• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,926 Views, 151 Comments

Macintosh of Arabia - Crisis_Vyper

Big Macintosh......a simple pony managing a fairly simple family business. But when this order of business brought him to the dunes of Saddle Arabia where the laws of the land are utterly foreign to him. As things gets from bad to worse, who could he

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Tales Around the Oasis

Soon enough the camp is now filled with the hustle and bustle of Saddle Arabians getting ready for a celebration and also that of Abu Hamza's caravan setting up camp. But instead the two Equestrians decided to go to somewhere more quieter to talk to each other. As the two Equestrians walked along the edge of the lake beside them, they began talking to each other.

"So Big Macintosh, I did not expect you to be a pony that will venture far from your home. What brings you here to Saddle Arabia?"
"Well, Ah am here to sell'em Zap Apple Jam to the Sheikh and for that Ah have to travel to the capital or something. It is their weird custom or something." Big Macintosh made sure that he did not reveal the political reason for him to stay with the Sheikh, other than those of trying to do business for the Apple family.
"Fair enough, Now you tell me 'bout yer reason here." Nurse Redheart taps her hoof on her chin for a few moments, with a feigned frown on her face before she speaks up. It was then that Nurse Redheart told Big Macintosh of her travelling all the way to the Hathi Empire to treat their Maharaja and now that she had done her job she was about to travel back to Equestria. But then she continued on by telling Big Macintosh about how the Healer's Organization have decided to give her a new mission, the mission being to treat the ailing leader of Saddle Arabia at Aqqabasta.

"Ailing leader? Ya mean the Emir?"
"Yes, that the important pony. I am lucky that Shiekh Fahd is also heading towards the capital, and is tolerant of me not wearing a veil. The other Sheikhs are less than forthcoming about my gender. Been a good month or so since I first arrived in Saddle Arabia, and I am not even anywhere near the capital. Apparently we are close though."
"That's good to hear."
"Not really as I have not found a single town or settlement that allows me to travel freely within its limits." The white mare pouts as she expresses her displeasure.
" Ah see." With Nurse Redheart's knowledge of the situation, Big Macintosh could now see why Sheikh Abu Hamza is vying for the role, and need to gain the support of a lot of ponies to get that role. It also appeared that the rumors about the gender discrimination between mares and stallions are somewhat true in most of Saddle Arabia. Sheikh Abu Hamza appears to be one of the exceptions to the norms, as Big Macintosh remembers how many of the marefolk also help in doing the other tasks in the camp except the fighting.

"By the way how's Equestria? I heard that Canterlot got invaded by changelings."
"Eeyup, Mah sister and her friend along with one of mah sister's friends, named twilight and her brother, Shining Armor and his wife, Princess Cadence blasted them outta Canterlot. Soon after that, the Crystal Empire came back from a thousand years and another ancient evil is banished once more by Princess Cadence and Spike, with the help of mah sister and her friends. After that Ah believe that Discord returned but he is all good now, and finally Twilight is now an Alicorn princess." The white mare wanted to say something, but she is quite shocked about how much she had missed while she was away. Big Macintosh could only shrug, as he had gotten too used to his sister and her friends, being the Elements of Harmony, saving Equestria time and time again. The nurse then asked the red stallion about things that she missed while she was away from Ponyville and telling him that it will not be as insane as the things that happened at large in Equestria. Big Macintosh could only give a very loud and hearty laughter.

"Well, you wouldn't believe me but here goes....." Big Macintosh takes a deep breath, and to the best of his ability he began telling Nurse Redheart about the tales of their rather uniquely event-prone town. As he told Nurse Redheart about the horde of Pinkie Pies, the magical duel between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie, and other such wondrous tales, Big Macintosh decides to tone down a little and talked about the life at the farm and the other more mundane folks of Ponyville. Nurse Redheart asked Big Macintosh about her coworkers at the Ponyville hospital, asking about their well-being and Big Macintosh corteously answered her every inquiry. It was then that they talked about the even more mundane things such as the muffins from Sugarcube Corner and the apple cider of Big Macintosh's own farm. For a time, both Equestrians are happy that they finally were able to talk to someone that they knew and ease their homesickness, finding solace and enjoying each other's company.

It was then that they could hear the loud percussion and the lyrical melodies of musical instruments resonating in the silent air of the night desert. Both ponies looked at each other and smiled at each other, and both of them walked together towards the camp under the light of Princess Luna's crescent moon.

The Equestrians entered into the camp to see that the feast now underway with the drumming of the Saddle Arabian percussion section pounding at the chest of both ponies. The loud percussion of the drums are accented with the soft and gentle sounds chimes and tambourines creating a poly-rhythmic sound. Complimenting the percussion are the lyrical sounds of the stringed instruments which gives it a syncopated polyphony that is unlike the music found in Equestria. To add to the lively music, the joyous singing and the ecstatic dancing of the Saddle Arabians around a large bonfire completes the image of the celebration. One of the Janissary appear before the two ponies, bowing down his head as he comes to face them.

"The Sheikhs request your presence. Follow me." The Janissary said in his oddly guttural speech. Seeing that they could not refuse their hosts, the Equestrians make their way to where the leaders of the caravans are located. as they make their way to the Sheikhs, they noticed that each Saddle Arabian are gathered around a large platter with food in it, and they are already eating and chatting away. Soon enough, a voice called them over.

"Ah here come our guest from beyond the seas! Come, take a seat! " Sheikh Fahd exclaims. As Big Macintosh and Nurse Redheart take their place among the Sheikh's and their family, they could feel that even more so than the usual, the warmth of hospitality and generosity shines though the family-styled serving of the Saddle Arabians. Arrayed before their eyes is a feast that is is characteristic of the Saddle Arabian culture. There are many freshand cooked fruits and vegetables from the humble sliced cucumbers to the roasted spiced eggplants, complimented by a large amount of seasoned rice, lentil soup, hummus and flatbread. The dishes are arranged upon a rather large platter at the center of the entire group, encouraging everyone to share the dish. Big Macintosh could only remind himself of the meals that often accompany the Apple family reunions in its spirit.

"Thank you again for your generosity, Sheikh Fahd." Nurse Redheart said to the burly Sheikh. The burly Sheikh waves his arms as if to stop Nurse Redheart from saying anything more.
"Nonsense! I must thank you for being the midwife for my daughter when she truly needs it! Thanks to you I am able to see my first grandchild, Ahmar-Janann ! Nothing I can do now could ever replace the generous deed that you have made for my family, save naming her after you in my own tongue!" The burly Sheikh then looks at a red-coated mare with a black mane with a bright blue foal with a white mane in her arms. A hint of pink could be seen upon the cheeks of the nurse, smiling at this display of appreciation.The other mares and stallions smiled, despite the fact that they mostly likely would not know what Sheikh Fahd have said to the Equestrian mare. It was not long before the Shiekh repeated the conversation in Saddle Arabian, and the mares and stallions around the large platter cheered. The faint hint of pink on Nurse Redheart's cheek brightens up to a healthy rosy pink.

It was then that Sheikh Abu Hamza decided to speak and the entire camp is now quiet and inactive, each equine now enraptured by the fiery and passionate oratory skills of Abu Hamza. Big Macintosh could hear some of the ponies answering the Sheikh when he appears to be asking them a question, but then he is utterly lost. Nurse Redheart nudged the shoulder of the red stallion, and Big Macintosh turned his attention to the white mare.

"You want to know what he is saying about you?" She puts up a hoof to whisper to the farmpony's ear.
"You understand Saddle Arabian?!?" Big Macintosh's eyes are now wide with surprise.
"All part of my job, Big Mac.So are you interested?" Nurse Redheart gives him an approving wink.
"Yeah, if you could translate it it would be appreciated." Big Macintosh said.

Nurse Redheart began telling Big Macintosh what the Sheikh is saying to the crowd, and it seems that Sheikh Abu Hamza is asking everyone about how could one measure the worth of a pony. Some of them have answered bravery, wisdom, and strength at arms among many things. But the Sheikh have brushed all of that aside, and instead began pointing out a certain pony from Equestria that exemplifies the trait that he considers as the measure of a pony.

"Ya serious? He's talking about me?" Nurse Redheart shushing him so that she could listen and translate what the Sheikh is telling the rest of the crowd. To Nurse Redheart's utter surprise, the light brown Sheikh started humming. Soon enough the percussions come in to compliment his song.
"What's going on? Why's he humming?" Big Macintosh asked.and then the red stallion could see that the Sheikh is now walking towards him and puts a hoof on the red stallion's shoulder. He looks at Big Macintosh, and then he walks away and faces the crowd, silent and awaiting the words of the Sheikh. The Sheikh then started talking in a poetic manner to the crowd, his deep voice piercing through the music. Big Macintosh could now see the exaggerated storytelling gestures of the sheikh, his arm swinging and moving as if conducting a symphony, and his voice as lyrical and melodious as a cello.

"Right now he is telling the crowd that a measure of a pony is on how they treat those that needed their help even when it is unasked for. He is telling the crowd about how initially you shy away from travelling to the capital for you are here for a simple business deal," The crowd booed and hissed, "and initially he thought you were just a money-sucking pony with no ethics."
"Ah guess that's true in a way, but more like Ah was not expectin' stuff and the dangers are too much for one pony to handle." It was then that the Sheikh raised his voice and hollered, before continuing on with his tale.
"Oh, right now he say it was on the third morning, before you are about to leave that he heard the cries of the raiders coming in to kill the innocent, and like any good Sheikh, his role is to protect the defenseless." It was then that he said something, something that sounded like a curse, and the crowd gasped and started pointing at the red stallion, the equines and camels staring at him with accusatory eyes. For some reason, Big Macintosh is not liking this tale.

"What did he just said Redheart?"
"Well Big Mac, he just said that you have insulted his mother, and that you will defend the helpless by yourself." Nurse Redheart said, without even a change of expression.
"Ah didn't say that!" Big Macintosh hissed. It was then that the Sheikh brandishes his scimitar and started swinging it around, as he told the tale. It was then that he drops the scimitar and stood there. The crowd started to ask the Sheikh , and then the Sheikh raised his forelegs and pretended to be something, and suddenly as he is telling his tale he kicks his forelegs up in the air. The red stallion immediately knew what part of the tale is he talking about, and before long there was murmur among the crowd, and some of the cried in disbelief. The Sheikh silenced them, and finally told them something in a solemn and resolute voice, ending his epic poem.It was then that there is a great silence among the crowd, the only thing that could be heard are the cracking sound of firewood burning in the bonfire. Immediately, the crowd chanted as one breaking the silence.

"Al-Mah'dib!Al-Mah'dib!Al-Mah'dib!Al-Mah'dib!Al-Mah'dib!Al-Mah'dib!" The chant is followed soon by hollering and hooting from the rest of the Saddle Arabians, even the mares and the foals.

"Okay....what's going on...Ah'm scared....." Big Macintosh is feeling rather uneasy over the chanting and Nurse Redheart is now looking at him, giggling.
"Well Big Macintosh, you have just earned your Saddle Arabian title." The red farmpony is now looking at the white mare with bewildered eyes. She then puts her hoof on his shoulder and gives him a look of reconciliation. Big Macintosh is not liking this one bit.
"Nice to meet you, Al-Mah'dib, or to be exact Al-Ahmal Mah'salaz'dib men-Iguesshria."
"Don't you dare talk fancy to me..." Big Macintosh said disapprovingly at the mare with a frown on his face. It was then that the mare gives him a rather mischievous smile and puts one of her hooves on her chin, some plan brewing in her mind.