• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,926 Views, 151 Comments

Macintosh of Arabia - Crisis_Vyper

Big Macintosh......a simple pony managing a fairly simple family business. But when this order of business brought him to the dunes of Saddle Arabia where the laws of the land are utterly foreign to him. As things gets from bad to worse, who could he

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Bazaar of Slaves

"I sense a disturbance...I need to help somepony now."

Nurse Redheart's eyebrows are raised and she looked around her trying to see where her help is needed. Big Macintosh looks at her, and shrugs. It has been a while since they had started their journey, and Big Macintosh had gotten used to the heat and dryness of the desert. Nevertheless he could not wait to see the next oasis or shade to cool down his head. Perhaps that is what Nurse Redheart needs, as the heat do get into the head of ponies. But that saying, Big Macintosh had been living in a house filled with mares, and if there is something that he knows for sure, it would be that mares are very unpredictable creatures. This time it is no different. Big Macintosh is glad that Nurse Redheart is one of the most level-headed mares that he knew, and he is definitely glad that he is not with either one of Applejack's friends. He thinks that they are all plain crazy to the bone. However, a shout snaps Big Macintosh out from his train of thoughts and immediately knows that there is something good ahead. Throughout his time with the caravan, he is able to listen to the tone of the shouts that the Saddle Arabians use to tell the whole caravan about things. This time the shout is a very excited and happy one, which is always a good thing.

As Big Macintosh climbs up the dune mountain, he wonders what would be greeting his sight. Slowly but surely, Big Macintosh managed to climb up the dune and his eyes is greeted with two large rivers meeting one another, forming a Y-shaped stream. At the side of the rivers, he could see many small settlements littering the riverbanks. It was then that he could see a large island in the center of the river intersection.

The island is shaped like a flower, with ten 'petals' spreading out from its center.The island is surrounded by a sea of aquatic plants with large floating, plate-like leaves and large, showy flowers in many different colors and the sight is further enhanced by the myriad of waterfowl floating around the blanket of flowers and the sight of many boats and ships travelling throughout the large, ocean-like rivers. As he narrowed his eyes, he could see that there are many buildings on the island spreading through the ten 'petals' of the island, with the architecture of the island reminded him of the buildings that he saw in Port Al-Hoofdin. Instead the slab-like buildings are much more nicer and grander than those of Port Al-Hoofdin.

However, the most defining feature of the island is the large white building in the center with a very large golden dome that looked like an unopened petal. The top is decorated with a flower-like design, which accentuate its height. The shape of the dome is further emphasized by four minarets , each one of these minarets topped with unopened petal-shaped domes throughout all four corners of the building.The columned bases of the building is filled with many intricate, vine-like designs, but of the subtler details on the vines Big Macintosh could not see.The structure is surrounded by very high walls, with tall decorative spires extend from edges of base walls, and provide visual emphasis to the height of the dome. Large flower motives are repeated throughout the structure, and immediately Big Macintosh realized that the flowery motives, architecture, shape and structure of the island are very similar to the water plants that surround the island. In other words; he is mesmerized.

"Big Mac what are you staring at? I hope it is not a mare for if I....." Nurse Redheart asked the red farmpony as she completed the climb up the dune mountain. But once she is on top of the dune mountain, her eyes begins to admire the beauty that is now before her; city, flowers and all. Both the Equestrians soon had to help the other in closing their own jaw as they are utterly amazed by this marvelous sight. The sultry and regal voice of Sheikh Abu Hamza broke their attention and they turned their attention to him. They looked upon the Sheikh with expectant eyes, waiting for him to tell them of this magical place. Sheikh Abu Hamza is more than happy to oblige the two Equestrians.

"Big Macintosh, Nurse Redheart......I present to you, Aqqabasta, the Island of Lotuses. But first we must stop by a certain settlement to arrange for a boat ride to the capital."

As the combined caravan made and completed the arrangements for accommodations in the many motels or what passes off as motels in this settlement, Sheikh Abu Hamza suggested to the Equestrians that they should walk around and explore the town with him with his daughter. Excited that for once they do not have to sleep on the floor or be worried about their lives, they agreed to follow Abu Hamza and Fatimah and explore this city. In a moment's notice, the four equines are now walking in the streets to experience the flavor of this settlement.

Big Macintosh and Nurse Redheart could see that the settlement is busy with the hustle and bustle of trade. They could hear the sound of equines and other sentient beings heckling prices in a multitude of tongues. It was then that the pair actually noticed something else entirely. There is not a single piece of merchandise being sold here. Instead they see many box-like objects covered with drapes. However the sounds from behind the drapes betray their content. Big Macintosh could recognize a lot of the sounds that are underneath those drapes, and he could hear the sound of bears growling, birds chirping, and other familiar sounds from the Everfree Forest such as the guttural snarl of Manticores and barking of Timberwolves. He did not expect that his time helping his family and Fluttershy had benefited him in this moment. And then there are other more exotic sounds that Big Macintosh failed to recognize.

"Huh, that's a lot of animals and stuff." Big Macintosh said to Nurse Redheart. However several of the drapes was blown away by a sudden gust of win and soon enough some of the equines rushed to grab the drapes back. To Big Macintosh's surprise, within some of those cages he saw some equines along with some gryphons, changelings and minotaurs. The cages for these sentient beings are unlike the other animal cages for they looked more like large birdcages. That did not make sense in the red stallion's mind as he was expecting this to be an animal marketplace.

"Um....Redheart......Ah dunno about you, but Ah swear Ah just saw ponies in cages." He nudges Nurse Redheart with his elbow while whispering to her ear.
"Yes.....yes you did." Nurse Redheart said, noticing the sight as well.
"Why are they in cages?" Big Macintosh could only wonder why are they in cages.
"Perhaps they did a crime?" Nurse Redheart answered to the best of her ability.
"Perhaps......wait......did Ah just saw what Ah saw?" Big Macintosh points to an ongoing transaction. Nurse Redheart turns her attention to two Saddle Arabians who are heckling about something before finally shaking their hooves. One of them had very hard lines on his blue face as if he had seen through a lot of hard times in his life. On the other end, the other Saddle Arabian looked more sophisticated and well-off than the other, his white coat as clean as his robes. Soon enough, the well-off Saddle Arabian just gave a bag of Dinars to the blue equine before the blue equine went to one of the cages housing a thin brown Saddle Arabian wearing a loincloth and releasing him.

"Perhaps it is a bail."
"Then explain to me why they are now being shackled by those that just bail'em out and draggin' them against their will?" Nurse Redheart could now see how two other ponies, both as rough as the blue stallion shackling the brown equine's legs before the blue stallion put a leash on the neck of the brown stallion. It was then that the well-of stallion pulled the brown stallion and they dissapeared into the sea of buyers and sellers.
"Ur.............." Nurse Redheart could only give a big verbal pause as she tried to make sense of it all.
"Those are slave traders my friends. If you want a slave, you buy them like any other commodity." Both Equestrians turn around to look at Shiekh Abu Hamza, disbelief in their eyes.

"Wait what? Slaves? Are ya serious?" Big Macintosh said.
"Yes, I am Big Macintosh." To Nurse Redheart's disbelief, the Sheikh said that in a very nonchalant way, as if it is a matter-of-factly thing to say.
"But.....but....they can just do that to anypony! They have their rights!" Nurse Redheart protested. However, the protest fall to deaf ears.
"Once you are a slave, you have no rights. It is the rule of Saddle Arabia." The Sheikh said with a great finality that silenced any further questions from the Equestrians. Noticing that perhaps he had said things a little too harshly to his guests, he softens up his tone and proceed to explain.
"I am sorry that you are forced to see this my friend. Also, it does not help that this settlement right here is famous for their slave trades. It is here that the most exotic and interesting slaves are bought. And by slaves, I mean every kind of slaves. From those being used in bloodsports to the ones used for carnal pleasures." Nurse Redheart felt a very cold shiver down her spine. She reminds herself that she will rather be dead than be a slave in Saddle Arabia.The Sheikh wisely cuts his explanation as he could see both ponies looking at each drapes covering round-like shapes with apprehension, lettting the ponies settle the issue in their own mind. It was then that Big Macintosh said a single word.

"Eeyup." The red stallion said that bitterly. He hated this, but he had to stomach this until it all ends. The pony's tone is not lost on the light brown Saddle Arabian.The Sheikh beckoned both of them without saying a word to turn away and follow him, and they followed without any resistance.

Vinyl could see a settlement near a rather large river from her cage,and her eyes are looking at the river and how it is filled with a lot of ships and what looked like flowers floating throughout the entire river. She noticed that the settlement is unlike those that she is accustomed to in Ponyville as the settlement consist of several slabs of square blocks crowded together. She gives a sigh, as she knows that this will be the settlement where she will be sold. All the other captives that she traveled with are already sold, and she is the last remaining 'commodity' to be sold. She could only wonder how will this all go about.

As Vinyl entered the settlement, she noticed that there are a whole lot of ponies and other sentient beings trading with each other. She also noticed that there are a whole lot of square objects being covered in drapes, and also some more rounder objects covered with drapes. It was then that she heard the familiar sounds of equines shouting out to let them go or at least that is what she thinks it is after spending some time with some other captive ponies as well. She then looked around and noticed that a lot of the round cages are very similar to the shape of her own cage. It was then that she realized that to her horror that this is grand slave market. Her sight was soon cut off by the traders covering her cage with a drape like those she just saw.

Looks like it is the time to strike....., Vinyl said to herself. In a settlement like this her chances are much better than being out in the desert, as there would be water and a place to hide in this settlement. At least the streets will be packed and her captors would struggle to go through the crowd anyway. Without a second through, the blue-maned mare decided to slam her body on the cage, rocking it violently with every hit. Of course as with all plans, it is the little things that she did not take into account. In this case, it is the excruciating pain from slamming her body onto steel bars.

"Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl cursed out loud.

"Did y'all hear that?" Big Macintosh swore that he heard someone swearing in Equestrian. Both Sheikh Abu Hamza and Nurse Redheart are now looking at him, puzzled. They had managed to find an simple but elegant open-air cafe where they could enjoy their refreshments and also food, which consist of a large plate of salad comprising of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce and some olive oil. The stallions decided to take their headdresses off, allowing their mane to take a breather. It was then that the Equestrians managed to see the sand blond mane of the Sheikh for the first time, and both Equestrians could not help but to realize that the Sheikh could blend into the deserts around them without even trying.
"No, my friend I did not." The Sheikh answers truthfully.
"Maybe it is just your mind just messing with you Big Mac." Nurse Redheart reasoned. Big Macintosh could only shrug and agree with the white mare that perhaps he is just really tired.
"Big Mac's hearing voice in his head!!!!" The little filly chuckled. The elder equines laughed at the little one's excitement. However, another scream pierces through the air, and this time both the Equestrians and the Saddle Arabians heard that one.

"YOU BLOODY SONS OF SLUTTY WHORES! YOU MAY TAKE AWAY MY BODY, BUT YOU WILL NEVER TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM YOU HEAR ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" FREEEEEDDDOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!" The Equestrians and the Saddle Arabians turned their attention to the source of the Equestrian cursing, and soon notice a draped cage shaking violently as several of the slave traders attempt to prevent the cage from falling from their carriage. However, the drapes soon fell off and Big Macintosh, Nurse Redheart, Sheikh Abu Hamza and Fatimah could see an Equestrian mare with a yellowish white coat, deep magenta eyes and a dark electric blue mane with stripes of cyan just throwing all the rage that she had towards the the cage and the world. The mare is just using her body to slam the cage and rocking the cage. It was not long before the Equestrians looked at each other, with similar thoughts in their mind. Big Macintosh points towards the Equestrian captive first.

"Is it me or that pony looks familiar?"
"You are right......." Nurse Redheart puts her hoof on her chin, deep in thought but still looking at the red stallion asking him in a quizzical manner. Both ponies are also surprised that they even had a same sense of deja vu. So the questions is a rather simple one; where have they seen this pony before?

Soon enough some of the slave traders are forced to get onto the carriage and hold the cage in place. With the cage secured, they attempted to move along to their main location where they would deposit the mare. Annoyed that her attempt is failing, she could only rage even more before two bystanders catches her attention. She sees a moderate red stallion with a light orange mane looking at her, his green eyes accented with the white freckles on his cheek. A yoke could be seen upon his Saddle Arabian clothing, which makes the stallion stand out even more. By his side, a light amaranthish gray-maned pony with brilliant blue eyes, her white coat contrast the red stallion's crimson hue. Resting on the white mare's head is a nurse's hat emblazoned with a red medical cross with hearts in each corner and her mane is tied up in a bun.

It was then that Vinyl had a peculiar feeling that she had met these ponies before, and she realized that they are Equestrian. Searching through the library that is her mind, she begins to try and recall where have she seen these ponies before. Fortunately for the mare, her memory have struck gold in that regards. She then did the only thing that she could do in her situation.

"OH MY PRINCESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!BIG MACINTOSH, NURSE REDHEART! IT'S ME VINYL STRATCH FROM BUCKING PONYVILLE OF EQUESTRIA!!!!!!!!!!SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The blue-maned prisoner screamed and pointing at the Equestrians as she was being towed away by the slave traders. Sheikh Abu Hamza and Fatimah soon realized that both of them first looked at the caged prisoner, then followed by a stare among themselves. This is soon followed by a sense of realization before their faces contorted into an expression of annoyance, finally ending with both Equestrians diving into their hooves in frustration. It was then that Fatimah got off her chair and walked towards the Equestrians and started pulling their robes.

"Big Macintosh, Nurse Redheart.......do you know that crazy mare?" Fatimah asked the ponies innocently, looking at them with her bright green eyes.