• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,025 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

14: The Headache

So here I was, getting an earful from Luna about just about everything a hormonally charged pregnant woman could throw at a man; her figure, her skin, her hair, her clothes, and all I could think about was how fast that forty eight ounce steak disappeared. I mean, I knew I was craving it for a damn long time, but I thought I’d be able to control myself a little bit better. I mean, I ate the damn thing in one sitting; it didn’t even last a day. I had half a mind to go back and buy out every last pound of meat they had, but that would have been highly inconsiderate to the delegates who would be arriving within a week for the gala.

That was another thing, the Grand Galloping Gala, or triple g as I had come to call it, was going to be held in a week and Luna, just like she thought it was a good idea to not tell me about a place that serves meat, decided not to inform me about that as well. The only way I heard about it was picking up on the tail end of a conversation between a couple of guards on break only to have it be confirmed by Celestia a few minutes later. When I went to Luna about it she again thought it wasn’t really something she found important, since she knew that I wouldn’t want to go anyway. Granted that was true, but I had obligations, and if the mother of my child was going to attend a function where ninety percent of the guests hated her for her choice in men, then I damn well sure was going to be there to stick up for her if the moment called for it.

“And we haven’t had sex in almost two months!” Luna yelled, grabbing my arms and violently shaking me back into reality, “It’s been so long! Why have you-”

“There’s someone IN there!” I blurted out, fed up with the constant sound of her hormonal nagging as I pointed to her expanded stomach.

Luna fell silent, looking to her stomach before placing her hands on the bulge before continuing. “That… that didn’t stop us before!” she shot back, “what makes it so different now?”

“Luna, you’ve seen every last inch of me.” I explained looking back to her, “look me square in the eyes and tell me that you don’t think the little guy wouldn’t feel crowded if we went at each other right now.”

Luna rose her finger and opened her mouth to respond, but shut it just as quickly with the finger slowly falling back to her side. “You think too highly of yourself.” she said under her breath.

“Says the girl that after months still couldn’t last more than two minutes.” I retorted with a smug grin, “now if we-”

My head suddenly felt as if acid was poured directly into my brain, another headache, the first one in a long time. However, this one was much worse, so bad that even trying to think of a response was too painful. I couldn’t even move my arms with the pulsing in my temples flaring beyond anything I had ever endured. My vision began to blur to the point where all I could do was make out vague shapes, one of them being Luna kneeling down to pull me off the floor. The last thing I felt before going cold was her arms wrapping around my chest and straining hard to bring me back to my feet. After that, everything went dark.

The next thing I knew I was in my bed with something cold and moist resting gently on my forehead. I tried open my eyes, but the moment I did the searing pain that managed to take me down before began to rear it’s head once more. I growled in pain and tried to raise my arm in protest, but something held my hand in place, another hand, one that was far too calm for Luna’s given my current state.

“Sorry Aedan, forgot to turn down the lights,” a motherly voice rang into my ear, sending another jolt of pain to my brain, “he’s waking up.”

“Ce-Celestia?” I groaned opening my eyes once more to see the blurry figure of a woman sitting next to me, “What the hell-”

“Sush,” she interrupted placing a finger on my lips, “now’s no time to talk, you just need to rest.”

“But, what about-”

“I said rest,” Celestia interrupted yet again, “We’re already taking care of the issue.”

“I’ll talk when I damn well please,” I halfway hissed, the pain making me a bit more irritable than I normally am, “where the hell is Luna? Last thing I remember she was crouched over me trying to lift my heavy ass off the ground.”

“And she actually managed to succeed,” Celestia added, “Who’d think a girl so far along would be capable of physically lifting you into your bed? I wonder why she didn’t use magic, but I suppose in the-”

Where is she?” I interrupted, “I don’t care how I got here, I want to know where Luna is.”

Celestia let out a deep sigh in frustration before gently massaging my arm up and down. “She went to personally get help.” she finally answered.

“Help? What Kind of help?”

“Well,” She began, looking to the door, “she initially tried healing you herself, but after that failed, she managed to find me on my way to yet another meeting with the nobles.”

“And she asked you for help?” I asked, cocking my brow.

“Only after a few minutes of trying to figure out why she was so frantic.” Celestia replied, “you know that Luna isn’t exactly the most forthcoming when it comes to certain situations.”

“Yeah, I know,” I grumbled rolling my eyes despite the discomfort it caused me, “What happened next?”

“Well, from what I understand, Luna was unable to heal you, so she was trying to make her way to the library to learn a more sophisticated healing spell.” Celestia explained, “She ran into me at about half way there.”

“And after your little bit of banter you showed up here and got my head on straight.” I finished with a smirk. “Right?”

“Actually… no.” Celestia said, much to my surprise.

“Uh, mind elaborating on that for me?”

“Well Aedan,” She began, “When I got here you were out cold, but you still seemed to be suffering from the worst migraine I’ve seen in all my life, when I tried to heal you myself…” Celestia paused, almost as if she had trouble believing in what she was about to say. “It didn’t work.”

At this point I had trouble believing in what she said. This woman could raise the sun, and she was having trouble taking care of something that back where I’m from a glass of water and some tylenol should be able to take care of?

“The best I could do was try soothe as much of the pain away as possible,” Celestia continued, bringing my attention back to her, “which is probably the only reason that your conscious right now.”

“Is that what that cold, wet feeling on my forehead is?”

“No, that’s an ice pack.” Celestia answered with a cheeky grin, “But Luna went to see if there are any tomes in the library that may help you out in your predicament, while I stayed here and made sure you didn’t get any worse.”

Just at that moment the doors behind Celestia swung open, the sudden noise in my ears and lights in my eyes sent me reeling. I almost lashed out, but Celestia managed to hold me in place. In spite of my eyes trying to shield me from the focused beams of the outside, and my still painfully ringing ears, I was still able to hear Celestia speak to whoever was stupid enough to throw the doors open on me during my current state.

“Luna,” Celestia began, “I told you that you needed to be a bit more careful.”


“Try to tell me you wouldn’t act the same.” Luna shot back, her footsteps pounding heavy on my eardrums as she approached, “has he woken up yet?”

“Yes…” I groaned, “But-”

“Oh merciful heavens!” she cried in joy, throwing me back into a realm of pain I’d rather not be in, “I was so worried about you! One minute you’re talking about-”

“LUNA!” I roared angrily, “I’m in a lot of pain as it is, for the love of God, keep your damn voice down!”

The silence that fell afterward was unnerving, I’d never yelled at Luna before, let alone for her being relieved at the fact that I was okay. When I looked her direction I could see the her and saw the hurt in her eyes, immediately making me want to take back what I had said. I tried reaching out to her in an attempt to physically say I was sorry, but she just backed away from the bed, her expression unchanging.

“How long has he been awake?” Luna asked softly.

“About ten minutes.” Celestia answered, looking to me with a slight amount of disappointment.

“Good,” Luna nodded, not bothering to look at me, “he had me worried.”

If I could I would’ve beat my own ass for being so mean to her. I mean sure I was in pain, but Luna didn’t deserve to be yelled at, especially since she was happy to see I was okay. The fact that I could see the faint shine of tears in her eyes made it all the worse, even to the point that I wanted Celestia to stop with her spell so I could punish myself with the migraine to end all migraines.

“I think he had us all worried.” Celestia agreed, “it’s not everyday that someone gets a headache so terrible they actually pass out.” Celestia gave me a few quick pats to the chest before focusing all of her attention back to Luna. “Did you manage to find anything that might help us in all of this?”

Luna snapped her fingers and suddenly a small book appeared in her hand. Using magic once more to flip through the pages she skimmed the text until she she was around two thirds into it. Placing a finger at the top of the page she walked over to Celestia’s side and sat next to her.

“Here,” she said tapping the page, “this was the best information I could find on the matter, however the tome is so old a great deal of the lettering is hard to make out, the only way I knew that it may have had to do anything with Aedan’s affliction was that the title of the page spoke of binding souls.”

Celestia’s expression grew dull at the mention of soul binding, I guess she still wasn’t too keen on that little detail after all this time, but after a deep breath she looked to the page Luna was pointing at.

“I see.” she said, nodding slowly, “well that certainly won’t help out much, given the only thing I can make out is the page title myself, perhaps some additional help is required.”

“Additional help?” Luna and I asked simultaneously. There was a brief pause between the two of us followed by our eyes meeting for a few fleeting seconds before she turned away from me once more, meaning that I’d have to be the one to finish the question.

“Aren’t you princesses? You know, the most powerful magical wabajues in this place? Who the hell do you call when you need help?”

“That’s rather simple Aedan,” Celestia said as a grin began to grow on her face, “we call another princess.”

I felt my stomach drop a good two or three inches as Celestia failed to hide a small chuckle. “Oh no…”

“Oh yes~” Celestia said in an overly sexual tone totally not fitting the current thoughts going through my mind.

No less than a second later, I saw the faint, but unmistakable glow of a teleportation spell from outside the room, followed by the sound of hooves clopping against the tile. I cast my gaze to the door just in time to see the one and only Princess Twilight Sparkle starting to poke her head into the room.

“I received your letter Princess,” Twilight said, taking her first step into the room, her eyes darting between the princesses and myself, “what exactly do you want my help with? Your letter wasn’t very forthcoming.”

“Well Twilight I didn’t quite yet know what I needed you to do.” Celestia answered, “You were a backup just incase we couldn’t find anything ourselves.” Celestia then took the book out of Luna’s hands and showed the faded page to Twilight. “And it seems that we couldn’t.”

Twilight’s horn began to glow as the book in Celestia’s hand took a pinkish hue, levitating towards the pony. With it only inches away from her muzzle, Twilight’s eyes narrowed in a vain attempt to make out the wording, seconds later her eyes widened as the hue faded and the book fell to the ground, her mouth agape in shock.

“S-soul binding?” Twilight stuttered, quickly picking the book up with magic once more to make sure she’d read it right, “a-are you serious?”

“Very,” Celestia simply replied with a slow nod.

“You can’t possibly-”

“The deed was already done,” Luna said interrupting Twilight before she could finish, “I bound my soul to Aedan’s so we could be together forever.”

“But what about the laws?” Twilight replied, “What about the risks?”

“I knew full well what I was doing.” Luna replied, slightly agitated, “Do you also wish to undermine my choices?” Suddenly Luna stood up and made her way to Twilight, but in a fashion that put everyone, including Celestia on edge. “Am I not equal to my sister when it comes to authority? What puts her word above mine?” Luna’s fists clenched, her normal midnight blue hair beginning to pulse shades of violet. “Am I the lesser in your eyes? Are my tasks not as important to you? Because all you peasants do is sleep while the skies I so painstakingly made to be beautiful for you go unnoticed, while the simple blue sky and one star are far more appreci-”

“Luna!” I shouted, freezing her in her tracks.

“You DARE call me that peasant?!” She roared turning around, letting me see the pure rage in her eyes, “who among you has the gall to-”

The room fell silent as the previously closed fists of Luna released and her hair faded into it’s normal state. She looked back to Celestia and myself, blinking a few times as if in shock.

“Aedan?” she asked looking between Celestia, Twilight and myself, “I… I thought I was sitting down a second ago.”

“Y-you were,” Twilight answered nervously, “but then you-”

“All details aside,” Celestia interrupted standing up and slowly guiding Luna back to her seat. “We’re all here to help Aedan with his condition, are we not?”

“Y-yes,” Luna said holding her head and finally taking a seat once more, “Yes, we are.”

“Good,” Celestia said looking back to Twilight, “By the way dear, have you been working on that spell I sent you?”

Twilight tensed up and blinked a few times, letting the question register before answering. “Um, you mean that spell?” Celestia simply nodded, making Twilight gulp hard. “Well, I’ve been pretty busy, helping out my friends in Ponyville, reorganizing the library twice a week, Spike’s classes, Applejack’s monthly revenue figures, Rarity’s dress-”

“Twilight…” Celestia said blankly, “Have you or haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Twilight finally said, “but I’m not sure if I’ve completely perfected it yet, as previously stated, I’ve been pretty busy.”

“Well would you mind trying it out right now?” She said looking to me, “I’m sure Aedan would appreciate it.”

I could have assumed what Celestia was talking about, but before I could say anything Celestia covered both my eyes and ears so I wouldn’t have to suffer as much. The faint muffled noise of magic being performed was my only hint as to what was going on until Celestia finally removed her hands, the expression on her face very approving.

Having a good idea of what just happened I fought the pain in my head and rose slowly to see what stood where Twilight once did. Sure enough there wasn’t a pony anymore, instead a young woman with skin only a bit darker than Celestia’s, I couldn’t really tell how tall she was, but she didn’t seem any taller than Luna. As for her figure, it was fitting for her size, but the outfit she wore left a lot to one’s imagination.

“You too eh?” I asked looking back to Celestia.

“Princess Celestia said it would make you feel a bit more comfortable if push came to shove.” Twilight answered, taking a few unsteady steps towards me before balancing herself on Luna’s chair. “I’ve walked on two legs before, but I still seem to get the hang of it like I should.”

“Well it has been a while.” Celestia shrugged, “you’ve gotten used to four legs again.”

“Are we just going to talk about our human forms or are we actually going to try to help Aedan?” Luna asked, huffing in frustration. “Last I checked he was still in pain.”

Twilight and Celestia looked to each other, then Luna and finally myself before Twilight finally took in a deep breath. “You’re right,” she said clapping her hands and rubbing them together. “Let’s get started.”

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed between Twilight’s arrival and the three of them trying to fix my current predicament. All I know was that their failed attempts at fixing me were unbearably painful. The times I actually remained conscious was probably because Luna forced Twilight to stop whatever the hell she was doing. The worst ones were when it seemed like it worked, only for a few seconds to pass before I was reeling in pain once more. After what seemed like the millionth try Luna seemed to finally have enough.

“I can’t bare to watch him suffer anymore,” she said with misty eyes, “Can’t we just cast a spell on him to permanently soothe his pain?”

“If what’s happened to day is any indicator the spell would eventually become useless.” Celestia answered, “We need to find a way to cure it now.”

In all honesty I agreed with Celestia, a long term fix it would spare us, namely me, an awful lot of headache. I didn’t just really think that… did I? The attempts continued onward, sending me to realms of hurt that I’d previously thought impossible. As much as I wanted to surrender to the pain, I knew I needed to tough it out for Luna. Girl already had a lot on her mind as it was, and I didn’t want her to lose herself like she’d done earlier, so far I’ve been the only one capable of bringing her back, and I didn’t want to leave those two without me if she were to turn again.

Once again after what seemed like hours Celestia stopped once more, wiping away the sweat from her brow. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say this was fruitless,” she weakly joked, I smiled at it just to ease Luna’s obvious nerve, “Do you want to take a break Aedan? I know that you’ve been the one suffering.”

“I’ll live,” I answered with a nod, “after all, it’s not like any of you can mess up a spell right?”

Celestia laughed a bit as her hands began to glow for another go, but as I braced myself Twilight’s hand reached for Celestia’s wrist. The look on her face screaming epiphany.

“What did he just say?” she asked.

“It’s not like any of you could mess up a spell.” Luna repeated, looking over to Twilight, “What does that-”

Before Luna could finish her statement Twilight bolted out of the room, leaving those of us still in the room a bit of confusion. “What the hell was-”

I was interrupted by a bright flash of light filling the room. Overloading my already strained senses with completely new and entirely unwanted sensations. “FUCK!” I roared, throwing my hands to my head, “Jesus, Mary and fucking Joseph!”

“Aedan calm down!” Celestia yelled, grabbing my hands and trying to force them to my side once more. I couldn’t see what she did next, but I could only assume she shot an angry glare towards Twilight. “What were you thinking?!” She halfway yelled, “you know Aedan is extremely sensitive to light in this state.”

“I-I’m sorry Princess,” Twilight replied meekly, “but I… I thought it couldn’t wait.”

“What couldn’t wait?” Luna asked, the annoyance in her voice more evident than usual.

“I think I figured it out,” Twilight answered.

Silence fell upon the room. “What?” Celestia asked.

“I think I figured it out.” Twilight repeated, “I mean Aedan, you didn’t have these headaches before you bound your soul to Luna right?”

“Not that I can recall.” I muttered.

“So you’re saying that all the pain my Aedan has had to endure…” Luna began, placing her hand on my cheek, “has been my fault? Because I was unable to cast a spell properly?”

Again a silence fell in the room, but not from shock, but more choosing the next set of words.

“Luna.” Celestia said softly, “Twilight didn’t say that.”

“But it was implied.” Luna sniffed, her eyes becoming foggy. “Of course it’s my fault… I can’t accomplish any task properly.” Luna’s hand came to her eyes, wiping away the tears that broke free from her eyes. “A-and this time, it’s causing the one I love pain, it’s all my fault… all my…”

“Luna,” I said reaching out to her, “You-”

“NO!” She suddenly roared making me flinch in pain. After realizing what she’d done she rose to her feet, not even bothering to wipe away the tears anymore. “I-I can’t do anything right…”

“Luna,” Celestia said once more, “sit down and we can fix this together.”

“I won’t hurt him anymore,” Luna said trying to hold back her tears, “T-this is a task for my betters… for the ones without flaws.”

Before any of us could say anything Luna was out the door. If I was capable I would have gone after her, but the fact that even moving my eyes caused me a great deal of discomfort made me vote against it. I don’t know how long it was before anyone said something, but it was probably a lot shorter than it felt, finally with a deep sigh Celestia turned her attention to me once more.

“Do you think you know what might have gone wrong?” she asked Twilight, not breaking eye contact with me.

“Um, yes,” Twilight replied, the sound of her footsteps coming closer sending minor jolts of pain through my ear drums before stopping by Celestia’s side. “Let’s get started.”

It only took about ten minutes. Ten minutes of whatever magical mcguffin Twilight had come up with and the pain in my head was gone. I didn’t even care about the name, or even to thank them for that matter, I needed to get to the girl who was no doubt tearing herself up about this whole thing. I found her on our bedroom balcony somberly looking out to the night she’d clearly made a bit bluer than usual. I approached slowly until finally I was close enough to wrap my arms around her. The moment I did I heard her famous squeak before she rested her hands on mine, just on top of her beautiful baby bump.

“You alright?” I asked, kissing the top of her head.

“How can I be?” she sighed sinking into me, “It’s all my fault that you’ve been hurt so much.”

“I know you didn’t mean to Luna,” I said back, “everyone makes mistakes.”

Luna laughed a bit at what I said as she brought one of her hands up my arm, slowly rubbing it up and down my bicep. “Tell that to my sister.”

I couldn’t help but let out a laugh as I pulled her in closer to my chest, so she would feel a little bit more secure. “Silver lining: No more headaches.” I whispered into her ear.

“I figured,” Luna nodded finally turning around and placing her ear to my chest, more than likely just to hear my heartbeat, “and I’m glad that they found a way to fix you.”

“They know their way around a spellbook, I’ll give them that.” I chuckled, “but there’s only one girl that knows their way around my heart.”

Luna looked up to me with a smiled before placing her head on my chest once more. “Really?” she asked, beginning to nuzzle me, “Are you really going to be that corny right now?”

“Hey if a system works.” I shrugged, lowering my hands to her backside and lifting her up so she could look me in the eyes, “Speaking of which…” I said hungrily looking down to her chest.

Luna’s eyes matched the hunger in my voice as she brought my face to hers for one hell of a kiss. “Aren’t you worried about crowding it?” she teased, adding another kiss.

“I don’t think they’ll mind.” I replied, “besides, I think we both need this right now, and now that my heads on right again…” I paused, giving Luna a kiss as I walked the two of us back into our room, “I doubt anything else will go wrong.”

Author's Note:

T'was the day before Christmas, and all through the land, not a creature was stirring, except for one bald, angry man. He'd worked his hardest to make this come to pass, so while everyone slept, he busted his ass. Finally with a sigh he laid his pen down, looking to what he had done, with his unchanging frown. He rushed to his computer, the upload void of all laughter. Then he looked to his followers and said: "Merry Christmas guys, have a new Chapter~"