• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,265 Views, 54 Comments

A Friend From Another Star - HunterDeRiot

Have you ever wondered, do we occupy a special place in the cosmos, or are we part of something bigger? Does the princess of the night know something, as she moves the stars in the night sky? There's only one way to find out.

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Chapter 9: A Night With Princess Luna

Valiant: Well this going to be interesting...

As Valiant made his way to Luna's chambers, Celestia's bold move was still in his mind. She kissed his cheek, but why? It must be an Equestrian thing. He sets that aside for now, as he approaches Luna's nights guards. However the guards noticed something on his face.

Night Guard: Uh. G-good evening, Mr. Valiant. Princess Luna has been expecting you.

The other night guard went inside to inform the princess of Valiant's arrival.

Luna: You may enter.

A night guard opens the door to let Valiant inside. Luna was just finishing up some paperwork for, well, whatever it is. Not wanting to interrupt her, he waits patiently. After Luna finished the last of her paperwork, she breaths a sign of relief.

Luna: I'm glad you made it, Valiant. There's something I-

Luna cuts off her own sentence and her eyes widened as she sees something on Valiant's face.

Valiant: Luna? Is something wrong?

Luna: Who...kissed you...?

Valiant looked to a mirror nearby and can see what it is. There's a kiss mark on his cheek, he remembers who did it.

Valiant: Celestia...

He face-hooves. Then seeing Luna looking like she was going to lose her marbles, he explains.

Valiant: Now, Luna, before you start making a mess of this place... I believe this is what she means by pulling a prank from this mourning.

Luna remembered what her sister was planning. She calms down, but still acting...sassy.

Luna: Hmph! She did it again...

Valiant raised an eyebrow at this new side of Luna he never seen before. Luna then slowly smiled, he can tell she has something in mind. So, he plays along.

Valiant: Are you thinking about getting back at her?

Luna turned to him.

Luna: You've read my mind.

Valiant wonders what she might do.

Luna: For now, there's something I must tell you, Valiant.

Valiant: Yes? What is it?

Luna: I've been wondering into your mentality, and I've discovered something that lays dormant within you.

Something dormant? What does she mean, a hidden ability or something else entirely?

Luna: It was hard to make out, but being around it...

Luna shivers, what ever it is, it's not a good sign.

Valiant: Frightens you?

Valiant finished her sentence. He knew exactly what she was talking about, it's been in him and his ponies genetics ever since they came to be. The one thing that nearly caused their extinction, before his planet was destroyed. Rage. And no not just any rage. Pure, untainted, unmerciful rage. This was something he didn't want the princesses to know, which is why he left one detail out when he was telling Celestia about his world.

Valiant: Sigh I should've known it would come to this. Luna what you saw, was possibly my...other-self... When something or some...pony provokes us to the limit, that thing comes out... All of us had it. That's why my world was riddled by war for centuries, up until recently.

Luna: I-I see...

Luna wasn't sure how she should react, she felt as if Valiant could explode with that at any moment. It reminded her of becoming Nightmare Moon, the one thing she still regrets becoming. However.

Valiant: I don't have any reason for that to happen, Luna. All of you are helping me so much. Even if it that does happen, it'll mean I'm just protecting my friends.

Hearing him say that, made Luna realize something. Valiant is opening himself up, he's finally coming to terms of losing everything he knew. It's something his parents would want. Luna smiled.

Luna: I'm glad I can help. There is one more thing we must go over.

Valiant: One more?

Luna: Yes, it's to ensure that your mentality is stable. If you want to be officially become part of our world, we have to look into your dreams and memories so we both know what we're dealing with.

Valiant: Sounds reasonable.

Luna: Shall we?

Valiant nodded and took his sleeping spot where Luna can easily enter his dream. After falling asleep their final session can start.

He stands in total darkness. Valiant wasn't sure what may come, will it be the nightmare that plagued him, or is it gone? A bright flash forcing him to shield his eyes, once that stopped he found himself on the same green grassy meadow. This is where the nightmare starts, everytime. He braced himself for worst to come, but it didn't come. Something is different here, instead of the white sun in sky, the sky was nebulous and dotted with countless stars of a magnificent night sky, like if someone had painted the sky with purples, blues, and greens. This is an incredible sight, this was out of something his ponies called sci-fi!

???: My moon.

Luna had arrived and taking in this amazing view.

Valiant: Luna, is this by you?

Luna: No, I wasn't planning on making a dreamscape like this.

Valiant then noticed something was off, he too didn't make this. Something or some...pony made this, but who? He needs to find the answers on who made this dreamscape. However that will have to wait until then. Then he look off to the distance, the city. Luna then realized something was different, it feels like they're...awake? How is this possible?

Luna: Valiant? You said your world was gone right?

Valiant: Yes, it was destroyed by a supernova. Why?

Luna: Do you feel the grass under your hooves?

Now that she mentioned it, the grass had felt...real. Normally you couldn't tell from which individual blade of grass in a dream.

Valiant: What is going on?

To confirm that this might be an elaborate dream, Luna attempts to make a change by using her dream magic by changing the sky. Nothing happened.

Luna: Okay, this might be real.

Valiant: But how, my home world should be in pieces. Not intact...

It was then they heard hoof steps on the grass near them, two alicorns are approaching them. They couldn't make out who they were, one looked to be a bulked up stallion with a flowing dark mane that resembles the same night sky. Then other looked similar to Celestia in terms of stance, but instead has a flowing mane resembling a bright blue sky.

Mom?/Dad?: Valiant?

Valiant couldn't believe his eyes...his parents...are here...

Valiant: Mom? Dad?

Tears were welling up in his eyes, his parents also ad tears in their eyes aswell.

Mom: Valiant!

Is mom, Phantasia, ran to her son and took him in a tight embrace. His Dad, Star Seeker, joined in the embrace.

Dad: Oh son, we missed you so much!

Valiant: I missed you so much too.

Luna couldn't help smile, tears were also welling up in her eyes. Seeing Valiant reuniting with his parents had touched her heart. Valiant then noticed Luna still was here.

Valiant: Mom, Dad. I want to introduce you to my friend.

Luna: Greetings you two, I am Princess Luna, the princesse of the night and co-ruler of Equestria.

Mom: Wow, a pony from another world. Oh, excuse me, I am Phantasia, queen of Colt'ia.

Queen? Valiant was now confused hadn't she stepped down as ruler before she married Star Seeker his dad?

Dad: I am Star Seeker, king of Colt'ia. Welcome Princess.

Valiant: You're rulers? Didn't mom?

His mother placed a hoof on his mouth.

Mom: There's alot we'll have to explain, Val. But for now, how about we head home for now. We'll talk about it when we get there.

Valiant nodded.

Luna: I would like to see what your world is like, I'm quite curious.

Mom: Sure I would love to discuss a few things to a fellow ruler.

They all then take flight heading to the city, the same city Valiant had called home. Home, this is where he was born and saw its end. And went it's still here, could.... Could this be...his doing? He looked at his cutie mark, it was glowing. The more he thought about it, it did resemble the tree of timelines he saw many times. It then occurred to him in all those studies he did, it was looking at him in the eye all along. He made...a new timeline.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm finally done making this chapter, I decided I'll make one more chapter and that'll be it for this one. But that doesn't mean it's the end of Valiant's story. There'll be new friends to make, and new challenges to face. So I'm glad to announce a new fanfic will be coming soon. See you guys there!

Comments ( 4 )

Yaaay new chap noice

I believe this is what she means by pulling a prank from this mourning.

Luna: For now, there's something I must tell you, Valiant.

The one thing that nearly caused their extinction, before his planet was destroyed.

so we both know what we're dealing with.

on the grass near them, two alicorns are approaching them.

The more he thought about it,

I made the corrections, thank you for pointing them out for me.

This got me hooked so far look forward to next chapter and the next story in this series

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