• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,018 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

19: The Devil and I

It felt like the world was falling away. I was frozen in an endless wasteland while my heart was being clawed out by a set of rusty, serrated blades as slowly as possible. Though, as I stared into Luna’s eyes, I knew that the pain she felt was infinitely worse than anything my imagination could muster.

The only sign of life in the room was Luna’s whimpers as her body shuddered with every breath she took. Neither Celestia or I could move, our muscles tight with shock, it probably didn’t help that Celestia’s fingers were still dug into my arm, let alone the fact that I was bare-ass naked. My mind went through scenario after scenario, imagining just what the next moment might have. None of them were pleasant and death was in most. It felt like forever there, until finally I gathered the courage and opened my mouth.

Luna tried to speak, but every attempt ended in choked sobbing and weak whimpers, it seemed she resigned herself to say nothing.

I could feel a small part of myself dying as her silence echoed through my soul. My body felt like it was going to shatter if I moved, but there was no way I could remain where I was and try to explain myself, I had to get up and face the consequences. It hurt. It hurt like hell finally standing to my feet and forcing myself to face her. To look into those eyes so full of sorrow and pain, but this was the path I chose. I could’ve been strong, I could’ve told Celestia to fuck off like I know I should’ve, but no. I chose the path that the old me would’ve chosen.

The me that I apparently still was...

“Luna…” I began, “I’m–”

Without a word. That’s what hit me the hardest, Luna left the doorway without a single goddamn word. She should’ve damned me to the nine circles of hell, wished every curse she knows upon me, ripped me limb from limb. Anything would’ve been better than her just leaving without a word, yet here I was, staring at an empty doorway with a small puddle of tears glistening in the candlelight. I could feel my fists tightening as my teeth grinded against one another, my sorrow quickly being replaced a maelstrom of mixed emotions; pain, anger, sadness, regret, disgust, fear, all swirled up into one mass of torturous feelings fighting over my consciousness to see which would have control in the end.

“A-Aedan?” Celestia tentatively asked, reaching her hand on my shoulder, “Is there–”

The moment I felt her fingertips I violently ripped my arm away from her grasp. “Don’t you even think about touching me you goddamn slut!”

Anger had won. What a shocker.

Celestia’s hand jerked back to her side faster than a rattlesnake strike. The look on her face both shocked and hurt, as if she couldn’t believe that I’d say something like that to her. Which only made me angrier.

“What the fuck were you thinking bitch?!” I roared, every last muscle in my body tensed up in fury as my mind reeled, trying to find the next venomous thing I could spit at her. My mind was gone, all I could think of were all the times she’d hit on me, all the times she was butt ass naked in front of me, every stupid little tease... It was all to drive me away from Luna. It had to be! She was doing this from the very start! She had to be! She must’ve–

The moment Celestia hit the ground was when when my mind cleared, it was only for a brief moment, but in that moment I saw everything I needed to see. Pain, hurt, agony, whatever you wanted to call it I could see it plainly in her eyes. The eyes that were always so unwavering, the eyes that never showed any emotion but kindness and the occasional mocking seductive look… had pain. The feeling was driven even further when they welled up in tears that you’d think would be impossible from kind eyes, but there they were plain as day, until they slammed shut and her hands covered them once more. The following sobs and choked sounds from her throat melded her pain with the unmistakable screams of true regret.

As I stood there and watched her sob, I pondered what to say, but the more clear my mind became, the more I came to realize that I was at just as much fault as her. I don’t remember what I said from then on but I know that what once started as a raging inferno of anger slowly dwindled as self hatred took its place, turning me into a crumbled mess on my knees, fighting every instinct in my body in a desperate attempt to not completely shut down and cry. Everything was a blur as those thoughts swirled through my brain like a whirlwind.

GOD–FUCKING–DAMMIT!” I blasted so loud I could feel my vocal cords ripping as I slammed my fists into the floor, cracking both the tile and several of the bones in my hands. The pain didn’t matter to me… nothing mattered to me, I was a useless pile of flesh and weakness. I couldn’t control myself because of some damned spell someone cast over me to save my life. How pathetic.

Then, a very dark memory found its way to the front of my mind. Don’t you love her as much as she does you? Nightmare Moon’s pale figure loomed over me, a wicked grin soon forming into deep laughter as her words echoed in the empty halls of my mind. Only this time I didn’t fight back... There was no point. Anything I said right now would’ve been a flat out lie, because I’d proven her right. I showed the world that nothing had changed. I was still the same disgusting, hedonistic pig I’d been since High School and now it was clear that nothing was going to change that fact.

“This is all my fault…” Celestia murmured softly through pathetic sounding whines, bringing me back to reality, though I wish she hadn’t. “My fault. My own sister… how could I? Am I really so…”

She paused for a moment and looked down to her body, her breasts nearly bursting from the skin tight corset she wore before her eyes welled up once again. “I am!” she cried, throwing her head back into her hands as the second wave of crying began. “I’m just–just…”

A golden hue encompassed her entire body for a few seconds, upon disappearing I saw that her attire had gone from a bare skinned woman back to her pony form. The turmoil she was going through must’ve been too much for her to concentrate on maintaining her humanoid self and honestly, I couldn’t blame her. I was going through the exact same thing.

“Celestia,” I strained to whisper, my voice all but gone thanks to my earlier roar.

“Every time…” She sniffed, wiping away a tear with her hoof, “It’s been like this since she was a filly…”

I didn’t know what to say, let alone what she was talking about. All I could do was sit there and watch as she stood up on shaking legs. She nearly fell over once or twice, but she managed to catch herself before I could react. After a few seconds and a long breath in, she spoke.

“Whether it was intentional or not… I always managed to get everything she wanted.” She began, choking back her tears. “Toys, clothes, friends, praise… the occasional stallion. They always seemed to go right through her and went straight to me, every, single, time… That’s what lead to Nightmare Moon in the first place.”

I tried to offer a response, but she rose her hoof and continued.

“And when Twilight decided to try and send that apple to another dimension… I thought that my sister was lost to me again… Those two days were the longest in my life. Little did I know that close to a month had past in your world by the time we found her… and that she’d found you.”

She stopped and turned to me, the smile on her face tried to convey happiness, but even as a horse I could see that it was hiding a broken woman.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of the both of you, it’s not often that you see a love as pure as that.”

My mind latched onto that last sentence. My fists tightened once more, a small ember of rage seemingly unwilling to die out sparking within me. “So you did this–”

“I would never try to do something so heinous!” Celestia snapped with a small hint of venom in her words. “Like I said, I wanted to thank you… but once again all I ended up doing was ruining everything again.” Her eyes welled up again as she wrapped one foreleg over the other. “Dammit! Everything that brings Luna happiness I just mess it up… I’m the worst sister anyone could ever have.”

“Celestia.” I said raggedly, my voice still refusing to return, “You–”

“Oh, I was rather enjoying the action from here,” said an all-too-familiar voice as the white reading chair grew a pair of yellow and red eyes. “It’s a shame Luna had to interrupt her husband and his mistress. Now I have to deal with you two being all emotional. Talk about a mood killer.”

After a sudden flash of light, the Avatar of Assholery himself stood next to the bookshelf and began perusing. His claws danced across the spines of each novel before settling on a small group of books with rather peculiar labels before lifting them out and taking a seat on the chair, cracking one open.

“You know, aside from Princess Twilight and her friends, Luna was one of the few ponies that treated me like a ‘friend,’” he said, aimlessly flipping through the pages of the first book before tossing it aside. “Sure, there was still a lot of leftover anger from before my imprisonment, but when I told her I was trying to become a better creature, she choked it down and offered to help me acclimate to the new world. After all, being imprisoned for over a thousand years tends to cause a bit of culture shock.”

“Luna never told me abou–”

Suddenly, my mouth zipped shut aggressively as the deity flicked his paw. “I was not finished talking Aedan,” he hissed.

I tried unzipping myself but the the harder I pulled at the zipper, the tighter it seemed to be. As I kept trying to undo my bonds, my eyes followed Discord as he walked past the bookcase and started to float towards Celestia. His eyes seemingly damning her to the deepest pit of hell. What’s worse is that she just seemed to accept it.

“While I am no stranger to temptation, Celestia, even I find your actions a bit hard to swallow. You have been tested time and time again, but you always end up making the same mistake.” Discord stopped his lecture and snapped his paw, instantaneously turning himself into a big black pot. “I mean, I know I’m not really one to be talking about betrayal and treachery, but even I learned my lesson after the first time. It didn’t take me having to send my sister to the moon for my mistakes to be engraved into my mind.”

Celestia recoiled at his words like she had been slapped and a fresh wave of tears began pouring from her eyes. I ran at the bastard, fist reared back and ready to re-acquaint this fucker with the ground. However, just like when I had tried to speak, Discord snapped his fingers again and I found a spiked dog collar around my neck with a metal chain holding me back.

“Don’t be so rambunctious Aedan, I will deal with you soon enough,” he said, his eyes not leaving Celestia’s for even a moment. He continued to stare at her silently for an uncomfortable amount of time before he finally spoke, a rare frown finding a way onto his face. “And here I was, thinking you were the better of the two of us… Now I see that, despite what farce you display for others, deep down you are just as much of a monster as me.”

The moment he looked from Celestia to me, I was unable to tear my eyes off of his. He moved much different than usual, a certain power in his step that I had not seen before. Usually, he would just teleport here or there with a quip and a bit of magic to make a laugh for himself, but at this moment he was a much different creature. The closer he walked, the tighter the chain around my neck became, forcing me to my knees on the ground as he loomed over me.

“Before we begin, someone as important as you deserves to address something more familiar.”

Another flash of light, and the Draconequus in front of me turned into another creature altogether. Human, Discord, a godlike being capable of manipulating almost all matter with but a whim and the snap of his fingers, was human. Taller than I was, but his figure was far more stringy, sporting a mismatched turtleneck and a pair of slacks, his body weight leaning on a golden cane. His face was long with a sharp jawline, a long goatee sprouting from his chin, and a stern, almost fatherly frown on his face.

“Honestly Aedan, I thought having one ex-villain of Equestria giving you a talk about your inner demons as a human would have been enough, but I guess you are just a glutton for a very specific kind of punishment.”

All I could do was let out a muffled reply, but if I were unzipped a quick ‘fuck you’ would have rang through his ears, but something told me he already knew that, because he sighed and placed his head into his hand.

“From the moment you stepped foot and metal in Equestria, I did not like you, and my first official meeting with you confirmed my gut feeling. What Luna sees in you, I will never understand. You are arrogant, rash, and easy to anger to the point of physical confrontation,” he said, each jab at me seeming to anger him further and further. “A brute such as yourself doesn’t deserve to share the same world with one as kind as her, let alone the same bed... but it wasn’t my choice to make. It was her’s and she chose to be with you.” He paused, his eyes narrowing and fangs bared. “And where has that gotten her?”

He reached out to the zipper on my mouth and ripped it off. The sting it caused definitely took my breath away but I held firm. Prompting the frail, lanky bastard to smile.

“Only good quality you’ve got is that you’re stubborn, and even that can be seen as a defect.” At that point he used his cane to lift my chin up so I would face him. “You’re nothing more than an old fighting dog to me and, given the chance, I’d have put you down long ago.”

“Then why haven’t you?” I asked through gritted teeth, my muscles beginning to twitch in their bonds.

Discord pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long, annoyed sigh. “Have you not listened to a single thing I’ve said? Put deaf and stupid on the undesirable list too.”

From the corner of my eye I saw an old chalk board with a small white stick frantically scribbling away on one side that said undesirable in big bold letters, while the other side headed by the word desirable was completely barren, aside from a single word that looked to have been erased and a drawing of a tumbleweed.

“Luna clearly sees something in you that I don’t, and though I find it infuriating, all I want is to see her smile, and you want to know the only times I’ve ever truly seen her smile? It was when she was with you. You, of all things.” Discord paused, laughing at the seemingly unreal prospect of his statement. “I almost have to applaud how insane that is. Even I would’ve never thought of it, and I’m the personification of chaos!”

“Glad you enjoy it.” I shot back, which was met with the chain around my neck pulling me forcefully to the floor, which thankfully had a pie in lieu of tile to soften the blow.

Hooking the handle of his cane under my chin, he pulled me back face to face. “Aedan, you uh, have a little something on your face,” he said, gesturing to the creme with the utmost sincerity. “Here, let me help you with that.”

Suddenly, and painfully, Discord’s hand met the side of my face, knocking the creme aside. The initial shock dulled it at first but seconds later rage began to flow freely through my entire body as the stinging pain became stronger.

“You sonofa–”

I froze, my fist just inches away from Discord’s face, he didn’t even flinch, he just continued to stare at me like a father that just caught his kid in the biggest lie of his life.

“You’re really not making a strong case against my accusations, boy,” he said casually looking to my still frozen fist. “Makes me wonder if all humans are like you, or if you’re just the worst possible example of your species.”

And just like that, the wiring in my head finally connected. “What’s the point of fighting it anymore…” I said defeated, my muscles finally falling limp. “I’m not the worst example, but I’m pretty damn close. I don’t deserve Luna, I know that, and God knows that every damn day since we’ve been together I’ve prayed that she doesn't realize that. But now… she knows full well just who I am and why I never deserved her.”

Discord grinned at this and, with a snap of his fingers, the collar that held me disappeared as I slumped forward without the chain holding me upright. There was nothing left in me. I felt hollow as my own words echoed through me. Powerless, I half expected him to lay it on even more, I wouldn’t have contested any of it, because all of it would’ve been right. However instead of getting an ear full of just how pathetic I was, I saw a hand reach out to my shoulder, pushing me upright. I looked up fully expecting Discord to smack the piss out of me, but instead he was just smiling, rather warmly I might add, which was oddly unnerving.

“Well, you just found yourself a redeeming quality,” he said, the familiar chuckle back in his voice. “Realizing you are to blame and nobody else is a big step for you. I think it even qualifies as a Kodak Moment.”

He pulled a small camera from seemingly out of nowhere and took a picture, blinding me with the flash. I rubbed the stars from my eyes just in time to see the God of Chaos finish developing the photo before adding it to a scrapbook. “Oh, I do so cherish these moments. They are so few and fleeting.”

After tossing the book aside, Discord grabbed my shoulders and lifted me to my feet. “I’m just glad you finally realized it. I hate putting on the ol’ Tough God act, it’s really quite exhausting,” he said, his warm smile still gracing his face as he patted me on my bare back with an audible slap. “First things first though, I can’t have you running around like that! Heaven knows the image you’d portray.”

With a quick snap of the fingers a pair of sweatpants two sizes too small wrapped themselves around my legs. I nearly let out a yelp, but managed to keep it in as he gave me another firm pat.

“That’s better.” He said as he began to push me out of the room. “You go off and find Luna, I’m going to continue my chat with Celestia.”

Before I could say anything I found myself outside the room, half naked in front of a crowd of ponies, maids, butlers and guards alike. “The hell–”

Before I could finish my statement I felt a squirming sensation across the inner part of my thigh, it nearly made me jump out of my skin before the squirming turned into a burning, itching pain. I reached one hand down my pants to try and find out just what the hell was going on down there, only to find a small tag hanging on the waistband. It read:


I forgot to mention, the pants I gave you are filled with my Nipping Spiders. They are extremely small and impossible to see, so do not try to take them out. Anyway, these little guys have been instructed to continuously bite you until you find Luna. I would move quickly before they find a more sensitive area. After all, their bites inject a venom that will burn and cause cramping for a minimum of 6 hours, so I would hurry before they find your really sensitive bits. Alas, poor Neil.

Have fun!

Discord :D <3 XOXO

“Oh fuck you…” I groaned looking up from the letter before remembering the task at hand. “Luna…”

Completely ignoring the small crowd around me, I blew through them on my way through the halls, my mind focused on one thing and one thing only. Luna. I had to find Luna.

The spiders’ endless barrage on my lower extremities meant nothing. My adrenaline was keeping the pain at bay, letting my mind focus on the only thing that mattered. Luna. The look on her face, etched into my mind like a brand on cattle, I’ll never forget that pain, nor will I ever forgive myself for bringing it upon her, but if anything Discord said was right, she might find it in her heart to forgive me. To give me an eternity to endeavor to do something I personally felt I’d never accomplish. Maybe, just maybe… she’ll save me from myself again.

Corridors that seemed to go on forever only took what felt like seconds as I continued to barrel through the castle in my search. But everywhere I looked she was nowhere to be found. I assumed that the adrenaline pumping through me was starting to fizzle out, because the bites from the spiders started to burn. It took a lot for me to not pay any mind to them, in spite of the pain they caused me, it was nothing compared to what I’d done to Luna. Her having to watch that even for a fraction of a second made me… that’s it.

My attention turned to the nearest window, nearly slamming my face into the glass, nearly shattering the window pane as I came to a near screeching halt. My eyes darted around for a moment but I finally found it.

The Dreamscape Tower. The only place I hadn’t gone inside the castle and the only place that I knew Luna could truly be alone.

With that target in mind, I practically flew through the castle, ignoring my body’s pleas for me to stop with every step. My muscles ached, my breath was ragged, every bone in my body felt like they were on the verge of becoming dust and the spider’s venom was causing every fiber of my body to burn, but my pain was nothing compared to my will. The will to redeem myself, honestly I was surprised that I still had it in me, but I took anything I could get at this point and ran with it, desperately.

After nearly running over everything in the castle I finally found myself at the foot of the tower… and the infamous thousand stepped staircase it had become known for. I paused only for a moment to figure out just what I had to do to reach the top the fastest, but I ended up regretting it the instant a heavy breath entered into my lungs.

I nearly collapsed right there, but I managed to catch myself on the door before I hit the ground. My entire body writhing and twitching in pain as my lungs gasped for each precious gulp of oxygen they could, but, as much as my body wanted to stop… It just wasn’t an option. I would not rest until I had torn open my heart and poured out everything I am to the woman I love and beg her to forgive the wretch of a man I am. Then, and only then, would I even think about dropping to my knees.

“I’m coming Luna…” I growled under my breath as I grabbed the door handle, the tiny silver handle doing its damndest to bare my entire weight as I pushed off and began my climb up the tower.

Each step forward was painful, the stairs themselves felt like they were trying to rip my legs apart, but each step was one closer to Luna. Closer to the woman that was, and still is the love of my life. My second wind hit me around the four hundredth step, my muscles clenching as my foot slammed into the stone. I heard something crack, but I knew it wasn’t my foot, the stair itself had busted under the force I exerted to conquer it.

A smile came to my face as I used my foothold as leverage, skipping two, three, even five steps at a time as I bounded upwards towards the top of the tower in a bear crawl. everything after the seven hundredth stair was all hazy and blurred, probably because I wasn’t getting enough blood to my brain and oxygen to my lungs, but the combination of instinct and willpower is a drug more potent than any drug. When I finally managed to gain my bearings back I found myself at the top of the staircase, in front of an elegantly designed, seemingly frail door.

That door may as well have been the gates of Saint Peter, because the moment I saw it, every last ounce of strength and confidence I had left in me turned to loose sand in a gale wind. Behind those doors was the woman who would either forgive me, or damn me to hell, and lord knows that I deserved judgment. The pain in my hand began to pulse, the adrenaline that fueled me up to this point had gone, letting my body take the full force of every ounce of pain I suppressed to get to this point.

My knees buckled under my weight but as I reached out to the door to balance myself on the door I was reminded of the fractures I’d given myself not fifteen minutes earlier.

“D-Dammit.” I hissed through gritted teeth, bracing myself on the door with my elbows, letting off a dull thud that echoed down the staircase.

“Who’s there?” an all but broken, yet still undeniable voice from the other side of the door asked.

“Luna?” I asked back, my body perked up again, pressing against the door as a glimmer of hope returned to me. “Luna, please… let me in.”

Silence. Dead silence. Something I should’ve expected, but it didn’t make it any less deafening. “Please…” I repeated, resting my head against the door. “I need to–”

“Leave. Now.

Such a simple pair of words and yet they hit me harder than a fully loaded freight train. Strength finally failed me as I hit my knees, my arms falling limply by my sides. The words crippled me, echoing through my mind and leaving me reeling.

“Okay, Luna,” I said, my voice starting to shake despite everything. “I will, but I need to say a few things before I do.” Whether it was will power or divine intervention I will never know, but I managed to lift my all but dead arm up and placed it on the door, blatantly ignoring the pain and clenching my hand into a fist. “I’m sorry. God knows that it won’t ever do, but it’s all I can do right now… I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, and truthfully I don’t deserve it. We’ve both denied who I really am for the past year and a half and tonight you saw first hand how much of a degenerate and overall low life scumbag I am. You saw how easily I was swayed by the simplest of temptations and how I jumped at the chance to sleep with someone without any second thought about who I was hurting. God, why did you ever love me?”

As I poured my heart to a door and most likely deaf ears all I could imagine was Luna wrapping me in her arms and telling me that everything was going to be okay in spite of what had happened. I imagined looking up to her and seeing that smile that could calm me down no matter what the situation, God knows that saved several guard’s faces when I first came to this place. I imagined placing my hand on her face, placing my thumb on her cheek and tracing her flawless features, feeling her warmth once again as she placed her hand on mine. I wanted it more than anything, but this damn door and my own foolishness prevented me from experiencing the things I took for granted for so long.

“I–I’m sorry…” I whimpered through gritted teeth and eyes sealed tightly shut, doing their best to stem the tide of tears that were begging to let loose. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

I don’t know how long I sat there repeating those words, but I stayed true. I wanted Luna to know just how sorry I was. I wanted her to know that I was a damned fool. With each word repeated I started to recede farther and farther into my thoughts I began to smile, thinking about all the good times. Her face, her eyes, her lips… She never looked away from me when we made love I remember how much it looked like she needed me.

If she only knew.

“All this time, you’ve kept me on some pedestal. Like I was a gift from the heavens above… if you only knew.” I looked up to the door in front of me, gently placing my fingertips on the door. “All the times I was brave, all the times I was strong it was because you made me that way. You gave me the strength each time I fought. You thought I was brave, but I was terrified. Terrified of losing you.”

I took in a deep breath, preparing to let out everything at once. “I’m nothing. Just a washed up vet with a chip on his shoulder. Nothing more, nothing less, but when I was with you I felt like I could do damned near anything. Sure, I’ve heard you time and time again that you were the lucky one, that you needed me. It’s almost funny to me thinking about it now. How wrong you were about us, the one who really needed anyone this entire time was me.”

I sat there and gathered myself, the spider’s venom was making me light headed and I wanted to collect my thoughts before I continued. All the while I listened, hoping that I could hear Luna on the other side of the door, Anything would’ve been a godsend, but for all my attentiveness there was still no sign that she’d gotten anywhere closer to the door. My head lowered, defeated, of course she wouldn’t listen. After seeing me on top of Celestia, anyone in their right mind wouldn’t in their lives.

Suddenly I felt a shift in the door’s pressure, like someone was sliding downward on the other side, followed by a quick, strained sigh.

“When I first met you on earth, I honestly didn’t know what to make of you.” Luna began, even though there was a door between us I could tell that she was fighting back tears. “You looked like nothing I had ever seen, but you were also my only chance at returning home. I wasn’t truly sure how you would react, but despite your apprehension you agreed to help me, even though you had no idea how to help… I think that’s when it truly started.”

“W-what?” I stuttered, pressing my ear to the door so I could hear her better.

“When I started to fall in love with you.” Luna answered flatly. “You were so ready to help. I couldn’t help but admire you, but I don’t think it was love until after you got me that job. When you were apprehended by those officers, I was scared that you’d be hurt. I almost sacrificed my identity to save you, but Mrs. Burns managed to keep me calm until you were released… I’d never been happier to see someone. It was like getting to see my father once again.”

There was a small laugh on the other side of the door, like she found the entire prospect ridiculous, but that small bit of happiness faded in an instant as she continued.

“But when I saw you on top of my sister, naked… it felt like my entire body was being ripped apart. Every part of my soul was consumed by the pain coming from my heart. I had never opened myself up to anyone like I had you, so when you betrayed me it hurt more than any physical infliction that mere flesh could sustain.”

Once again it felt like the world was falling around me. In spite of everything I went through to get here the fact remained–

“The darkness within me. I could feel it trying to consume me, but that needs anger to manifest and all that remained in my heart… was pain.”

Her words, though I had prayed to hear them just moments before, were causing me so much more agony than I had thought. My breath hitched and my eyes were about ready to flow over, but I took a deep breath and stood tall. I had made my bed with this, and now I needed to sleep in it without a fuss.

“Ever since I learned what Celestia had to do to save your life, I was torn in two. Most of me was just happy that you had survived and that we would get to live to see our children, but the other part of me knew what would eventually happen. I didn’t understand it at first, so I mistook the feeling as anger and took it out on my sister, thinking this was her master plan to take you from me as she had so many other things. I mean, when you and I first bonded, I wanted nothing more than to pounce on you and keep you between my legs until the land burned from the moon never rising again.”

I heard her let out a small chuckle at her own joke, causing me to join in. I was laughing more from the shock that she’d say something like that, especially given the circumstances. She’s usually much more refined than that but I guess even she was growing uncomfortable from all the tension. Still, I knew that we had yet to get to the hard part, so I simply enjoyed this small victory while it lasted.

Another sound, this time of the fabric of her dress sliding up the door. Then, the steel bolt that kept the door locked clicked over and the handle turned. My eyes shot wide open as I stumbled back, not wanting to be pulled forward as the door slowly swung open.

“Aedan, my love for you is too strong for me to simply stop caring after something like this. Yes, you hurt me and it will definitely take some time for me to trust you completely again, but I won’t stop loving you just because you made this mistake,” she said, finally moving from behind the door.

At long last, the woman who I was afraid would want to never see again stood right before my eyes. Her cheeks were red and tear stained, but turned upward in a warming smile. I think it was at that moment I lost control of myself. I lurched forward, partially out of the pain in my aching body, but mostly to finally embrace the love of my life once again. I had made such a mistake. I was fully ready for her to send me away even after hearing my words and to never see her again.

She returned my affections almost immediately, gently stroking my hair as I firmly squeezed her in my arms. “Thank you for staying, Aedan,” she whispered in my ear. “You were so strong to stay and–”

“S-Strong?” I asked, unable to accept her praise. “No, Luna. I was weak. I have always been weak.” That moment I reluctantly pulled away from her, averting my eyes in absolute disgust and shame, but I stood firm. She needed to hear this from me even if I couldn’t look her in the eyes as I told her.

“Ever since I lost my leg and was discharged from the Marine Corps, I have felt powerless and weak. I was losing what little decaying remnants of a man I was from before my deployment. Hell, even before I left for the desert I was a terrible excuse for a human being. Probably the worst example of my species for you to have run into. Still, I tried to fight my fears. I thought that I could be more than what I knew I was and when we first met, everything I did was for my own selfish desires. I refused to let my weakness get to me, so I pretended to be strong and when I found you... I thought that protecting you was my chance to prove that I was more. I never thought that you would ever fall for the false face I had put on display. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find redemption for all the hell I had caused. I do not deserve your forgiveness.”

“You gave me a second chance and I fell right back into my old habits. I cheated, regardless of how far things got between me and Celestia, I was ready to go further. And why? It’s cause I got scared. Scared that my life would be too perfect and scared that a… a monster like me would be responsible for raising the children of the most perfect woman in the world. Both yours and mine.”

Luna smiled and placed her hands on mine, the faint sapphire glow and warmth emanating from her touch signifying that her magic was resetting the cracked bones within before she placed them on her stomach.

“Any cheesier and I’m afraid I’d be charged extra.” She replied with a playful smile before resting her head on my chest. I finally looked back to her, taking her in my arms again.

“Well you didn’t ask for sausage.” I replied with a smirk.

“Oh, I assumed it came with that, given it’s coming from you and all.” Luna shot back, sticking out her tongue playfully.

As the two of us drew closer and closer for what was probably going to be the most passionate kiss we’d ever shared, I suddenly felt the full force of Luna’s fist slamming into my chest, knocking the wind out of me and nearly sending me back down the stairs I almost killed myself to get up earlier. I managed to catch myself on the door with Luna still gripping onto me for dear life, her knees shaking as if someone had kicked her kneecaps.

“M-m…” she stuttered, looking at me with unmistakeable shock and desperation. “My water just broke.”

The world around me fell silent, I couldn’t feel anything, I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see. The only thing that had any relevance was the only thing that repeated in my mind. After what seemed like forever, words finally managed to force their way out of my throat.

“A-are you joking?”

Author's Note:

Uuuuughhh. Finalyy this thing is done. Huge thanks to Chivalry for the help in making this happen and keeping my ass awake way past my bedtime at the sake of my college grades. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this, we worked hard to make it worth the wait and hopefully it's a good follow up of the previous chapter. Any commentary is greatly appreciated and will be noted for future projects. Again thank all of you for your patience with me, I hope by the time this ends you will be satisfied with the work myself and my editor army have produced.