• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 5,188 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Healing Dragon - Gearsmash King

Dragons might be very big, terrifying, and very greedy. But not all of them were like this.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Familiar And Unwelcome

Lazarus escorted Fluttershy and Angel back to their home, keeping watch on the forest as they walked. He would occasionally stop and tell her to wait, while he went ahead to check on something. It didn't take long to wait for him to return and they continued towards her cottage.

"Are you alone out here?" Fluttershy asked, cautiously looking around.

The dragon kept his eyes forward, but he did answer her question.

"I'm not entirely alone, but if you mean my duty to the forest. Then, yes."

Fluttershy looked up at him, wondering why he didn't have any help. She didn't have to wait long for an answer.

"I keep the animals safe from other dragons and hunters. I could ask ponies to help with the hunters, but they're too afraid of me. And I'm the only one who could stand against another dragon. So, it's probably for the best that I guard the forest by myself."

Lazarus stopped and turned his head back to her.

"Why do you care?" He asked, staring at the yellow pegasus.

Fluttershy simply put a hoof on one of his claws and looked back at him.

"Because I'm a lot like you." Fluttershy bravely smiled, "I care for animals as much as you do and you're very kind, much like me. In fact I think you're one of the kindest dragons I know."

The dragon tilted his head, finding some interest in her words.

"I'm sure if you tell Princess Celestia about what's happening out here, you'll get some help."

Lazarus lowered his head to the ground, almost eye level with her.

"Did you just say, Princess Celestia? She's still alive?" He asked, widening his eyes, "That's impossible, no creature, other than myself and a few others, can live that long. Especially, a pony."

Now Fluttershy knew just how much Lazarus didn't know about Equestria. He spent so much time in this forest, he wasn't aware of the recent events and changes that have happened. It was almost saddening, to be so old and know only the world from the past.

"You must be thinking of a different pony, Fluttershy." Lazarus insisted, refusing to believe her, "The last time I saw her was in that memory you saw."


"Fluttershy, there you are."

Fluttershy didn't have time to respond to Lazarus' denial as Discord appeared between them. Discord had appeared, facing Fluttershy and unaware of what was behind him.


After hearing a threatening growl, Discord turned around and saw rows of razor-sharp teeth.

"You!" The dragon hissed.

Lazarus stared at the strange creature, recognizing it immediately as the dragon's eyes turned red. Fluttershy began to shake with fear, while Angel took off running through the forest, heading for home. Thankfully, the cottage was within eyesight. But that didn't matter to the others at the moment, while one of them had red eyes and blue flames seeping from his mouth.

"Fluttershy, run!" Discord called as he flew through the forest.

Lazarus gave chase and Fluttershy hesitated before taking flight and joining.


"Get back here, you abomination!" Lazarus roared, tearing through the forest.

Chomp! Chomp!

"Try and catch me, monster!" Discord called back, rising above the trees and towards the sky.

Discord looked down, just in time to see Lazarus burst through the treetops and soar towards him.

"How are you able to fly without wings?!" Discord called, racing across the sky.


"Come closer and I'll tell you!"


Discord veered to the side, avoiding hot blue flames that shot passed him. Fluttershy flew as fast as she could, trying to catch the two creatures before something terrible happened. Lazarus pointed himself towards the clouds and vanished. Shortly after, the dragon reappeared, diving through the clouds and grabbing Discord. They plunged towards a lake that was directly below them, but Discord teleported before they reached the water.


Lazarus hit the water, head first, causing a huge wave rush across the surface. Fluttershy waited for the wave to crash on the shore and recede, before landing. Discord landed beside her and they watched as the bubbles in the water got closer. They stopped just a small distance from them, before Lazarus exploded out of the water and charged again.

"Lazarus, stop!" Fluttershy cried, raising a hoof.

The dragon skidded to a halt, causing water to soak the both of them. Lazarus breathed heavily and aggressively, staring at Discord with hatred. Fluttershy shook herself dry and bravely stood between the two creatures.

"Fluttershy, get out of the way!" Lazarus growled, "I want to make him pay for what he did."

"What did he do to make you want to hurt him?"

"He turned several innocent animals and plants into monsters and abominations, making the Everfree Forest so dangerous and confusing that I had to spend nearly a century fixing it."

"In my defence," Discord said, trying to lessen the tension in the air, "I don't recall ever coming to the Ever-"

"Don't even try to lie to me!" Lazarus boomed, "I was in the forest when the princesses fought you, I was here when you were turned to stone, and I know that those black vines that appeared a few months ago, where yours!"

Discord looked at the dragon, seeming to not be afraid of him. Fluttershy, however, felt the gravity of his words, but remained between them. In reality, she was the only thing keeping Discord safe from Lazarus.

"He's not evil anymore, Lazarus." Fluttershy argued, trying to defend Discord, "He was reformed by me and my friends."

Lazarus turned his gaze from Discord to Fluttershy and lowered his head to her level.

"Do you really believe that? Do you actually think a creature like him was changed so easily?"

"I'll admit," Fluttershy began, "it was difficult at first. But after a while, he showed the potential of being something better than an evil monster."

Discord shot a look at Fluttershy, but she didn't see it because he was standing behind her.

"Besides, if you're what you appear to be, Lazarus." She continued, "Then I know that you can find it in yourself to forgive him."

Lazarus lifted his head and glared at the creature standing behind her. After a while, his eyes faded back to white and the blue flames vanished.

"You're lucky she's here." He said, addressing Discord, "Otherwise, I'd be having the Master of Chaos casserole for dinner."

Lazarus began walking around them, while Fluttershy moved around Discord, keeping herself between them.

"I forgive you." He groaned, clenching his razor teeth, "But I can't speak for the rest of the forest."

"I don't think this forest remembers what happened, so long ago." Discord snorted humorously.

Lazarus turned his head and looked back at him with a sideways glance.

"You would be surprised by what this forest can do to it's enemies." Lazarus said as a grin that was fit for a nightmare crossed his face, "And what it's inhabitants will do to protect the ones they care about. Now, come on, let's get you home."

Fluttershy knew that last part was more for her than Discord, but decided not to worry about it as the three of them took to the air and back to Ponyville.

"Seriously, how are you able to fly without wings?" Discord asked, keeping a safe distance from the wingless dragon.

Lazarus didn't answer and kept sailing through the air. Fluttershy approached him and landed on his back, which caught both Lazarus and her off guard. He wasn't expecting to gain a passenger, while Fluttershy was surprised by how brave she was to almost trust him. She quickly got a hold of her senses and stood firmly on his back.

"Lazarus, please." Fluttershy said as the dragon turned his head and looked back at her, "I want to know too."

"It's very similar to levitation spells." Lazarus said, turning his head and facing forward, "The difference is that I can do it without concentrating too hard and that I can do it without a magical field surrounding me."

He looked at Discord and flashed a razor-sharp smile.

"That's how I can focus on chasing and burning my enemies."

Discord glared back at the dragon, understanding what he was implying and not being too thrilled by it.

The edge of the forest approached and Lazarus descended, landing just outside the forest. The cottage was only a short distance away from them. Lazarus lowered himself to the ground and allowed Fluttershy to climb down. Discord, feeling unsafe near the dragon, landed close to the cottage and watched as Lazarus smiled. But he wasn't smiling at Discord, instead he was smiling at Fluttershy.

"You know," Lazarus smiled warmly, his eyes turning blue, "you're the first pony I've met in a long time that hasn't run away or attacked me."

In a way, Fluttershy felt happy, but sad that Lazarus had almost no one who wasn't afraid of him.

"What about Zecora?" Fluttershy asked, putting a hoof on one of his claws, "Isn't she a friend?"

"Yes, but she's not a pony, is she?"

Lazarus gave another warm smile and looked back at the strange creature, narrowing his eyes as they faded back to white.

"If you ever need me," He said lowering himself to her level, "just call. I'll get the message."

Caw! Caw!

As if on cue, a crow flew out of the forest and landed on Lazarus' head.

"What is it?" He said, addressing the black bird.

Caw! Caw!

"Lead the way." Lazarus said, before looking back at Fluttershy, "Take care, Fluttershy."

Before Fluttershy could say anything, Lazarus and the crow returned to the forest. She listened as the sound of branches breaking and foot stomps died away. Then she turned back to look at Discord, who looked confused.

"What's his problem?" Discord asked as they went into the cottage to have their tea.