• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 5,186 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Healing Dragon - Gearsmash King

Dragons might be very big, terrifying, and very greedy. But not all of them were like this.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Red Eyes, Red Skin, And Red Blood


Lazarus bellowed loudly as a Changeling's magic pierced his shoulder. The magic didn't make a deep wound, but it had caused an annoying sting. The dragon turned and used his tail to strike several of the insect-like hunters. Then Lazarus turned his attention to some Changelings who were riding their five beasts towards him.

"I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!" Lazarus bellowed.


The beasts didn't yield to his roar. Instead, two of them leaped into the air and landed on his back, sinking their teeth into his thick hide, causing blood to seep out.


The ponies watched in horror as the other three beasts rammed into the dragon's side and pushed him over. These beast weren't like anything that they had seen before. From what they could see, the beasts had bear-shaped bodies with less fur, bull horns on their monster heads, sharp teeth, and blade-like claws. Lazarus was four times bigger than they were, but as a group, they proved to be a challenge.


One of the beasts howled as it pounced on Lazarus' head. The dragon responded by grabbing it with his claws and hurling it at a cage.

Clink! Clang!

The creature hit the cage, slamming it's rider into the bars. The ponies couldn't tell if they were still alive, but they knew that the impact had caused a great deal of injury. Now it was four against one and both sides were fighting furiously. The other two creatures jumped on him and clawed at his side. Lazarus rolled on the ground and managed to get all four beasts off of him. Both sides got back to their feet and stared back at each other.

"This is my home and you're not welcome here!" Lazarus growled, addressing the leader, "Leave now and take your traps with you, while you still have your lives."

"This part of the forest belongs to Queen Chrysalis." The leader said, glaring at him, "You're trespassing and must be dealt with."

"If your Queen wants it, then she'll have to come and claim it, herself." Lazarus hissed, "Unless, she's a coward and chooses to send her maggots to do her dirty work."

"How dare you speak of the Queen in such an ill manner!" The leader exclaimed, taking up his spear, "YOU DIE, DRAGON!!!"


The dragon and beasts charged at each other. Lazarus reached for the leader's beast, but the leader was a very skilled fighter and leaped from his beast as Lazarus sent it flying towards a tree. The other three beasts latched onto his arms and neck, causing more blood to paint the ground. The dragon's claws were still free and he used them to pull the two creatures from his arms, clapping them together and throwing them to the ground. The last creature start clawing at his face, while still holding onto his neck by it's teeth.


Lazarus let out a painful scream as he felt claws, teeth, and a spear drive itself into his already wounded arm. With his other claws, Lazarus grabbed the last beast and tore it from his neck. He held the struggling creature in his claws and began to squeeze. Then he felt a flow of magic come from the spear in his arm. He looked at it in time to see a flash of light, blinding him and causing him to drop the creature.

"HAAAAHHHH!!!!!" The leader cried, leaping into the air.

Lazarus heard the leader and pinpointed his movements. He swung his tail around and missed as the leader landed on his back. The leader's horn glowed a sickly neon green and a beam of magic burned Lazarus' back.


Lazarus' vision returned and he quickly brought his tail up to his back, while the Changeling commander was distracted. His tail made contact and the leader went flying, before landing on the ground and skidding to a stop. The leader rolled to avoid Lazarus' claws, only to be stopped by the dragon's other clawed hand.


Lazarus pinned the leader and opened his mouth. The leader saw blue flames begin to form and closed his eyes, expecting to be burned to death.

"STOP!" A voice shouted, making the Changeling open his eyes.

He was looking up at the dragon as he closed his mouth and looked away from his catch. The Changeling followed his gaze and saw a bright yellow pegasus looking at them. Fluttershy had fear in her eyes as she slowly approached them.

"Please, let him go." She pleaded, "You don't have to kill him, Lazarus."

"Fluttershy," Lazarus rumbled, "the forest remains in danger if I don't."

"It'll still be in danger if you do. If you let him go, then maybe he can convince their Queen to leave the forest and you alone."

"I doubt it."

"How do you know? Have you ever tried?"

The dragon went silent as he realized that he actually never tried proper diplomacy. The closest to it, that he could remember, was when he let another hunter, from long ago, run free to tell others. But Lazarus had followed him and was attacked then, too. It was hard for him to see much difference in the current situation. If he let the Changeling go and take his troops with him, then there's the risk of having more return. But if he killed him, then he would stay in a constant loop of finding camps and dealing with the occupants. Either way, it was a hard decision. Lazarus looked back at the Changeling commander, pinned under his large claws.

"I'm going to let you up." He growled, lowering his head close to the leader, "When I do, get out of my forest and take your Queen's maggots with you."

Lazarus didn't wait for a response as he slowly lifted his claws. The Changeling got to his "hooves" and dusted himself off. He looked over at Fluttershy and saw six other ponies and a baby dragon emerge from behind some bushes. Between them, he saw his spear, coated in dragon blood. Twilight used her magic to grab the sharp weapon and shook her head at him. He looked back at Lazarus and glared.

"Load everyone who can't move into the wagons. Now!" He ordered, without taking his eyes off the dragon, "We're going back to the Hive!"

The Changelings started gathering their wounded and loading them into several wagons. The ponies were thankful that Lazarus hadn't killed any of them, even though many of them were suffering from large injuries. Their beasts however didn't fare as well. Only three out of the five of them survived the battle. The two that Lazarus had smashed together died from the impact, leaving their riders extremely bruised and battered.

"Leave your weapons and traps." Lazarus said, staying focused on the leader, "All of them."

"Do you expect us to travel through this forest unarmed?" The leader said, putting a magical sheath around his sword and knife, "We would be dead in minutes."

"You have your magic and your pets. That's good enough, if you stay on the trail."

After a moment, another Changeling approached them, wearing crunched armor and limping.

"Commander Hornet." The Changeling said, saluting to her superior, "The wagons are loaded, sir."

"Very good. Now, tell everyone to relieve themselves of their weapons." Commander Hornet ordered, "Then, we leave."

"But, sir..."

"Now, Private!"

The Changeling shuddered in fear, before going back over to the others. Shortly after, a pile of weapons lay in the center of the clearing that they had made their camp. The Changelings formed their ranks and began marching into the forest, followed by Commander Hornet. But before he entered the forest, he stopped and turned to look back at the group.

"Your days are numbered." He warned, "Mark my words."


Lazarus growled in response as the Changeling turned away and disappeared into the trees. After a moment of waiting, to be sure that they were gone, Lazarus approached the weapons pile.

"Wait a moment!" A voice called, "Some of those looking rather interesting and, possibly, inspirational."

Lazarus watched as Rarity stepped forward and looked over the pile of blades, pointed shafts, and traps. Her horn began to glow as she spotted something that was rather unique.

"I'll take these." She said in an elegant voice, levitating Commander Hornet's sword and knife, "They have a very unique and elegant design."

The sword looked much like something from a nightmare, but it had a certain amount of style that any good fashion forward pony would recognize. The knife was a similar version, except for the retractable blade it hid. Lazarus looked at her, then at the others.

"Anyone else?" The dragon asked.

Twilight was still levitating the Commander's spear. But the others didn't seem interested in anything in the pile of strange weapons.

"Very well."


Blue flames showered the pile as Lazarus began to burn it. The wooden shafts of the spears turned to embers, while the tips and blades of several swords glowed red. The weapons bent and melted as the dragon stopped breathing fire, leaving the flames to turn red and yellow. Soon, the pile was a large pool of melted metal and ash. Lazarus dug a large hole and made a small channel for the hot glowing liquid to flow into it.

"Lazarus," Fluttershy said, looking at the red pool forming under the dragon, "are you alright?"

Lazarus didn't answer her question. He only got up and began to limp to the edge of the forest, leaving a blood trail behind him.

"Come on," Lazarus groaned, sounding different, "let's... get... mov-"

Thud! Thump!

The dragon's legs gave out under him and he collapsed to the ground.

"Lazarus!" The ponies gasped and cried, running to him.

"Starlight! Rarity! Help me lift him up! Quick!" Twilight exclaimed urgently, warping Lazarus in magic, "We have to get him to Ponyville! Fast!"

The two unicorns warped the rest of the massive dragon in their magic, only to start straining and sweating. Lazarus was too big and heavy for them to move as fast as they needed and Ponyville was too far away to be sure that he would make it. The possibility of him dying on the way there, was becoming a reality with every drop of blood that hit the ground.


"Fluttershy, there you are." Discord said, appearing out of nowhere, "What happened here?"

"Discord! Oh, thank goodness!" Fluttershy cried, "Can you help us?"

"What do you need help with?"

"We need to get Lazarus to Ponyville. Can you teleport us and him there?"

Discord had a puzzled expression on his face. Looking at the motionless body of the dragon that tried to eat him a couple days ago, Discord wasn't thrilled about helping a possible enemy. Even though, that enemy might not be an enemy anymore.

"I don't know, Fluttershy." Discord said, watching Twilight, Starlight, and Rarity manage to lift Lazarus barely above the ground, "He doesn't like me too much and he might try to attack me again."

"Discord, please!" Fluttershy pleaded, "He still has too much to do and if he dies..."

Fluttershy started to cry as the stress of the situation weighed on her. Discord immediately stopped being arrogant and patted her head.

"Alright, I'll help." He said, warping her in a hug, "But I can't teleport him and all of you in one trip."

He let her go and approached Twilight.

"Because of how big he is, it's going to take both of us to get him there." Discord claimed, "So, when I count to three, teleport to Fluttershy's cottage."

Twilight nodded and waved Starlight and Rarity away from the dragon.

"One... Two... Three!"

Poof! Flash! Pow!

The three of them disappeared, leaving Fluttershy and the others alone in the clearing. The only remains of Lazarus was a red pool, where he once was.


"Everyone, get in close." Discord said, reappearing.

They got as close as they could to each other, before leaving.


Reappearing at her cottage, Fluttershy looked at the dark red mass that laid in her backyard.

"Everypony get as much supplies as you can." Twilight ordered, her horn glowing, "I'll try to stop the bleeding."

Everyone scattered and raced to get medicine and bandages, even though they knew that their medical supplies were meant to aid ponies, not large dragons. But they wanted to help him as best as they can, anyway. Fluttershy didn't have to go far for anything, since she was already home. However, she was worried for the dragon.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Fluttershy asked gently, looking at Twilight with a worried expression.

"I... I don't know." Twilight replied, closing some of the slashes on Lazarus' side, "But we'll do what we can to help him."

It wasn't the answer Fluttershy was hoping for, but she accepted it with a nod and went into her cottage to find her First Aid kit that she used for large animals.

Author's Note:

Lazarus isn't looking to good right now. And what does Commander Hornet intend on telling Queen Chrysalis about what happened? Keep your eyes peeled and imagination running, because we've only chipped the surface. :twilightsmile: