• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 5,188 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Healing Dragon - Gearsmash King

Dragons might be very big, terrifying, and very greedy. But not all of them were like this.

  • ...

Chapter 8: New Friends And Old Faces

"His name is Lazarus?" Twilight asked, stunned by what Fluttershy told her friends, "And he can revive the dead?!"

It was the next day, when Fluttershy decided to tell them about him and what he could do. It was an unsettling matter, because she mentioned his abilities and his almost impossible age. But, than again, how could she keep something that big a secret? She felt it would be easier to talk about it. However, after seeing Twilight's eyes widen when Fluttershy mentioned who he had revived, it started to make better sense to have just kept it to herself.

"He can fly, without wings?" Rainbow Dash staggered, trying to grasp the mental image of a wingless dragon, flying through the air.

"He has a large quantity of jewels?" Rarity chimed, eager to know about the dragon's glimmering collection.

"I'm tryin' to figure out how he can even be that old." Applejack commented, "Over a few thousand years old? That's sounds like tryin' to make apple pie without apples, it doesn't make a lick of sense."

"Does he like to have fun?" Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing an inflated balloon in her hoofs.

Fluttershy looked at each of her friends, sitting in their designated thrones in the castle, trying to find the words to answer all the questions in one sentence. Finally, she found the ones that would make the most sense. But it wouldn't be in one sentence.

"To be honest," Fluttershy said softly, "I don't think I'm the right one to tell you this. But if we can show that not all ponies are afraid of him, maybe he could be a friend and then he can tell you what you want to know about him."

"But, Fluttershy, aren't ya afraid of dragons, anyway?" Applejack asked, not feeling welcome to the idea of making friends with a full grown dragon.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still afraid of dragons." Fluttershy replied, putting on a brave face, "But he's the only dragon, other than Spike, that I've met that doesn't seem mean, selfish, or greedy. He's actually very gentle, when he's calm. I think he would be a good friend to have."

The room fell silent as they all pondered the idea. It didn't take long, until Twilight spoke up.

"I don't know, Fluttershy." She said, sounding unsure of herself, "The only one here that knows the most about Lazarus is you. I don't know how he would react to five other ponies, suddenly wanting to be his friends. I mean, we've all seen his scars and we've seen hunter traps. To him, it might look like an ambush and try to attack in self-defence."

"Yes," Fluttershy replied, "but when we helped him bury the manticores, he didn't attack anypony. So far, the only one he's had a problem with is Discord. But that was from a long time ago."

Both Fluttershy and Twilight had reasonable points of interest. But it was a big decision and it involved everyone's opinion.

"Here's a thought." Rarity said as an idea flew through her mind, "What if we brought somepony he already knows and respects? That way, it'll be easier for all of us to make introductions."

"That might work." Twilight said, raising a hoof to her chin, "But the only one who might have that affect on him is Celestia."

"Exactly." Rarity nodded, "If she comes out to Ponyville, then, maybe, Lazarus can be more open about having friends who are ponies."

The room fell silent again as they thought. After a moment, the door to the throne room opened, allowing Spike and Starlight Glimmer to enter.

"Hey, everypony." Spike said as they approached the table, "What's going on?"

"Fluttershy met a mysterious dragon and she wants us to try and be friends with him." Rainbow Dash replied, summarizing the idea.

"Is he dangerous?" Starlight asked, suddenly wishing she didn't hear about it.

"He's only dangerous when he is trying to protect the animals of the Everfree Forest, or feels threatened." Fluttershy said softly, "Other than that, he's not like other dragons."

"Not like other dragons?" Spike echoed, seeming interested in this new dragon, "How different is he?"

Fluttershy explained everything again, focusing on the important facts. The more she told them, the more mysterious and intriguing the dragon became. She wasn't just telling the story over again to bring them up to speed with everypony else. Fluttershy was reminding her friends about how and why Lazarus would be a good friend.

"So, you think Princess Celestia might be able to help?" Spike asked, turning his attention to Rarity's previous question.

"Unless somepony has a better idea. Yes." Rarity said elegantly.

After discussing the matter further, they all agreed and Spike wrote a letter to Princess Celestia. However, he didn't write the reason for her to visit.

Two days went by and Fluttershy went to the edge of the Everfree Forest, behind her cottage. She looked at the trees and saw three crows staring back at her. The crows watched as she approached their tree.

"Could one of you call for Lazarus, please." Fluttershy asked, smiling at the crows, "It's kind of important that he should come and see me."

Caw! Caw!

"It's important because it involves something that he did a long time ago."


"Yes, really. Now, if you please, call him."

The crow in the middle, shrugged and turned around, facing the dark forest.

Caw! Caw! Caw!

With a loud call, the crow sent the message through the trees to other crows. It didn't take long for Fluttershy to hear a chorus of calls echo through the forest. A few minutes later, Lazarus appeared in the distance. He approached grandly, much like a proud king addressing his subjects. As he got closer, Fluttershy noticed that he had several new scars on his face. The most obvious scars, were three claw marks running across his face. They looked fairly fresh, clearly from a recent fight. But they weren't bleeding, which was good enough. If Fluttershy and her friends wanted him to meet the princess, introducing them while he was covered in blood wouldn't make a good impression. Even though his skin was blood red, it was nice to see him looking mostly presentable.

"Good afternoon, Fluttershy." Lazarus greeted her with a low, deep voice, "What is so important, that you needed me?"

"I wanted you to come out of the forest and visit for a little while." She said, not really lying, "My friends want to know you better."

Lazarus lifted his head and looked down at her in confusion.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not sure that's important."

"It might not sound important, but it is. I've only known you for a few days and I've noticed that you barely have any friends."

"For two reasons. The first is because I doubt anyone would want to be friends with a dragon. While the second is because I will most likely out live them. Both are very valid reasons why I'm alone."

"What if I told you I was friends with a dragon already?"

Lazarus gazed at Fluttershy, somewhat astonished by what she just said. It was the first time that he had heard of a pony being friends with a dragon. However, it made Lazarus a little worried. Mostly because he didn't want to fight and possibly kill a friend of someone he knew.

"Very well, Fluttershy." Lazarus sighed, releasing shallow blue flames, "Where are these friends of yours?"

"Wait here, I'll go get them." Fluttershy beamed as a smile crossed her muzzle.

Lazarus laid comfortably, just outside of the forest and waited.

Fluttershy flew to Twilight's castle, where her friends and the princess were waiting patiently. She reached the door and opened it. Behind the door, Princess Celestia was talking to Twilight and the others. She was telling them how nice it was to see them since the Crystalling. She was flanked by two pegasus guards, who stood firmly at her side. As Fluttershy entered, the princess looked over at her and smiled.

"Hello, Fluttershy." Celestia said, greeting her, "How are you this fine day?"

"I'm doing well, your highness." Fluttershy replied, bowing respectfully to the white alicorn.

"Good. Twilight tells me that you have something important to show me."

"Yes. If you would be so kind as to follow me to my cottage, please."

At first, Celestia was hesitant, but accepted her invitation. They all left the castle, while the two guards followed closely behind. Fluttershy lead them up her path and stopped.

"Now, your highness, what I'm about to show you might be a bit of a shock." She warned, making her way around the cottage.

Celestia followed as they went around to the back.

"Fluttershy, what is-"

Celestia gasped at what laid before her at the edge of the Everfree Forest. She watched as Fluttershy approached the napping dragon and gently pressed her hoof against his chin. With a twitch and a stretch, Lazarus opened his eyes. It took a moment for his vision to become clear, but once it did, his eyes widened at the sight of the alicorn staring back at him. He paid no attention to the baby dragon standing next to Twilight, or the other ponies. He was completely focused on Celestia, blotting out all other objects and beings.

"It can't be." He said, raising himself back on all four limbs, "Is that really you?"

Lazarus slowly approached the princess, causing the guards to jump in front of her. Lazarus narrowed his eyes at them and flashed his teeth.

"It's alright." Celestia said, making her guards stand down, "He's more than welcome to approach me."

Lazarus hid his teeth and looked back at her, his eyes changing to bright blue.

"I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for him."

He drew closer and saw that Celestia had tears running down her cheeks. Lazarus reached a claw out to her and caught one as it fell. He brought the tear up to his eye and studied it. He looked back at her as she put a hoof over her heart.

"You fixed this." Celestia said, trying not to break down and cry uncontrollably.

Lazarus let the tear fall from his claw and lowered his head down to her.

"No." Lazarus grinned kindly, "I only brought you back."

Celestia hung her head and began to cry, before Lazarus used a claw to lift her head back to him.

"You fixed that yourself."

Lazarus laid on the ground again, resting his clawed hand next to her. Celestia lowered herself down and rested her head on the soft skin of her former savior.

"I never did ask for your name." Celestia said, wiping away another tear, "I'm Princess Celestia. But you may just call me Celestia, if you wish."

The dragon smiled at her and then looked at the other ponies.

"My friends address me as; Lazarus." He said, giving them a wink, "And I'm glad to call them my friends."

Author's Note:

This chapter took a little longer than I wanted, but it came out better than what I had originally planned for it.