• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,265 Views, 54 Comments

A Friend From Another Star - HunterDeRiot

Have you ever wondered, do we occupy a special place in the cosmos, or are we part of something bigger? Does the princess of the night know something, as she moves the stars in the night sky? There's only one way to find out.

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Chapter 3: The Secret Royal Visit (Rewritten)

Luna: Valiant, that is an unusual name. It's fitting for a pony, that's from another world.

Valiant: I'm flattered.

Fluttershy: Should I make breakfast for everypony, I'm sure everypony hasn't eaten yet.

Celestia: That'll be excellent, Fluttershy. My sister and I didn't have the time for breakfast, since Twilight's message was urgent.

Fluttershy nodded and went to kitchen to make breakfast for her guests. They all went to the dinning table to continue their discussion on what to do with Valiant.

Twilight: Oh, I'm so sorry Princess. It was in the heat of the moment, I couldn't keep this a secret, especially from you.

Celestia:!Think nothing of it Twilight. Infact, I'm glad you did let us know. You see, Luna had known something was about tohappen. Did you, Luna?

Princess Luna remembered that horrible chill that night, it felt like it was yesterday, when in reality it was roughly a month ago. When she looked up at her night sky, one of her stars went missing. That's when she realized, all the pieces fell in place. A star disappeared from her night skies, and then an alicorn stallion appeared, supposably from another world.

Luna: Yes, I do recall... I knew this was bound to happen eventually. I heard the screams and-

Princess Luna stopped her sentence when she noticed Valiant's expression. His eyes looked dead, not a single emotion is showing. In his mind, just the mere mention of the word scream, made him remember the horrible screams of those ponies, they knew the end was coming for them. He knew some of them must've ended their own lives, before the sun did. He was starting to feeling numb, his heart was beating harder and harder. He look at his forlocks and they looked like they were not even his, they were charred exposed bones. It was as if he too, met his end when the sun exploded. A mental image of parents came into mind, both of them looked happy to see their son again, but then their skins began to burn into embers, revealing their charred skeletons.

???: Valiant?

A voice called out, snapping him out of whatever he was seeing.

Luna: Valiant, are you alright?

They look at him with worry in their eyes.

He looked at his forlocks again, they were as normal as they can be.

Valiant: I'm sorry... I think I'm far from alright...

Now the princesses were getting more worried. Even though they just met, they genuinely care about him. Seeing that look he just had, told them that he is indeed not alright. He is suffering on the inside and it was not going to stop anytime soon. Princess Celestia knew something needs to be done. With one glance at her sister, Princess Luna knew exactly what she thought, she nodded.

Celestia: Valiant, I know this maybe sudden... You must come with us to Canterlot, you'll be safe there. We will make sure that you get the best help we can give.

Twilight: Wh-what! Are you sure that's a good idea?!

Luna: Twilight, did you not see what happened to him?

Twilight looked at Valiant again. She's right, he looked miserable. His flame-like mane seems to indicate his emotions, it was bearly flickering like a candle.

Twilight: Sigh You're right, Princess Luna... I'm sorry for my outburst.

Fluttershy came out of the kitchen with hey, fried eggs and tea for breakfast. She set the plates in front of her guests.

Celestia: Thank you for breakfast, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Nervous O-oh, your welcome princess.

Celestia: We'll continue to discuss this, after we've had our breakfast.

Valiant wasn't exactly keen on eating something new, that has been a problem since he was just a colt. His mother always told him he's was missing out, that always seemed to work.

Stomach growl This time however, his stomach was telling him to try. After eating those rations for a month, being stuck out in the void of space, he could tell he was going to love the breakfast they have here. He gave the fried eggs a try, he loved it. His mane was now bursting with life. They're were all amazed by how his mane worked.

After they all had finished their breakfast, Princess Celestia gave her thanks to Fluttershy, she then looked to Valiant.

Celestia: Valiant, do you know why Luna and I are here?

Valiant: Not really, but I think I know the half of it. That has to do with me, being well, alien.

Celestia: That is correct, we want to keep your existence a secret for now. If word had got out, that there is an extra terrestrial among us, many nations would want to get either their hooves or claws on them. We will make sure of your safety for the time being and if anyone tries to harm you, we will make sure they're punished.

Luna: And as for helping you, I will be making our recovery session schedule.

Celestia: Are you sure about it, Luna?

Luna: Yes, I'm sure, my night courts are usually slow anyway.

Princess Celestia nodded by letting her help Valiant. She can look into ponies dreams and memories, that'll definitely work on Valiant, it has to.

Valiant couldn't believe his ears, they're offering help. He has been alone for a while, so he makes his choice.

Valiant: I'll accept the offer, I can't thank you all enough for your kindness.

Valiant felt indebted to the four mares, and yes even to Spike.

Valiant: I know I'll have to adjust to living my life here from now on, I hope won't burden anyone here.

Celestia: Burden? Of course not, we ponies of Equestria will always welcome anypony new.

Valiant Anypony?

Valiant was curious about the phrasing.

Twilight: It's just how we talk, you'll get used to it. Also, I'd like to know about you some more. If you'd allow it of course.

Valiant: Sure, I believe we can arrange that, once I settle in first.

Twilight looked like she was going to burst out with excitement. Getting a chance to meet an extra terrestrial and especially a male alicorn. That is the first question she's going him later on, how is a male an alicorn?

Celestia: Twilight, try to keep it together, our friend has gone through a lot recently.

Twilight: Oh right, sorry princess...

Valiant: Oh, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Huh, y-yes?

Valiant: I wanted to thank you for helping me. I'd probably be a goner in that forest, if it wasn't for you.

Fluttershy blushed profusely.

Fluttershy: O-o-oh, I only helped mend your wounds, Twilight and Spike were the ones who brought you here.

Valiant: Oh, well still, you did help me afterall. Again, I can't thank you enough.

Valiant turned to Twilight and Spike.

Valiant: Thank you two for saving me, and I also have to apologize for you two having to literally drag me here...

Spike: Meh, oh well, it's fine. I could do some lifting anyways.

They all laughed.

Luna: Well, let us be on our way. We've brought our carriage in order to conceal your presence, Valiant.

Valiant: Of course, Princess Luna. Thank you.

They exited Fluttershy's cottage. He sees that there are ponies wearing gilded armor, waiting patiently for the princesses and their guest. He started to fell tense, until he heard Princess Luna reassure him.

Luna: Not to worry, we've already brifed them about you. They won't tell another soul until then.

Princess Luna said made sure Valiant is comfortable as possible.

Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike gave them a waving goodbye as the carriage flew away.

Twilight: Oh, I can't wait to meet him again!

Twilight's excitement finally came out. Fluttershy giggled at her antics, while Spike just rolled his eyes and smirked.

Author's Note:

There we go! Hope you guys are enjoying this so far, this might be a bit of a slow start. I'm trying to get the character to settle into his new life. I'm still planning on how he'll eventually meet all of the mane 6. So with that, I'll see you guys on the chapter!