• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,264 Views, 54 Comments

A Friend From Another Star - HunterDeRiot

Have you ever wondered, do we occupy a special place in the cosmos, or are we part of something bigger? Does the princess of the night know something, as she moves the stars in the night sky? There's only one way to find out.

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Chapter 6: The Time Of Need

"I...may have been responsible...for the destruction of your world," Luna said with tears now running down her face.

Valiant just sat there, unable to process what she just said. She's responsible? How can that be? From the looks of things, Luna didn't look like the pony that would want to destroy a star, let alone destroy millions of lives... He learned more about the sisters while they were all in the dinning hall, ever since he first arrived here. Celestia being able to control the sun, and Luna controls the moon and the stars. Stars... When Valiant had learned that about Luna, the mystery of that dark blue haze around the white sun in his world's sky, was now uncovered. She was the one, the one who had moved his world from one place in the galaxy, to another. And now...she's taking responsibility for his world's destruction...

Valiant was bearly able to speak up.

"L-Luna, how can you possibly be responsible," Valiant asked as his eyes were now tearing up.

"It was because, I became Nightmare Moon," Luna admitted.

"I- No, she wanted the night to last forever, she never took the time to know what would happen to the stars, if they remained in the sky forever," Luna continued.

"All of this happened, because I was jealous towards my sister," Luna said with self-hatred.

"Your world...ended up paying the price...for my own actions."

"You don't know how this feels like, taking away millions of lives like that," Luna said now in a breaking voice.

Valiant was now on the verge of tears. Luna however, had fallen apart. She was now crying, she knew what she had done. She had destroyed the world Valiant once knew and there is nothing she can do to go back and fix it. She cursed at herself, just wishing things could've been different. Until she felt a hoof on hers. She looked at the hoof on top of her own, it was Valiant's. With a sad look with tears streaming down his face.

"Luna, I know what that feels like," Valiant said with empathy.

"I saw what happened with my own eyes, I saw what happened moments before my world was destroyed, everything," Valiant said as his voice was now breaking.

"But blaming yourself, isn't right, Luna. I know it's only been less then a week since we've known eachother. But you've shown that you are not a terrible pony, Luna. You have proven to me what you can do. And ever since then, I was able to not think about my world's destruction. You've been helping me since the day I arrived here. Don't beat yourself up for something you weren't in control of," he said wholeheartedly.

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing, did he just forgive her? If he did, then he must be a great pony with a heart made of gold. He had lost everything and everypony he had loved, and he forgave her.

"It's the nightmare I have everynight. It's what's causing me to relive the moments of my world's destruction. Not only that, I also keep seeing my parents suffering," Valiant said.

"I don't want to see them like that again... I need your help, Luna," Valiant said with plea.

Luna looked at him with empathy in her eyes, she wants to help him.

"Okay," Luna said.

Valiant then layed down in his bed and he closed his eyes. With Luna's assistance he was able to fall asleep relatively quickly. At first everything was dark and empty, then it began. He was standing out in the grassy field, that was out side the massive city he once knew. He looked up, and the white sun in the sky began to darken. It was at this moment he realized the nightmare was just beginning like it always has. It had skipped over to both him and his mother running to a building, while he heard the screams of ponies who knew their fate was imminent. It skips again to him looking at his parents one last time before the evacuation pod launched. Next he stands out in space, infront of him was his home world. It looked so peaceful, until it explodes leaving no trace of it behind. And finally his parents...that's when the nightmare stops.

"Valiant, I'm here," a soothing voice calls out.

"Luna, is that you," Valiant asked out to darkness.

Luna had made it, she walked out from darkness and to Valiant side.

"These ponies, they were your parents, weren't they," Luna asked.

"Yes, the two I had loved all my life. This is the nightmare where I see them....burn," Valiant said hesitantly.

"Valiant, there's something you're missing," Luna remarked.

"Do you remember what that final words were," Luna asked.

"Only bearly, I was in a state of thinking they could've went with me," Valiant said.

"Let me help you with that then," Luna said as she lit up her horn to the moment before the evacuation pod was launched.

Valiant now sees himself standing in front of his parents. All of them had tears in their eyes. Then he heard his dad speak to the past Valiant.

"Son, I want you to know, no matter what happens we'll always be in your heart. Cherish these memories we made, my son. Take our love with you, and somewhere out there, someone will come to love you, as we once did," his dad said in a serious matter.

Valiant was on the verge of crying, he heard his dad's voice again. Luna draped a wing over him to keep him in comfort. He heard himself speak.

"M-mom, dad I don't want to be alone," the past Valiant said with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Then he heard his mom speak.

"You won't be alone," his mom says before wiping his tears away and kissing his cheek.

Both Valiant and Luna watch as the memory plays on.

"We love you, son... We'll miss you," his dad said with his wife in his embrace.

"I-I love you both too... sniff Goodbye," past Valiant says in a whimper.

The memory fades to black, leaving only Valiant and Luna in the empty dreamscape.

"They've loved you so much, Valiant" Luna said as she held him closer.

"Do you think they suffered," Valiant asked.

"Valiant, this is a dream, I want to believe they didn't, only you can change that," Luna said.

"What you believe, is what will happen in our dreams. Though they may never be true, but this how I've learned when it comes to dreamwalking," Luna explained.

"If believe they didn't suffer, does that mean I won't have that same nightmare again," Valiant asked.

"One some occasions yes, but this however, this has many traumatic events, jumbled into one. This is going to take a number of nights for this to stop," Luna explained.

"From now on, we'll be having more sessions everynight until then. Once this is over, Celestia and I will give the public a chance to know of your presence, " she added.

Valiant was glad to hear those words, she really does care for him. He gave her a hug, she was a bit surprised at first, but then she hugged him back.

"Thank you, Luna," Valiant said.

Luna lit her horn again, and this time the dreamscape was of a peaceful landscape under a stary night sky.

"I should thank you too, Valiant," Luna said.

They broke the hug, and Valiant was in awe of the new dream Luna had made for him.

"You are a great pony, just like how parents said. Please, rest well," Luna said as she vanishes to the moon above them.

Valiant finally felt at peace. He can now remember those words his parents had said to him.

Valiant spoke to himself, "Maybe my parents were right, some...pony has probably come to love me."

"I'm not alone."

Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you're enjoying the story so far. Last chapter was quite the cliffhanger, so I wanted to make another chapter where Valiant's character develops. And the last part, I wonder if he's getting a crush on Luna. Who knows what will happen next. I see you guys on next the chapter!