• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 5,186 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Healing Dragon - Gearsmash King

Dragons might be very big, terrifying, and very greedy. But not all of them were like this.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Setting Plans

"Make way!" Commander Hornet ordered, "I must speak to her Majesty, immediately! And get these troops to the healers! Now!"

The guards stepped aside and allowed their superior to enter the hive. It had been a long journey back and he had lost several troops from fatal injuries or monsters. Commander Hornet was fuming as he proceeded to the throne room, where Queen Chrysalis was brooding. His expression changed from anger to content as he approached her and bowed.

"Your Majesty." Hornet greeted, holding his pose until given permission to stand.

"Commander, you may rise." Chrysalis said, lifting her "hoof" and motioning him to stand.

The Changeling obeyed and stood at attention. Chrysalis focused her gaze on her unarmed soldier and shook her head in disappointment.

"What do you have to report, Commander?" She asked, getting off her throne and circling him.

Hornet gulped hard, because he knew that if he didn't choose his words carefully, the Queen might strip him of his rank. Or worse.

"Your Majesty," He began, "I regret to inform you, the section of forest that you want, has already been claimed."

"Claimed?" She replied softly, "By who?"

"By a... dragon."

"Dragon's are simple. All you have to do is give them some gems and they will comply."

Hornet's wings twitched as he realized that he never bothered to try such a tactic. However, being a warrior himself, Hornet sensed something different about this particular dragon. And by the way it moved, this dragon seemed more interested in protection than bribery.

"In truth, your Majesty, I think this dragon couldn't have been bribed with all the gems in the world." Hornet continued, "He said that the Everfree Forest was his home and he didn't seem willing to part with it. I believe it's because he's already been influenced."

"Influenced?" Chrysalis echoed, using her magic and retrieving a sword that rested against her throne, "What kind of influence?"

Hornet gulped again as he saw the long, sharp, black blade of the sword bring itself between them. His senses screamed at him to run and hope to at least reach the door, but he remained firmly planted to the ground. The blade slowly moved towards him and rested on his neck.

"Who could've influenced a dragon without the use of treasure?" Chrysalis purred menacingly, slowly dragging the blade across his skin and drawing blood, "And where are your weapons, I might add? You returned without them, three Iron Jaws, and only half of your troops. Care to explain?"

"It was ponies!" Hornet exclaimed, closing his eyes, "Ponies influenced the dragon and our weapons were removed by them!"

The room fell silent and Hornet felt the blade leave his neck. Opening an eye, he saw Chrysalis levitating the sword and staring at him with confusion written on her face.

"Show me." She hissed, "Show me what you saw."

Without hesitation, Hornet's horn glowed neon green and an orb of the same colour appeared. Chrysalis watched as the memory danced around the orb, revealing the fight. After a moment, the memory reached the part where Hornet was pinned under the dragon's claws and was about to be burned by blue flames.

"STOP!" A voice cried out.

Chrysalis watched as Hornet's gaze moved from the dragon to a familiar yellow pegasus.

"Please, let him go. You don't have to kill him, Lazarus." The pegasus said, looking frightened, but being brave.

"Fluttershy, the forest remains in danger if I don't." The dragon replied.

"The forest will remain in danger if you do. If you let him go, then maybe he could convince their Queen to leave the forest and you alone."

"I doubt it."

"How do you know? Have you ever tried?"

The dragon paused a moment and appeared to be in thought, before lowering his head down to Hornet.

"I'm going to let you up. When I do, get out of my forest and take your Queen's maggots with you." He said, lifting his claws.

Chrysalis continued to watch as Hornet stood up and looked over at his spear, only to see it lift off the ground and float over to a purple alicorn with a very familiar face.

"Freeze that!" Chrysalis ordered, realizing who she was looking at.

Hornet stopped the memory and Chrysalis stared with burning eyes. Almost immediately, she recognized the group of ponies that stood next to the dragon.

"So," Chrysalis frowned, "the rumors are true. Twilight Sparkle has become a princess and made some new friends."

"Yes, your Majesty." Hornet said, "But since they've become allies with a dragon, wouldn't that cause any problems for our plans?"

"It might, but who's to say we can't do the same?" Chrysalis said, changing her expression, "In fact, I think I have a better plan than before."

"I'm not sure I understand."

The memory faded away, causing Hornet and Chrysalis to look at each other. A sinister grin crossed her face, making Hornet take one step backwards.

"Send ten scouts to Ponyville and three to Canterlot. I want eyes on Twilight Sparkle and her friends at all times." Chrysalis ordered, putting her sword away and levitating a bottle from a shelf in the next room, "And give the Canterlot scouts this. Be sure that they take it and pour some of it into a bottle labeled: Midnight Elegance. I heard that's Princess Luna's favorite."

Hornet wrapped the bottle in magic and inspected it. Looking at the dark liquid swirling around, it didn't take long for him to realize what it was. Chrysalis could tell that he was curious about what she had planned, but only gave him the details that would tell him the basic idea.

"For this plan to work," She began, returning to her throne, "we're going to need every advantage we can get. But in order to do that, we'll have to remain as secretive as possible."

Hornet nodded his head, starting to understand what she was planning.

"Now," Chrysalis continued, "since you were discovered, it would be best if the scouts remain disguised at all times and avoid direct contact with ponies. Only if they absolutely have to, they are allowed to break orders. All scouts will be in touch with you and you will report to me. Once all preparations have been made, we'll execute the plan and Equestria will be ours."

"What about the dragon?" Hornet asked, remembering the one thing that could cause the biggest problems.

Chrysalis' grin turned into a twisted smile, making Hornet lower himself to the ground and shudder.

"I believe fighting fire with fire would be an entertaining tactic." She snickered as her eyes flashed, "I'm sure you've thought of something along those lines, General."

Hornet's ears perked up, surprised by the title that was suddenly addressed to him.

"General, your Majesty?" He asked, "But I'm several ranks below such a title."

"Yes, but I'm giving you this title because only you and me know what we're up against."

"Shouldn't Mandible be in charge of this?"

"Are you refusing this promotion?"

Hornet froze and realized that if he did refuse, there was the possibility of disappointing the Queen and it might end with her using that sword resting against her throne.

"N-no. No!" He said, collecting himself, "I was just caught off guard."

Suddenly Chrysalis' sword shot into the air and Hornet followed it with his eyes. The sword flew high above him, before he was knocked to the ground.


Hornet looked up and saw Chrysalis looking down on him with her sword hanging just above his head. The tip hanging only a centimeter over one of his eyes. He wanted to moved, but his Queen had him pinned to the ground.

"Being caught off guard will get you killed." Chrysalis menaced, "Keep that in mind whenever someone more dangerous than you is close. Do I make myself clear?"

Hornet nodded and Chrysalis floated her sword back to it's place, before taking a seat. Hornet stood up and dusted himself off, shaken by how close to death he has been recently.

"That's the second time that someone has allowed you to live." Chrysalis purred, "You had better hope that your luck will see you through until everything is under my rule."

"I promise not to disappoint you." Hornet bowed, "Your Majesty."

Chrysalis waved him away and watched as he left the throne room. Once he had left her sight, dark clouds formed over Chrysalis' head. She knew that it would be a hard battle and she would lose some of her subjects. But in order to win a war, sacrifices had to be made. The war that Chrysalis had in mind, only involved one battle and she wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

"Oh yes," Chrysalis smiled, "once everything is in order, nothing will be able to stand in my way."

She visualized herself standing above the rubble and looking down upon her newly conquered country.

"Hm, hm, hm." She began to chuckle, which escaladed into laughter, "Hahahaha! Victory and revenge will belong to me! AH, HA, HA, HA, HAAA!!!"

Author's Note:

I don't know if I did the right thing by bringing Chrysalis into this. But if I'm as creative as some people say I am, then I should be able to make this work.