• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 14,026 Views, 835 Comments

A Whole New Responsibility - Flanagan

Life was going great, then Luna told me the one thing I didn't want to hear. I'm going to be a dad...

  • ...

20: The Sacrifice

“Does it look like I’m joking?!” Luna snapped pointing to the small puddle of liquid that had formed around her legs. “They’re coming right now!”

I’m pretty sure I deserved what happened to me next, because before I could react I felt myself falling backwards. Luna in her haste had slammed her palm into my chest, both knocking the wind out of me and tossing me into the air. It gave me a few seconds to reflect on how I’d gotten myself into this predicament, but before I could get into the details my back landed painfully flat on some stairs a good two body lengths from the top. Pained gasps forced their way out of my body as I tumbled down the staircase head over heal before I finally managed to grab a hold of the railing.

“Holy Fuck!” Luna shouted up from the top of the stairs, her language shocking me more than the fall. “A-are you al–”

“Fine…” I meekly shouted back, trying to force air into my lungs once again, “not… babies… now.”

“What about you?”

“I’m good!” I replied, stumbling back up the stairs, “Think I’m starting to like it.”

To tell the truth everything was hurting, there may have even been a broken bone or two, but I forced myself to ignore the pain. I had to get Luna to the infirmary on the other side of the castle, as it was the only place that really had what we needed to get that pair inside of her out with the least amount of risk. Before Luna could register what was going on I had already cradled her in my arms, giving me the painful realization that my left forearm was broken and my right shoulder felt like it would pop out of socket at any second. But I held fast, I gritted my teeth and to my first, staggered step down one of the nine hundred ninety-nine stairs that stood in my way. Only thing after that was a quarter mile walk and another several dozen stairs and I’d be at the infirmary, piece of cake.

“Um… Aedan?” Luna asked, looking up to me like a terrified puppy.

“Y-yeah?” I stuttered back.

“Can I just teleport us there? It’d be a lot safer.”

I stared blankly at Luna for a few seconds as I processed her request. Apparently I’d hit my head more than I’d previously thought. “You sure that’s safer?”

“Do you–AHHHHH!”

Luna’s first contraction was intensely violent, her body shook so hard I nearly lost my grip. Staggering to keep myself from falling over once again I shifted my weight back towards the top of the staircase, landing flat on my back just in front of the door. The combination of the floor and Luna’s weight knocked the wind out of me, the fact I still managed to hold on to her was beyond me.

After taking my first breath, I realized the fall had cracked a few ribs. We needed to get to there before we were both unable to move. I gently set her down on the floor next to me, propping up her back with my good arm and taking her hand with the other.

“Can you get us there?” I asked, the physical pain shown in her face causing some hesitation.

She squeezed my hand for a moment and without a word she teleported both of us just outside of the infirmary, causing quite the tripping hazard for one of the nurses.

“Labor! Doctor! NOW!” I roared, pointing to Luna, who was painfully holding her stomach and fighting the urge to scream.

Just as I finished I curled myself into a ball, the adrenaline long gone, replaced by the agonizing pain as my body finally registered exactly how much abuse it had taken. My arm felt like it was ready to fall off, my head was pounding like a jackhammer working overtime, my broken ribs felt like they were crushing my lungs, and the poison from the spiders had made my legs swell like balloons, cutting off the circulation to my now completely numbed feet. I was honestly surprised I was still conscious and, judging by the number of starts that started to cloud my vision, that state was changing very rapidly. The doctors and nurses all scrambled to our sides, hoisting the both of us onto separate stretchers before shuffling us inside. I tried to grab for Luna’s hand but just as I was about to touch her, she was taken off to another room.

“W-Wait!” I croaked out, reaching for her through the ponies that had surrounded me, but the stars soon flooded my vision and then everything went black.

When I awoke, I shot upright ready to charge after Luna only for the headache to make me instantly regret my decision. Slowly, I lowered myself back down onto the cot and took in my surroundings. I was in one of the small curtained rooms in the pain room of the infirmary with only a nightstand and a unicorn nurse in my direct line of sight.

“Mr. Ryan?” she asked, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine,” I replied, holding my head as the stars in my eyes started to fade. Taking this as a hint, the mare used her magic to help quell my pain. It wasn’t much relief, but it was definitely enough to get me back on my feet. “Where’s Luna?”

“She’s in intensive care and being treated by the finest doctors in the world, but…”

“But what?”

“While they’ve dealt with many pregnancies, this is the first time any of them have seen a human in labor,” she explained, the worry in her tone making me unsettled. “It’s like a veterinarian performing brain surgery.”

“I’m going to see Luna now,” I grunted, rising up and sliding out of the bed. I started to see stars once again as I began to stagger, but I managed to balance myself on an I.V. pole.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mr. Ryan.” She answered, walking to my side and trying to place me back on the bed. “The magic that’s healing your injuries still needs time to complete the process, and don’t even get me started on the venom, you had three times the lethal amount in your system. It’s best you stay in bed for the next few–”

“Ma’am…” I interrupted, casting my looming shadow over her. “The love of my life is having my children this very moment, if you won’t let me go to her now I will punch through every single wall that lies between me and her, so if you–”

“That’s enough Aedan.” An unmistakeable voice said from behind me, only far more serious than I’d ever heard. “She’s doing her job, don’t threaten her in such a manner.”

I turned around slowly, my body tense from hearing her voice. Of course it had to be her, who else would decide to chime in when I needed to get moving.

“Aedan please,” Celestia said, taking a step towards me, “for once just listen to the doc–”

“First off, she’s a nurse,” I interrupted. “Second, like hell I’m going to wait around when Luna needs me most. So either you’ll have to hit me with bull elephant tranquilizer, or I’m going to intensive care, your call.”

Celestia’s gaze never left mine, her expression unwavering and firm. The memories of what happened hours before were still fresh on our minds, but right now there was something far more important on my mind then her feelings. I didn’t hold her gaze for long before I started to walk past her and began marching my happy hobbled ass over into that intensive care unit until I felt her hand on my shoulder.

“You are no good to her in this state. Let me heal you before you venture in there. Those doctors have enough to worry about without a gimpy human getting in their way.”

After hearing the soft, broken tone of her voice I decided to yield but only for a moment. “Fine,” I barked a little sterner than I had meant to. “Just… Just make it quick, alright? She needs me.”

She gave me a simple nod and I sat down on the foot of the bed. Without another word, Celestia waved off the nurse and began working on fixing my arm. The way she moved, the way she spoke, and that unmistakable look in her eyes told me that she was not in the mood for a fight. To be honest, with everything that had been going on up till now, neither was I.

“So…” I began, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the room. “You’re coming in there too, right?”

Celestia froze, her eyes focused on the arm she was holding. “After what I’ve done, I don’t think I deserve to be anywhere near her, let alone witness the births of my biological relatives.”

“You know, it’s not about what you think Celestia,” I said. “Right now, it’s all about what Luna wants. You two are immortal sisters! Like it or not, you have to keep living with each other for all eternity, and I know both of you would be kicking yourselves if something as monumental as the birth of her children was ruined by something so small as this in the grand scheme of things.”

Celestia looked at me and smiled, placing a hand on the side of my face. “And that’s why she loves you,” She said with a slight nod. “You see past the surface and realize what really matters.”

Next thing I knew I was wrapped up her her arms, like a long lost friend or a sister embracing her brother after returning from war. I’d be lying if I said I wanted to return the affection, seeing as what happened earlier. The past few hours were one hell of a kick in the balls to say the least, so I did all I could do. Hesitantly I placed one arm around her back and have her a gentle pat before pushing away, even though my primal instinct wished I wouldn’t.

“We need to get going,” I said, rising off the bed and offering Celestia my hand. “I’m not letting her do this alone.”

“Neither am I,” Celestia replied with a nod as she rose on her own accord, “We must make haste, the intensive care unit is on the other side of the infirmary.”

And with that, the two of us began to march towards intensive care, almost in perfect cadence with Celestia a half a step behind me. We practically ignored everything around us other than what was ahead. That was, until we finally got to the reception desk of the delivery room.

It was as if every pony within earshot of the castle had gotten the news and was now gathered in front of us. As soon as we entered the waiting room, every single one of them slowly turned to us, eyes filled with what I can only describe as a mix of anger and anticipation as they waited for the news of their Princess. What happened next could be best described as seeing the red sea parting. Dozens of the ponies, young and old, guard or medical staff, all stepped aside, giving the both of us a clear path to the makeshift delivery room. To be honest, I was awestruck that these ponies forgot their torches and pitchforks, let alone the fact that they were letting me go through.

However, one single, deafening scream of agony was enough to get my ass in gear. I sprinted through the group. I nearly busted through the door but fortunately Celestia was both kind enough, and more fortunately quick enough, to cast a bit of magic so the door would be open by the time I walked in. This was it; the moment of truth when I would realize whether or not I was a man or a boy. I stepped into Luna’s room and…

I froze.

Seeing Luna in so much pain, physical pain as she convulsed on the hospital bed, gritting her teeth as she held back the screams. I ran to her side, looking her up and down, I reached out to her clenched fist, trying my best to offer support. “Luna,” I whispered softly, “I’m here, I–”

Before I could finish my statement, Luna’s hand struck mine like a viper, grabbing my fingers and crushing them in a death grip with a strength that would make Superman jealous. I hit my knees, at the mercy of a woman that was usually one hundred pounds lighter than me. I began to wonder how long it would take for the bones in my hand to be ground into dust, but that all went away when our eyes finally met.

“A-Aedan,” she stuttered, her eyes soft and gentle despite her pain.

“Yes Luna? I’m here,” I whispered back, “I’m he–”

In an instant her soft eyes turned into fury and hatred that would give the devil pause. “If you ever put me through this again…” she growled, fangs starting to form, “I swear to the heavens above I will CASTRATE you!”

I could feel my masculinity vacating every open pore on me. I have a feeling that the next time Luna has a knife anywhere near her I’ll probably go through a reverse puberty. I’m sure she probably didn’t mean it, but damn if she wasn’t convincing.

“Great bedside manner Aedan,” Celestia chimed. “She seems much calmer than she was with the first group of doctors that tried to get–”

Something changed in Celestia as she looked over her sister. It was so subtle that anyone else who didn’t know her as long would have just thought she lost her train of thought and completely missed it, but her shoulders tensed, her eyes danced frantically, and her mouth hung open. Something was wrong.

“Aedan, I need to speak with you outside for a moment.”

The sternness in her voice was enough to get me moving despite how badly I wanted to stay by Luna’s side. “I’ll be right back, Luna,” I whispered to her before I started to pull away.

“W–Wait!” she yelped, reaching out and grabbing hold of the back of my pants, her voice trembling. “Don’t… Don’t leave me. Please.”

“I can’t leave her,” I said reluctantly, kneeling by Luna’s bedside once more, “not like this.”

What I need to speak with you about is something we shouldn’t discuss here, Celestia’s voice echoed in my mind. I know you want to be here for her, but you have to listen to me.

I looked to Celestia then back to Luna, her eyes begging me to stay, but the constant echoes inside my mind to leave with Celestia. I didn’t move at all and thankfully Celestia took the hint. She let out a deep sigh, shaking her head as she looked to me with serious eyes.

I understand that you need to stay by her side, so I will just speak with you as is, I heard her voice again. I’m no expert on human anatomy, but the amount of blood seems to be excessive and I–

“No,” I said out loud, pointing an accusing finger at her, “you are not going to talk about this here. Not now. Not ever.”

“Aedan...” Celestia said softly, taking the hand pointed at her with her own and using her eyes to redirect my attention back to Luna, “please, look.”

Reluctantly I looked back to the woman behind me and what I saw almost made me collapse. With my head cleared I finally noticed that there was a frail, pale woman staring back at me, my Luna. The strength she’d always seemed to show was gone, replaced by constant shivering and convulsing, her skin was no longer a healthy dark mocha, instead it was cold, clammy even, but what was worse, were her eyes. They usually were full of life, practically beaming with hope and happiness, but now, now they were dim, weak… fearful, fearful that things weren’t going they way they were supposed to go. And now I could see that they weren’t either.

“What’s going on?” I asked a nearby doctor, restraining the temptation to lift him by his mane so he would look at me eye to eye.

“L-like we’ve explained multiple times sir,” he stuttered, not looking at me once, “we’ve never had to treat a human in labor, furthermore we aren’t equipped to either, but from what we know after treating you so many times it’s–”

“It’s what?” I interrupted, my muscles tight and fists clenched.

“It… it’s apparent that this much blood loss is not natural,” he explained, tucking his tail between his leg, “she’s literally hemorrhaging all she’s got, we’ve managed to slow the process, but the labor is only further impacting the issue.”

Once again it felt like the world was collapsing around me. My knees buckled under my own weight and if not for the wall being within arm’s reach I may have squashed a terrified doctor or two. A few deep breaths and holding onto my chest for a few seconds managed to somewhat calm me down, but I really needed to keep it together for Luna. Any further sign of panic from me might have made her condition go from worse to horrifyingly terrible. It was then that Celestia placed her hand on my shoulder once more, staring at me with somber eyes.

“Please Aedan,” she whispered, almost too softly for me to hear, “come outside with me so we can speak.”

It felt like I was Bill Murray as I looked to Celestia and then back to Luna, both of their faces begging to side with their silent pleas, but in the end, I knew I was no use in that room. If anything I was providing an unneeded distraction for the team of doctors and nurses doing their best to keep Luna alive. In what was quite possibly the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life I walked over to Luna, knelt by her side and took her quivering hand.

“I–I’m going to be right outside okay?” I managed to choke out, stroking her fingers with my thumb, “y–you’re in good han-fee-dammit… hooves alright? Everything will be alright.”

Luna weakly shook her head, fading faster by the second, I wanted to stay, I wanted to hold her and make it all better, I wanted to be in her place. Taking a deep breath I leaned in and gave her a kiss, she was so weak that she wasn’t even able to return the favor, all she could do was stare at me with those deep, cobalt eyes that begged me not to go, but I have to fight my every instinct and want. I needed to go with Celestia.

As I stood up Luna weakly reached for me, but she was barely strong enough to lift her own arm, let alone grab hold of my pants. It took every ounce of strength for me to not look back as I made my way to the door, knowing full well that I’d lose if I looked back. It felt like I was cutting my own arm off the instant the door behind me closed and Celestia turned to me, her calm look almost set me off. Her own damn sister was on a slab in that room, and if she died then it would’ve been all three of us going down, yet she still looked like the biggest concern for her was whether or not Blueblood was going to pester her for a new tuxedo.

“How can you–”

“Don’t.” Celestia began sternly, lifting a commanding hand my direction. “If for one minute you think that I do not care as much as you, or not understand the gravity of this situation, you are far more a child than anyone could have predicted.”

“Okay,” I said with a forceful nod, “Then why the hell did you take me away from the woman I love, your sister, when she needed us most?”

Celestia ignored me and turned away, walking over to one of the nearby doctors who was watching the two of us rather intently. I was about to go grab her by the shoulder and demanded she answer me until she spoke to the stallion.

“Did you find the book, Discord?”

Just then, the smug looking doctor turned into the Draconequus as he slithered out of the white lab coat he had been wearing.

“I was able to find it, but you don’t want to know where,” he said, materializing an old dusty tome covered in cobwebs and… pastries? I shook my head, deciding that when it comes to Discord to just leave it be and not think too hard on it. He then handed the book to Celestia, “Chapter eight has everything you need to know about the bond and how to break it, but I added a few notes that you may find interesting.”

Snatching the book from his grasp, Celestia instantly began scanning through the pages, searching for the passage she needed. I, on the other hand, was focused on what Discord had said. My fists clenched and I marched right up to the two of them barely keeping my rage in check.

“So you dragged me out here to see if we can break our connection to Luna?!” I roared, startling several nearby nurses and guards, but I didn’t care. “So what? You just want me to let her die? Are you fuckin–”

“Keep your voice down,” she said, rather hushed all things considered. “I am trying to find a way to save her.”

“Then what is this talk of breaking our bond?” I asked after taking a moment to cool my head.

“There may be a way for me to save Luna’s life, but everything that I am reading here only mentions how to save us. Surely there is a way to reverse this…”

“There is,” Discord piped in. “But it’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows.”

Suddenly, the Draconequus flashed with a bright light and turned into a human scientist looking more along the lines of Doctor Frankenstein with a chalk board behind him. “You see, a soul bond is a connecting magical energy that flows between two individuals in equal shares. Right now, both you and Luna are anchored by Aedan, who shares the benefits of two bonds while only doling out half the return,” he explained, scribbling a couple of stick figures with arrows going between them.

“Basically,” he continued, “Aedan’s healthier than any horse, probably why he was able to do as many physically impossible feats over the past month or so. However…” Discord paused giving me a quick once over with a hint of disdain, “he’s been a leech for the both of you, especially Luna in her weakened pregnant state. If he wasn’t constantly sucking out her life force she may actually be able to hav–”

“That’s enough Discord,” Celestia interrupted before I could say anything, “The man’s already under enough stress, he doesn’t need you drilling salt any deeper into his wounds.”

“Then perhaps he’d enjoy some stress relief?” Discord replied with a coy grin, “I’m sure you’d be glad to assist him in–”

“Enough!” I roared, Grabbing Discord by the fluff of his chest and forcing him to a nearby wall. My muscles were tight, my teeth were gritted, my fists were clenched so tight I could swear I was bleeding. I wanted to wail on his sorry mug as hard as I could, but there was one thing in God’s universe, multiverse… whatever you call it that mattered more, and right now she was alone and scared, dying on a cold metal slab while idiots flailed around with their horns up their asses thinking of a way to fix it.

“What do I have to do…” I growled through my teeth, my eyes never leaving Discord’s as the tension in my body slowly melted away, “please.”

Discord glared at me for a few seconds, almost as if he were disgusted by the fact that I was touching him, but I didn’t flinch, I held my ground knowing full well what he could do to me if he wanted to. Finally, he blinked, the tension lifting.

“You’re really serious about this?” he asked, shifting into his human form, my hand now gripping the neck of his sweater. “Aren’t you?”

“Does it look like I’m fucking around?” I asked back, pressing him against the wall a little further. “Tell me, now.”

“Fine, fine, don’t get your panties in a bundle…” Discord said from behind me, by hand now holding a pair of what I hoped were some of my boxers, though lace was always more Celestia’s thing. “All that I have to do is redirect the current of energy through you to Celestia and Luna. But, there’s a catch.”

Finally, there was something to go on. “What’s the catch?” I asked, feeling like I was about to make a deal with the devil.

Suddenly, Discord became rather serious. “Have you ever see what happens when something not designed to conduct electricity tries to do so?”

There were a few vague memories of science lectures from when I was young, but none of them were very precise or clear so I just shook my head.

After a rather pompous sigh, Discord continued, “The energy flowing through you both from Luna’s pain and Celestia’s magic will tear through you. They will both be safe, but your body and soul will probably be destroyed in the process.”

“You think that’s a viable solution?!” Celestia barked, her voice cracking in shock, “there has to be–”

“Afraid not, my dear,” Discord answered in a despicably casual tone, “If you ponies actually would keep proper records and maintained libraries over the course of a few thousand years you’d know that this was the only solution by now.”

“Well we have to think of something else,” Celestia said shaking her head, “I won’t, no, I can’t let Aedan take–”

“I’ll do it,” I interrupted, the entire hallway falling silent as my words echoed through the minds of the gods before me.

“Aedan,” Celestia almost whispered, “you can’t possibly mean…”

“Did I stutter?” I asked back, “Luna’s dying and we’re out of options, like hell I’m not going to.”

“We can find another way,” she almost begged, “we just need some time to–”

We don’t have any damn time!” I roared, effectively silencing Celestia as I marched towards Discord. “Luna’s dying by the second, if we don’t act now then Equestria will be out all of its humans and half of its ruling class. That’s something that for the life of me I won’t stand for.” I paused, stopping right in front of Discord, my eyes locked on to his, refusing to budge as I extended my hand. “Do it. Whatever the fuck you have to do, I don’t care... As long as Luna wakes up tomorrow with her children in her arms, I don’t give a flying fuck about what happens to me.”

Discord looked to my hand then back at me, taking it firmly in his own, causing my arm to tingle. “It’s done. Now all of us need to be with Luna. I need to be in direct contact with her to establish a better connection.”

I nodded and he teleported us into a dark corner in the room. Luna was unconscious on the bed, an oxygen mask strapped to her face and several I.V. bags strewn around her along with a rapidly dwindling blood packet. She was barely holding on.

Discord looked over Luna’s body with surprisingly sad eyes, slowly tracing her outline in the air with his hand. The next thing I knew a faint glow came from his hands, followed by a white, wisplike essence. It connected itself to Luna, the shine between the two dimming the closer it was to her. After several seconds Discord looked to Celestia, not a word was said between the two of them, but the message was a clear as day. At first she hesitated, looking between myself and her sister, but in the end she reached out and took Discord’s hand. Her eyes were unable to hold off her tears as the essence flowed across Discord and to her. Finally, Discord set his sights on me.

“Now come here Aedan, it’s time for you to finish the connection.”

Without hesitation I took a step towards Discord, but before I could wrap my hand around his, Luna let out a small whimper giving everyone in the room pause. My hand went back to my side as I knelt beside her. Her whimpering continued, somehow knowing exactly what we had decided on doing without actually being there.

“This is something I have to do babe,” I said softly as I cradled her head. “God knows what’ll happen if we don’t.”

With tears in her eyes she shook her head with as much strength as she could, only to stop the second I placed my freehand on her cheek. “Stop that Luna, you’ll overexert yourself if you keep doing that, besides…” I paused, leaning in to where I was mere inches away from her lips, “You know I hate it when you cry.”

With that I left what was possibly my last kiss I would ever give. As I rose to my feet I could tell that she was trying to reach out to me, to stop me from taking Discord’s hand. To not do what I’ve always done, blindly charge into a situation running on nothing but pure emotion, but here I was again, about to potentially erase my very soul from existence because of a woman. No, not just any woman, Luna, the woman who literally ran into my life. The woman who made me endure countless awkward moments due to her ineptness. The woman who, despite all of my flaws, foolishly fell in love with me and who I stupidly chose to love back. The woman who was excited beyond reason to find out that she was pregnant with my children. The woman whose heart I broke because I was weak. The woman who, despite all my flaws, still loved me. For what reason? I don’t know, but I do know this...

I’m truly grateful to her for every second of it.

Author's Note:

This wasn't intended, it just happened that way.