside, that's good. Certifiable proof of aliens in Equestria! I'm gonna be famous! I mean, you already told the princesses, and a bunch of other ponies, but I'm the first one to actually get a picture of a human!" She made a sound which I believe to be clapping her hooves together. I decided that I was tired of having to guess what was going on, so I turned back into a griffin, my vision coming back just in time for me to notice Diamond Tiara looking at me. She saw me transform. She merely stood there with her jaw hanging down.

"Standing there with your mouth open is unbecoming of a lady." I walked over and poked her on the forehead, which caused her to fall off her hooves onto her side, the aforementioned limbs sticking out rigidly.

"Aaaaaand she's gone. Might want to get her home... or something."

"Yeah.... by the way... your hands are.... really nice..... They feel good.... in the mane..."

"Okay then? I'm just gonna go now. See ya around.... maybe..." And then I laid back down on the bench.


"Wait.... he does seapony style? Like, all the time?" Dash said with her eyes wide. I'm not sure how, but the conversation had inevitably turned to bedroom practices.

"Oh...... my....." Fluttershy blushed heavily.

"Well, apparently that's the way they NORMALLY do it." I explained. "Face to face, feeling his warm breath on me, oh, and then when he turns human and uses his hands........ ARG! If all the humans here took their true forms, spa ponies everywhere would go out of business! And then he wraps his arms around me and squeezes me with his hands, and THEN he runs his hands through my feathers, letting his fingers separate them and push the skin underneath ever so gently, all along the entire wing, top and bottom, and buries his face is my neck feathers ans kisses all along while nuzzling. When he changes form.... he's like a really big teddy bear that gives sensual massage. His skin is so smooth too..... I just want to hug the life out of him and never let him go, and that's all BEFORE the sex."

"Well, if it's like THAT, I can hardly blame you for doing what you did. He ought to know better than to cut you off entirely."

"And then I gently run my claws all over his arm, which makes him shudder. Apparently, it's really tingly, and then I run em through his hair, and then down his side as I slip his pants off...."

"He wears CLOTHES?!?!?"

"Yeah, humans wear clothing all the time. Their society actually has a nudity taboo. And in some places, it's actually illegal."

"Doesn't he know that wearing pants is... you know....."

"No, he hasn't got a clue! He's got no idea that pants are considered 'bedroom wear'. When we're done and he gets dressed before changing back.... he dresses in layers."

"Oh...... my..." Applejack was blushing now.

"And then he does this thing with his tongue........" Dash, who was flying at the time, had her wings lock straight out, causing her to fall to the floor with a crash.

"He uses his tongue?!" She exclaimed.

"Hi girls, I'm back." Spike picked that moment to walk back into the library, carrying a number of cupcakes. "What'd I miss?"

"Oh... nothing.... just girl talk..." I said nonchalantly.

"Then why are Rainbow's wings 'standing at attention?" Everyone looked at him in shock.

"What? It was in that anatomy book you showed me Twilight. 'Spike, you're getting older, and I'm sure you'll soon start feeling things, so I got you this book to explain, blah blah blah.' Yes, I did read it. 'In pegasi, during times of arousal of any nature, including but not limited to excitement, fear, anger, or sexual tension, the wings spread wide. This has many different functions, depending on the nature of the arousal. For excitement, it is to act quickly, for fear, it is to escape, in anger, to make the pegasus appear larger and more intimidating, and in terms of sexual tension, it provides balance during coitus, while at the same time making the sensitive nerves normally used for flight available, which can be manipulated by skilled hooves to cause relaxation.' He quoted. "She doesn't look upset, excited, or afraid, so there's really only one explanation. You had me leave so you could talk about your love lives. Not that I'd WANT to stick around and listen to all that mushy stuff instead of, say, eating cupcakes........so, want any?"

The looks on their faces when they heard the so called 'baby' dragon talking so nonchalantly about something they all blush about, even in privacy... was priceless.

"Hey Gilda. About ready to go?" Grif soon followed, his usual, wingless self. The pegasi in the room, upon seeing his left side void of something that should be there, immediately snapped their wings to their sides, imagining themselves in the same situation.

"Just about. Still got a while before we have to go."

"We could always have tea..." Rarity suggested.

"Sure, I could go for a cup. Just a sec...." And, right in front of the ponies, he turned human again. "Chairs are so uncomfortable as a griffin." He said as he felt around, grabbed a chair, and sat on it. All but Twilight and myself were wide eyed. "Oh, right, I forgot, most of you haven't seen me like this yet. This is what I used to look like, well, mostly." I could see the looks in their eyes, the confusion, the wonder, the amazement. Well actually, no I couldn't, but I'm sure I could imagine.

"Aaaaand, suddenly everything is quiet. I'm blind now ya know, so I can't see the looks on your faces."

"Gilda.... why is Griffin missing his wing.... and his eyes?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I think he can explain that better than you can, since he was there." He let out a sigh, then began.

"Ember. You remember Ember right? From the Grand Galloping Gala? The black dragon that beat Luna into the dirt. Well..... I ran into her. As it turns out, she's actually crazy, and needed my help to get her 'un-crazy'. I had two options. Go in there and kill her, or try and knock some sense into her. I picked the second one. In the middle of fixing her head, she grabbed my wing, ripped it off, and ate it, feathers, bones and all. She said it tasted like chicken. I had to turn human to escape, and I got away, but she got my eyes."

Pretty much everyone was silent after that. Nobody wanted to think about what had happened to him a mere two weeks ago, something he was now apparently.... totally okay with?

"What's it like.... transforming?" Twilight asked.

"It's... odd. Kind of like growing in high speed. What's more awkward though is the changes you go through between forms. For example, I'm 21 now, and full grown. I've already been through puberty. But griffins have a longer life span and reach maturity later. Turning into a griffin, I'm fully grown at 20, but that's when puberty starts, but instead of growing, the feathers change colour...... so basically, I have to go through being a hormone crazed teenager AGAIN..... which, not surprisingly, accounts for my immaturity and mood swings. I knew something was off, but I only realized what it was when I changed back and forth so many times I was able to figure it out. I'm much more mellow, and reasonable, when I'm in this form, and I think it helps me think more clearly."

"You know, I'd like to run some tests......" The librarian began.

"Nope. You know the deal. Until you figure out how the heck hooves work for holding things and can explain it in a manner I understand, I'm not giving you any of my notes on magic or letting you do any tests on me." She pouted angrily.

"So.... if you're missing a wing, how are you gonna fly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I have a genius doctor and robotics engineer on board. Next time you see me, I'll be part robot."

"I'd LOVE to see how that works...." Twilight got a certain gleam in her eye......

"Well Grif, it's time to go. Schedule to keep and all. Let's get out of here before she dissects you." With that, I threw him on my back and took off towards the ship. Spending some time with just some girls was nice, and it was good to catch up with Rainbow, but they're still ponies. So innocent and naive, annoyingly so, to the point that they think their way of life is the only way. And Pinkie Pie..... Pinkie Pie........

Dear Princess Celestia,

Do you know how to regrow body parts? I've misplaced a few of mine.

Sincerely Griffin

Puppy Love is a cross with 'Puppy Love's Chess Game' by Nathan Traveler. If the chapter with Griffin's interview isn't out yet, it will be soon, and when it is, I'll update this chapter with the link.


The chapter is out now, here's the link.

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