• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,243 Views, 54 Comments

A Friend From Another Star - HunterDeRiot

Have you ever wondered, do we occupy a special place in the cosmos, or are we part of something bigger? Does the princess of the night know something, as she moves the stars in the night sky? There's only one way to find out.

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Chapter 5: A Super-Alicorn?

It has been less then a week, since Valiant has arrived to this world. And just like he thought, he's still adapting to his life new in Equestria and how ponies live here. There were a few instances of culture shock, which were thankfully minor. Not to mention he has been hearing the whispers from the guards who keep the palace safe. Most of it is about his size, about how he darwfs them compared to his muscle mass to their own. He must be an incredibly strong alicorn, is what he heard buzzing around. Aside from that, he's been doing well so far. The princesses gave him his own room, and to keep him safe, Celestia has sent a group of guards outside of his quarters. She even made sure they vowed to not reveal Valiant for the time being.

In his room, Valiant was waiting patiently for his recovery session with Luna. The thing is even though he was comfortable being here, he still has a hard time trying to sleep. That same nightmare has been more rampant then before, it always seems to keep him awake. Unbeknownst to him, Luna has been having trouble finding his dreams, due to him staying up at night. Which is why she decided to start early. Then Valiant remembers about a week ago when he first entered this palace.

Less then a week ago.

"I have to say, your ponies know how to build amazing structures like this, Celestia," Valiant complements.

giggle "I'm quite flattered, wait until you see all of Equestria," Celestia said as they both walked to the hall of murals

One of the murals caught his eye, there's a lavender pony with a crown on her head, and five over ponies with necklaces, surrounding what looks like a much larger and much sinister pony. Just by looking at the dark pony puts him off. Why does he feel so angry deep inside? However it didn't last long.

"Valiant," Celestia asked. "You've been staring at that mural for a while." Then it occurred to her, he wasn't just staring at the mural. He staring at the dark pony in mural.

"Nightmare Moon," Celestia said.

"So that's her name," Valiant asked.

"Indeed it is," Celestia confirmed.

"Valiant, that was my sister," she added.

Valiant is now confused by what she meant. Her sister?

Celestia continued her explanation."This was Luna, Valiant. She became Nightmare Moon, due to my negligence. You see, I wasn't aware of what was happening to my little sister. Everypony praised my days, while Luna's nights were being forgotten. After some time she grew more angry, and eventually became the thing of nightmares. I had no choice but to banish her to the moon for a thousand years. Ever since then, I regret what had happened to her. It was thanks to the elements of harmony that brought her back to me. Those six ponies you see there are responsible for my sisters return, and you have met two of them already."

"Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy," Valiant said now looking at the purple and yellow ponies.

"Come, there's a lot of things you need to know," Celestia urges him to follow her. "We also want to give you a physical exam before you settle in, we need to know why you were able to heal so quickly. So that way we'll know what to deal with."

"Alright, as long as those needles don't hurt, I think that's a wise decision," Valiant agreed.

"Well, not to toot my own horn, I am known to be wise, as well as my sister. We've been around for thousands of years, even before Equestria was founded," Celestia said.

"Well anyways, we should get you checked on, so the infirmary for our guards should do nicely. We need to know what you are capable of, Valiant," she urged.

"Of course, right with you," Valiant said as he followed her.

One hour later.

"Well color me impressed," the doctor pony said.

Celestia had planned everything ahead, knowing that there's a pony from another world. She wanted to be thorough about Valiant's health and mentality, as well as his strengths and weaknesses. The doctor who had done a physical exam on Valiant, was Dr. Scalpel. Celestia had made sure he was going to deal with, well, an alicorn stallion from another world, in order to not freak him out about the whole ordeal. At first Dr. Scalpel had the impressions that he was the picture of health.

Next, he tested Valiant's grip with a rubber ball, what had him stumped though, was when Valiant crushed it. No body building ponies could've crushed it, even Celestia was surprised by Valiant's ability to crush a ball that was made for testing grip. So Dr. Scalpel listed his grip as "off the charts."

Then, he tested Valiant's magical aura. This is what really surprised Dr. Scalpel. Valiant's magical energy, is through the roof. Possibly on par with Celestia's, or perhaps more. He also had felt that same immense feeling that Twilight had mentioned to Celestia and Luna. It was probably that amount of raw energy that Valiant possesses, but not in bad way of course.

"He is indeed an alicorn. I never thought I would live the day, that I did a physical exam on an extra terrestrial," Dr. Scalpel said.

"I know this is an exciting moment for you doctor, but you must keep this secret until we officially announce his presence to the public. We wouldn't want rumors being spread around beforehoof," Celestia reminded.

"Of course, your majesty," Dr. Scalpel replied.

"One last thing I need from him, is just a small blood sample," Dr. Scalpel said as he readies his syringe.

Celestia looked at Valiant for his consent. Valiant nodded.

"Sure, Dr. Scalpel," Valiant said as he lifts his right front leg up.

"Okay, this won't hurt one bit. Just a small poke," Dr. Scalpel said.

What happens next, shocks both the doctor and Celestia. The needle bent on Valiant's front leg, instead of it just drawing blood. By this point, even Valiant himself was shocked by what happened.

"Let me try a different needle, I usually use them on a certain tiny dragon," Dr. Scalpel said as readies the new syringe.

The same thing happened again, not even a needle that can draw blood from a dragon could do it.

"Okay well, maybe we don't have to, since I can't exactly get a blood sample," Dr. Scalpel accepted.

"I'm assuming you have everything you need doctor," Valiant asked.

"Yes, you're a very special pony I should say. You have incredible strength, your wings are very strong, and your magical aura is, well, immense. A super-alicorn probably," Dr. Scalpel said as he looks over his clipboard.

"A super-alicorn," Celestia asked.

"Yes, Princess," Dr. Scalpel answered.

"If I remember correctly, didn't you say, you could possibly crush entire mountains," Celestia asked Valiant.

"It certainly feels like I can, I did say it in a metaphorical way though. But, after all those tests, that might be an understatement," Valiant said.

Both Celestia and Dr. Scalpel were unsure of how to respond. He's a super-alicorn, but the thing is, he wasn't always like this. Something in this world is giving him those abilities. Celestia needs to find the answers. Twilight would be more than willing to help her find out whats going on with Valiant. What is giving him these powers?

"Well that's everything I need. If there's anything that comes up, be sure to let me know," Dr. Scalpel said as he takes his leave.

"We will, thank you Dr. Scalpel," Celestia thanked him.

"Come along, Valiant. We have a room for you to stay in," Celestia urges him to follow her.

Once they reach his room, a patrol of guards are there to greet them.

"They will keep you guarded until we announce your arrival, Valiant. You are free to explore the place, as long as you remember to not wonder too far out. You can even visit Luna and I when we're not on court duty. And if you feel hungry, we can all go over to the dinning hall," Celestia explained.

"Thank you, Celestia. You and Luna have done so much for me, I hope I can repay the favor," Valiant said.

"Think nothing of it, Valiant," Celestia said humbly.

"Well, I genuinely fell so lucky to have met you. I don't know where I'd be without you," Valiant said.

Celestia blushed slightly.

"Well, maybe we could have a private discussion sometime, if you'd like," Celestia said quietly.

"A private discussion," Valiant asked.

"Oh, I mean when I'm free, we can talk about eachothers worlds sometime," Celestia said.

"Sure, I would like to, Celestia," Valiant answered.

"Wonderful. Well, I should attend to my duties. Be sure come to the dinning hall by this evening," Celestia informed as she heads for the throne room.


Valiant heard a knock on his door. One of the guards came in to inform Valiant that Luna is here.

"Princess Luna is here Mr. Valiant," the guard pony said.

"Alright," Valiant said as the guard walks back out.

Luna walks in but with a saddened look on her face.

"Luna? Is something wrong," Valiant asked.

"I believe I have something to confess," Luna said with tears threatening to fall.

"I...may have been responsible...for the destruction of your world..."

Author's Note:

Oh boy, it seems Luna might've made something terrible happen. Probably as Nightmare Moon? How will Valiant react to this?
I sure hope you guys are enjoying this. I'm going to be taking my time with writing this fanfic when I can. I appreciate your patience, it really does help alot. So with that in mind, see you in the next chapter!