• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 5,188 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Healing Dragon - Gearsmash King

Dragons might be very big, terrifying, and very greedy. But not all of them were like this.

  • ...

Chapter 9: The Creator Of Relics

"Clearly, I've been in this forest for far too long." Lazarus said, after the ponies told him about everything that has happened in the past years.

Princess Celestia had taken her leave and went back to Canterlot, leaving him and the ponies to make introductions. But the more Lazarus heard, the more empty he felt. He had been hiding in the Everfree Forest ever since that war between his kind and those monsters, who dared to call themselves dragons, ended thousands of years ago. However, there was a valid reason why he stayed hidden.

"If you believe that you've been here for too long, then why haven't you left?" Twilight asked the blood-red dragon.

"I never left, because I've been guarding magical artifacts that are so dangerous, no one should ever use them." He replied, "However, there are certain items that I will allow to leave my care."

The ponies exchanged looks at each other, trying to determine if they should press the matter further. Twilight seemed to think so.

"What artifacts?" She asked, interested to hear about what these items can do, "The only ones that I know of, in the Everfree Forest, are the Elements of Harmony."

Lazarus lowered himself to their level and focused directly on the purple alicorn. Fluttershy stepped forward and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and looked at Lazarus.

"I noticed some of those memories that you have, hold images of several things." Fluttershy said, addressing the dragon, "A few of them looked familiar to me. Maybe, you could show us what they are. Instead of you showing us where they are."

Lazarus lifted his head and scratched his chin with his claws, thinking of what would be a good decision.

"Very well, Fluttershy." Lazarus said, coming to a decision, "But you all must promise to never tell anyone about these items. If someone, other than you, were to discover what these artifacts can do, then I fear they will fall into the darkness of this world and be used for evil."

The ponies shuddered, almost fearing what they were asking to see.

"I'm only telling you ponies, and baby dragon, because I sense that I can trust you with such a secret." Lazarus continued, "The spirits of the Elements course through your bodies and hearts. And I trust spirits more than I trust physical beings, because they never lie to me."

He looked at Starlight, narrowing his eyes. She gulped and stared back at him, shaking slightly.

"However, not all of you share these spirits." He said, directing his words at Starlight, "So, I am asking you all to promise me that you won't breathe a word to anyone. No. Matter. What."

Fluttershy could sense that Lazarus was involving Starlight because she figured if they trusted her, then he could too. However, from the way Lazarus was looking at her and the tone of his voice, it seemed like he didn't fully trust Starlight.

"I-I swear." Starlight promised shakily, "I won't say a word."

Lazarus eased his gaze and lifted his head, looking over the others.

"Do all of you swear to accept such a secret?" He asked, moving his eyes from one pony to the next.

"We do." They said in almost perfect unison.

Then Lazarus turned toward the forest and motioned for them to follow.

After walking a short distance and a quick flight, they stood before the mouth of Lazarus' cave. The sun had started to set, making way for the night. The bats that lived in the cave, swooped over the dragon and his guests. The ponies ducked and stood behind Lazarus, waiting for the large group of bats to vacate the cave. Finally, the last bat flew out and hovered in front of Lazarus.

Squee! Squee!

"Of course, Leather Wing." Lazarus said to the bat, "I won't let anything happen to your daughter. You have my word."

The bat looked from Lazarus to the ponies.


"They're my guests." Lazarus replied, "They'll only be here for a short time."

Squee! Squee, squee!

"You too." He said, giving the bat a warm smile, "And be careful. Black Feather told me that he saw some owls, near the swamp. Great-Horned owls, by the appearance."

The bat nodded and flew into the forest, leaving Lazarus and the ponies. He watched as it caught up with another group and disappeared into the shadows.

"What was that all about?" Rarity asked, looking back at Lazarus.

Turning back towards the cave, Lazarus entered.

"Leather Wing is the leader of those bats." Lazarus replied, "And she keeps me informed of things that happen, but sometimes she likes to think that she's my leader, as well."

"Do you have a leader?" Spike asked, "Like Dragon Lord Torch? Or his daughter Ember?"

Lazarus stopped abruptly and whipped his head to the one side, glaring at the smaller dragon.

"I don't have a leader." Lazarus growled, "And the Dragon Lord has no power over me."

Lazarus looked ahead and continued through the cave. However, his presence felt uneasy.

"It's because of a Dragon Lord, I'm the last of my kind." He continued, hissing slightly, "All because of one artifact."

They reached the pool and Lazarus reached for a jewel, only to see a small shadow dash in front of his claws. The shadow circled above him, before landing upside-down on his crest. The shadow turned out to be a very small bat, smaller than the ones they had seen earlier.


"Good evening, Fuzzle." Lazarus greeted, suddenly feeling less angry, "Glad to see that you've gotten better at stealth."

Squee! Squee!

"Your mother and the others have gone out." He replied, "And for the hundredth time, no. You're still too young to go out there."

Squee! Squee! Squee!

"No." Lazarus groaned, annoyed by the little bat's childlike behavior, "When you're older, then your mother will allow you to leave the cave. But until then, you stay put. Understand?"


The bat flew away and back onto the ceiling of the cave. It stared down at them, before curling up in it's wings.

"Family issues?" Applejack asked, looking at the young bat.

"She's just upset because her mother told her to stay in the cave." Lazarus replied, reaching for the previous jewel.

"But isn't this your cave?" Rainbow Dash asked, watching the dragon bring the jewel down.

"It is, but I'm not responsible for how parents raise their children." He said, holding the jewel above the water, "Haven't had to worry about such things for six thousand years."

He released the jewel and they watched as it dropped into the water. The pool changed and showed them a row of oddly shaped gems. Twilight's eyes widened as six very familiar looking gems came into view.

"Are those..." She stammered.

"The Elements of Harmony?" Lazarus said, completing and confirming her question, "Yes. They're one of my finest creations. Along with the Crystal Heart."

Lazarus looked down at his guests, only to find several pairs of eyes staring back at him. The ponies were shocked by what they just heard.

"B-but I thought the Elements came from the Tree of Harmony!" Twilight burst, trying to piece together the logic, "And you made the Crystal Heart?"

"Who do you think planted the tree?" Lazarus smirked, amused by her bewilderment, "And, yes. All though, the Heart took a little less power and effort than the Elements."

The pool showed four items, unless one Element equaled one item, then it would be nine items in total. The ponies only recognized the Elements and the Heart, the other two were a mystery. One was a green emerald that had an ominous glow around it. The other was a small red circular jewel that was the same size as a pony's eye.

"That green emerald," Lazarus began, "I call that, the Poisoned Mind. If it were to be used, it will cause the minds of anyone within it's range to throb with agonizing pain, except for it's user. It while also cause horrifying illusions, making whoever is affected, fight their friends or try to kill themselves to end the suffering. If it were to fall into the clutches of someone who wanted to use it for dark purposes, then no spell can protect and save the weak and helpless."

Fluttershy shuddered, trying not to imagine extreme pain and her worst nightmares happening at the same time.

"The red jewel," Lazarus continued, "I call, Crimson Fury. That one is the most dangerous of these artifacts."

"But it's so small." Rainbow Dash chimed, almost mocking the little gem, "How could it be so dangerous?"

Lazarus looked at her and narrowed his eyes, but showed no aggression. Instead, his eyes showed pity.

"Just because something is small, doesn't mean it can't cause the worst disaster." Lazarus said softly, "Crimson Fury has the ability to do just about whatever it's master desires it to do. Obey almost every command, until it has fulfilled it's task. It can transform into anything, be used as a soul collector, and it is strong enough to bring down the most powerful being in existence. The only way to get past it, is by letting it drain it's power. However, I created it to do that after five uses."

The pool faded back to it's original form and Lazarus retrieved the jewel.

"Why did you make such things?" Fluttershy asked, calming herself.

Lazarus placed the jewel back in it's place and looked at them, sorrow painted across his face.

"I didn't." He replied, lowering his head, "I couldn't make something good, without creating something bad."

The cave fell silent as the ponies realized just how grateful they should be. After all, it was Lazarus who unintentionally made them and as a result, he hid them away. But they wouldn't remain hidden forever. Everyone knew that sooner or later, someone would find these artifacts and figure out how to use them.

"Would you trust anypony else to guard these items?" Twilight asked as an idea entered her mind.

"I would, if there was anyone to trust." Lazarus replied.

"What if you entrusted them to the Princesses?" Twilight said, "And you trust us, so you could trust our judgement too, right?"

Lazarus lifted a claw to his chin and closed his eyes. This decision was a difficult one, because he didn't want to burden them with such things. However, going back to his earlier statement, Lazarus realized that it was time to stop hiding in the shadows of the forest. After a few minutes of silent thinking, Lazarus lowered his claw to the ground and looked at the group that stood before him.

"I've come to a decision."

Author's Note:

I'll admit, compared to the other chapters, this chapter wasn't my best. In truth, my mind went blank part way through and it took me forever to get the words together. I'll try to do a little better next chapter.