• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,926 Views, 151 Comments

Macintosh of Arabia - Crisis_Vyper

Big Macintosh......a simple pony managing a fairly simple family business. But when this order of business brought him to the dunes of Saddle Arabia where the laws of the land are utterly foreign to him. As things gets from bad to worse, who could he

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A Vinyl For Sale

Nurse Redheart could only facehoof when her memory reminded her of Vinyl. She did not have any good memories of her as her house is right next to the musician's house, and she had many sleepless nights because of her brand of music. Big Macintosh's experience with Vinyl Scratch is not pretty either, as there was a time where Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and that pony pulled a prank on him using a thing called a 'Basscannon'. He was deaf for an entire week due to that prank. Both ponies shuddered at the bad memories that they have over the wubs and that is already reason enough for them to leave her to her fate. But at the same time, nopony deserves the fate of being a slave for the rest of their life despite their enmity against the musician. Nurse Redheart however is the more reluctant of the two in letting her go.

"Do you really want to save her Big Mac?" Nurse Redheart asked in a whisper, hoping that there is a one in a million chance that Big Macintosh would not want to save the wub musician. Her hopes are dashed when the red farmpony gave her his answer in a whisper.
"But Ah can't ignore somepony when they just said mah name and asked to be rescued. Mah Granny Smith always say that ya supposed to help a pony in need especially when they are screaming for your name.....unless you are one heartless bitch." Nurse Redheart stared at Big Macintosh with daggers in her eyes as his implication and emphasis on the word. Big Macintosh shrugs, and points towards the slowly moving carriage with the screaming blue-maned pony. The nurse's expression softened, and as she closed her eyes she puts a hoof in between her eyes and sighed very heavily.

"Celestia darn it, Big Mac......Sheikh, we know that Equestian. Can we ask you for a favor?" She said in a frustrated voice.

Apparently the process to save their fellow Equestrian is not as simple as just paying her slave traders off.The Sheikh managed to walk up to Vinyl's slave trader as a result of the slave traders being stuck in traffic and asked them about their price to see if he could just buy her on the spot. However the slave traders told him that she is to be auctioned off in a place called Jaja's Auctioning House. He came back and told them about their fellow Equestrian's fate, and how they could save her; by entering into an auction.

As the Sheikh explains to the Equestrians about the auctioning process, both ponies absorb the information like a sponge but the way in which auctions work in Saddle Arabia is unlike anything that they know of. In a Saddle Arabian auction, the auctioneer begins with a high asking price which is lowered until some participant is willing to accept the auctioneer's price. As both Equestrian heard about this, the are utterly confused and stunned.

"That is one heck of an auction rule. Ya mean that no only do the sellers will bid lower, but you have to agree to their price? How does that work?" Big Macintosh is once again taken off his hooves by the ways of Saddle Arabia.
"They will start with the highest, most ludicrous price my friend. It is as simple as that. Also the auction house will put a time limit so that we could not wait till it becomes too cheap. For your friend here, we should have exactly thirty minutes to buy her off."
"But if the price is so stupidly spiked, how do they even....." Nurse Redheart tries to wrap her head around this logic, but she failed to do so and she is at a lost for words.
"That's the point, it is meant to prevent anyone from getting her too early. We will wait, but we can not wait for too long as one fool will agree to it due to his vanity or that someone is wealthy enough.It depends on how crazy the buyer is or how ludicrous the price is. "
"You have got to be kidding me....." Nurse Redheart facehoof again.
"As the Equestrian would say, we get only one shot in saving your friend." The Saddle Arabian shrugs and old them that he could only afford the price of around nine hundred and twenty thousand dinars to by the slave and could not guarantee that he could save their friend. The two Equestrians understood the conditions of this favor, and since it is the best bet to save the musician pony they went along with the plan.

After they have paid for their meal, the quartet proceed to find where this auctioning hourse is. To their relief and also surprise, it is a block away from where they are located. Soon enough after wading through the crowd, they found the place. It is a rather grandiose structure, with intricate scriptures carved into the walls and it has a large sign with a pony in a cage and a large coin next to the caged pony. There are some some Saddle Arabian words underneath the sign as well, which tells any passerby that this is Jaja's Auctioning House. Seeing the structure, the equines takes their first step forward towards the structure. They are going to save Vinyl the only way they know how; leaving it up to fate.

The auction house is already packed with several dozen buyers, from the humble Saddle Arabian pony to the more exotic and brutal-looking gryphons. Of course, none of them expected the unusual quartet of two Equestrians, a Saddle Arabian and a little filly. As the doors open for the quartet, the murmurs and talks died down, and soon enough every buyers eyes are upon this particular group of equines. The guards to the auction house barred the quarter from entering, and soon enough there was an eerie silence before a very fat and bloated Saddle Arabian with a yellow blonde coat and grey mane came up to the quartet being carried by several other slave equines on a platform.

"I am sorry, but no child is allowed in the....." The Sheikh then showed his clan's emblem, and the obese pony's jaw just went metaphorically down to the floor.
"Do you want to refuse a Lord of the Remal al-Sahra Al-Khayl clan in acquiring a servant just because his daughter wants a playmate? It is fine I guess, as I heard many good things about this particular auction house. I will leave and let the other clanspony know that this place refuses the patronship of my clan. Come Fatimah, you can't get your playmate here." The Sheikh acted disappointed and a little offended before he gave the signal for the others to follow his lead; the singnal being a little clop of his hoof on the floor. Fatimah decided to improvise upon the situation even more by faking a piercing cry of disappointment.. Everyone is now looking at them, and soon enough the Sheikh decided to turn around and walked out slowly from the auction house. As the Equestrians and the little 'crying' filly followed the Saddle Arabian, the fat stallion ordered his slaves to immediately gallop in front of the Sheikh to stop him. The slaves almost buckled at the weight of the Auctionmaster as they made their run.

"Oh my apologies Milord, I did not truly seek to offend you or your daughter! We will make an exception for your daughter and I will throw in some tea and a first-class seating for you and your servants! Would that be alright Milord?" The fat stallion attempts to bargain with this Sheikh, as the Remal al-Sahra Al-Khayl is the most influential clan in Southern Saddle Arabian. If one of their Sheikhs said something bad about his auction house, the dominoes of losing the patronage of the other Sheikhs will soon follow after. The fat Saddle Arabian sweats with anxiety, and Abu Hamza could see the stallion's expression being a mixture of anxiety and also hope. Abu Hamza decided to wait for a little longer and enjoy this moment for a moment before answering the pony.
"Very well then, I shall take up on your offer. Thank you Auctionmaster. look Fatimah, you can now find your playmate." The cry of the filly soon turns into a cheer.
"The pleasure is all mine. And please call me Jaja-ji." Of course the fat Auctionmaster did not mean it, but he tried his best to lie through it unless he wants to be out of business. With that the Auctionmaster leads the quartet to the first-class seating area. Soon enough, the other buyers turned back to their own conversation and desires of these slaves, some as petty as getting a babysitter for their foal to some rather unsavory desires.

"Nice one there both of you. I could learn some pointers from both of you." Nurse Redheart said to both the filly and her father in Saddle Arabian. Her knowledge of Saddle Arabian allowed her to enjoy the conversation between the Sheikh and the Auctionmaster, and she particularly loved the part where he was a little silent for a while to make the other pony really nervous. Fatimah giggles as her father gently rubs her head with his hoof.
"It's a part of my job as a Lord I guess." Abu Hamza gives a small smile to the white mare. Big Macintosh of course did not even know what is being said between the two Saddle Arabians and he definitely did not understand what is being said between Nurse Redheart and the Sheikh.

Soon enough, they are finally at the first-class seating, and indeed it was luxurious. There are several cushioned couches with a fine array of silverware and burning incense upon a deep mahogany table with intricate carvings upon it. The lavender smell of the incense stays in the air, relaxing Nurse Redheart's nerves significantly. There are several other first-class seatings around them, all being but a few steps away from the stage where the auction will be held. A short divider separates the first-class seating from the second-class seating, which is far less luxurious. However, it is better than being in the third-class seating, or to be exact where everyone else stands.

As Nurse Redheart and her companions made themselves comfortable, a few waitresses in harem pants with matching belly top, slippers, gold earrings and turquoise headband with a ruby stone in it came and served them refreshments and snacks for them to feast upon. As soon as they have served their guest, they walked away with the characteristic grace of Saddle Arabian mares. It was not long before a proud and excited Auctionmaster is on the stage, being towed to the stage by four unfortunate slave ponies.

"Welcome, welcome my friends to my auctioning house! I am Jaja-ji and I am happy to announce the fine commodities that are for your eyes today! In case you do not know, we will be setting a price for the commodity, and from there we will lower it down until the price suit your fancy. Once sold, the payment is to be made in a way that is agreeably to both of us. And now let us begin today's auction with a fine Zebra stallion......" As the Auctionmaster went on explaining about the first slave to be auctioned away, Sheikh Abu Hamza said to Burse Redheart in a whisper.

"Now my friend, we wait until your friend comes out."

After what felt like an eternity of seeing many different kinds of ponies, gryphons, zebras and other exotic myriads of sentient beings being shown and sold off, the Auctionmaster finally announced the most important 'slave' that the quartet wanted to acquire. Vinyl was brought on the stage, with a gag in her mouth. The mare was dressed in the most impossible outfit of a metal bikini with swirling bronze etchings with a tabard running down the lover half of her bikini. The blue-maned pony's anger however is seeping out from the gag, as she cursed the rest of them in a muffled voice. The other buyers are very much attracted at this new sight, with their eyes particularly focused on her mane and also her very lean, slender body, accentuated by her utterly erotic outfit. It is amazing how she gets that body without going to the gym, but the gym did not give her muscle power and thus it balances out for the greater good of the universe.

The musician mare could only blush at this utter humiliating display, and also for the anger she is feeling right now. However, she notices the Ponyvillians and started to look at them, trying to speak to them with her muffled voice. The mare's hopes are high as the two Ponyvillians could help her get out from this most oddest of situations. Big Macintosh and Nurse Redheart looks at the mare, giving her reassuring eyes that things will be alright. The fat stallion then begins to announce this latest bid.

"To all esteemed guess, tonight's highlight is a songstress as beautiful as the most pristine of gems from Equestria with the voice as sweet and alluring as those of a phoenix with the unpredictable attitude of a Saddle Arabian sandstorm. Although she does not speak Saddle Arabian or for that matter any of your languages other than her own and plain temperamental to boot, she would be a fine addition to any harem for those who wants a little kick in their mares or any owner of a cafe who wants a singer to attract customers to your store," several of the patrons started laughing, before the sta stallion cuts them off, 'Two million DInars will be the starting bid for today's prize; let the auction begins!"

This is it.., Nurse Redheart said to herself. Both Abu Hamza and Nurse Redheart had told the red stallion to sit quietly and not do anything. They do not want to bid for her too early as the Sheikh could only afford so much for the mare. To the mare's relief, the starting bid is indeed a little too much for most of the buyers, as most of them are silent as they watched the pony in the cage. However, the tension in the room had just gotten a little heavier and grimmer than before. Everyone wants Vinyl and the atmosphere just gets thicker as time goes by, to the point that literally some of the bidders actually passes d out. Big Macintosh realized that each one of the buyers are all waiting for the price to reach within their grasp before they bid for her.Soon enough, The Equestrians and the Sheikh noticed a change of the depressing air as the price reduced itself to the million [i[dinar mark. It seems that some of the buyers could afford this price range. It was then that both Equestrians could feel a sinking feeling within them.

"Nine hundred and ninety thousand Dinars!"

The crowd is now murmuring with great intensity as the price starts to get below the one million Dinar mark. Nurse Redheart and Big Macintosh could feel that their heartbeats have gotten just a little bit stronger than before, and their breathing is now more shallow than before. With each drop of the price, the Equestrians could feel that their heart are pounding with greater intensity and their breath becoming as shallow as a little puddle of water in a hot day. Before long, both ponies are sweating, worried that someone will jump the gun with every mark.

"Nine hundred and twenty thousand Dinars!" Before even realizing what is going on, both Equestrians saw the arms of Sheikh Abu Hamza and another buyer shooting up at the same time. The other buyer is a well-build gryphon with the whitest of coat and feathers, with flowing vibrant, elaborately decorated turquiose robes with golden scale armoured plated upon those robes. Each one of the claws of the gryphon are embellished in many rings and jewelry, and the gryphon's ears are studded with rings and plugs of gold. The wealthy gryphon is now staring at the quartet with piercing silver eyes, and Nurse Redheart could sense that time just literally froze as her heartbeat and her breathing just stopped at once. Instantly, she begins to look around and she notices their surprise at this instantaneous arm-raising. It was not long before the the Auctionmaster announced this turn of events.

"My Isha, it seems that we have a tie! And with that we will turn to the tie breaker!" The other buyers are now chanting, and Nurse Redheart did not like the chant one bit. She was afraid of this, as she knows that Saddle Arabians are quick to settle things physically rather than talking about it. It was then that she could hear one word, a word she is not familiar with at all , and she could not help herself from saying it.
