• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,026 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

12: The Unexpected Guest

Another few weeks had passed since the whole godfather incident, as I had come to call it, happened and I had ensured that I stayed beside Luna for every possible moment. The only times I really had to leave her be was when she slipped into her little dream world, but I made sure that I wasn’t too far away when she did so. I had to be there for her, because if anything Celestia had said was true – and she had yet to lie to me – it meant that there was a very big risk of losing her, and I sure as shit wasn’t about to let that happen.

During one of her trips to the dreamscape, I came up with what I assumed would be a good idea – a night out. I’d rarely been outside the castle and Luna pretty much kept to the throne room, our room, and her little dream sanctuary. I’d talked to Celestia about it, and despite her initial apprehension she agreed with me that it would be a good way to help the populace accept the fact that I existed and that wasn’t a bad thing. So long as they didn’t make me angry, of course.

After talking over the details with Luna, we’d managed to set a date where she’d be free from her royal duties. Today was that day, and while Luna was taking her sweet time in the bathroom, I was plodding around the bedroom, trying to get all I needed to make myself halfway presentable.

“Aedan…” Luna called from the bathroom, “are you sure that this is a good idea? You know that you aren’t exactly the most popular resident in Equestria.”

“That’s kind of why I think we should do this,” I answered back, throwing on an undershirt before walking over to my dresser. “I mean, I’ve been here for nearly a year, and I’ve only left the castle grounds a total of seven times, and each of those times it’s been to get some doughnuts.” I paused, a small frown growing on my face as I pulled out one of the nicer blue and silver shirts that Rarity had made for me and looked towards the bathroom. “Doughnuts that always go missing for some reason.”

“I thought I told you that if anyone was pilfering your doughnuts, it was my sister!” Luna responded in a defensive tone, making a small grin creep to my face. “She likes to hide it, but every diplomat and noble knows to bring her a confectionary before asking a favor of her.”

“And yet I’ve never seen doughnut crumbs on her clothes.” I retorted, sliding my shirt over my body. “That and she rarely, if ever, comes into our room.”

There was a long period of silence in the room, causing a small grin to creep across my face. After another minute or two Luna finally decided to speak up.

“I despise you.”

I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. It was funny when I caught Luna lying about something, and to top it off she looked absurdly cute when she’d been caught. The thought of her expression after my snark was enough to get a laugh out of me, and her comment at the end was just the cherry on top of the whole exchange. After her little outburst, my attention turned to the clock on the wall. 18:00. We needed to get going if we wanted to make the reservations that I’d asked Celestia to set at that restaurant I knew Luna loved.

“Are you ready yet, dear?” I asked, slipping on a nice pair of black leather shoes. At least, Rarity called them “leather”. I didn’t want to question what leather was here, since it might lead someone here to question what I’d thought it was made of. “I’m sure you wouldn’t want to keep Night Wing and his plus one waiting.”

“Why must he come along?” Luna asked, still inside the bathroom and ignoring my question. “He knows full well that we are capable of keeping ourselves safe.”

“Well, he insisted because it’s his job to ensure you’re safe,” I began, letting out a sigh, “and besides, he’s the kid’s godfather. Don’t you think we both should spend more time with him? I mean, we already know him pretty well, but it’s nice to relax with friends every once in a while, right?”

“I suppose,” Luna answered, “but what of the plus one as you say? Was it necessary for another to join the three of us?”

“You’ve never been the third wheel, Luna,” I replied, shaking my head. Granted, neither was I, but I do remember feeling bad for Gordon when he came out to hang with me and one of my many girlfriends back in high school. “I thought it’d be nice to offer the opportunity, at least.”

“A kindness that is most admirable.” Luna said, finally stepping out of the bathroom. “However, I’m left to wonder just who Night Wing will try to impress with his close relationship to us.”

“Oh come on, I don’t think he’ll be that bad,” I laughed, sliding my pants on before turning to face her. “Night Wing’s one of those…”

My thoughts trailed off the moment I set my sights on Luna. The way the lights from the bathroom shone off her midnight blue hair and darkened skin only seemed to amplify the beauty that she already possessed. A fact driven even further home by her choice of attire.

It was modest by Luna’s standard as a princess – dark blue and loosely held onto her body by a single shoulder strap that started from her right shoulder and descending to her left armpit, turning it into generous swathes of light blue fabric that barred any peeks at her sinfully delicious chest. As my eyes continued to travel downward, I saw that the lighter blues surrendered to much darker tones of the same color, especially when it wrapped around the now obvious bulge that was my big middle finger to thousands of enraged higher class citizens in this country. Finally, my eyes traveled down to her legs, expecting to see the second amazing feature that I’d ever noticed on her. Sadly, they were covered by a frilled mixture of dark and light blues, ending just shy of her toes, giving me a glimpse of the black high heels she was sporting.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, drawing my attention back to her face. “Is my ensemble not what you would consider proper?”

“What? Oh no,” I said, shaking my head a few times before walking over to her, “I, well…” I had to stop for a moment to think of what to say without digging myself a grave. Heaven knows the last thing we need is me saying something utterly stupid to ruin the evening before it had even started.

“It’s what?” Luna asked, placing her hands on her hips in an attempt to look stern. “Out with it.”

Without a word, I took hold of one of her hands and brought it to to her stomach as I took another step forward, leaving only inches between us as I finally figured out what I was going to say. “I just never thought I’d see you like this…” I managed to breathe out with a heartfelt smile.

There was a pause from Luna as she processed what I had said. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

I really should have seen that question coming. “Uh…” I began, my smile long gone as I started to think. Again. “Well, I never really thought any of this would happen.”


“You know, this,” I answered, pointing to her stomach before patting it gently. “I never thought that I’d be the kind of guy to have a kid, let alone with a woman like you. To see it like this still kinda blows my mind.”

An adorable smile graced Luna’s face as she rose to the tips of her toes and quickly pressed her lips to mine. “Either you sincerely mean what you have just said,” she began, wrapping an arm around my neck, “or you managed to cleverly avoid my hand coming to the side of your head.”

“Can it be a little bit of both?” I laughed, wrapping my free arm around her back so I could pull her in even closer.

“In any case, it worked.” She hummed, nuzzling my nose with hers. “Now come, I wouldn’t wish to keep Night Wing and his plus one waiting. ‘Twould be most impolite of us.”

“As you wish, my dear,” I replied with a cheeky grin as I scooped her up in my arms, forcing her to let out a little squeak, like the world’s sexiest chew toy. “I’d hate to offend you, your majesty.”

I took a step forward, almost losing my balance as I did so. It wasn’t so much that she’d gained weight, which she had without saying – there was a little person growing in her belly. It was more an issue with balance. Last time I’d carried her she didn’t have such a bump. Despite the setback, I managed to retain a dose of competence and continued forward without Luna asking me what was wrong and forcing me into another corner where I knew that I was going to be smacked in the head.

Before I could try to shift her body to where I could reach for the handle, the entire door was surrounded in a faint, sapphire hue. I looked down to the woman in my arms. The smile on her face was undoubtedly cheeky, and I obviously wasn’t as smooth as I thought when I nearly fumbled her. I couldn’t help but smile myself as the door slid open, allowing the light from the dying day to shine in our bedroom.

“Showoff,” I grumpled, leaning in for a quick nuzzle.

“I wouldn’t want to harm your oh-so-fragile pride,” she replied cutely, returning the affection. “Now quickly; as I have said before, we mustn’t keep Night Wing waiting.”

“That won’t be necessary,” a voice said from the halls, “because I’m already here.”

The two of us turned our attention from one another to the stallion that stood in the doorway. He was dressed surprisingly well: he was head to hoof in a uniform that closely resembled what I used to wear when I was in the Marines, though the navy blue and red were switched out for black and grey. A small collection of medals were pinned to his chest, as well as one that hung around his neck. Finally, he held a beret under his leathery wing, stitched with the symbols of both Princesses, but it was clear which of the two that he had originally pledged his allegiance to.

“Damn son,” I smiled, slowly placing Luna on the ground, “you clean up nice.”

“I try to keep my looks low key,” Night Wing replied looking over his attire. “Gotta give the other stallions a chance.”

“I never knew you had such confidence,” Luna smirked, making her way towards him.

Night Wing puffed his chest up with pride, as Luna’s comment seemed make his ego reserves overflow. “Well when you look-”

“I also didn’t know you were so disillusioned,” she finished, cutting him off, her smile as wide as I’ve ever seen it.

I managed to hold back my laughter as Luna’s words sunk in. Night Wing’s smile faded, his chest fell flat and his shoulders sank low. The moment his head dropped between his forelegs was when I lost it. Luna rarely, if ever, made jokes, and even more rarely a funny one. This one was pure gold. A few moments passed and my cackling finally subsided, leaving only silence. Minus the sound of my body trying to replenish minimum supplies of oxygen.

“You done?” Night Wing asked, taking a deep breath.

“As of now I am,” I nodded, breathing regularly once again. “Where’s your date anyway? I thought you said that you had a real looker.”

“Oh, she is,” Night Wing replied, growing a suspiciously devious grin. “In fact, you could say that she’s too much of a looker.”

“What the hell is that supposed to…” My voice trailed off the moment I noticed Luna and Night Wing’s staring down the hall. Night Wing’s grin remained, but Luna’s face flushed a dark red. Oh he didn’t.

I stepped out into the hall, turning to face the direction the two were staring, and what I saw easily won ‘Most Awkward Situation of the Week’.. It was a mare, an adorable one at that, adorned in her own military uniform – a female version of Night Wing’s, to be specific – complete with tiny heels and mini-skirt. Of course, the outfit wasn’t the issue. That belonged to the pony that wore it.

“Star Rider…” I managed to mumble out before looking back to Night Wing, “seriously?”

“She’s the one who said yes,” he answered, looking back to me. “Besides, you said I could take anyone.”

“You cheeky dickwaffle,” I replied automatically, before my brain kicked in again and I could continue my statement. “Even I didn’t see this one coming.”

“Well you should have.” The pride that was once lost manifested itself into Night Wing once more as his head rose to it’s pre-jeer form. “Considering that you’ve known me for close to a year now.”

“I’ll remember to keep that in mind the next time I want to do something nice for you,” I remarked, reaching toward Luna. The poor woman was still frozen in awkward eye contact with Night Wing’s choice for a date. “Come on Luna. We wouldn’t want to be late to the restaurant, right?”

Luna shook her head a few times before turning her attention back to me with an awkward grin. “Y-yes… indeed,” she nodded, doing her best to regain her composure. “We must be punctual, as it would be most unbecoming of us if we were late to our reservation.”

With that, Luna made her way to the front gates of the castle grounds, Night Wing following only a few steps behind. That left only me and Star Rider, making it all the more awkward for the both of us. It wasn’t like we hadn’t seen each other in months – in fact, we crossed paths a day ago – but we sure as hell didn’t talk to one another. The most I ever said to her after she came back from the Crystal Empire was ‘Hello’, and she would normally nod and look away before I could see her face turn red from embarrassment, which made it all the more embarrassing for me.

Granted, she wasn’t the first individual to walk in on me doing something less than decent with a woman, and I’ve walked in on a friend or two trying to make copies on more than one occasion, but I always managed to laugh it off and, on rare occasions, congratulate said friend with a high five or fist bump mid stride. Star Rider, however, was very different, and given the red growing on her face as she looked at me she still hadn’t managed to wipe the memory from her mind.

“You look nice,” I said with a small smile, trying to take some of the tension out of the room, “I didn’t know you actually had a dress uniform.”

Star Rider’s ears shot up as her golden feline eyes met mine before she looked to her uniform and away from me. “T-thank you,” she mumbled, “I… I rarely get a chance to wear it.”

“Well, I’m glad that you’ve gotten the chance tonight,” I said with a sign. She wasn’t going to make this easy. As I stood there trying to think of something to say, the obvious icebreaker popped into my head. “So, Night Wing, eh?” I began placing my hands in my pocket. “Sure was nice of him to ask you to tag along.”

“Um, yeah it was,” she replied, finally looking up to me once more. “But in hindsight, I really should’ve seen this coming. He can’t pass up an opportunity to mess with me.”

“That makes two of us.” I nodded with a laugh, inwardly pumping my fist in triumph. I’d finally found some common ground with her! Maybe this night won’t be a bust after all.

“I just thought he actually wanted to spend some time with me off duty,” she agreed, mirroring my laugh before it faded. “For once…”

“What?” I asked, not really believing what I just heard.

“N-nothing!” Star Rider said quickly, spreading her leathery wings to their full length. “I didn’t say anything! I swear!”

I was a little shocked by her adm– okay, I was really shocked by her admission, But I was already running with it. For all the hell he’s given me, Night Wing was a pretty good guy, and seeing him with somebody would make me happy. All I had to do was somehow get him to see his subordinate as something more. Of course, maybe he already did and he was holding back for some reason? I didn’t know Night Wing all that well concerning his personal life, so maybe I was missing something. Since she clearly pays attention to him, maybe I should ask her more about him?

“Y’know, I haven’t really gotten to know Night Wing outside of being of guard, too. I don’t suppose you can tell me anything about what he’s like?”

“Um…” She hesitated for a long while before responding to my question. “He’s really sweet when he wants to be, but his focus more often than not falls on his duties as a guard. The only time I’ve really seen him joke around is with you… sir.”

That… wasn’t much to go on, but I guess it means he really needs either a girl or some hobbies. I mean, even when I was in the military I still knew that I could run around and have my fun, whether it was with friends, alcohol, women, or any mixture of those three. Eventually I might need to have a talk with him; then again, if I was able to find the time during this date I could easily get two bats with the proverbial stone.

“Well I suppose that means I have a few things to discuss with Night Wing when I-”

“Wha-what’s that supposed to mean?!” Star Rider suddenly interrupted, her cheeks flushing red, “If you go to him and start-”

“Easy there, Flicka,” I said, putting my hand up passively, “I was just going to ask him about what he does when the armor’s off. What did you think I was going to say?”

She was blushing furiously at that remark, and her mouth flapped uselessly for a bit as she struggled to recover. When she finally did manage to say something, it was a choked plea. “P-please don’t do that again sir.”

I chuckled. “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. We should probably hurry up.” I didn’t want to push her too far, and that last bit was true enough. We’d lagged behind Night Wing and Luna quite a bit.

As we both sped up, I figured I may as well go for gold. “One last thing, Star Rider.”

“Yes, sir?”

“You’ve never had to call me sir, it’s just Aedan. Alright?”

“Understood, si– Aedan.” She almost tripped herself up with my name on that last part, but she seemed to be getting used to me. Still, this was the first bit of me trying to patch things up with her after our… disastrous first meeting.

The two of us practically sprinted towards our counterparts, meeting them just before they reached the castle gates. There was a brief pause among all of us, as if we were possibly reconsidering out little night out, but after a few quiet nods towards each other we turned to the gate guard with wishful smiles.

“Guard,” Luna stated, pointing to the one closest to the lever. “Open the gates.”

“Yes, your majesty!” he responded with a quick salute before reaching for the lever and pulling hard.

With a loud clunking noise, the latch that held the gate closed swung open, allowing the gate to slowly rise from the ground and adding a sense of awe to a rather mundane event. We stood there for a good minute, watching the gate slowly rise until, finally, it stopped at the top, revealing a crowded and boisterous capital that I clearly wasn’t prepared to face. Much to my surprise, I felt Luna’s hand intertwine with mine, giving it a firm squeeze as reassurance.

I looked to Luna, who in turn looked at me. I could tell that there was a little bit of insecurity in her eyes, but she did her best to hide it with her adorable smile. “Together?” she asked, giving my hand yet another squeeze before she pulled me in close.

“Together,” I repeated, laying my head on hers as we took our first steps into Canterlot, ready for just about anything the place could throw at us.

Author's Note:

Hey lookie here folks a new chapter! Let's get reading!
The Godfather incident eh? Well better not tell De Niro, Pacino, Brando or the rest of the lot.
Hey a nice dinner out. Good thinking Big guy, it will end in one of two ways, she'll have a great time or it will be an disaster... and given how luck has been for these two lately... I worry.
Damnit Luna... stealing Aedan's doughnuts.
Hey they're bringing Ol' Night Wing and his 'plus one'... wonder who it'll be?
Oh wow... even with an obvious baby bulge Luna is still gorgeous.
Well this is going to be... wait what? Oh shit Aedan THINK!
Smooth save you crazy Irish bastard, smooth save.
So Aedan calls Luna the worlds sexiest chew toy... I wonder what got him to think of that analogy?
Steady... steady... STEADY! OH SHI-Magic mother hubbard
Hey Night Wing cleans up nice, and he seems to... OOOOOH! Hey Nighty, need some ointment for that BURN?!
Alright who'd Night Wing bring to the... shit.
Hey Star Rider. Remember me? If you could just forget about the time you rushed into our room and saw me making Luna squeal like a little girl that'd be great...
Cheeky dickwaffle... greatest... reference... ever...
Awkward silence between the man who went where no man had ever gone before... and the pony sworn to protect her.
Well Night Wing seems to be kind of a... wait, WHAT did she say?!?
Night Wing really, REALLY needs to get laid... fortunately for him, his buddy Aedan is on the case!
Star Rider, the more you deny it, the harder you'll fall...
Good Guy Aedan, never call him a sir.
Alright, the city's before them, their misgivings behind, wonder how this little shindig will turn out? Honestly there's only ONE man who knows... and he's not telling you people... at least not yet. He still wants you to read the rest of this thing after all.