• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,026 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

22: The End (Epilogue)

I woke up the the distinct sound of my son crying. I knew it so well because he almost never cried, unlike his sister who’d I’d akin to a tornado siren in Missouri between April and June. I groggily looked to the clock at my side, 15:00.

“At least I got an hour of sleep this time.” I groaned, turning over to Luna, who’d curled into a ball, trying to shield herself from the crying. “Come on babe, your son’s awake.”

“Before moonrise, he’s your son.” She mumbled through her pillow.

“Come on Luna,” I moped, lightly shaking her shoulder, “I’ve gotten up the past six times, it’s your tur–”

Before I could finish talking I was frozen in place, surrounded by a sapphire hue. Moments later I found myself floating off the bed and slowly moving towards the edge.There was no point in even trying to fight, for I was but a man, Luna was a goddess, and she damn well knew that. I could imagine the smug little grin on her face as she manipulated me with what I could only assume to be a single finger, it only made me envy her even more.

As soon as I found myself completely over the floor the hue of her magic subsided, dropping me to hit the ground with a loud thud. A grunt passed through my teeth as I hit, I really would’ve appreciated it if she were more gentle when she did this to me. After all, it’d only been six months, I hadn’t fully recovered from regaining all of my injuries from the past half a decade.

“Seven~” Luna said coyly, the sound of her shuffling the covers to her side and over her head only adding insult to injury.

I let out a bellowing sigh, as much as I hated it I still loved how cute she could be when getting her way. “Fffffine,” I hissed out, propping myself up against the bed, “just gotta get my cane.”

I scooted myself over to headboard and took hold of my most recent means of locomotion. I’d only just gotten out of the wheelchair a week ago and I could swear on my life that I’d already gotten several miles out of it, given all the times that I’ve had to get up and calm the little ones down. I braced myself on the bed and pulled myself up, ignoring the dull pains that I’d grown accustomed to over the past few months as I rose to my feet, bracing most of my weight on my most recent means of travel.

Even though I was still pretty messed up, the cane still made me stand taller and prouder than any of those so called nobles. It also spoke volumes in regards to the efforts that Celestia and Discord put into putting me back together, Celestia even went so far as to say that I’d be back in peak condition after another month, well, minus the obvious lack of muscle. Luna and I both need to hit the gym after I’m cleared for exercise again, I want my old body and her old abs back… desperately.

Finally on my feet, I looked over to the woman I used to be in bed with, pretending to be sleeping, but I knew when she was faking, partially because no one could sleep through the crying and also because she was trying to sneakily look behind herself to see if I was standing yet.

“You know you’re a terrible faker,” I said, breaking the silence between us. “You know if you’re already awake, you should at least come with me.” She remained quiet, thinking that it would somehow throw me off her obvious farce. Finally I put more weight on my cane taking hold of the covers, threatening to pull away her source of warmth and comfort. “Luna…”

“I’ve gotten three hours of sleep in as many days Aedan.” She finally replied, rolling over to face me, just so I could see the bags in her eyes. “Do you know how hard it is to use as much magic as I do and raise a pair of children? You can sleep whenever you want.”

“What if he’s hungry?” I asked.

“There’s plenty of milk in the refrigerator,” Luna replied, her hands moving to her chest, the motions under the covers signaling that she was soothing her breasts. “I made sure of that.”

“I think he and I would both rather take it from the source,” I replied with a sly grin. “Besides, when’s the last time I–”

Go.” Luna said simply, but with a tone that could probably neuter the meanest junkyard dog.

“Alright, alright,” I said defeated, “I’ll go take care of him while you get your rest sleeping beauty.”

“That’s my man,” Luna sighed, any hint of intimidation in her voice replaced by her normal, sweet tone. “Love you~”

“Yeah, I know you do,” I grunted, hobbling over to our fridge. “You love me to pieces.”

I opened the fridge and grabbed one of the many bottle of milk from within. Luna had put a lot of effort into stocking the thing. She pretty much had to, she did everything she could in her power to be the mother she wanted to be, but more often than not she had to attend to other things. Now normally I’d say that there’d be more for me, but she usually was too tired for anything. That and I was still crippled, any hanky panky would probably result in several weeks progress going down the drain, all the more reason to heal as fast as I could.

“How long do I have to heat this again?” I asked looking back at Luna, hoping for an answer.

Unfortunately my query was met with silence. I turned back to see if Luna had heard me but the covers had already been thrown over her head, I’d lost her to the sandman. I took a deep breath in and let it out in a heavy sigh, I was on my own now. Mumbling to myself I staggered to the bottle warmer that Celestia had gotten us the day after the babies were born, the settings and all other assorted buttons were foreign to me, granted I may have had a better grasp of it if we hadn’t lost the manual.

“Ooookay,” I said, my eyes darting between the bottle and the device, “let’s see here…”

I placed the bottle inside the heater, at least that step was simple enough, now all I needed to do was heat the damn thing. I once again found myself staring at the panel, the various settings and and other knobs and doohickies may as well have been written in Thai, because I had no idea what to push, twist or rub to get the thing going. I sat there staring for a few seconds before tentatively reaching for a knob that looked like it belonged on an egg timer as opposed to a bottle warmer.

“Welp, let’s see what this button does…” I said to myself as I twisted the knob as far as I could, hoping for the best. A light popped on the top of the warmer, telling me that I’d at least turned it on, so there was that. Soon after the bottle within began to rotate, at the same time the knob I twisted started rotating back the way it came. “Alright, I think I actually managed to do it right, that’s–”

Before I could finish my thought a red light started blinking on top of the machine. My face went blank, wondering what the hell that meant I started looking at the buttons again, hoping that they would give me some sort of direction. However the result was the same as before, not a single clue as to how to correct the situation, so I took yet another leap of faith, pushing a yellow button next to the knob I’d previously turned. That only seemed to make it worse. Now the entire warmer was shaking and a little yellow light joined the red one on blinking. Officially frantic, I pushed the closest button I found, only to have it start making an alert noise on top of the blinking light.

“Oh goddammit.” I hissed through my teeth, looking around for some sort of answer, “how the hell do I turn this stupid thing off?!”

I looked all around the thing, and yet nothing, no power cord, no battery pack, no switch, nothing that would lead any sane individual to believe that there was a way to turn the god forsaken thing off. I ripped the warmer off the counter, forgetting that I still needed the cane to stand upright I quickly started to fall. Acting quickly I braced myself on the counter, but at the cost of losing my grip on the warmer. Time seemed to freeze as I watch the warmer fall back to the counter, all the time and effort Luna had put into filling all of those bottles was about to be all for nothing. I braced for impact as best I could, imagining all the while the tongue lashing I would receive from both sisters due to my stupidity. It seemed like, as usual, God and the cosmos above really had it in for me.

However, just this one time, the universe found me fit for a miracle. The second the base of the warmer hit the cabinet the lights stopped blinking and the wailing ended. I stood there staring, waiting for it to explode, but instead a small ding chimed and the warmer’s top opened, steam slowly rolling off of the bottle.

“I’ll take it,” I said, letting out a sigh of relief as I grabbed hold of the bottle, the warmth radiating off of it practically perfect. I grabbed my cane and started off towards my son, still droning on like a foghorn.

I walked through our threshold into the baby room, making a beeline march towards the bright blue crib to the right. Once I found myself at the edge I leaned against the nearby wall and looked inside. There he was, squirming around like he was on a bed of ants and crying like he’d been pinched.

“Hey runt.” I smiled, “Hungry again?”

I waved the bottle over his head, which instantly quieted him down and made him smile. “Thought so.” I nodded, reaching into his crib and hoisting him into the crook of my free arm, taking careful steps as I walked over to the small wooden rocking chair in the room. As I sat down… Well, fell with grace and style anyway, I double checked the bottle before moving it to him. He initially pushed it way, making a slight grunt as he tried to out-muscle dad.

This is definitely my boy, I thought with a chuckle. “I know you prefer it from the source but mommy loves her pillow more than us, so you’re just gonna have to make due.”

He looked to me for a few moments, and then to the bottle, then back to the bottle. In uncanny fashion, he seemed to have let out a sigh and accepted the bottle. Oh God, he might be a bit too much like me. I watched the bottle drain at an impressive rate, in twenty-one year’s time he just might be able to drink me under the table. In a matter of seconds, the bottle was completely drained so I pulled it away with a pop.

“At least I officially know you’re mine,” I chuckled, looking at the bone dry bottle, “Definitely an Irish baby.”

I turned my attention from the bottle back to my son. Even though it had been six long, sleep deprived months, he still was so small. Granted I’m pretty sure he was on the bigger end of a six month old, but compared to me, or anyone for that matter he was a pipsqueak. I placed the bottle on the table beside me, taking the opportunity for a bit of a one on one with my son that I know he won’t remember.

“You know…” I began, giving his oversized head a gentle pat. “The first time I heard about you and your sister, I didn’t want to believe it, I played it off as a joke. Your mother was so upset she cried, even ran off to the moonpool in the garden… One of the many things I’ve done that I’m not too proud of.” I paused and looked back to our room, letting out a heavy sigh.

“I’ve done a lot of things wrong son…” I finally said, turning my attention back to him. “I didn’t want you, I thought my life would be over once you showed up… I lusted after your aunt, I was even two inches away from doing the deed with her at one point, hell that was literally just before you were born. Not a day has gone by since that I haven’t regretted that moment, or any of those times I failed as a father-to-be, but your mother still loved me through it all…”

I noticed that Donovan’s eyes started to grow heavy, so I decided to speed our first true father/son talk up. “You make damn sure you love her with everything your little heart can give, and when you’ve run out, give her more, she deserves that much. Got it little man?”

I’d like to think the little nod he gave me was him agreeing to my request, even though it was more than likely out of grogginess. I couldn’t help but smile as I rose to my feet and staggered back to his crib, placing him inside as gently as I could. My hand alone almost covering his entire torso as I covered him in his blanket.

“You’re just a tiny, useless runt.” I said with a smile, but just as I was about to pull away his tiny hand wrapped around my finger and squeezed, making my heart skip several beats.

“B-but you’re my runt…” I said fighting the tears in my eyes.

I waited for a few seconds until his exhaustion overtook him, placing his hand on his chest the moment he finally surrendered to sleep. Just as I tucked Donovan in, the unmistakeable sounds of my daughter’s whimper.

“Of course you’d wake up,” I sighed, running my hand down my face, “You can sense when your big brother is getting attention.”

I hobbled on over as fast as I could and looked into her crib. Sure enough, her eyes were focused intently on her brother across the room and her mouth the threatening to unleash a wailing that could only be matched by those who would be thrown into the lake of fire.

“Hey, hey, calm down little bird, daddy didn’t forget about you,” I said scooping her up in my arms. “Your brother was hungry, I was just making sure he was taken care of. You know daddy loves you too.”

My reassurance seemed to help a little, but it didn’t stop her from whimpering. Sighing to myself I walked back to the rocker and sat down, hoping that the gentle sway would soothe her troubles away.

“Calm down sweetie,” I soothed. “The last thing mama and I need is a shouting match between you and your big brother.”

I continued to sway back and forth in the chair trying to find a proper rhythm, but my attempts seemed to be thwarted by every little whimper she made. After a few more seconds her tiny hand shot up towards me, the tips of her fingers glowing in a sapphire hue. Next thing I knew my hair was getting pulled in her direction, forcing me to contort in a way that I knew wasn’t beneficial for my healing process.

“Hey now baby girl,” I managed to say through gritted teeth, doing my best to fight her arcane pull. “You know daddy can’t bend that way yet, so please stop with the force juju.”

At that moment her eyes shot wide open, exposing her piercing teal eyes and feline pupils, but as with every time before now I just let out a heavy sigh and pulled her towards me, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Calm down Geala,” I said softly, “It’s alright, your daddy’s here for you.”

She continued to fuss for a few seconds, but the longer our eyes were locked on one another the calmer she became until finally, the colors of her eyes slightly dulled. I smiled and brought her back to my chest, her ear placed exactly where my heart was.

“You hear that Geala?” I asked, running my thumb through her hair, “That’s daddy’s heart, as long as it beats within my chest I promise you will be given all the love you could ever need. I promise that you’ll never feel abandoned, that even when you feel alone I’ll still be right there for you. I promise that you’ll never be alone.”

Geala’s eyes went from my chest back to my face several times, almost as if she understood what I had said before letting out a gentle coo and nestling into my chest, her tiny hand gripping onto my shirt tightly. I let out a content sigh as my eyes traveled to Donovan’s crib and back to my sweet little Geala in my arms, thinking about everything that happened and everything that will happen, and then I smiled.

“I’m never letting go…”

“You know there comes a point where every parent sets their children down and never picks them up again.” A deep, motherly voice said from behind me. “You should keep that in mind when you’re alone like this.”

“And what idiot said that?” I asked looking back to see a particularly radiant Celestia, “Or did you forget exactly just how strong I am?”

Celestia let out a quiet laugh and walked to my side, her eyes focused on the infant in my arms. “How is she? Acting up any?”

“Just before you walked in actually,” I answered, looking back to my daughter, “but daddy reminded her that he was always going to be here for her.”

“Excellent,” Celestia nodded, “I’m glad that you’re becoming such a wonderful father, reminds me of mine almost. Well, before he and my mother disappeared.”

“Well I can promise that I won’t be doing anything like that.” I replied, just as a question popped into my head. “Why are you even here Celestia? Shouldn’t you be handling the snobs in the courtroom?”

“I should,” she agreed, leaning down to where I could easily look down her low cut dress, “but I heard my Donni crying, I thought he was hungry.”

I chuckled, trying to keep what would have been a deep bellow to a minimum as so not to wake the kids. “Do you do that often?”

Celestia raised her brow. “I always feed little Donni when he needs it. Why?”

“Well that explains why he prefers it from the tap…”

Celestia stood straight up and placed one hand on her hip, while the other traveled to the top over her dress and threatened to pull down. “From what Luna tells me so do you~” She teased, her dress slowly becoming more and more of a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough.” I quickly said, raising my free hand towards her, “but really, why are you here?”

Celestia’s lip stuck out in a pout as she pulled her dress back up and readjusted herself to look proper once more. “Well, aside from Donni, I actually hoped to catch the two of you awake. I needed to show you something.”

“You need the both of us?” I asked, brow raised in confusion, “What for?”

“It is something rather important Aedan.” Celestia answered, “I’m sure Luna would want to be there for it just as much as you do.”

“Still didn’t answer my question.”

“Look Aedan,” Celestia said, her shoulders dropping in exasperation. “Just tell me, is Luna awake too?”

“Hate to break it to you Tia, but I highly doubt Luna’s going to get out of that bed anytime soon,” I answered, staggering to my feet and pointing behind myself, “even for you.”

A sly grin came across Celestia’s face as she rose a single hand, the tips of her fingers giving off a golden hue. “Oh… we’ll see about that~” she said impishly as she snapped her fingers.

The echo of the snap seemed to bounce across the entire castle, but other then that nothing really had changed. Yet the entire time Celestia’s devilish grin not once left her face, like a Bond villain that knew they had won the day.

“What did you–”

“Waaaaaaaait for it~” Celestia said playfully, her grin growing wider by the second.

Suddenly I heard a yelp from Luna and I’s room, followed by a severe disturbance in the force. Within a few seconds a dark shadow loomed in our threshold, seething with pure, unadulterated rage.

“Sister…” Luna hissed, her hands anchored tightly on the frames, “Would you mind telling me why you focused a sunbeam directly into my eyes?”

“Oh good, she’s awake!” Celestia said cheerfully, seemingly unaware of her sister’s question. “Could you please grab little Donni? I have something to show you both.”

Before Luna could interrogate her sister further she was off and through the door, completely ignoring the burning inferno of blinding rage that was her sister. I staggered to my feet and hobbled to Luna’s side, my eyes still focused on where Celestia had gone.

“Might as well just humor her,” I said, readjusting Geala in my arms. “Mind grabbing Donovan?”

Luna looked to me and then let out a tired sigh. “Very well, but she will pay for her insolence later.”

“Yeah, yeah I’m sure she will,” I chuckled as she walked past me towards Donovan’s crib.

I watched intently as Luna leaned over and scooped him up, all the while whispering softly like any mother would. After he was nice and nestled into his mother’s bosom his tiny hand shout out and gave her nearest breast a firm squeeze, causing Luna to let out a shocked squeak. I managed to hold in a chuckle as a smile grew on Donovan’s face, obviously more than content with what he’d just done.

“You know, it’s scary that he’s this much like me at such a young age,” I said, “God help us when he hits puberty.”

“Just walk,” Luna huffed, giving my ass a playful pinch as we followed Celestia down the hall. It wasn’t a long walk, thankfully, but when we arrived Luna and I both shot each other the same confused glance.

“Sister,” Luna began. “What are we doing here?”

“Well Luna, as you know this was Cadence’s room when she lived here, but she’s been gone for a few years, so I thought I’d put it to a better use.” Celestia explained as she placed her hand on the giant, gold-plated ivory door.

“What kind of use?” I asked, my eyes narrowing, “because knowing you–”

“Do you really think I’d ask you to bring your children along if I’d refurbished Cadence’s old room in that fashion?” Celestia interrupted, to which I responded with my eyes darting in every direction except for hers. “Anyway…” she continued, the door opening ever so slightly, “after the babies were born, I started thinking about your old home.”

“What? Why?”

“How could you not?” Celestia asked, “Look me in the eye and tell me that not once since the babies arrived you hadn’t thought about your family and how they’ve been doing.”

I looked to Luna, then to Celestia, then back to Luna before taking in a deep breath. “I have,” I admitted, giving Celestia an affirming nod, “but I do my best to not let it bother me. I mean, you yourself said that there wasn’t really anything we could do to go back once I stepped through that portal. I’ve pretty much resigned myself to my fate since then.”

“Well what if I said that I’d been looking into a way that may grant you some peace?”

My pupils shrank and my heart raced. “You didn’t…”

“I did,” Celestia replied with a warm smile as the doors opened slowly, revealing a brightly glowing, swirling vortex. “It’s not exactly a legitimate portal, but it allows you to speak with your loved ones whenever the moon is full.”

“So it’s like inter-dimensional Skype?”

“Uh… sure, we’ll go with that.” Celestia nodded, her hand beckoning us to enter, “Though I may have done some tweaking this once, as Luna made the moon full two days ago.”

“Well if you told me about this I would have–”

“Hush sister,” Celestia interrupted, pressing her finger to her lips, “I kept this hidden for a reason, mainly because you’d be too excited about it and tell Aedan before it was finished.”


“As I was saying.” Celestia continued, ignoring her sister, “I went through a lot of trouble arranging this and now the time has come, so please…” she paused, watching the two of us enter the room. “Enjoy your reunion.”

The door quietly shut behind us, leaving Luna and I alone with the glowing mirror-like portal resting atop an old wooden desk. We just stared at it for a few minutes like it was going to jump at us. The first of us to move was Luna, walking up beside it and taking a seat in one of the chairs, leaving the center-most one for me. I followed her slowly, never taking my eyes off the portal.

I’m not sure what is was, but I felt a tightness in my chest that I had not felt in a while. I had never thought I would ever get to see my family again, and while I was okay with that, there was still a part of me that missed them greatly. As I sat down the swirling mass that was the portal started to fizzle and contort, I almost jumped out of my seat, but Luna placed her hand on my shoulder, calming my nerves and the portal continued to warp and sputter. Finally, after what seemed like forever, an image started to appear in the portal, it almost looked like a distorted reflection of Luna and myself, but as the seconds passed the image grew clearer and clearer, until…

“Hello son.” My father’s voice echoed into my very soul. A voice forigen after so long, but also unmistakably familiar. The only difference to me was that it sounded much older than I remembered. More ragged.

“It’s him… oh my God it’s really him!” another voice I could never forget chimed in. “T-that’s our baby! That’s Aedan!”

“M-mom?” I stuttered, still not fully believing what I was hearing. “Dad?”

“Yes son,” My father said, the image in the portal as clear as day. “It’s us.”

My eyes grew misty, my lungs shriveled to dust, and my chest tightened even more. It was really them, it was my parents, after so long I was finally speaking to them once again.

“Almost twenty years and I finally get to see my boy again,” My mother said, bringing me out of my head. “God, he hasn’t aged one bit.”

It was then that the image finally became clear. My Parents, neither of them over sixty when I chose to join Luna were now somewhere in their seventies, my father even had an oxygen tank at his side. I nearly fell out of my chair, but I managed to catch myself before I’d completely lost balance, but as it would be expected my mother grew worried.

“Aedan! Honey are you alright?!” She exclaimed, nearly falling out of her own chair.

“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” I said taking in a few deep breaths, “T-twenty years?”

“Give or take a few,” My father nodded, “but that really doesn’t matt–”

“We should’ve done this earlier,” I growled through my teeth, “We should’ve gotten contact with you earlier! Twenty years and no word is just… just.” A single tear slid down my cheek as I tried to think of a more shakespearean way of wording my thoughts, but in the end I just had to call it what it was. “IT’S NOT FAIR!

“Calm down son, we know it’s not.” My father said calmly, “but the past is indestructible, it’s also not important, that Celestia woman said that you had something you wanted to show us.”

My rage and sorrow dissipated within seconds, remembering that there was indeed something that we needed to show them. I looked to Luna and took her hand, the only communication between the two of us a simple nod of the head, then we gently rose the children in our arms. At first there was silence and then came the tears.

“I-is that…” My mother whimpered and my Father looked on with misty-eyed pride.

“Yeah…” I said looking to Luna, “These are your grandkids, Donovan and Geala.”

“They’re the most beautiful things I’ve ever see,.” My mother said with tears in her eyes. “I wish I could hold them.”

“I wish you could too mom…” I said, reminded of the fact. “I wish you could too.”

“That’s a good looking pair of kids ya got Aedan,” My dad nodded proudly. “And knowing you, they’ll grow up to be tough sonsabitches.”

I let out a quick chuckle as my mother and Luna both punched their respective lovers on their shoulder, leading to a shared moment of clarity as to how alike we were to one another. Silence fell upon us for a few minutes before finally my father spoke up one last time.

“So…” he began, “Ya gonna tell us just how you two got to this point?”

I looked to the screen, then to my children and finally to Luna. She smiled at me and put out her free hand, prompting me to take it before I looked back to my parents.

“Mom, Dad…” I began as a misty eyed smile came to my face. “You might want to grab a pen and some paper… it’s a long story.”

Author's Note:

Well ladies and gentlemen... here it is, after two long and crazy years, we've done it. A Whole New Responsibility has come to an end. I would personally like to thank everyone for joining me on this adventure as I had a fantastic time weaving this tale for all of you. To those of you who have been here since day one, I have the deepest admiration for your dedication, even when I was sitting on my ass doing nothing you still sat and waited patiently for me to continue, to those who came in whenever, thank you for stopping by and sticking around, I'm glad that you found this tale enjoyable regardless of when you happened to come across it. To those who provided feedback, I thank you for helping me improve, I truly think I have grown as a writer because of the things you have said. To the silent ones that simply upvote/favorite, I'm glad that you considered my work to be worthy of such.

It means so much to me that I have been able to make so many people laugh, cry, rage or any manor of things to do in the emotional spectrum, but most of all, I'm happy that you have been entertained. I was surprised that I actually managed to attract so many of you and I really do hope you all stick around for more stories, regardless of genera.

And now a letter from the editor:
"Its been a long time coming and I’m glad it ended on such a good note. I was a fan long before I was an editor and to see it grow and help shape it was a blast...
As well as the many a long Skype talks and nude photos of luna circulating my inbox."

Again thank you all, this story has been the world to me since day one, I'm glad you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it for you.

Comments ( 42 )

loved it! also, will there be more showing the kids grow up, or is this it?

Yes. Just yes. I would like to give you a cookie but you might be half way across the country so have a heart instead!:heart:

THE FUCKING FEELS!!! ITS TOO MUCH! *thud* well I am dead now... Thanks for a great story

Well, now I'm ready for the next 10 sequels that span the next 30 years of your life, so... chop chop!

j/k but I wouldn't hold it against you if you did.

I can die happy now.:heart:

Great story, can't wait for more.

And now for the sequal that will follow the kids lives right? Something like starting off with them as kids dealing with how differant they are, then moving on to to their teenage years where they grow rebellious, etc. 10/10 would read

maybe you could do a anthology sequel. in that you could just write about certain parts of the kids growing up and how luna and aedan deal with it. just an idea

A sequel would be nice but don't force yourself if you don't want too

Loved watching aedan become the little half fuck up he is today but on a side note about the editor. Nude luna? Really? You say that as if such a thing is an issue

I'm trying to remember, does time flow differently between Earth and Equestria? Since this story has come to a close, what's next? Maybe a spinoff with Celestia finding her lover next? After pining for Aedan and seeing him with her sister in lovely bliss and having children, I bet she's wanting that too.

I feel that this was a perfect way to end an amazing story

this is a loving slice of life story and a lovely ending to this chapter on this world you have made for us and i do love this gem you given us part of me wood love to see what the next chapter in this world you have made.

That was well worth the ride :) Thank you for sticking around yourself to finish this amazing roller coaster of emotions! I'm looking forward to any and all future work! Good luck!


I'm sad that it's over, and...it's been a hell of a ride. Thanks so much for this!

Now all that's left for me to do is go back and edit everything I didn't already work on. Goodie I get to tear off the bandaid with this last chapter only to add more adhesive, slap it back on, and do it again.

When you get as many pictures flooding your inbox as Flanagan sent to me, you might start having some issues if you know what I mean...

To quote the author in our most recent Skype conversation:

When asked about a third book:
Don't get your hopes up kid, chances of a third story in this series are about the same as winning the lottery wile being struck by lightning as it snows in the rainforest.

Also, he made a blog post about it. Go check that out if you wanted a more elaborate and eloquent response.

I actually did the math for Flan before that last part. The ratio is about .095 per day when taking into account the logic from the first book which was three weeks human time to two days equestrian time. Meaning that, when continuing this ratio for 365 days human time and some change, you will get 34 days pony time, which is little over a month. From there its pretty simple to work out just how long Aedan has been in Equestria.


Maybe a spinoff with Celestia finding her lover next? After pining for Aedan and seeing him with her sister in lovely bliss and having children, I bet she's wanting that too.

You forget Flanagan still owes you more clop and I bet if I were to look in his browser history I would be highly disturbed yet not surprised to find a lot of princest in there... Be warned my friends.

And that, as they say, is that.

6893872 well my friend i see your dilemma and i feel for you. If it's any consolation i have a friend who does bout the same but with cadance

Huh, the only story I was following is done. NOW WHAT?

This was an amazing read, it's a shame it had to end but it was good while it lasted.

I'm looking forward to whatever your going to make next.

Been following this story for so long and now its finally the end. Not much I can say except you're an amazing writer. 10/10

I just spent the last two days reading straight through both "The Princess and I" and this one. My 102 degree fever be darned, I was gripped and pulled into both stories to even think about sleep until my body forced me to do so. There were moments I laughed, moments I was crying, moments where I wanted to slap someone/somepony upside the skull, and moments where I went AWWWWWWWWWWW. It was because you sent me through the gambit when it came to emotions that I couldn't put the books down (figuratively speaking of course). A sign of a very talented author. You did a very very good job and should be proud of the work you have done.

If I'm able to do even a fraction as well in telling a story with my own work as you did here... I will consider myself a lucky writer. Bravo good sir, from one author to another, Bravo.

I noticed a couple of word errors, but It wasn't anything that would break my enjoyment of the stories. All of the ones I caught were ones that were easy to miss.

Midnight Blossom

P.S. Something I wanted to mention from the moment I found out that not only was the main character but the author a Marine.... For Corps and for Country, Always Faithful.

From a squid trained from the start to become worthy of being called "Doc"

6910028 It probably was. But that was my interpretation of what the guy says. It's pretty hard to understand him, in my defense.

It's definitely been a long ride, but you know what they say, "It's the journey, not the destination", and this is definitely one ride I've thoroughly enjoyed! It's been clear throughout both stories that you have a lot of love for your work and your characters, and you've done a great job of balancing the dizzying highs and terrifying lows, and a few creamy middles (hurray, Golden Age Simpsons!). I don't know if you have any plans to continue on this storyline, but either way, you've written one of, possibly my absolute favorite Princess Luna stories.

Like I said, it's been a hell of a ride, thanks for the lift, hopefully you'll be going my way again soon! :twilightsmile:


1000 :yay:'s out of 1000 :yay:'s

Can't wait to read future stories coming from you.:derpytongue2:

This story and it's predecessor has been two of the best stories I've read.
Sad to see it come to an end. But what a beautiful end it was. Well done sir, well done.

Glad to see this story come to an end. If i ever find the time im so going to do some fanart.

So can Luna change back to her alicorn form now that she's finally given birth? Also since time runs differently in both demensions shouldn't Aedan's parents be moving and talking slow from his perspective while Aedan is super fast from his parent's perspective?

And noone even mentions the fact that Geala has Nightmare Moon's eyes? :twilightsmile:
Also loved the bit about bashing Nyx *snicker*


Nice story overall, but it still left me with some questions in the end.
1 What about celestia-his-luna relationship in the end? There is no answer.
2 What about that minotaur fella - he isnt found. He somehow lived ? What about his hier? No interest whatsoever who's hired him for that?
And a couple of another unimportant questions.
Still, it was a nice read. Killed some of my time.

Wow, it's been a real journey. I spent yesterday and all of today just reading The Princess and I along with this (Okay more than two days, but not two days total. It's like 5:38 am here and I stayed up just to finish this). I'm not a very emotional man (not the kind to bottle stuff in, I'm just not the kind of person who feels emotions much) but seeing the relationship between Luna and Aedan was absolutely soul crushingly amazing. You bridged the gap between sudden romance and slow burn love, and I have enjoyed it to an amazing degree. Looking at your profile, I'm incredibly happy to see that you've done even more stories. Don't let it overshadow the other things you've done, but personally I'd be delighted to see this storyline continue to be explored, even if it has time skips of entire years for the sake of keeping a continuity that doesn't make everyone's heads spin. Great on you for creating a truly balanced couple in these characters, and I'm excited to see what other stories you have in store for all of us readers in the future.

Holy shit I didn't know there was a sequel!:pinkiehappy:

So, are aeden and Luna still soul-bonded?

Well, props to inserting the whole cheating portion to make him and their relationship more complex, and it did tie in with the previous story, though I think it was a bit much, to have Celestia and Aeden do that, soul binding or not, though at least it's all set up beforehand, with the binding acting as a catalyst.

I think there were some continuity errors, with the pregnancy and all.

Also, didn't he vow to quit the horndog life after meeting Sara and becoming her adoptive big brother? The previous novel doesn't suggest that he ever went back on that, so it's a bit of a retcon insert.

I think that they mentioned 'Discord Finished', which I took to mean he severed the bond. Though it was never really clarified if that was the case, or whether they re-established the bond (and if not, whether they will again, after he's all healed up).

“Sister…” Luna hissed, her hands anchored tightly on the frames, “Would you mind telling me why you focused a sunbeam directly into my eyes?”


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